41/iimIk . Vear in Advanced tlie County ' Sylva, N. C? Wednesday, August 25,1926 $2.00 the Year i:i Advance Outside County f TRIUMPHANT \ ,,i (Jeonrians and Caro nvo triumphant pro si:i n injr at Aslieville and " i Atlanta and being1 au?? j/ll (\>t\ town and village 'V* y ' 11 headed tor Mur -aanhy. to celebrate tho ;,i North Carolina's part ' \ iiiii tiian Scenic lliuhwav. /J' I??V ' ' . * * ,u;?' many notables there .; 11s oi tin1 South, and V . ni ^Voplo who have been . .... ?;t ,j in tiu- completion of the ioad, which starts at! y\. ..t ) ,?!i tlit* St. Lawrence and ./N, \v Orleans on the (ink' ot r - "r Wi.Hi'i' < Murphy {fathering was :? proportions,, it was bat :ner oi' the great motoreade{ !? next year. The 1927 mo :ii(| to traverse the entire; i-iii.iU'iy alter completion, ;ii Montreal ami end in; ! i i it*;? ]t?!o Wi.. \\tV i. i; t'i' fi lchrated in .Murphy, o'uct iiing loYoiebrato. Tlte tlu* Nantehalns .have" In fore the ciuiiue^rs and ot' iho state hhrhwsM t * aiui 'now il.e state is Mn!iv (b Mante>?. with oft.Murphy and Ch< ro Ji,, i'wd prepared n sumptuous h,; >eived picnic siyio: but lj',. '? i-::i*>e r.lid 1 he 1 lood- <ic-: hi!'? paured i:i liitcla ? -tiu* 1:_: 4S llaf.!ir,l the ll.iiid. ? < roii t.,i? roared : but , the dement .. '? d:!tuptd tile ardor not i- '!.?? holiday spirit of the tiiod?. >r* ? ?'?' -Murphy folks just re-. , i ilin.uer to the interior cf (l), >??'. building, and served i texpediency, smilingly plate alter plate'to t luttUl'U crowd, ftou >v..ic Tit-- ^ peaking, With !<<?> m Mv.vv '. -ident pf the Appal.j rliiaa S.u.'v ilicbway Association ?? iA , ,bri .1. thet most hope cm:) .'.'utile: ; . , ire gathering is th.t i:.i-**;ir ? . ,incd are not ready to ???-; it"'. ?: ' !i laurels and say <j*tit -: ? but ??in* ; y oi'iiciaU ate pian Vi:t ;.,;>i'i^ to eajTV on the domi viwk ??; !i ashling and improving dm1 especially those tluU iin- it:-i;-T;'c yi'n their courses.. Ui';u;(: . : t|i N. Holder of tie 'i^i: r L^liwrv rommissiii't <(i-ltiv ?! '..:*t i/iv board expects , hi;:j 111 ? ,ii in r-oniplvte pavir.g! t" Atl.in'.l t;.i- i.iji.wav ieadinu' iroai X(?.'"t!i < :????li?,:t |- .Mil; phy. lie ;i?'-ijl/jli.,; iiv lii I-;, ;;, th'eiv In ;i .ii ni.tji Atlanta to v.:;i lit ;t j lliivn !:? year later' there j, W(!j? -M- .-i | - .1,1 i.iiiiwav tr??m Ma<'oii F!i.ti.!;i ; w ll"' h r :.!>o announoi d / t..;'i "iHn'-ji:] highway hoard wiil / K. ii ?-i:1 ;:s?-t thi* \( ar to pave, tiu* < lf:yti?ri ^i^hu'ay. This t horough l ar? tm:'-,i - .V.M i/h Carolina at a point t"':ir l'r:iirklin and passes through ? 'Ik.V',,!). sO Atlanta. Nortii Carolina iW' y Jias completer jkivii>?^ its >ei-ti??i: i?!.' this highway and a oeh' l'i;fti':i ,,i ii^ opi-nin^ is to be held' ' !"i | 10 completed, i1 lank I'; '_;c, of the Stale ( Iti'i ? ffl, 0;,r 'jitiut ,,f Xoitli Carolina" at dyy !'!'?!. i) to arrive at the other e^d ? 'M'|' i -' ie darkness falls, .lames (J. j oi Ashevillc, Stat,' II' ? ? 1 'oiatnissioiier of the ninth r'' 1' K.Jiii Sept. 1"). > u- .*> , . .') :i iiii/hwav No. < 'utiiminsiou, is tletermin?'d i 1 one end of this "Main ii,i,: ,Mi ;ai>?meed.Ten miles bevon l !i*?: i/nue (ml ql^'that "Main 1 u?l i he other end is at ! 4!) ::y. Mime (>00 miles away, , " pointed out. And not det< rmnied to mahe ."-.in trip lroni tip to tip'of ;?ie, liuL Mr. Stikeleather O 5 ill 1 !i*(t the c iiiiiiiissio'M ? O 'ii^v.,- ii,;;.;J| district is ^i.'in^'^o t'-V'l '.viiji |i!(. cluiiinian. ' O*" ::0i;??i!isf-t-d that in the last I'ou'i "ith Carolina has spent more '"i1 highways and has built ' lailc.-, of highways than has any 0 iii'o in the union. Declaring Ith JV'-hi.l coi-|,.,.t statement made '> :i.*i t . . i< r ,sp aker, Mr. Stikelealh ?d that the Federal (Jov contributing $1,750,000 r^ :::!'.v' t?"> aid highway construction 1,1 M|'''^Carolina and that the total |'u,i ^utrdiiaed is more than $0,000, ? As compared with this sum, the PAGE WILL ATTEND HIGH CELEBRATION It is announced by \he committee I on arrangements that Chairman j Frank P:?go, of the North Carolina Highway Commission, wiU attend the celebration of the completion of North Carolina's Vnd of the Asliv ville-Syh a-Franklin-Atlanta Short' limit c 011 September 15tli. The pi: us for celebration include a motorcade from AtlaiHa to ,Ashe ville, which is being i sponsored by the Atlanta Constitution. The Car olina deb'jration will meet the Geor gia ns at the state line, and escort; them to Franklin* where" luncheon | will be served and addresses made bv a* muiiber of the bii?