V, 1 Jjotlie Voar in Advance in the Caiinty ^ Sylva, N. C., Wednesday, August 18,1926 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County liSsH tilt. motorcade from Ashc 'm,?i.l^ on Saturday for the 10 AlW'l ? ilm h"ftl) it tin celebration of the tjw. Appalachian Scenic 1*0* %roM Asheville to Atlanta rlnnomuvd yesterday, and in r 'rate nilos for the comfort r on oi the parties making the W T|t.'n;ui\ will assemble at the K p.rk iioicl at ti:30 o'clock ** I,-.*, breakfast will be - -a ept 1^ tlvJ ;it ' 41 clock# fc&s are that the Murphy s?"1",i7.wi'1 ^o,,c ? w.. ivatosi load celebrations ever JjTfothc South. Sponsored by the I ^national Api*l?jchian Scenic f Lav (Viniiiissioii of North Caro W the State Association of rpqa. a,urates will meet in Mur Lviromn- number of Southern ?? W 111,1 omtsion> and Promi ' t m-ikt'is uoni two states appear pi ?l*,m | w the prwtrani. Boa*1 Marvel, president of the I ^national Appalachian Scenic yiwsy Association has issued the | jjloirinu schedule and rules gover-l i x tin1 itinerary: Rules for Itinerary o;30~Fatltry Park, coffee and Battery Park, assemble. 715 Hra.iy to start?picture. ->(i_Na:t. sj>eed 30 miles an Jour. 7-mi \\',>t Ashevttle?Cars asseni tyonMidn street find fall in line. jiVM'aiiton?additional ears as atiied join motorcade. yjii?\VaC ties villi?stop for addi tional s?cmbled cars to join motor-, fade. I 9;:ii? Svlva?stop tor additional; ismbli-il car> to join motorcade. jti;!.")?lS'v-ou City?(10 minutes Wat at Fiyiiuoiit Inn)?all cars con-1 t?.inii? ladies, and ?"> minutes at Dr. I Kelley Bennett *> 0 >ruif Co. ln;:W?I -.aw for Nantahala Gorge luui vtai Vyou?l Almond the motor ' cade vc'iW si?i> w\?ilo lion. James (1. t .Stikeleatiier ami other State oft'i-j rials nimne rhe barriers to permit' travcjl out tlif last completed link ofj State Hisliway Nv. 1(1, ami official-1 ly o|xii the "Main Street of North j Carolina" and the International A. S, 11. Stop .{ minutes at top of i mouiitanr^tu view the Great Smoky! Mountains National l'ark, and pass-' iag on llirouirli tlieNatahala Gorge j unJ mountains, to Andrews. 11?Stop at Andrews for ad ditional ?ars. 12:30? ilurpliy, N. ('.?stop at bridge lot uuide to picnic grounds I ami parkinsr spaee. 1:00?Luncheon served (Eastern, Time) liy the |Hople of Murphy. ?Program starts. The tentative program as anuounce f'l by otticials of the ASH will in '?iide some ot the most outstanding uders and road enthusiasts in the futiiv country. The program follows: Roseoe Marvel, of Ashevillc, pres 'dtiit ot the Appalachian Scenic Highway association presiding. Welcome address John H. Dillard, ?J Miirp|,y.c Response, Frank T. Reynolds, of Atlanta. development of Highways," aJ ehair.naii of the Geoigia State %Uay board. BoiMius the Appalachian Scenic (. North Carolina," James bid 1 '(at'ur> Asheville, state v u;, t'w"1J"issioner for the Ninth <;?> ll0'i"n district. )ii ))Ul','i,,ir Western North Caro ? Don S. Klias, publisher of The Aobevilh- Times. id AL(aMlri"- 1Value of linprov \e IK,,Wa.vs," Congressman, Zeb North CaroUna. to i1,1 '"'I"oved Highways mean dim a"la' ^ Hofftnan, presi 'ntrce' Chamber of Com "Wha, to a i ?l,,l""oved Highways Mean t|lfc ''Je>" President Bryson, of ?J|-^ Chamber of Commerce. HigU.."1 l'u" A])palachian Scenic Hj^t(U;X to North Ga.., Henry tijfe r,,s' Gainesville president of ^01oin division of the Appala BARKER'S CREEK Several of the people from this community attended the Baptist As sociation at old Savannah church last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Gib son August 12th, a daughter. llev. Geo. Snyder filled his regular appointment here this month and was reelected for pastor next term. Miss Gertrude Buchanan from | Green's Creek is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks at this place. Miss Miss Bessie Brooks pent Sat urday at old Savannah. Miss Birdell Sutton spent Satur-| day night with Miss Gertrude Buch anan at Green's Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tatham are visiting Mr. Tathan's parents at Gay. v We have the threshers with us this | week and that means work. Mr. Frank Sutton who is working i at Sylva spent Sunday with home | folks. ?? . i Mr. General Sutton and Holmes I Cqgle were Barker's Creek visitors] Saturday. The Sunday school is doing nicely Only wish we could have better at tendance. o