4:i ;,o the Year in Advance in the County Sylva ,N. C.. Wednesday, June 2,1926 , < $2.00 the Year ^vance Outside County ^ ' ?l.?- . : \ ; . ' . ? ? . j L?' ? ? ? ' ? o ? ' Democrats! Attend Your Primary Next Saturday, June 5th lullowhee Summer School Opened Yesterday - Taxtui to its capacity to care for ?ai?(l more students who have L?-jsii-iv?!. ili?- lirst term of six weeks, L'llu' I'itllowlu'e State Normal Sum eirr opiiii'd yesterday. The dormitories are insufficient to care jiortlu' !art:c crowds of teachers wlio ;UV uikiiiu advantage of the summer ftxnr.se hl IVred at Cullowhee, and the oi tin' neighborhood haw iliiuttM' I'i'v'M tlieir homes to care for [lie overflow/^ (,'uiiott lice summer scliool has been onrtviim both in personnel of its fa tuitv ami i" the number of students tthu ctinif to do their summer's work whnv have every advantage of a suniiuer school, coupled with (j.,. womlrrl'ul climatic conditions of ike mountains and they magnificen; jiviierv of -lackson county, until this vrar. tin' crowd lias exceeded all ex But Cullowhee jSchool ant ('uilo?'!uo, people are earning for the >iijEitioii until the General Assembly ,-an again, and provide addi iiyifiit accomodations. .\ir. W. K. Bird is dean of the suni i:ui M-iiiHii anil one of the teachers ?>i English. The other Imembcrs of t!.tUifuhy arc: I'. \V. Alexander, ed o-atioti., II. Allen, education, Gay Ailcii. Ki^i:>li. -Miss Matydine1 Allen, n.H?tn;r.. l.ydia Bancroft, fine jut!-iinlitoiripl. arts; .1. \V. Beach, fi:uii-li.) .Mi? Alice Benton, physical njui'atiiVi. Mi;tvis,' penmanship, Miss Daisy ?'rankfin. public school music, P. L. -lliott. Miss Eleanor Glad slow.', Itbvaiuui? Mrs. Cora Gibson VWVm. ftni' v?m\ industrial arts, Mi*s (.'loo Kninwntt v. grammar grade education, ,\li? Annie Kay, primary ??(/iicafidii, I'. II. >ri!hveil, history, Miss jVi:w> 11 f'ifsides, primary, ed nfiKdiw^md .\Iis> Dounyc Worlev, l* uml phv.Mcal education. recorder hears \ ? FEW CASES Few c;iscs were dis|>osed of in the I In unli i \ Court Monday, continu ances bein^ agreed upon until Juno 14, by bulk the state and defend ants, in a lyumber of cases, most of which werq minor misdemeanors. ' Willi Mirch was found guilty of possession of li(|Uor and fined $50 ami the costs, while Dolos Birch and Xwton Moe were found not guilty K tlic charge. Bert Henley was also found guilty on a cliarye of possession and drow ibf $i)fr line and costs. Million Scott, colored was found ?uilty .of carrying concealed weaj> on> ami was fined $50 and the costs. (a.scs charging Basconib Bryson ai"l Sara Bryson with an affray, Bunysiu Brcedlove with reckless driv \\\ (loforth with disposing of mortirnucd property) Elsie Lovednhl drunkenness and an assault, tjUsh Wilson with whipping his wife, ""I ("iamb- Wike with an assault, all continued until June 14th. MRS. JAMES MOSS DIES Mrs. .lames Moss, passed away, at ;'r home in (Jleiivillc, last week, Allowing, an illness of several weeks. *' 1 ? * a "I' 71 years of age, a native of '"'?ksoii county, a member of one of toohlust families of the county, and 1 "nost excellent woman, known to h "st of friends to be a good neigh ,0r ol sterling worth. She is survived by her husband, 'laughter, Mrs. J. M. Cunning ai;;l f(,ur sons, Henry C. David, '"Hias ;u,d Stanley Moss, and a dr|j.r(' number of t iher relatives. I ho tuiicral ard interment were ^ tin 1 ? ?