7^)\\\c Year in Advance in the County Sylva, N. C., Wednesday, July 7,1926 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County gM COUNTY Mi NAMED . JUDfiE?WALTER I MOOSE , RECEIVES LARGE MAJORITY | H iilicr )K. Mow, of SyJva, cam-in* hit |rt,nnty Iiy ;i majority of 2740 i ? hj i 11 jiiiul Swain 'i.v 371, defeated J 1) a) ,n y 981 > j.lliir|iliy, tin- judge of the 20th Judicial ? ?/ /naruii-otf primary, last Saturday, bv\ of fffi. amihlmjr to the best tabnia'lion' J r y |f/ie./oinnaf Ji;is heeu able to compile " i""reS in flic first primary held ?? i 1 - flooiy lead the field of lour candidate* VA? Mf" iwrsin of votes, defeating W'ilJi-.jii ?T li' " s,ntil ' Jfa.v?-o?,l and Thomas J. J(,hi stou of vallMa,,i of ?ho was second l'' ..wnil | nil nary, as provided bv Jaw m,ril t,lc offwiis held oil Saturday. ' le nin The iM;ijoi'if\- for pjuW, in the counties follows: MALLONEE (hfroko' fay tnhatii ][?ou ? ...1040 ....1045 .... 102' .... :V2i MOORE ....2740 9SL .... 371 JjrU>tl . > Uavw! / ?/ ? ? MaikPee Congratulates Moore Mil \V\-tJm Iiuiniinsr Air. Moore wrivni ti?- u?:i-?v- in.: ule^iwii oL (vu'ratui.iiii-1:: -, !:i ?''Mailonee: ??Vuu haw v.,,11 tin1 noiiiination itwi'i my n j.-iiiiiilauons and jiio-i _t c: .mpixiri. .1. It. .MALLONEE." i Tie Vot-j in Jackson: Moo iv Mallonee (a si i ivrs 18-1 **0 llaiukuv .... 285 24 ilountaii. .... ^8 C'.vvwvA'a . l'?8 ?? t'A'.tt'y Vuvk. :>4.'? 3 ii'iur 152 I Kn>t hiimitr .... 21 t tilfou/ii'i'.... 45 Balsam? 44 11' Wiljiis i (vj Id w.> Atltlic .. . .... ... IS North. Svlia 117 2(? South Svlva, _Sii 1.'! Savannah Nt 4 JirmiV t'r.rK . '7!) I? Hi'ljstci' ... !.27o 5 WMioih . 17s 1") Ma. ||:; 50 Barker's Crick,. ::i ' .'I Total 1>01 . ? P Franklin Road Is Completed UlSt S;;t I'VCllUl^ I lit1 last tr'1 "I <<??:<-s?Ti- on Highway 285, wiiiiwtiii- S;. |\;i ;tiTti |- ranklin, was NrwJ hy |? '|\ r.c|ti)c, contractor fill the lij'^liU'i'V is iuiw completed. In* ikmI, whic'i was designed '<> ^liiviu Mil.-.,!,. ,,u(. tlie "Lost fovinco, i? jj.,. st;,t4. (>c Nottli roliim an?l in nmkc n direct route I0'" Asiu-vill*- to Atlanta, will he 'ifinvii * in iravel on Smithy, "J 11. .atciiitliim <o Mv. |{. s. . V ".4,Mr. Marsii f*'"' 'i'f- ?lournal that there wiil 8 "Iwiri i|, i?\,r 'ot' 201)0 yards,', "b is iii i'\i*i |lent condition. On c^l'U'^lny. .Inly 15, the harriers '' ifinovcil, and there will he rihhou of concrete all' w,iy tliioiiyii Franklin to tlii' line. ( rio'!r ^ ? V engineer in ml1,1 vv,,l> <?n the Balsam! ..I. Highway No. 10, he-! kir>^ AVnyiiesville stated ? ? wini;,] la>t night, that it' l"'- <?'H.l..i??s J(,v favorable, lie Lsl v * '-""tlartors will tin ?> '?>? -l..ly 15, or at k*?t ioj Mel " ' M "" IOi"' ?1K'11 ' l<,r. \\- hy August First. of these two trci,. '' *l.?" w'" 1JC* a con w'ay from Ashevil'.o ihiC' . W:i-Vl'0svill('' S>,V!,? gu lin> rankhn to the Gcor Tlii x lill, "<ar,,, route from Ashe l^tcl 1" rt:i' '?>' 50 miles, is ex-] Jstsii" 7"'-v '",;uy travel of tour-l the yer. a will r ',<^ ar l>ay Ads and i<tr, \ l'lovv l'?w to sjxjnd a dol ! ' - .-V . - J ! John H. Harwood Named As Judg e! llalciyh, N. C. .1 uly 7?cJolm 11.i Garwood, itii assistant attorney jien-: oral attached to tin* Department of lie\emu', will serve tlie unexpired portion of the term Sujierioi Court judge oi'Tluuiduisl). Bryson,' resigned. Mr. Garwood Was named I today by Governor McLctiU to sit in i the 20tJi judicial district jitter the1 appointment which \v\ill he effective, until Jan nary 1st, next had been ten-' dered to and dec-lined hy Waljer 1*. n Moore of Sylvh. Mr, Moore has been ifojninated by the Democrats to the ot i ice beirindini; \s ? 1 next .liiiiuarv. ile informed Govern-, or McLean toda\ that his, private af fairs would claim his attention until" that time and lie, therefore, would not be able to yttcfrpt tl,ie teiu-, jH>rary upiKMutmcfit. ? ! Attorney (iein ral iiriimmitt this al ternnou*.named Hiker II. Allen of Kaleiyh, H? .succeed Mr. Ilarwitod as :t-si.