WILL HAVE OPENING SALE OF OAKLYN HILLS The opening sale of Oaklyn Hills, the new subdivision of the Sylva Realty Company, will be held on Thursday, August 26th, according to announcement made by A. J. Dills, manager of the company. The subdivision faces on highway No. 10, now concrete and has water sewer, lights, surfaced streets and playground facilities. This subdivision has building re-: strictions assuring that only high class h o m e s wilt be erected there it is stated. Oaklyn Hills is lo cated outside the city limits of Sylva between Svlva and Beta. ROAD PROJECTS IN GRAHAM AND CLAY SCHEDULED Two ini|>ortant road projects in Clay and Graham counties will be in cluded when bids on twenty one pro jects involving a total expenditure of $2,(500,000 are let August 24, at Ral eigh, by the State Highway4 Depart ment it was announced recently by James G. Stikeleather, commissioner for the Ninth District*-' The (awards to be made in August will form- the largest single lettings in the history of the state commission. Ninth District projects to be in cluded in the August lettings in this immediate section are: The grading of 9.4 miles of road in Clay county, between Hayesville and Franklin, on a section of Route No. 28 leading from Bat Cave to Murphy. The grading of 9 miles of road in Graham county, from Robbinsvil'e, the county scat, westward, toward the Tennessee state line. TO HOLD SALE AT LUFTY DAM On Friday, August 27, the Sylva Realty and Auction Company and the C. J. Jeffress Realty Company will conduct an auction sale of the R. M. Waldroup property at the Ocono Luf ty power dam, and at the junction of the Tuckaseigee and Oeona Lufia rivers., The property faces on Highway No. 10 ami the Highway to Cherokee and on the Lake fron^. j. It is considered valuable property for cam]* sites and summer homes property. ) Tom Tarheel says that old rocky field, full of stumps, just back of the barn is now one of the best pieces of land on the fann since he blew out the rocks and stumps with explo sive. chian Scenic Highway. "What the Appalachian Scenic Highway Means to North Carolina," Ottis Green. "The Great Atlanta - Asheville - Montreal Motorcadc of 1927," May or John Cathcy of Asheville. "The Atlanta Convention of the Appalachian Scenic Highway Asso ciation," W. T. Winn, of Atlanta, president of the Georgia Automobile Association. I All addresses will bo limited to five 1 and ten minutes, in order that the full program may be covered at the one afternoon session and without wearying the audience. "I FORMER SUVA HUN FOILS BANK HOLD-UP H. W. Hoffman, the hero of the following story from the Oeala, Flu. Weekly Star, was until recently as sistant cashier of the Jackson Coun ty Bank, in Sylva and resigned to accept the position of cashier at Citra, Fla. ''Attempts on the part of two young men to rob the bank at Citra at 10 o'clock this morning was de deated thru the quick action of H. W. Hoffman, cashier of the institu tion, who shot one thru the neck. The other man made his escape aijd is being trailed by blood hounds fol lowed by Sheriff Thomas and his entire 'personnel of deputies. At the hospital the wounded man gave his name as Harry Barnes of Island Orove. The attempted hold up occurred shortly after the bank opened to do business for the day. The cashier was standing near the cash window when two young men entered. They approached the writing desk and Barnes drew from his pocket a check which he filled out. He then ap proached the cashier who took the check with the intention of cashing j same. The name of Joe Tracey, no- ? torions outlaw who recently cscaped,j signed to the cheek caused Hoffman | to quickly look up and as he did so he j ga/.ed into the mu/./.lc of a gun held in the host as guard at the front entrance. Instead of puting up his hands as : was demanded t lie plucky cashier dropjH'd down on the flocr behind! the cage and as he went down hej grabbed his gun and ojK'iied fire thru the wooden partition. Four shots| were fired in quick, succession and Barnes fell to the floor with a bullet' in his throat. Barnes* partner, uj?on ! hearing the shots and seeing that the ; cashier resisted, made a break for i liberty and fled to a woods nearbv.i Sheriff Thomas was immediately notified and he nislicd to the scene, carrying all available men with him, i A quick trip to