. o f /' /1 / I =S^=^=^^ii ^^==== =* ~ , . ... * 1-"'() the Year in Advance in thc ^Pty Si Sylva. N. C. Wednes day, June 9,1926 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County NICHOLSON, WiLSflN, ALLEY IE NOMINATED-SUTTON, DILLARD, BROWN LEAD Tii.ro were but three nominations in tn t Democratic primary, in Jack son iimnty, Saturday, if second pri maries are called by the runners-up in iho races for Commissioner of ^Veltare, Commissioner of Highways and Sheriff. It is thought unlikely that a second race will be had, though it can be called within the tunc ]>rescribed by law. Raymond K. Nicholson, register of' ild'Js, received a majority of 315 j out Bijrder B. Long. Ernest L. Wilson's majority over John M, Watson, for commissioner1 ot xinance was 188. Mix E. Alley, Jr., defeated J. J.I Hooker by 774 majority. J Sheriff Sutton, with a vote of l.'Ol lias a lead of 583 over C. C. Mason, his nearest opponent; but is L'o! voles short of a majority. T. A. Dillard has a lead of 8t> over John C. Allman, but is 141 short of a majority. John Candler Brown's lead over G. T. Cooper, for commissioner of wel fare. is 311, and is 215 short of a majority. The official tabulation is not com pleted, as Balsam and Hambuig pre cincts have not turned in their offi cial reports; and these figures and those appearing in the tabulation on this page, while not official, for the reason stated, are approximately cor net. called, and Mr. Moore will probably rceive his appointment this month, and begin his duties on the bench, July 1st. ; WEAVER NOMINATED . ? ^ Reports from various parts of the district indicate that Congressman Weaver has been renominated by a majority aroud 10,000 votes. Felix E. Alley, carried his native county of Jackson by a majority of 547, in Saturday's primary. OVERMAN DEFEATS REYNOLDS With a lead of more than 30,000 in] the state, Senator Overman's renom ination over Robert R. Reynolds, is assured, although many of the Wes tern counties gave Reynolds hand some majorities. In this county the Reynolds majority was 1018. o MISS WILLA CLAYTON IS BRIDE OF LAWRENCE BROWN Asheville Citizen, June 7. "Miss Willa Clyaton, daughter of Mr. and Airs. W. T. Clayton, who was graduated at the Asheville High school Friday, became the bride of Lawrence Brown, candidate for the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Buncombe county, yesterday morning after early returns had given Mr. Brown a lead over his opponent in the race. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends and -relatives at the Western Hotel, which is operated by Mr. aiulj Mrs. Clayton, by the Rev. Wayne I Williams, of thej Black Mountain i Baptist church. - / Mr. and Mrs. Brown left imme diately after the ceremony for a trip to Central and Eastern North Caro lina. Upon their return they will make their home in Asheville. ?Miss Clayton during her year* at the high school was an accomplished student and was graduated with hon ors. She has made her residence in Asheville for the past seven years. Mr. Brown is a native of Black Mountain and up until a few months ago was a deputy sheriff here. Re cently he announced his candidacy for the office of sheriff in this county and unofficial returns gave him a comfortable, lead over his opponent in the race yesterday." Miss Clayton has a large circle of relatives and friends in this county, who will read with interest the an nouncement of her marriage. She 1 ' ? WALTER E. MOORE LEADS IN JUDGE'S RACE. Waller E. Moore, of Sylva, is the leading candidate for judge of the iiiipcnor court, by approximately 32 votei, according to the best informa tion obtained by the Journal, with ?I. I). Malloiwe the second man, and Col. H. Hannah within 200 votes vt the highest. The vote stands: Moore Mallonet Swain r...320 603 Macon .... 09 480 Cherokee 84 1098 Clay 13 88(i Haywood * 1551 879 Jackson 1958 375 Graham. 20 160 Total 4015 . 3983 Judge Thad D. Bryson has resigned effective July first, and it is under stood that Governor McLean will appoint the nominee of this primary as his successor?- pending the general election in November. It is not be lieved that a second primary will be - mm iim nm niu BALSAM A large number of friends and rel atives here attended the funeral of Mr. Claud Jones which took place nt Beta Sunday. Mr. Jones was the son of Mr. C. It. Jones of this place. He moved to Caney Fork several years ago. While cutting timber a limb struck him on the head and he whs taken at once t;o French Broad Hos pital in Asheville but the wound proved fatal and he passed away Friday night. He leaves a wife and three daughters to whom we extend sincere sympathy. Miss Faye Bryson has returnedSH from Detriot, where she spent a most delightful visit with her broth er, Mr. Vaughan Bryson. Miss Bry son also visited Canada and other places of interest. Returning by motor, she was accompanied by the following from Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Bryson and two children, Robert and Dolores: Mrs. Amanda . ? Bodine and Miss Bernice Bodine; mother and sister of Mrs. Vaughan Bryson; Walter McGivcrin and Joseph Wcikel. \ Messrs., Henry Christy and Griidv Queen motored to Toxaway Sunday. Mrs. Mavbelle Perry we^t to Roy al Pines Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ballough and daughter, Mrs. French and three sons returned Sunday from Daytona, Fla., to