-t;int attorney yenccal and .\lil\ Allen accepted ihe appointment. He will be detailed to the Department of h'evenue as was* his predecessor. Mr. Allen i.-. i( number of the law firm of !)iinc::ii and, Allcij vol' Kal eiyh. ami is 2> year i^id. lie is a sou of tiii' late Judyi* Wm.di. Allen and has iiei^i praciciny law since 1 Beta Dr. II. C. Stillweli' nliuqcdhomc Monday alter iiaviny been away sev eral \ears taking a liU-dical course. It is \inderstooil that he will pnictice here. Alter having graduated at Cul iowiiee he went to'<.ijhe I 'diversity of North Carolina, compieiiny tucr med-' ieui course ilU'ie in iii'i.5. iVom there ii?' entered Jcilersoh College at Piiil adiphia and dit^ two years of careful w'oiii there, yruduatiny with honor' in 1 U'2i>. lie, look the State Board ex amination and passed successfully,) obtaining hL>> license to practice but, decided to yo to .Atlantic' City, New Jersey, where iie has been working for a year' ill a hospital gain-i ing practical ) knowledge. We ex tend to him our congratulations j and wish him every'Success :in the' useful field of worll which he is eli-j tering. " >S,| Miss Irene Davis, who has been at K . 1 , . . I Asheville for several weeks is visit ? N ! iny' her parents Mr. and Mrs. Billi Davis of Beta. ,N Mr. Alec Stillweli of Asheville! spent the week end with home folks! at Webster. i Mr. \V. G. Dillard who is attending Asheville Normal Summer ' School, spent, the week end at his home at Beta. / : ( .. , - ; marriage licenses Burton Styles to Lerdie Coward. Buster Stamey to Ethel Cooper, both of Buncombe county. J. B. Brecdlove to Julia Leopard. Clifford Ledford to Estella Grant, ohn II. Griffith to Daisy, IJ>. Davies. Frank ilodgin to Susie Stephens. Grady Smith to Lilly Davis. Walter Jones to Wilnm Allison. Albeit Allison to Beulah Styles. Iv. Burgiss to Hannah Hall. Delos Uoylc to Putra Duncan. To Rebuild Lake Cashiers It fes stated authoratively that Lake Cashiers, in Cashier's Valley, will be rebuilt in the very near fu ture, the work beginning at oncc. Mr. 1?. S. -Marsh, who is completing his job on the Franklin-Svlva road has been retained ;us consulting eu-| ginccr on the project, and stated toj I The Journal that the job this time! ) # . . 1 will be of high class work, insuring; the pernuinancy of the Lake. Situated in beautiful Cashier's Val. ley, under the shadow of t,he Uevil's; Court -House, an altitude of more ~ I } than 3500 ftfct, and eneireled with; good highways,; Lake Cashiers is one" of the .most ideally located of all j the artificial lakes in Western North | Carolina, it em pounds the waters ofj the Chattooga liiver, and will great ly add to the many tourist attrac tions in upjter Jackson county. ?o June Meeting of Qualla Club Good Tlic Hoys and (lirls Community Agricultural Clnl) oi' Qualla held its| .Iuuc meeting on the farm with Ruth' Kerguson, daughter oi' Mr. and Mrs. l*;iul Ferguson. The attendance of'j active club members was one him-l died percent. The effort of Ida Bat tie Club Secretary and Mr. 11. (.?.! Ferguson, local leader for the club; are' geiting some splendid results.! The interest of parents in Qualla; club boys And girls was expressed by {lie presence of Mr. II. <i. Ferguson, Mis. Paul Ferguson Mr. I/. C. Oagle and Mr. .1. II. Weaken all of whom attended the club merlin*; with their Inns and girls and brought the neigh bor. boys and) girls in their Fords.: County Airenl C. \V. Tilson says it holds good throughout the United States in club work that wherever you find a boys and girls club doing 1 good active work you' will find 'joint local leader and parents tlint me really interested in their boys and' jrirls. And wherever you find buys ,:ifid girls living on the farm that are not interested in farm life and