the county road camp was made for the blood hounds which are kept there and as soon as ! all arrived 011 the scene the chase I started and -reports late this alter ' 110011 are to the clicet that capture j was made about five o'clock iw the afternoon. Barnes was rushed to the Marion General hospital in this city and an | x-ray revealed that the bullet had entered the throat and had glanced. downward. As doctors and nurses were preparing to operate the wound-1 ed man was seized with a coughing spell and the bullet was coughed up. It was cif 38 caliber. Alter his wounds were dressed Barnes was re moved temporarily to the city jail and is under the guard of two depu ty sheriffs. " Barnes it is stated has been engag ed in a fishing trip around Citra. On a piece of paper before deputies at the hospital he wrote his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ergle lived at Island Grove, he stated that he was an ex-war veteran asnd belonged to the American Legion at Palatka. He wrote that his wife whom lie called Bessie knew nothing of the hold-up and requested that she iii case of his death be given his insurance of $1, 882. The message was written rapidly and the wounded man was under the impression that he was going to die. Doctors state that he will prqbablv recover. ? \ TO CLEAN OFF OLD FIELD CEMETERY Announcement is pade that the Old Field Cemetery, near Beta, will be cleaned off Wednesday, August 25. Everybody having relatives or friends buried here is requested to dome. Bring lunch and tools and spend the day. Don't forget the date. D. G. BRYSON. s REED MOTOR CO. ORGANIZED The Reed Motor Company has been organized and lias taken the sales agency for Overland "Whip pet" and Wyllis Knight cars, ac cording to announcement made by W. E. Reed, manajger of the sales company. The show room of the Tuckaseigee Motor Company lias been secured for the display of the Overland-Knight vehicles, Mr. Reed states. mum road KILL BE BUILT With the assurance, the public promise of the chairman of the high way commission of South Carolina and of the commissioner for this dis trict of North Carolina, that the Wade Hampton Memorial Highway from Sylva to Walhalla will be con structed and surfaced, the large number of road enthusiasts left the dinner table at High Hampton, hap py and in high spirits. The principal speaker , was former governor Cameron Morrison who elo quently paid tribute to the Southern ers of the past who so valiantly championed the casue of state's rights, and pledged his everlasting allegiance t othe principal; but as serted that too little had been said about state's duties, the duties of the states to provide the best possible government through the state agen cies of education, heatlh conservation, road construction and every other agency that makes for the happiness and prosperity of the people of the state. lie then outlined the history of the road building program in North Car olina, and stated that not even the ]>oliticians can stop the program un til it is gloriously completed through out the length and breadth of the state.. He urged South Carolinians present to get away from the "pay as-you-go" plan and emulate the ex ample of North Carolina, reciting the figures to show that without levying a cent of projierty tax, North Caro lina maintains her institutions and receives more than ample from the gasoline and automobile taxes to 'pay the interest on the bonds, maintain the roads, and have a sinking fund to pay the entire bonded indebted ness before the bonds are half due. Col. .Tames of the Walhalla bar, af-j ter stating that is was fifty years ago to a day when General Hampton ' was nominated for governor ^of South Carolina, leaving Cashier's for Columbia to accept the historic nomination, introduced a resolution recommending to the states affected that the highway from Charleston via ] Columbia, Walhalla, Cashier's Val ley} Sylva, Knoxville, Cincinnati to Chicago be named and designated the j "Wade Hampton National High j way." The resolution was carried : unanimously. There is a great deal j of interest throughout the South east over the road, as it will give a much | shorter mileage from Charleston, A't frusta, Miami and other jxjints to the Carolina mountains, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the eitips and plains of the middle west 1 