COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF CULLOWHEE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ? The true foundation for all hap j,;is morality, and all morality is lonmled upon religion", was the kfey iii' a stirring address by Bishop f |-;,:win 1*- Mouzon at the Summer > i.i?ol Commencement Exercises held !?"> iil:iy evening in the Chapel of the , ;;!!,?wheo State Normal School when young men and women from Miiny sections of the two Carolinas awarded their diplomas. "The jiiva which marks man from the ar^ or beast," continued Bisbopj M,-.i/on. "is his inherent obligation iiimscir and to society?his sense , ; duty and of obligation to others. ?>?:n best business asset is your mor .haracter, and the criteria of whether you will be a good teacher is >ii much what you know, but \\ kind of character you have. Without morality there can be no ,|.|Miiess?no civilization. What is v\?!)??: with Mexico today? The an r ii'iiyht be that there is political, ?x .1 religious strife in that country; 1.i: i lie underlying cause of diseon ?i! anil luisettleinent in Mexico is lack ill moral stability. 1 do not H;,mc iIns entirely upon the Mexican ;, i-|.le. for they have been without ^liable Christian teachers and min -ivis for four hundred veal's. t y Continuing, Bishop Mouzon, who is ? >Kisliop of the Methodist Episcopal C': tuvli. South, in North and South i':rolina. said: 'Must as all lmppi r.i?> is founded upon morality, all u>rality is founded u]x>n religion. >?iiue one may disagree with me, ;Ming that he is not a member of a i Kuivh nor professes faith in Ood, mm, has a good moral character. This ? bo true, but I shall answer that .:iuions ideals and principles under , his better nature and although he . .h - not claim to be a religious man, <? nevertheless obeys religious laws teachings. A study of history .!:-tloM'> the fart that where religion > larking, there has been gross im v ? orality aiwl a consequent decline >n.l decay."'? II. T. .Hunter, President of the Cullowhee Normal, made a short bat \erv appropriate talk, bidding the rraduates success in their journey ,; >wn life's pathway, and .expressing! i? faith in their willingness to abided by the ideals which Bishop Mouzon had stressed in his talk. Then, with a few well chosen words, President | Hunter recalled the remarkable 1 growth of the institution from an iso i lated mountain grammar grade school to one of the leading normal schools of the country. During the past three years fully 1,500 students have taken courses at Cullowliee, according to I Pres. Hunter, and approximately one | thousand recent student swill be | teaching this year in the public .schools of North Carolina. Allowing forty students to a class for an av erage, this would mean that 40,000 young ]K>ople will be,under teachers who have had some training at CuU lowhcc during the past three years.: This means that 6 percent of the i whole body of elementary teachers of I North Carolina have had work at j Cullowliee since the year 1923. Dur j ing the.year 1923-^24 there were only j 13 persons to graduate from Cullow hee; in 1924-25 there were 16; while, this year there have been a total of I 35 students to be graduated. Cullowbcc has a very cosmopolitan I student body. From May : 1924 thru August 1926, studcuts from twenty I four different North Carolina coun ties, as well as from Indiana, Vir ginia, South Carolina and Ohio, ha\e been graduated. Below is a geogra phical distribution of the 1926 Aug ust graduates in the Cullowliee Sum mer School: Anderson, Alwavne, Hayesville, Clay. Ballance, Mahala, Currituck, ( Cuwi j tuck. | Blue. Mvra, Parkton, Robeson. [Brown, Lou Ella, Cullowhee, Jack j son. ? . 4 ' i Canadav, Lily, Benson, Johnston, j Chambers, Bryan, Waynesville, Hny 1 '/Wood. '*>??? v Dillard, Katlnyn, Six Mile, South Caroling. { Horner, Esther, Durham, Durham. ? Payne, Mi*;. Fannie 1)., Canton, Hay wood. V I Reeves, Opal, Lake Junaluska, Hav ? 