their own community their par-| eii'.s , are lietrleetin'*; their responsi bility ai'yl causing tlteir own com viutl?iit\ t*^ go backwards in every-1 thiiiy; necessary lor building up an ideal community. The progestin !lt 'his meeting con-| sisted of a field study of the benn| bug and how to control it; and a! study and discussion ol the poultry demonstration Ruth is carrying outj with a standard brooder, brooder house and 250 Barred Rock chicksj now weighing around 1 L-2 pounds ^ach. j The jNtrents i>resent look a veryi active part in the discussion and; ]>lans d'dr the club encampment and; assured the boys ami irirls that theyl would lake them to the camp, visit| them and join in camp life for a day with them. The parents of club boysj and girls in the'.other seyen club communities have a wonder!ul op |M>rtunitV to |?i*ofit by this example. Many ?f them are doing this too. _?i :?o Balsam Mr. and Mrs. \Y. T.vLee. Tr. Mr. and Mrs. Kclley and osn Charles mo tored to Old Fort, Sunday. Mr. E. B. Howell, who has "been our de|K?t agent and telegraph opet ator for the jiast sixteen years with only an occasional vacation for about a week, now has a vacation of about three months. During this ;imc ho ami liis-family vrill visit relatives in iVillets, Spartanburg, S. C and other places. Our new agent is Mr. Denton from Texas. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hortoii motor ed up fro'ii Atlanta to spend the summer in their eottagc, ''irreon Pastures." Mr. Charles Perry ami Mr. Hitber Ensley motored over iron; Frankliv Wednesday. Miss Stella Jones of Wajnesvillc spent the week end with her father, I Mr. C. B. Jones. | Miss Fayc Bryson spent the week I j end iu Sylva, the guest of Mrs. G. C.| | Cooper. , \ 'I Misses Hannah Warren, Ruth Bry son, Myrtle Lindsey an t Air. and Mrs. Elsie Green of Asheville were here Sunday. Mrs. M. L. Kinght, Messrs. Ken neth and Jamie Knight, Rogers Christy/and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peter,s of Emor\y Ya., wore guests of Mrs. W. S. Christy several days last week. High School j Faculty Selected There is a complete change in the j faculty of tho Sylva Central High; School this year according' to in for mation received from the office of the County Board of Education. The teachers for the school have been selected, with one exception. Mr. H I). Browning is principal The teachers are: Mathematics, Miss! Dheay; Language, Miss Bethumo;i Home Economics, Mis$ Richardson ;J English, Miss Harrold; History, Mussj Boggs; Science and Coach, to he se-j lected. There is but one change made in] the faculty of tho Sylva graded j school. Miss Sue Johnson will suc-j ceed Miss Beth Seawright a.s teacher of the high second grade. With that exception, Mr. Ulricj Gibbs, princi})al and the entire corps of teachers, who were in dmrge ot'j the school last year, will be at their places at the beginning of the coin ing term. 5 . Sunday is Homecom ing Day at Beta; The Scott's Greek Baptist church, Beta is making great preparations for the homecoming day, which will be held Sunday, July il with Mr. D. G. Bryson in charge of the program. The good women of the community are preparing a bountiful picnic din ner, and it is cxpected that there will be a huge crowd in attendance at the Home Coining services at the Old Scott's Creek church. '' The program for the day follows: 9:30 to 10:30 Sunday School. 10:30 Song service. 10:4f> Roll call and check, J. P. Reed. , History, Mrs. (Jeo. C. Snyder. 11:15 Sermon, Rev. T. F. Deitz. 12:15. Dinner. 1:30 ?ong and, prayer service. 