than any other route. The luncheon and highway meet I ing was an enthusiastic gathering and John B. Enslcy, president of the Svlva Chamber of Commeice and chairman of the meeting, presided. E.v-Governor Morrison was ii.iroduc ! ed by Mr. Stikcleathcr and spoke in Ijjlowing terms of the great work that | has been done on highways in this ! section and pledged lo the South i Carolina delegation the building oi j the ron.i cn the North Carolina side, i.Although no immediate action could I be taken by the f orth Carolina dele tion Mr. Stikeleather and Mr. Mor rison both said that the North Caro lina delegation foil that sufficient appropriations would be made by the State legislature lo build the high way., The meeting was opened by the reading; of one of his own short stor ies by Harry Stillwell Edwards, Georgia author. , Mr, Morrison and others on the program spoke at considerable length on the friendly and cooperative1 rela tions that have existed so long be tween the two state. A part of the proposed new highway is already in use as a highway and would when completed make possible a new route from August, to Knoxville, Tenn. through the Great Smoky Mountains. This route would be 75 miles shorter than the present highway route. Rep resentatives of the various chambers of commerce along the route attend ed the meeting after a tour of the Sylva and Cashier's Valley districts had been made. Hope was expressed at the meeting that the route would eventually be brought through the Great Smoky Mountains to the Teu nessee line. Among the representatives of South Carolina were: Geo. W. Croft, of Aiken, chairman of the state high QUALLA There was an unusually large at tendance at Sunday School Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. HugheS, Mrs. J. H. Hughes and Miss Mary Battle attended services at Franklin, Sun day. Mr. H. G. Ferguson and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. IL Ferguson and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. J. L. Fer guson attended the Fergnson reunion at Crabtree Baptist church, Haywood County, Saturday. Mr. Suel Hipps and family of Can ton spent the week end with rela tives. ? Prof, and Mrs. J. D. Warrick of Tennessee were guests at Mr. R. F. Hall's Sunday. i Mr. Jack Battle of Ashcville Farm School is spending a few days with homefolks. Mr. D. M. Shuler was called to Canton Saturday on account of the serious illness of his father. Mrs. Mary A. Moore of Hayesvillc stopped with Mrs. J. L. Fciguson en route to the Ferguson reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Lylc Turpin of Ten nessee are visiting at Mr. W. J. Tur pin 's. Mrs. J. M. Hughes is teafching school on Conleys Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell and Mr. J. 0. Howell and. family were guests at Mr. H. G. Ferguson's Sunday. Mr. and Mis. B. B. Henson of Whittier visited Mrs. W. H. Cooper Thursday. \ Mrs. Dan Gass was a caller at Mr. J. E. Battle's Monday. Master Harley, Jr. son of General Ferguson of Washington City, is visiting Mr. Wayne Ferguson. " Rev. and Mrs. IJ. W. Needhato of Whittier were guests of Mr. J.' C. Johnson Wednesday. . Mr. Guy Moody is spending a few days with a party on Soco Mountains. Mrs. D. M. Shuler called on Mrs. J. G. Hooper Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes spent the week end at Mr. D. K. Battle's. Miss Gertrude Ferguson spent Sunday afternoon with Miss' Annie Lizzie Terrell. We are having old time hot weath er with frequent showers and corps arc growing in the old fashioned way. ?' ALLEN STILL ALIVE There has been considerable ex citement in Canada township, Jack son county and upper Cloucester in Transylvania, over the report that J. B. Allen had been murdered in Can ada, a few *weeks ago. Sheriff Sut ton went to the scene of the supposed murder and could learn nothing about it except rumors. The sheriff is now in receipt of letters from Transylvania county of ficers stating that they have seen Allen since the time of the supposed murder, and also has the following letter from Allen, dated at Hot Springs, on Juy 30th: Dear Mr. Sheriff: I am at Hot Springa. I am the man that was claimed to be murdered up near Hor net. I was in Brevard the other day ! and the sheriff said he would notify | you that I was 0. K. and here at ! Hot Springs. If I can give you any | information will be glad to do so. J. B. ALLEN. PRESSLEY'S TO HOLD REUNION The Pressley reunion will bo held Sept. 12, 1926, Speedwell at the old original home of Andrew Pressley, now known as ^he old Fidell Press ley home place. 