-7'i s * c- netary at Cullow U ' service 1> dug conducted bv J- A. \\. Lvi i 'i, pastor of the II owliec Methodist chufch, and "s- Moss' pastor, Rev. W. C. Med 01 the (ilenville circuit, Metho ^ /-"'lurches. ^7" QUALLA On May the 29th people from the surrounding country met and cleaned off and decorated the Thomas cem etery. Prof. C. C. Hanson of Whit tier de livered an interesting address to a large audience Sunday morning. His subject being "The Greatness of America." Mr. Charlie Hyatt and family of Asheville visited relatives last week. Mr. and /Mrs. C. A. Bird, Mr. J. T. Bird, of Marshall, Mrs. D. S. Flin ton ot' Charleston, S. C. were guests at J Mr. J. K. Terrell's Tuesday. Misses iPearle and Maude Cooper and J\ina Parker of Sylva spent the w^ek end with relatives here. Mr. Roy Blackwell and sister Hat tie s|)ent the week end. with their grand jwrents Mr. and Mrs. C- A* Bird, u .t- ?> ' Mr. C. A. and W. E. Bird, Mr. H 8, and P., H. Ferguson and Mrs. J. K. Terrell left Sunday to attend the District Conference at Bethel. ]\Lr. and Mrs. A. I). Parker of Sylva were Qualla visitors Sunday. Miss Gertrude Ferguson and Mr. Guy Moody 'visited Miss Annie L. Terrell Sunday. Mr. and. Mrst.' Bennett Hipps of Canton visited 'relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. G.J A. Kinslaud at tended commencement exefcjises at Cherokee Saturday night. (Mrs. J. E. Battle visited her sister, Mrs. J, E. Hall Thursday ,?night at Whittier. * V Mr. and Mrs. Tom All^n of Ait} Uiond visited at Mr. lv. Howell's Sunday. " j Mrs. ,T. H. Hughes spent Wednes-: day night with Mrs. W. F. Battle. Mrs! Tliad Varner and Mrs. Rass Barrett of \yhittier visited Mrs. J. M. Hughes Thursday. Messrs. Jack Battle, Marshall Gass, and Miss Martha Heritage dined with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes Sunday. , N Mrs. Alden Childers and daughters Eula and Nell were visitors at Mr. G. A. Kinsland's Sunday. Mrs. Five Varner was a Qualla vis*, itor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nute Snyder am! Mrs. A. J. Beck, and Miss Sadie > Hovle were callers at Mr. D. M. Shu * ' ? ?* V lars Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. E. Battle gave a birthday supper Saturday night in honor of Mr. Jack Battle and Ed Bell. A number of young folks enjoyed an ice cream supper at Mr. W. C. Saturday night. McKee Heads Manu facturers Association Mr. E. L. McKee, president of the Sylva Tanning Company, was select ed as the president of the Western North Carolina Manufacturers Asso ciation, at its organization meeting, held at the Battery Park Hotel, in Asheville, last week. At tlie organization luncheon, the principal addresses were made by Mr. J. W. Gamewcll, Chairman of the Carolina Cotton Manufacturers, of Greensboro, and Mr. James E. Walker, president of the Western North Carolina Timber Association, of East Laporte. The officers of the association are: E. L. McKee, Sylva, president, Giles Cover, Andrews, vice president," R. W. xGrii'fith, Canton, secretary-treasurer. The executive committee is compos ed of C. E.y Rudd, of Asheville, .J. Kjcllandcr, Morganton, and Charles E. Quindan, Hazehvood. v. It is stated by the officers of the association that its purpose is to pro mote the growth and1 expansion of the manufacturing industry in Wes tern North Carolina. o SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. T. F. Deitz will preach at 11 o'clock, Sunday morning, at the Bap tist church here. Sunday school will be at ten o'clock, and B. Y. P. U. at 7:15. The public is invited to all these services. TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB WILL MEET TOMORROW The Twentieth Century Club will meet tomorrow afternoon with Miss Ruth Allison, at her home in Web ster. , v . ') JACKSON COUNTY BOOSTERS Clrfreilee and Faison Kuester, twins, wlio arc, boosters of Sylva and JacksoniiouiM^",.siut-c their visit to Sylva, the Indian Reservation, The High Falls of t lie Tuckjiseigec, (ilenville, Oul low lice, YV^iiteside, Casjiier's Valley, High Hampton, Lake Fairfield, and other places in the county, last similiter. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs." Clarence Kuestcr, of Charlotte and are pleasantly remembered by many Jackson county folk. Dills Buys the -? Allen Property Announcement is made of the pur cliu.sc by ltoy ]{. bills, of Sylva, ol' the Allen property, on Fisher Creek, from Tluirniiin Allen, last week. The property, located about two miles east of Sylva, comprises sonic oi' the most desirable .real estate- in this region. 1 DR. Q. C. DAVIS DIES IN FLORIDA Rev. Dr. Q. C. |)avis died in an Orlando, Fla., hospital, where lie had been for Treatment, for three weeks, last Sunday night. lle had undergone an operation about three weeks ago and another one Saturday, according to press dispatches. Dr. Davis lias been a visitor to Sylva, on several occasions, having preached 'the commencement sermon at Sylva Collegiate Institute one year. He also delivered a series of lectures at the, Baptist qjiurch here, several years ago and the news of his death will be learned with gen uine regret by many people in this section. He has held pastorates in various places in North Carolina, go ing from the First Baptist church in Albemarle to the First Baptist church of Eustis, Fla., a few months ago, and was considered a man of out standing brilliance and attractive personality. ? o MRS. W. E. DILLARD DIES IN GEORGIA Mrs. Pearl Dillard, widow of W. Ed. Dillard, died Tuesday night, at her home in Decatur, Ga., last Tues day night, following a long illness. The funeral was held at her home in Chamblee, (5a., Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dillard and Miss Cora Dil lard went from Sylva to attend the funeral. Mrs. Dillard is remembered by a large circle of friends in Sylva, hav ing made her home here for some time, 'following the death of her husband. She leaves one small daugh ter, Betty. A Former Sylva Teacher is Married Miss Ellie Bivcns, who several years ago was teacher of music in the Sylva publi^ schools, was mar ried to Mr. Lester Poplin, on last Saturday evening, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bivcns, near Wingate by Rev. C. C. Bums, using the ring ceremony, in the presence of only the immediate relatives and intimate friends of the couple. Immediately after the c cremony Mr. and Mrs. Poplin left for a short wedding trip alter which they will re turn to Wingate, where Mr. Poplin will be instructor in the summer school at Wingate Junior College for six weeks. The Monroe Journal, in its account of the wedding says: "Mrs. Popli'n is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William I). Bivcns, of near Wingate. She is one of Win gate's most attractive and popular young ladies and since the announce ment of her engagement has been the recipient of a number of showers and parties. Mis. Poplin studied music at Chowan and Coker Colleges and is a talented musician. Mr. Poplin is the only son of- Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Poplin, of Norwood. He is a B. A. graduate of Wake Forest College and for the past four years has been professor of science in Wingate Jun ior College. He expects to,_attend the University of North Carolina next year and get his M. A. degree. He is a young man of ability and cor dial nature." o? CLEAN UP DAY AT SYLVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE , All persons interested in the wel fare of the Sylva Collegiate Insti tute are urged to meet at the school building on Thursday, June 10th, for the purpose of cleaning up the build ings and grounds. Bring your mat tocks, shovels, hoes and rakes. We will also need \orre or two wagons and at least one scrape. Lets all bring lunch and make this a great day for the school. C. REED, Prin. CANADA ) It is extremely dry here and the crops are looking very bad. Mrs. Blaine Williams and Mrs. Lambert Wikc of Asheville, also Mrs. Claude Wikc of East Laporte spent some time here with their father, Mr. J. M. Brown who was seriously ill. Mr. Brown is improv ing nicely now, and we hope that he will continue to do so. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Matthews and little son, Rowen, of liendersonvillc, are visiting Mr. Matthews' ,father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. M. li. Matthews of this place. Rev. Miss Hughes and Miss Jones of Tuckaseigee recently conducted a very intereting series of services at the Oak Ridge church. Miss. Delia Matthews, who has been in sciiool the past year at Bre vard Intitutc, has returned home for her summer vacation. Messrs. W. 0. and Earle Parker recently made a business trip to Bre vard. f Mr. Andy Ross and family of South Carolina arc here visiting rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Zohulon Shelton of Clyde were recently called here on the account of their daughter, Mrs. Vess Owens, being seriously ill. Misses Lenora and Berniec Mat- ] thews left the first of the week for summer-school at Cullowhcc State Normal. Mr. Baxter Ilooix-r of Tuckaseigee was here on business this week. HOTEL ARRIVALS ' New Jackon?H. Medill, Winston Salein; ,G. Raymond Clarke, J. A. Huff, A. G. Kenneer, ^KnUxville; Leon Gillespie, it. Stm?t, ilrs. R B. Street, W. B. Church, Mr. King, P. W. Bagley, F. Hoppraire, W. A. Elliott, J. C. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Stubblefieid, Miss Lilly B. Stevenson, Arthur York and wife, Billie Batcnian, Horace B. Lindsey, H. N. Wright, F. W. Swan, Ashe villc; J. E. Spears,' St. Louis, Mo.; I). R. Shields, Rutherford College; A. J. 1 levenor, Williamsport, Pa.; C. E. Stroude, 1. J. Grey, Atlanta; T. L. Gwyn, W. R. Henry, Mis. L. X. Ken ney, Marion V. Morse, Waynesville; Hi E. Breedlove and wife, Morris E. Trotter, J. W. Cloud, Charlotte; W. A. Kunsman, Baltimore; W. Cord, Cliattanooga, Tenn.; Alex H. Kiser, Mr. and Mrs. McKnight and party, Brevard; A. B. Olsen, Portsmouth, Va.; C. Dudley Dubose, E. M. Bul lard, Roseboro; A. A. Husman, Prank B. Smith, L. V. Bucgner, Miss Flora Creech, Raleigh; A. L. Gates, Dan ville, Ivy.; H. E. McCullum, J. Hay den Fogleheart, Eli/.abethtown, Ky.; I). M. Ambrose, Lexington, Ky.; Owen Newell, Somerset, Ky.; Philip H. Kim and wife, Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jackson, Louis ville, Ky:; W. H. Lowe and daughter, Mayfield, Ky; E. S. Jcfferris, New York City; L. Zachary and wife, Norton; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bradley, Philadelphia; Bill Codyas, West Palm Beach, Fla.; F. B. Dean, Bry son City; V. F. Converse; Milas Parker, G. M. Cole, City; J. R. Col lier, 0. M. Collier, Johnson City, Tenn.; Edison S. Davis^ Roanoke, Va.; B. L Padgett, Andrews; J. T.' Smathers, Canton; Marian Simons, Maine. ? o MR. DILLS IS CELE BRATING BIRTHDAY Mr.-A. B. Dills is celebrating the seventy-eight anniversary of* his birthday at his home near Sylva, today. All of his children have pre pared baskets oi dinner and they have gathered from their several homes, to enjoy the day with him. There are present his daughters, Mrs B. Walter Thomas of Hot Springs, Ark., Mrs. John S. Forster, of Ashe ville, Mrs. T. C. Bryson, of Beta, Mrs. J. S. Higdon and Mrs. Robert Garrett, of Sylva, and his son, Mr. A. J. Dills, also of Sylva. A number of the grandchildren are also pres ent. Mrs. Alice Dills and Mrs. A. H. Weaver of Dillsboro, Mrs. W. 0. Buchanan, Mrs. Mellie Long, and Mrs. M. H. Morris are also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dills for the day. Democrats Will Se lect Candidates Saturday Democrats throughout the state will attend the