spend the summer in their cottages. i Mrs. Brarren and two sons arrived Monday from Daytona, Fla., and willj occupy their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rickards and three grand children, Norma, Marion, and James, Jr., and Miss Kate Rick ards of Canton spent Monday in Bal sam. , Mr. Corbett Ensley of Asheville W. T. Lee, Jr. Sunday. Hon. and Mrs. W. T. Lee of Way? nesville were guests of their son, Mr. W. T. Loe1 Lee, Jr. Sunday. Mr. James Porter motored to Roa noke, Va., last week and accompanied his daughter, Miss Isabel, home fro>n Virginia College where she attended school the past year. Mr. A. H. Mehaffey has been ap-. pointed Supervisor on the Asheville and Spartanburg Division with head quarters in Hendersonville. While we congratulate Mr. Mehaffey on his promotion, we regret to lose such good neighbors. " There was some excitement here Friday morning when a very large black bear paid us a visit. It seems that .some dogs had run it from Green Mountain. It came through Mr. John T. Jones' place right near his homo and into Mrs. D. T. Knight's garden. She thought the dogs were after her eat but they were after the bear and the last we hard of it, it had passed Dark Ridge. His track measured eleven inches. I lived at Addie until her removal, ! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. I Clayton, to Asheville, a few years I ago. IWfflUUUIIlUilMK ."At/I '.VA'A*/r QUALLA Misses Vinnie Martin, Etta Kins laiid, Essie Anthony, Messrs. Carl Hoyle and Wade Gass are attending summer school at Cullowhee. Mi-, and Mrs. Jno. Norton, Misses Hazel Battle and Clem Hall were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Nicholson of Cullowhee spent the weeki end at Mr. Jj L. Wig gins. Miss Bessie Cecil Hooper of Big Ridge is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Hyat. Mr. James Bradley of Okla, is vis iting among relatives. Mr. Rufus Johnson and family of Deep Creek spent thei week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shuler. Mr. Paul Bradley of Smokemont spent Sunday at Qualla. Rev. and Mrs. Needham were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell's Sunday Mr. Frank Battle of Asheville Farm School is spending vacation with his father, Mr. D. K. Battle. Mr. Clyde Marcus and family have returned home after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. J. K. Terrell returned Wed nesday from a visit with relatives in Asheville. Miss Eula Reagan and brother, Hanes, have returned from Asheville where they have been attnding school. Mr. J. 0. Terrell has returned from Chapel Hill to spend vacation with homefolks. Miss Eunice Turpin stopped with Miss Bessie Martin Sunday. Mrs. Emma Barnard of Hayesville is spending awhile with her sister, Mrs. L. W. Cooper. Miss Jennie Cathey spent Sunday evening at Miss A. L. Tcrrells. Several young folks enjoyed an ice cream supper at Mr. P. C. Sheltons Saturday night. Mr. Terry Johnson and little neice Ollie Hall, have returned from a visit with relatives in South Carolina. Mrs. J. H. Hughes was. guest of .Mrs. J. K. Terrell Monday. p o , ; OCONEEIANS HERB TOMORROW ' 35 delegates from Walhalla cham ber of commerce will be here tomor row night and will be guests of the SVlva chamber of commerce at din T ner to be served in the basement of the Methodist church, by the mis sionary societies of the Methodist and Baptist churches of Sylva. j The South Carolinians will make the trip via Cashier's Valley, over j the Wade Hampton Memorial High way, and will be here in the interest ; of that route from South Carolina to the Mountains. The larger poultry growers of Alamance county will ship 40 cases of first quality eggs each week, leav ing the local market to be supplied by the smaller producers. LOVES CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Ashe visited Mrs. Ashe's father, Mr. D. A. Gibbs, at Cope Creek Wednesday/ Miss Eula Bumgarner of Cullow hee is visiting her uncle, Mr. Joe Bumgarner. Mrs. John Pruett has been spend ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Hoyt Moody. Mrs. Lillie Davis of Pelzer, S. C., spent the week end with Miss Leonie Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and lit tle son, Roy, spent Sunday with Mr. Mills' father, Mr. Rufus Mills at Cullowhee. . Mr. and Mrs. John Davis o f Big Ridge called at Mrs. C. W* Ashe's Monday. Misses Nettie and Nola Ashe went to Sylva Thursday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Fate Ashe spent Thursday with their daughter, Mrs. George Hoxit at Beta. Mr. Pole Ashe made a business trip; to Sylva Monday. Funeral of Z. B. Alley Held Yesterday The funeral of r, B. Alley, vic tim of an automobile accident, early Sunday morning, was held in the Whiteside Cove, yesterday, services being conducted by Rev. W. C. Med ford, assisted by Rev. W. T. Haw kins and Rev. Frank Bumgarner. A large crowd of friends of the Alley family, from every section of Wes tern North Carolina, was present to pay their respects. Mr. Alley, a brother of Felix E. Alley, was a member of one of the oldest families of Jackson county, and a son of the late Col. Alley. He is survived by his widow, one son, Doyle D. Alley, of Sylva, and four daughters, Mrs. Frank C. Morrison, of Sylva, Mrs. Smithson, of Ashe ville, Mrs. Dunn, of Washington, and Mrs. Chancee, of Hattysvillc, Md., three brothers, Felix, E. Alley, of