'r There will be an address by the Rev. D. M. Pressley of Bentleyville, Pa., at 11 a. m. by Mr. Z. V. Watson and others in the afternoon. All relations are urged to come, are cordially invited to bring their friends; also well filled dinner bas kets. '*, way commission; C. E. Jones, of Batesburg, member of the state highway commission; R. E. Legon,of Anderson, state highway commission; Ben M. Sawyer, Columbia, secretary of state highway commission; C. H. Moorefield, of Columbia, chief en gineer of state highway commission; C. 0. Allen, of Greenville, state high way commission; V. E. Towles, of Co lumbia, Federal highway engineer for South Carolina; and Sam, M. Wolfe, of Anderson, former attorney general of South Carolina. DR. M1WAINE TO PREACH HERE SUNDAY Rev. Dr. W. E. Mcllwaine, pastor of a large Presbyterian chureh in Penascola, Fla., will preach at the Methodist church here Sunday even ing. , Dr. Mcllwaine will be most kindly remembered by the older residents of this part of Jackson county as he was a frequent visitor to ^Webster several years ago. He is a native of Nortli Carolina and has won distinc tion throughout the country. While in Sylva Dr. Mcllwaine will be the guest of Judge Walter E, Moore, at his home on Keener stre :t. The Asheville Citizen of this morn ing carried the following article re garding Dr. Mcllwaine: There is no place in the world that can compare with Western North Carolina as a place to live or. visit. Dr. W. E. Mcllwaine, prominent Presbyterian clergyman of Pensacoia, Fla., told the guests at the Royal Pines pavilion yesterday. Dr. Mcllwaine, who was formerly pastor of the Westminister Presby terian church of Charlotte and whs bom and raised in Union county, North Carolina, declared that he had just returned from a trip which took in the capitals of six European countries and Alaska. Dr. Mcllwaine first commented on the progress of roads leading into Asheville now as compared to ten years ago and on> the wonderful beauty and progress of the develop ment of Royal Pines. "There is no place in the whole world," he said "that can compare with the great south in general after rising from the ashes of the War Be tween the States and there is no place in the whole world that can compare with Western North Caro lina, for climate, scenery or any other of the/desirable elements of a homesitc or place to visit." TUSKASEIGEE ASSOCIA TION ENDS SESSION The ninety-sixth annual session of the Tuckaseigee Association was brought to a close on Sunday morn ing last, when the moderator, Rev. T. F. Deitz preached at the Old Sa vannah Baptist church. The business ended on Saturday, after a three day session. Those attending the associa tion pronounced it one of the best in the history of tlie body, in the mat ter of objectives reached aaid in pledges for the coming associational year.- ? ^ Officers elected for the ensuing year are: Moderator, Rev. T. P. Deitz; Clerk, Hugh E. Monteith; Treasurer, D. G. Bryson; Mrs. C. L. Allison, Rev. R. L. Randolph, J. B. Ensley, G. W. Sutton and J. T. Gribble, with the moderator and clerk, were elected as the executive committee. The next session will be held at Tuckaseigee on the Thursday beforo the 3rd Sunday in Aug., 19?7, with Rev. Western C. Reed preaching th? annual sermon. REV. J. T. MAN GUM " To PREACH SUNDAY Rev. J. T. Mangum of Waynes ville will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church here Sunday morn ing at 1] o'clock. Mr. Mangum his the reputation of being a splendid speaker and a large number people will no doubt avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing him. ??f o SYLVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE TO OPEN The fall term of the Sylva Col legiate Institute will begin August 31st. Everybody is cordially invited to be at the opening in the adminis tration building at 10 a. m. W. C. REED, Principal. Z A CHARY REUNION ;There will be no public dinner ser ved at the Zachary reunion which will convcne at Cashiers August 2S; but lunches will be furnished on the ground at a reasonable price by the local cafe man. T. A DILLARD, . , By order of the Com,