polls on Saturday aud select their candidates for state, dis trict and county offices, through the legalized primary. In Jackson county the Austrialian ballot will be used, giving entire sec recy and privacy to each voter, and with the names of all candidates ap pearing on the same ticket. The absentees, who are necessarily out of the county, or who are physi cally unable to attend the polls, will be allowed to cast their votes, the same as if they were present in per son/ as is provided by the election law of North Carolina. A meeting, largely attended by democrats from various parts of the county, was held Monday evening, in Sylva, in which the charges that the absentee vote would be misused was thoroughly discussed, and it was sug gested that candidates agree upon the]elimination of the absentee votes from the primary; but the point was made that candidates nor anyone else has the power or the authority lo agree to prevent a voter from cast" ing his ballot, \when the law of North Carolina accords him that right. The sense of the meeting was that the absentee voters law is a just and honest law, and a unanimous vote of confidence, in the election officials oi' the several precincts, to carry out the law fairly and honestly, was given. In order to avoid any possible charges of misuse of the election laws, the B^ard of Elections was reque^p^ "to direct ^he attention of the prtv/yct officia'l\^w to t^tc pro visions of the law tliat safeguard the absentee vote from any p >ssible at tempt at corruption. Confidence in the integrity and ability of the pre cinct poll holders, in Jackson county, to hold the elections fairly, honestly and in keeping with the law, was ex pressed in the resolution that was adopted, and in the speeches by can didates and leading Democrats. On the official primary ballot for the county there appear four names as candidates for the office for sheriff, Mack C. Brown, of Cullow hee, N. Don Davis, of Webster, C. C. Mason and Sheriff N. L. Sutton, both of Dillsboro. Judge Felix E. Alley, Jr., and Judge Joseph J. Hooker, both of Sylva, appear as candidates for judge of the recorder's court. John M. Watson, of Cullowhee, and E. L. Wilson, of Sylva, are op posing candidates for Commissioner of Finance; while Jno. C. Alhuan, of Scott's Creek, T. A. Dillard of Cash ier's Valley and Weaver Swayngin of Caney Fork, are candidates for com missioner of highways; and John C. Brown, of Caney Fork, G. T. Cooper, of Sylva, and Ben N. Queen, of Syl va, all aspire to the office of con- , missioner of welfare. Register of Deeds Raymond R. Nicholson is opposed by B. B. Long, of Qullowhce, for register of deeds. Much interest is being manifested in the county in the senatorial, con gressional and judicial campaigns. Robert R. Reynolds, of Asheville, is after the seat of Senator Lee S. Ov erman, in the United States Senate; and Felix E. Alley, native of this county, is campaigning for the nom ination to succecd the popular Zebu" ulon Weaver, in Congress from this district. Walter E. Moore, of Jackson county is one of the leading candi 3ates to succeed Judge Thad I). Bry son, on the superior court bcnchj from this district, and is opposed by William J. Hannah of Haywood, Thomas J. Johnston of Macon, and J. D. Malonee, of Cherokee. Solicitor Grover C. Davis, of Hay wood, has strong opposition for re nominatipn for that position. Thur man Leatherwood, of Swain, is con ducting a vigorous campaign for Mr. Davis^position, as prosecuting attor ney for this judicial district. Republicans will not partic'p te iri the primary in this county, the e be ing no contests for places on the tick et in the county, the congressional district, the judicial district, or the etati offices. * _ __ ^ ^