1 ? ' . wood. i Robeson, Ervin, Candler, Buncombe. Robinson, Katherine. Clyde, Haywood Robinson, Vera, Atlantic, Carteret. Thomasson, Fulton, Andrews, 1 kee. Woodward, Ivy, Pamlico, Pamlico. room For expansion IN SWINE INDUSTRY Raleigh N. C., August 24?During the spring just past, 198 farmers in North Caro.lina sold 2,793 head of hogs for $65,412.39. These hogs were Jfed according! to demonstra tion methods and came from 15 counties of the state. "The men who grew these hogs, will doubtless sell another $65,000 worth this fall," says W. W. Shay, swine extension specialist at State | College, "if they do it will make ? $130,000, worth of hogs sold this year from the fifteen counties. This is about 80 ears of 70 hogs each, and there are several other counties which should sell just as many e ? cry year. It seems to me that thc;v? ! should be other counties which could I muster 198 farmers who could raise ! enough corn to feed 14 hogs to a ! weight of 200 pOttnds and do it J twice each year." Mr. Shay states that the first re quisite to this end is an honest de sire for information regarding the most profitable way of feeding hogs. The next requisite he states is a funeral. "There can be. no hope for "per manent success in pork production on a commercial . basis in North Carolina so long as the existing ideas of cheap productipn survive'', he sa.Vs. "These ideas must be bur , ied deeply. When 500 men under the supervision of county agents prove with records kept on 5,000 hogs that a certain system of Heeding hogs is sound, t lie man who refers to that system as a theory and states thai lie believes there is moie profit ?front doing it in a cheaper way is well within his rights?let him sleep." Mr. Shav states that if the good farmers in a few more counties would take the trouble to investi gate the returns from feeding corn to hogs, they too could share in the profits j'ow being made by the group front 15 counties., I Using magnesium limestone and a j winter cover crop in the peach or? j chard should help prevent 'winter j killing this, season and make the trcq^ , more hc;iUhy and vigorous next ] spring.^ WHEN A MAN'S A MAN (Selected) \ When a man's a man, he doesn't lie, and he will not play the cheat And he doesn't look with a scornful eye at the beggar on the street; And he doesn't brag of the tilings he's done or talk of his lands' or gold, ' When a man's a man you will find, my son, that he's gentle with the old. When a man's a man you will find, j his friends not all of the chosen few. He never talks of the help he lends or the good deeds he may do. He never jests with a woman's name, never sneers at the men who fall And a dog a pat from his hand may claim, if he only wags his tail. When a man's a man he will never shirk the task that his hand may find, , He is never too big for the long day's ) work, too busy to be kind, He never sneers at the faitli you hold, never needless hurt he gives, When a man's a man it is plainly told by the gentle way lie lives. Business men of Aydcn found that too mudh hay, meat, food supplies arc shipped into the territory, so they have begun -cooperating with the county agent to have this material produced at home. Of some twenty varieties of cotton being tested in Hertford county the Mexican (5 and Coker-Cleveland arc outstandingly good. m i /' ? ' Bees % e ? - v * Thoroughbred Italian Queens for sale $1.00 eaeh. .. <> 't , No. 1 Beeswax wanted. 35c. per i. *? /") / pound, cash. U. LMVRRA) NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCK LAW ELECTION IN HAMBURG TOWNSHIP Notice is hereby given to the quali fied voters of Hamburg Township that a special 'lection will be held in said township on Saturday, Sept. 11th, 1926 to determine the will of the voters on Exclusive Stock Law for said townsliip. All those favoring suck cxelusi-e stock law shall at said election vote a ticket with the words "Exclusive Stock Law" printed thereon, and those opposing shall vote a ticket with the words "No Stock Law"j printed thereon; thut the Register; and Judges shall count and canvass the vote and report the same in writing by one of its members to the Register of Deeds of Jackson coun ty. The territory embraced in said election shall include the entire town ship as at presently bounded and lo cated. - The Registrar for said election is C. G. Wilson and the Judges are T. C. Monteith and W. C. Jennings. Said election is held under author ity given in Chapter 09 of the Pub lic Local Laws, Extra Session 1913 and as amended in Chap'.er 408, Reg ular Session, 1917. Done this 2nd day of Aug., 1920. RAYMOND R. NICHOLSON, Register of Deeds. 