* men "of the * "V : > * two states. ?Fryin Franklin the trip^will be made to Pillsboro, Svlva, Waynes villi^ .aitd Cant oil, wi11v J>tojw and appropriate ceremonies at each place;-: then on to Asheville where the mem-! lies# of the motorcade will be guests of the Asheville Chamlyrr of Coin-! merce at dinyer., J It is expei;l/'d that prominent North. Carolinians making the trip will be i). .Max (iardiier, of Shelby, Former, (iow riior' Cameron Morrison, CoL1 Wade 11.' 1 larrijy. editor of the Char lotte1 < 'bserver and-many others.) i o { ? rrT OVER TELEPHONE lle.Mt; beatwere succes dully re-i co:d?d recently over a distance of \nit?. mill's by the aid. of telephone! wires attached to a cardiograph, say^j tin North and South Carolina I'nleve I liliiv Information IJuivan. 'Ihere is a record of a similar attempt made iii Ivji'.rland but t ::e results were uii-^ sat'isl.jntoiy and 'is success in the I'liiieij States is'believed to be.'the first. ;!' ?j'M!dtngrj!p'o is a delicate ma chine ti*-Vd for the purpose.ol obtain in I lie' ftircesOilid intervals ot hen it actions. It is {operated electrically j and is one of t|he most recent inyen-] tioi/s used by physicians in the t'reat-i riieiili, of heart disease. I.'eeonily. a noted physician desired in ob,rain, a record ol heart be.\ts from a parent who was too ill to be moved to the laboratory containing tiiv cardiograph equipment. I tie piivsiciau approached the New ^ ork Telephone Company with his prob lem amh the ?company 'officials were Qjuick to cooperate. The nature of the ease required im mediate action and within an hour the/circuit was completed between ( the patient's house and the labora-| tory containing the cardiograph. The wires were connected to the machine and the physician's assistant was sent to the*patient's home with the necessary lead pads which were at tached to the body. When a lew minor changes had been made in the ^circuit the machine was put into operation and two com plete sets of heart beats were satis factorily obtained. \ IMPORTANT MEETING A ver,v important hliurch meeting 1 is called for next Sunday evening at 7 :lf>. Every member is urged to be : present at,,this meeting. ? Svlva Baptist Church By .1 no. B. Jones, Clerk. ,r , ? . " ? State itselj' has s]>eiit $85,000,000 on 1 improved highways, he said. , i There is, lie said, a dependable j highway every mile of the way trom Montreal, Canada, through Western North Carolina and on to New Or leans and to Miami, Fla. Charles A. Webb, coputylisher of The Citizen, made a pleas for in ' creased federal aid for highway building in North Carolina. Other speakers included Congress man Zebulon Weaver, Frank T. Rcy i Molds of Atlanta, Col. John S. Cohen of the Atlanta Journal, Former Gov. | Charles H. BVough, of Arkansas. 1 Charles A. Webb, Don S. Elms and ' ilarlee Branch. ( A large number of Sylva, Dillsboio arid Cullowhcc peo ple attended the/celebration. GET YEAS EACH FOR STEALING JUDbE j , Way Cross, Ga. Aug. 24?Seven men were convicted here yesterday of mob violence in connection with the recent attack upon county Judjce Henry Johnson of Charleston county. Five of the defendants were sen tenced to one year each in the peni tentiary. A! year's sentence or a $1, 000 fine was imposed upon the other two. ? Judge Johnson, seized at a store in Folkeston after nightfall, was taken by a group of men in automo biles out on a country road. He Es caped without injury when citizens in pursuing cars overtook the party. The judg? had been active in en forcement of the prohibition laws by inflicting sentences upon liquor selling offenders. His assailants were brought to trial, uj>on his identifica tion. The men' convicted yesterday pleaded guilty. J. 1). Hunter, X. 1L Hughes, W. G. Brooks, 8. A. Lucas and J. L. Aldridge received the pri-l son sentence without alternative.! John Stephens and J. C. Herrington were'given the choice of a year in the penitentiary or tlie $1,000 line. _o , STATE HEADS DEATH LIST North Carolina ag:iin/rc*]M>rted the! largest number of person's killed 1)4; accidents during the week/ with 12,1 exceeding the previous week's total! by,i 'one. Georgia, Tennessee and> Louisiana reported, six persons killed , each. Louisiana lead in the number of per.-?