2:00 Talks by former pa tors and various members. Adjourned at will. 4:00 Baptismal Service in Scott's Creek. East Sylva Our B. Y. P. U. and Sunday school arc progressing'nicely, everyone is in vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Long and daughters, Misses Lucile and Blanche; spent the week end at Webster and: Cullowhee. Miss JIattie Whitakcr is in the Bry son' City hospital whore she is con valescing from an operation for ap ]M'ndicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Franklin and family spent Sunday in Canton'with Mr. Franklin's brother, Mr. David Franklin. ? Air. S. A. Carden S|>ent Sunday evening, with his brother, Mr. Floyd Carden who is ill. Mr. Roy Whitakcr, Misses Edn.i and Thelma1 Whitakcr ami Alva Car den motored to Bryson City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McNeely and daughter Mary have returned from an extended visit to friends and rel atives in Moiganton. Mr. Hayes Beasely and sister, Nannie Bell, visited friends and rel atives in Franklin Sunday. Rev. R. O. Vance and Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter spent Sunday with Mr. Vance's daughter, Mrs. /Jbejrt Rickman of Proctor. THE JOURNAL IS LATE The Journal is a day late this week due to an unavoidable and unfortu nate occurence. W? had the misfor-l tune to have the coils of the melting i pot on our typesetting mabhine burn-j ed out early Monday morning and] could not proceed with setting the i type for the paper until new ones were secured and put in, which wasi done at the earliest possible liioment, | but which could not be done until { Wednesday night. We hope that this explanation will meet with the approval of our 10,000 readers. HALL-BURGESS On last Saturday evening July 3rd at 2:00 o'clock Miss Hannah Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Hall of Sylva and Mr. Ross Burgess of West Virginia, were united in marriage, Rev. O. D. Vance officiat ing. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Burgess left for Zaaesville, 0., where Mr. Burgess has a position. MONDAY IS DOLLAR DAY SYLVA-MERCHANTS MAKE Monday, July 12tli, Sylva, through the co-op eration of a large number of the shops of the town and the Jackson County Journal, is instituting the first Municipal Dollar Day. The plan has been used with entire success to the people of the trade territory and the mer chants, in many sections of The United States, for yejars, and has proved to be a source of profit to the people who buy, as there are always many one dollar offerings made, that can not be duplicated ordinarily. ?? 1 %/ * ** It makes the buyers' dollar go further and buy more. It gives the people who spend an opportunity to get the most for a dollar. The Sylva Dollar Da}^ will be no exception to the rule. It is expected that'there will be big crowds of people in town, to take advantage of the offerings ma'de, and that both the buyers and the shop keepers will profit by the big volume of trade.. ; . Qualla r f A large audience assembled ;it the I Baptist church Sunday to attend the! Interdenominational 8. S. Conven-1 lion. After devotional exercises by Rev. E. W. Need hum, Prof. F. I. Watson, j oi' Dillshoro made a very practical talk on "How to Grade S. S." Next' and interesting address was deliver-j ed by Prof. W. E. Bird on "Is the S. S. Worth While? If so why not all Come and Take Part." A bountiful dinner was served after which the audience was entertained by a speech' bv Rev. W. C. Reed on "The Rela I * *" ? tion Between the Home and S. S." The exercises were interspersed tluu out by singing by the church choir and the Echota Indian choir. The people of the neighboring churches manifested their interest in j S. S. work by attending the conven tion, ? Misses Etta Kinsland, Essie An-1 tliony, Vinnie Martin and Mr. Carl Hoyle of Cullowliee School spent the week end with home folks. Mr. Marshall Gass lias gone to Asheville to attend the Farm School Mesdames J. C. Johnson, Bill How ell, .1. M. Hughes and .T. K. Terrell were dinner guests at Mr. J. H. Hughes' Wednesda)r. Misses Mary and Ida Battle are| visiting at Mr. Edmund Battle's of I Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Mr.j and Mrs. G. A. Kinsland, Mr. and. Mrs. I). C. Hughes and Mrs. C. B.