8 4 4t. , Exofficio Clerk. NOTICE North Carolina; Jackson County. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Z. B. Alley, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before him on or before the 14th day of August, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay-, ment. This the 14th day of August, 1921 D. D. ALLE\, Administrator of Z. B. Alley, Dec. 8 18 6t. ? BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Large type Barron Strain White Leghorn baby chicks $9.50 per hun dred. Anconas $11, Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks $12, Buff Orpingtons and White Wy andottes $13 per hundred. These a ?? all husky pure bred, hatched from select eggs from our-heaviest layers. We pay the postage and guarantee live delivery. Prompt shipments. Or der from this ad. Acme Farms, Farm ville, N. C.?8 18 4t. Tom Tarheel says he saved lots of money on his poultry last winter by taking out the hens that didn't lay and selling them during the early fall. LEAVE IT TO US Few people can tell at a glance whether a Used Car is as good as it appears to be. Which makes it doubly irrfportant to patronize a dealer who has a reputation for giv ing honest facts and honest values. { M. BUCHANAN, JR. GARAGE Sylva, N. C. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE A3 THE DE-ALE-R WHO ? SELLS IT i r I i ? i - ??) ale f' ^ The G reat AI'G1Monev flav | > . \ v | inii- Sale at Your Rexall Store. | ..." 1 It is a remarkable demonstration ot the saving pow \ cr i>! l^.ooo ltexidl Stores located in all parts of the i >. who manufacture the*.'merchandise in their own I . ? J ' ? ; ^ iwiories with tew exceptions, and distributed to you t tl; to ill; ii the Kexall Store. , ' .. A*-. PURETEST ASPIRIN TABLETS [ f 'i in- asjiii ii, tluit; does not depress the hear.t. For the / n hi ^ m |,( ; !ai-hes, pains, rheuinutism and, the like. , During our August Factory to You Sale ^ t I box of 24 tablets ...... __ ? ..... -- 19c PURETEST MINERAL OIL?Russian Type j j? both in I or I Ass and colorless) |?ossessing those elc ^ Afcnts which make a jH'rfect intestinal lubricant. fs During our August Factory to You Sale ?69c t ' PURETE^C^^^^^28322525538 $ from freshly harvested beans. Sweet nutty i.i-tc. Can he taken easily. Safe for children. * During our August Factory to You Sale 3 oz bot 19c :',?X; .5- 3n& srfc E I ! PURETEST EPSOM SALT {f A womlei l'iii cathartic for old and young. Easy to I ?:ike,localise U is absolutely pure. ^ During our August Factory to You Sale ?f Per lb. box .... ? 15c. fa -xm mm ;) PURETEST ZINC STEARATE | Keeps baby happy and smiling. Waterproof dusting si- tniwiler. Prevents irritation of diajier rash. 4 During our August Factory to You Sale .... ? 15c IS 1 ?"> -!i tllCli I REXALL ODERLIES s| never failing laxative, gentle in action. They work > ? : iiniilly jimi form no habit. Safe for children. Reg :) .n.i r price 50c -) During our August Factory to You Sale 3" Per box of 60- ...? ? - 39c. Miygv"4Vi REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA ? '?'i; el'IVfttive antacid and laxative. Good for heart Nurn, .-.our stomach, dyspepsia and the like. Uselu ??> a dentrificc and mouth wash. During our August Factory to You Sale full pt. 39c ?a? I , \ SYMBOL FOUNTAIN SYRINGE .. u" two quart capacity. Made, in one piece and Vi -^""'i'nteed for one year. Regular prjee $2.00 I ?uri?g our August Factory to You Sale .. $1.49 SEfi a -? wJ/lwSfrtrkv; ??\. *v,' 7?