Waynesville, John Alley, of Cullow hee, and James Alley, of South Car i olina,, and one sister, Mrs. H. B^ Pickleseimer, of Whiteside Cove, and a large number of other relatives. Mr. Alley lost his life when the car, in which lie and Henry Moss ; were driving from Cashier's Valley ! to Sylva, was overturned near Silas Davis place, between Sylva and Cul lowhee, about two o'clock Sunday morning. Doyle Alley and Kay Bumgarner had left Cashier's at about the same time as Mr. Alley and Mr. Moss, and after they had been here some time, Doyle Alley became uneasy about his father and went in search of the missing car, finding it over turned, and both occupants injured. He brought Ida father to Sylva, to [ a physician, but life had gone be ! fore he arrived here. Friends went I in search of Moss and brought him to Sylva, where he is recovering, un j der care of a physician. OFFICIAL RETURNS FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 5th ,3Q IE I Cashier's 140 | 3 16 ,| 150 Hamburg Mountain a Canada || River Caney Fork Cullowhe'e East Laporte Webster Savannah Green's Creek Dillsboro Barker's Creek Qualla Scott's Creek, No. 1 Scott's Creek, No. 2 Scott's Cm!:, No. 3 South Sylva North Sylva TOTAL 11283 1221 | 107 |1958 | 375 | "'.97. 127 I 223 C5 1008 11555 |1761 | 743 1428 1113 | 526 | 880 |1191 | 277 1197 1111 1378 |1190 | 922 |1696 486 I 364 7?v.iV?vv"?\ '>v.'t*\'t,';??,"!? COWARTS Misses Mary, Hettie and Fanny Green gave a ? delightful party at their home Saturday night. Several interesting games! were played, after which refresliments were served. Those present were: Misses Eliza beth Brown, Patsy Dietz, Amanda Louise Cannon, Gladys Parker, Hilliard Henson, John Nicholson, Spurgeon Brown, Harry Nicholson, Jesse Smith and Larson Loydahl. Miss Gladys Parker spent the week end with Miss Elizabeth Brown of this place. , . * Mr. Jonathan Brown who holds a position at Whiteside spent the week end with his parent's, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Brown. Mrs. Jim Conley of Franklin was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Green Sunday. Mr. Larson Lovdahl motored to CulloWhee Sunday afternoon. Miss Loonie Hooper of Fort Wayne, Ind., and sister Mis. J. B. Arrington of Winston-Salem are spending a few days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hooper. | Mr. John B. Nicholson made a bus iness trip to Sylva Saturday. I Miss Elizabeth Brown spent Sun day afternoon with the Misses Green. j Miss Patscy Dietz who has been I Spending sometime at Spruce Pine . has returned to her home here, being \ accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S, B. i Cannon and family of that place, j Misses Ethel Brown, Amanda Nicli t olson and Master John D. Nicholson ' have returned home from the State School for the Blind at Raleigh. Mr. Jesse Smith spent the week end on John's Creek. i I POULTRY ASSO CIATION NEWS Jackson County Poultry Associa tion met in regular monthly session Friday night, the 4th. with a splen did attendance. Matters of general interest and of special importance 10 the Association were discussed, and the officers will be in position.' at once to advise mem bers as to prices and methods ot marketing. It was announced that State Poultry Expert Oliver wiW spend a week here in September, completing plans for a county chick hatchery. A hatchery will mean more to Jackson than many persons are aware, and) we feel sure that the combined efforts of the state, thru Mr. Tillson, and of our club, through every member, wilj meet with success right away. With the high type of! membersli/i> the elub has to build upon and with the several advantages membership offers, wei insist that all persons in terested in chickens to any extent at all, join up with us at once. Please do not wait until the poultry show or worse still, until next spring, but send or hand to either of the under signed, one dollar, which pays all dues to the first day of next Jan uary. In order to make the proposi tion involving this dollar still more interesting, we will give you twelve months subscription to a big, first class poultry magazine, and if you already take one we will give you another, or year's extension to the one you have. Education in the many branches and in all the details of poultry may be had from the pages of a good poultry journal. It will be a favor to the association, and will work the county at large a good turn, if you will join, and get several others to do likewise. There will l?e ^fublished, shortly, full plans of the December show which we feel sure is going to be a success and a real entertainment for the public at large. It was decided at last Friday's meeting that all breeds and varieties of poultry would be ac cepted for exhibition, and that en- ( tries would be accepted up to nine o 'clock of- the day of the show. These statements will correct these points, which appeared differently in a for mer announcement. | All members are rehuested to keep financial records, as nearly accurate as possible, from baby chicks upward for the general enlightment and good of the industry in the county. The next meeting will be held :'t Cullowhee, on the first Friday ni^ ;t in July, and everyone whether a poul tryman or not, is invited and will' ho welcome. R. C. Allison, Prea. B. H. Cathey, Seo'y. X

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