>ns reported injured with 52.' Georgia was second with forty and, Florida :hird with'.'18. v Traffic' killed 5tf prisons and in- i jilred in eleven southern states during the past week -it was iv-j ivealed tod&y throflglj a survey cdn dueted by The Associated Press.! The totals represent an increase ofi three in the.number of jx'rsonk killed and a dee lease ,0,1' five in the number1 j. .i. ?)>is inj ' ed in eo!!:*n?.r:son1 t ?? t, with casualty figures for the week previotis. < * of the peivons killed and over i! s/miv of t host*. injuredi .were vic tiiii:^ iof grade crossing accidents. Three Georgians were killed in grade, crashes while Alabama and Tennes-j see jeported two each. Three per sons'were killed in Yirgiiiiq vester-j day in an accident involving two au tomobiles. and an electric car near Richmond. Tabulation by the states follows: State Killed Injure' Yiruinia .... .... .... ....4 1 23j North Carolina ....12 35, South Carolina ...... 5 7 7 Georgia 1 6 40 Florida.... 4 48 > Alabama.... ... .... f 4 25 y Mississippi .... ...; ... 3 ]3| Loltisiana .... 6 52' Arkansas ...! 3 241 Tennessee .... ^ ... 6 22 Kentucky... .? 3 351 Totals 1 .;:v. .... ..|,r)G . V- 208 WHY ADVERTISE? .'."Banks are far more liberal in their terms to companies that have been regular advertisers than toward} those that do not advertise," Frank: L. Blanchard of Henry L. Dohcrty & Company^ New York told the Public Utilities Advertising Association at the Twenty-second Annual Conven-1 tion of the Associated Advertising Club's of the World"." "They rightly feel," he added,] "that a company that has, through advertising, won the good will of the public is more likely to retain its position in the community as an im]>ortant business enterprise than a company, that does not advertise and therefore does not have the hold upon the residents of th0 city that the former company lias." STATE BLUE LAW TESTS FOREGONE v V ' * i ^ V.Ashcville, August 21?The bluej la\vs of North Carolina will probably i-eiriain untested and unattacked, of ficial of the association opj>osingj the bine laws have disappeared. Linn ' A. K. Gale and other officials of the association who recently came to Asheville and announced prepara tions to make a test of the blue laws in North Carolina, have faded into oblivion and have apj arently left AUTO RIDE FATAL , TO Clin YOUTH Canton, N. C., Aug. 21?Fred Moore, prominent young man of this place, was killed about 5 o'clock this j morning and W. 0. Murr and New j mail James also of Canton, were in I jured when the car they were riding in left the highway at Walnut Gap i and plunged 100 feet to the bottom i of the cliff. Moqre was driving the machine. Murr was seriously, but no dan gerously hurt, while Jaines was only slightly injured. The latter walked ten miles to Marshall to summon aid. A brother in law of Moore hi Can ton was advised and he with friends went to the sevne. When they arrived they found Moore (lend. Murr was carried to a Marshall hospital and James was given medical attention. The three men. all popular in Can ton, were ;on their way to T'm.essce points for a week end rest when the accident hapjiened. The automobile badly wrecked. ^ Moore, who was 25 years of age, is survhed by his widow and two children, .:is father, Homer Moore of Canton, and several other re'atives. SENATOR FERNALD DIES . West Portland, Me. Aug. 23?Un ited States Senator Bert M. Fernald, died at his home here late Monday evening after a short illness with in tcstiual poisoning and heart trouble, lie was in his 69th year and has served in tlid senate since 191 (>. Sen. Fernald had suffered a relapse dur ing the night and early today, and I)r. W. G. Hoster, the attending phy sician had announced that death was only a matter<of hours. The senator's son, James H. Fernald of this town and daughter, Mrs. Norris T. E/.e letli of Kennebunk, were at his bed side when the end came. Fernald, a native of West Port land, had been identified with State and national polities many years. In 19U!> In- wivK elected governor of Maine on the republican ticket and served one term. 1909-1910. In 1910 he was chosen I'nited States Senator (o Till the unexpired term of Ed win C. Burleigh. Fernald was elected to a full term in 1918 and again re elected in 1924. Ilirf present term would have expired in 1931. 