<' i? Rexall August Money Saving Sale In Au?ust this groat money saving event lias been created for the purpose of bringing to your attention in a practical way,"the unequalled resources, possessed by the Rexall Drug Stores for fur nishing the highest quality of merchandise at themost reasonable prices. Our own plants and laboratories producing Toilet preparations, remedies, rubber goods ,station ery, gauze and cotton, candy and pure food products for 10,000 Rexall Agents hiring the manufac turing cost down to a minimum. - ? You will do well to take advantage Of these unusdal offerings with the assurance that if you are not entirely pleased with any product you may- return it and yoiir money will he cheerfully re funded. V / Puretest and Rexall Products 50c Puretest Fluid Extract Cas cara Aromatic, 4 Oz 39c Puretest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, pint 69c. Puretest Sodium Bicarbonate? 1 lb 13c. 2 for 25c. \ ! 40c Puretest Spirit of Camphor, 2 oz .... 1 29c. 25c Puretest Tincture of Iodine / with glass applicator 19c Puretest Witch Hazel, full pint T~ 39c Puretest Glycerin, Suppositor ies, Infant's ' and Adults, 1 doz 19c 25c Puretest Hydrogen Perox ide, 8 oz 19c. 25c Rexall Corn Solvent 1-2 oz. bottle 19c. 50c Rexall Eyelo, A soothing lo tion for the eyes :... 39c. 25c Rexall Foot Powder 4 oz !19e 25c, Elkay's Klens-all, 4 oz. Cleans spot from clothing.... 23c SAVE with SAFETY at your REXALL Drug Store SYLVA PHARMACY ... ^ - * H. L. Evans, Prop. The Leading Druggist , Phone 27 SYLVA, ? ?' ' : N. C. One pound of Hallcroft bond writing paper. | NEED A GOOD TOOTH BRUSH? Regular Thrice 50c. and a box of 50 envelopes to 11 ' . , . ? ; , ,' . . tA , f Durincr this sale we otter vou an assortment ot match. Regular price 50c. both tor ^ \ ? _ . ? .* t> **r_? r"_i_ 7Q? H styles. Will satisfy the needs of the entire fain Dunng oar August Factory to You Sale 79c. \i J i-* . ? x. t> . ? or 6 11 ily. Good quality white bnstles. Regular price 25c I During our August ractory to You Sale 19c ADRIENNE STATIONERY A beautiful box of high grade paper with" en for general household purposes. , 1 lb. During our Aug. Factory to You Sale! 54c velopes to match. A popular size and style for l|| CASCADE WRITING PAPER and ENVELOPES all occasions. Regular price 65c. || i pound of paper, 50 envelopes, both for During Factory to You Sale 59c |j| During our August Factory to You Sale 59c. HOSPITAL ABSORBENT COTTON || Fine quality?sterilized?white?quickly absor dent. The most economical way to buy cotton GEORGIA ROSE TOILET WATER 5 oz. Dainty perfumed with real attar of Roses. Sprinkler top. During our August Factory to You Sale 79c ^y<?vy?f:.y#v.yi Wliv We Run the August Fac tory to You Sale Everybody today wants to save money?you do, so does your neighbor next door, so does every other person. Rexall ownership alone of these Great Plants and Labo ratories makes possible such values. We sincerely invite you to visit our store to see these rare values, and to make the most of this great money saving opportunity. 98c. ELECTRIC CURLING IRON and WAVER ROD Can be used on either direct or alternating, current. Will not burn the hair. , v During our August Factory to You Sale 79c JONTEEL VANISHING CREAM OR COLD CREAM Two splendid creams to keep the skin soft, white and youthful in appearancc. Regular price 50c. During our August Factory to You Sale 39c GEORGIA ROSE TALCUM Soft, cool and refreshing. Delightfully perfumed with real attar of roses. Great after shaving and for ^ general toilet use. Regular price 25c. During our August Factory to You Sale 19c BOUQUET RAMEE FACE POWDER Regular Price $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Talcum Powder. Reg price 50c During Factory to You Sale, both for .... $1.00 An exceptional value. HARMONY OLIVO SHAMPOO Brings out all the real life and lustre, natural wave and color. Regular price 50c. During our August Factory to You Sale .... .... 37c. m REAL BAY RUM Made from high quality oil of Bay Full strength. Just the thing for after the shave and general toilet use. Regular price 75c. During our August Factory to You Sale fu;' pt 49c xfySipwJi'x}! MEN!! 25c. ean of Gentlemen's Talc cream tint?slightly perfumed and a Jumbo tube of Klenzo Shaving?J cream .> both for? During our August Factory to You Sale ... _ .89c KLENZO DENTAL CREME , Its daily use keeps the teeth white and sparkling, your gums healthy and your breath sweet and clean. Regular price 25c. During o^r August Factory to You Sale __ 19c

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