| Terrell made a trip to the Alum Cave in Tenn. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Miss Clem Hall and Mr. C. L. Cope went to Whitesides Sunday. Miss Pearl Cooper of Sylva is vis-, iting Miss Ruth Ferguson. Miss Mary Emma Ferguson who underwent an operation for appendi citis at Bryson City hospital Thurs day is reported improving. Quite a number of her Qualla friends visited her Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Reed and son Olin, were Sunday night guests at Mr. J. G. Hooper's. Mr. and Mrs. Golman Kinsland ?visited relatives on Conley's Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes spent Sunday night at Mr. J. E. Battles. Miss Lethe House was guest at Mr. K. Howell's Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Chambers of Forney spent the week end at Mr. Ras Chambers'. Mr. Terry Johnson is spending' awhile with homefolks. Miss Claudia Hoyle spent Sunday night with Miss Edna Hoyle. sl. - 0 ? OXFORD SINGERS COMING The Singing Class of the Oxford Orphanage, now making its annual | tour of the state, will be in Sylva on I July 12, next Monday and will give j a concert in the evening. j The Oxford Singers, as usual, are | giving concerts throughout the state, that are receiving high, praise, and giving general satisfaction. Ochre Hill A large crowd of young folks spent Sunday afternoon as the guests of Mr. Fisk of Ruby City. Among those going were: Misses Ada and Essie Cope, Swannie Wells, Lessie Sutton, Florence Blanton, Dollie Sutton, Cu mi Blanton, Messrs. Ed. Moore, Alvin Dietz, ltoy Jones and Jerome Moore. Mis. John Shelton and son of Asheville liave returned to their home after a short visit to relatives of this place. Rev.1' J. T. Carson preached on in teresting sermon at the liome of Mr. George Hoyles Sunday afternoon. Mr. George Br\ on and Mr. Roy Greene motored t . White Side Sun day. Mr. Ed. Moore of Murphy was the week end guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herman and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mills Sunday. Mr. Ij. C. Sutton and his daughter, Miss Berdie Sutton went to Sylva Monday. We arc glad to say tliat Mrs. Wil lie Cope who has undergone a se rious operation is improving. Misses Bernice, Myrtice and Mattic Cope, Mrs. Annie Garner and son have returned to their homes after a week's visit to Franklin. Miss Edith Bryson spent the past week as the guest of her sister, Mrs., George Crawford of Cullowhee. Mrs. Belle and Cora Blanton si)cnt the day with Mrs. Cling Bryson last Monday. Nanette Dillard, M.r Homer and Sherdon McCoy were the guests of Misses Florence and Cumi Blanton Sunday night. Mrs. Sarah Queen spent the day at Webster Sunday. Mr. Jeter Parris of Addie spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. Cora Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Henson of Mt. Pleasant were the guests of Mrs. Robinson Sunday. Mr. J. M. Blanton went to Sylva Saturday 011 business. , Mecklenburg Sheriff-Elect Here Jno. Erwin, Jr. who was nominated for sheriff of Mecklenburg county, in Saturday's run-off primary by about two thousand majority, with Mrs. Erwin and the two children, is spending a short time in Sylva with Mrs. Erwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H Hastings. ' ^? 0 BUCHANAN LEASES EARLY SERVICE STATION ?? J /? , ' ' / i Mr. M. Buchanan, Jr. announces that he has leased the Early Service Station from Roy . Early and the Standard Oil Company, and will op erate it. Mr. Oscar Bumgarner is in charge of the station, which is located at the intersection of Main and Mill j Streets on Highway No. 10, and is considered one of the handsomest service stations in Western North Carolina. Only Standard Oil products | will be served, it is stated.

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