'PHONE COMPANY GOES TO PAY IN ADVANCE Jackson Telephone and Telegrap'i Company announces^ that the com pany will on September 1st, change, to the pay in advance plan, in col-j lectins lei-phone rents. On that date, in order to effect the change, it,will j be necessary to bill e^ery telephone! subscriber for two mouths, those of; August and September. Then the' hill mailed subscribers on October First will he for the month of Octo ber, and so on through the year, pay ing the first oC each month for that! month's'-, service. Mr. Murray stated that this change has been made necessary because of the increasing transient population of Sylva and environs. "The old plan worked all right," said Mr. Murray, "as long as the population of Sylva stayed put; but now,'when we are becoming more and more a tourist center and the number of transient j?qpulatibii is steadily increasing, the new plan is the only one that will work to the satisfaction both ? the people and the company." ??o GIRL INJURED ? DRIVER REFUSED BOND Hendersonville News, Aug. 24. Buf'ord Nelson was ordered held without bond pending the outcome of the injuries of Miss Thelina Bowen, whom he is alleged to have' run over and painfully injured late Sunday afternoon as she in company with Morris Shipinan were walking down the Willow road. Buford, the driver of the ear that struck the couple, is in jail without bond, committed by Esquire Milward* upon a charge of driving a car whiie under the influence of liquor and as sault with a deadly weapon. . ' j Miss Bowen was taken to Patton Memorial hospital where injuries were pronounced to be slight, con sisting mainly of bruises and cuts aboat the head. THUS LOOKUP IN TOE MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN N. C. ASHtVItLE WILL HAVE REPUBLICAN WEEKLY , "The Blue Ridge-Republican," a Weekly organ for and in the interests of the Republican party in Western | North Carolina will make its first i appearance Friday, September 3rd, it (lias just been announced from Ashe j ville by Hubert F. Lee, Asheville newspai>erinan, who will be editor and publisher. The new publication will take ait ! active part in the congressional and county elections in tli? Tenth district during the next two months and for this purpose will establish its offices temporarily in the Tenth district headquarters over Scruggs' Drag I Store in Asheville. The organ will ,also take a large part in activities or' the Ninth district and in a few coun ties of the Eighth. ' Plans for the publication have been I quietly going on lor some time. Lead-j el's of the Republican party in j Western North Carolina were prac-| tically unanimous in the belief that this organ will fill a long felt need j -of the party and will urge all indi viduals in the G. 0. P. to support it,' it is said. i COUSIN Of SYLVA PEOPLE KILLED Mrs. M. I) .Cowan and Mrs. M.J Buchanan were called to ItockwooJ, | Tenn., to attend the funeral of their cousin, B. L. McDarris, who was in stantly killed by a live wire last; week. The following >account of the ac cident which occurred near Kingston is taken from the Knoxville Sentinel; of Alugust 20: "B. L. .McHarris, 2"), manager in this section for the Southern Cities. Power company was instantly killed j bv a live wire this morning. Follow ing a heavy storm yesterday, some! wires were reported down. Current j was off at Kingston Knitting, Mills and Mr. McDarris had gone to inves tigate. He came in contact with a wire carrying 3,500 volts and was electrocuted. The accident occurred in front of the home of W. C. Hart sell. Mr. McDarris was a popular man ager. He had charge of the cori pany's interests at Kingston, Ilock wood, Spring City, and other points. Surviving him is his widow, for - ? . ' merly Miss Jeanne. Smith of Spring! City, whom he maVred only abouitj a inouth aj^o. Also his parents, Mi', and Mrs. Lee McDarris, of Cleveland Tenn. / ^ , ) The bod}- was sent to Roekwood.j Funeral arrangements will be au-j nounced later. 1 V, O?: TENT MEETING DRAWS CROWDS; > , Large crowds of jtcoplc arc being i attracted by the tent meeting being I conducted on Cullowhee road, by Rov.| B. N. Rogers who is dong the preach-j ing and Mr. L. Glenn Sumner is lead ing the fine congregational singing.j The meetings will continue for some J days longer, it is announced. o CULLOWHEE PRESIDENT AND PARTY FRANKLIN VISITORS j Fran Win Press. Dr. H. T. Hunter, president ofj Cullowhee State Normal, accompan ied by Mrs. Hunter, Miss1 Eliza, PoWell, dietician at the institution, j and Mre. Walton, assistant matron, were visitors in Franklin Tuesday, having motored over from Jackson j county to see Franklin, Macon coun j ty, and the new road connecting the two counties. Dr. Hunter expects to have ap i proximately 150 normal school st.i j dents eniolled when the institution | opens the fall term on September ti, ' he said. Later as the short term schools end, additional normal j dent^ will enroll, as many teachers ; complete their teaching and then go J to Cullowhee to continue their stud ies. , A _1 The Charlotte Observer gives usp from the pen of Col. Wade Harris, the' following article, showing that the "boom" did not hit Western North Carolina, why it didn't come, and why there should be general re jjoicing that it didn't; and at the I same time proving that the substan tial growth is in progress. That the speculative "boom" so widely advertised for the mountains of Western North Carolina was not l realized this summer is a well known I fact. Those who set out to repeat in I that region the real estate gambling | of Florida were defeated and disap j pointed and it is to the credit >t tiie region that they were. The ed- ? itor of the Charlote Observer w'io : has recently visited the region, pre sents the situation as he found it and1 heard it: I "Then a real estate operator in i person gave The Observer some in formation. It was to this effect: There has been 110 'boom' in the : western part of the slate; no boom ! had been desired and it was purpose ly held off by joint action of the ! real estate boards of Asheville and | Hendersonvillo in the early spring, when Florida promoters' began swarming in. Hordes of speculators were driven from the field but 110c ' until much harm had been dono thru operation of the ' opionist.' These had seemed options on about all the desirable properties in the vicinity of the towns and when the prospec tive buyers began coming in they found these lands held at exorbitant prices?at figures which they could not look at?and they went on, in stead of settling down as investors. But the contention is ' that Wester i North Carolina is all the better foi that because affairs in the invest ment fit Id have settled down to a [ sound and sensible basis, and within ; the ]>;tst three weeks there his been r.riiii Testation tof a marked revival in . Mi (state activities, not of the* subdivision kind, but largely in pur chase of homes. ,As an example there has been no check in building ac tivities iu and around Henderson ville, new homes and business houses ii'id nients completed and in course of Completion being there on all sides to show for 11. imsclves. , ?' Development, work in t*:e nioun- > lain sections got off to a late star, hut it lias started in a direction that means steady progress and on plans against which there is to be 110 reac tion. Vciy much more money Iris been safely and profitably invested in Western North Carolina towns and projects than is generally imag ined and that this section of the state has been going at a pace fast; enough is indicated in the fact that the mfmey invested ;tt Lake Lure, at Try on and vicinity, at Brevard, Sylva^ Murphy, Andrews, Bryson City, Waynesville, Asheville, in the Sap phire, district at Ilendersonville, Spruce Pine, Little Switzerland, in the Marion and Black Mountain dis trict, an 1 at Lenior. and Happy Val ley and Roaring Gap now foots up around $39,000,000; As a starter for the first year, that ought to be re garded a i an encouraging index t.> the future. "Things are 'looking up' in the western section. The man inclined t? doubt it has only to go up there an i cast about 011 his own hook." MRS. MONTEITH CELE BRATES BIRTHDA/ ?t The celebration of ill's. Ilicks Monteith's G7th birthday was at tho home of her son, Mr. John Hix Monteith Sunday, August 22, 192(5. There were about fifty'friends and relatives present who wish her many j more happy birthdays. Mrs. Mon i teith has six living children all ? f [whom were present except Mi's. I>. E. Hunnicutt of Akron, Ohio, and Mr. Jim Monteith who was gone i.o visit his father in law. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Pannel, Mr. John Pannel and children, Mrs. Julia Jones^-of Addie, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bradley and sou of Wihuot and Rev. J. C. Gibson of Barkers Creek were present. Mrs. Monteith received many beautiful and useful gifts. A boun jtiful dinner was served on the lawn. 1111 the late afternoon Rev. J. C. Gib son preached an interesting sennon to the remaining crowd.

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