*0SONALS , r^1 oi Cashiers wa? ^r", .;.-4 iii the week. |^the ;jU-v was here from .rr Mi-'" ? 7 ^ i\ Si'uions is in Cincinnati e'u business. Ill" ? ? ? t Stewart was here the ?-,1 : tWrn Norton. |^i ?l ' ??? Tompkins of Web *L<" l(l relatives here. i-t. i i- 1 "" I ji'1 ? ? ? i> \liison has accepted a . ^ Svlva Supply Co. 7; ' . I i . . . ollc. representing the ? , was here this morn ? ?? ]|, .inotly and Mr. R. C. I |l( ( .,:ia were in Sylva this! Mr. I ili,Ui I ?v-v ? ? ? \\ \. (\ihlo of Waynesville I |, |H. , | :? -itliiiii" a lew days here I |f^h- j |.t!; , ; iU-am of Shelby was I ?i ,? ?;;> brother, Mr. Robert I jiii' -Ul 1 ... )i|j.s l/.ifil?' Briiiht of Macon, Ga., ,U> ill' >? M>ine time here with rcl *1 ? ? ? \[i~ !v I'lie Collins will leave ? Advance where she will Nu> ;L> >iar. ? ? ? j , :v v.. he a Box Supper at the ] e, ii -Si liool September 25, *'*-i 11 '?* ?' flock. ? ?? (>;. \V; II. Harris of Charlotte T:.i ??!;?> night here, a guest at [[, \Yv, J:;t'!v>on Hotel. ? ? ? _\!>. A ,i Dalton of Durham will rive ' '???? 'or a visit to Miss Rutu i Mrs. Walter L. Jones. ? ? W C. )g. Wilson, O. L. Lau ti:,_ all,l v'arl Jamison were here ;rwu Oit-H-i!le the first oi' the week. ? ? ? Sirs. -1. K. Kirk has gone to Albe marlv.wiaif >l.v will be the guest of ri'lulnWs .,>1,1 ;: iemls lor some time. ? ? ? Mr. AY. 11.1. "'liV, Jr., has returu ti'inkici av.<-X a visit to his par VWi. it*..'*; M s. W. H. Rhodes, j I Mr*. Mm l.f-a x is sj>endii\S a J Mui.i'fi H'i;;. l.-.r parents, Rev. and Airs.IV.'Wiixni, in liryson City. ? ? ? .'Rev. D. ,M. I'ressley of Bentlev villc, Pcu>\vlv:mia, is sending sev eral wjekv unit relatives at Speed weil. . ? ? ? ? ? ? '.Miss jAhfi' H;ii a member of tin* tVii ai Jij-ii \ School faculty fflenj tl ? \vcoly end at her home in fl ay Uf\>\; ?: ? ? ? Mis. < i. \t. McClure of Hayesville i- tin* ,.. ?! t.i !u r son and daughter, Mr. ai.;.i \its. (iuy McClure at their Iwjm* I.iyc. i. ? ? ? Jln-vVjien Sutton, wlio has been I'l-i-fivitis i rcatment in an Asheville .i,r some time has returned U? i lk t '? ? ?? Mi/itii l Mrs. II. D. Fowler have nWtl hue i'rOm Glenville and are Wttjiybu :oonis in the home of Mr. ai"l ill-, i. C. Collins. ? ? ? I ^ I Kw. C. Amnions of Nashville, Ga., hits !,( rii Spendihg several days 1:11 f prear-hed at the Baptist Hiun-i, iii i- Sunday morning an^d ev tuing.. C Mij. H i ^Jrs. Alex H. Kiser ro turpiil ' ? 'liiy from their wedding %,f(gv jieut the week end with ? !v ? mother, Mrs. Carrie Ma ?' left Sunday afternoon for Brc-vai ) ? ? ? Bain and Miss Scarboro, ?'"'-m Miss Bain's guest, left ',st I ?!... M?r Tarboro where they i t--.ot' the faculty of the t-"y ..i^ ... ??? Mr. Mi-s. A. B. Ensley spent ^'wlii- i:, Asheville. Mrs. A. W. ,lKsi ! ii accompanied them, re Wnhn.|| ;?] Asheville for a visit to her S|>1(,t. Air-. Zoiiip Brown. *Ir- -I Mrs. J. S. Hidgon, Willa * '? '' 1 ?n?X Mack Hidgon and Mr. a!" A. B. Dills went to Ashc J? to sec Earl Hidgon, 10's ; i i lie Farm School. ? ? ? ? ? *'? K. Gray, of Alexandria, La Ini' " ' rs*y,,,e time here and in Bill 'Vl1'1 'l0r mo^her,Mrs. Alice s' a"'3 her sisters, Mrs. E. L. Mc 60 uu^ ilw. A. Hi Reaver. / Mr. W. M. Fowler of Glenville, ac companied his sons, Mack, Jr. and Guy as fav as Asheville yesterday 0:1 their way to school. Mack Jr., goes to Chapel Hill to resume his studies at the University and Guy goes to Chatham, Va., where he will enter Hargrave Military Institute. ?- o ?? WILL HAVE ICE CREAM PARTY AT WEBSTER HIGH SCHOOL. Friday} afternoon^ September 17, from 5 to 7 o'clock, ice cream, cake and lemonade will be served on the lawn in front of J. L. Broyles' store. Funds made will be used to buy a I victrola for Webster High School. MISSIONARY SOCIETY . MEETS WITH MRS. BROWN ? v r " The Methodist Missionary Society held an interesting meeting with Mrs. W. M. Browu yesterday after noon, with Mrs. A. O. Allison as leader of the program. The program dealt with the educational work of the Methodists in Brazil and Mrs. C. A. Bales read a paper on the subject which was followed by a round table discussion. During the social hour Mrs. Brown served her guests delightful re freshment?. v ^' o MRS. RUSSELL ENTERTAINS On Inst Friday evening Mrs. W. F. Russell entertained a number of young folks at ^er home on Court land Heights. The guests enjoyed music and dancing and the playing of games, after which delicious refreshments were served. The invited guests were: Mrs. J. I). Dotherotv of Birmingham, Ala., Misses Ethel Crisp, Maggie Morgan, Alma Leatherwood, Edith Jarrett, j Sarah Keener and Maggie Parris and Messrs. Claude Cowan, Frank Alli son, William Standifer and Leonard Francis Simjns of Birmingham, Ala. ?* o BUSINESS MEETING OF CHURCH TOMORROW NIGHT' ' ! A meeting of the Baptist church will be hold at the church tomorrow (Thursday) night at seven thirty o'clock >11 which time the report ot' the pulpit committee will be consid ered. It is hoped that every meuib-T who cai\ possibly do so, will attend the meeting. On Sunday evening the B. Y. P. U. will be reorganized and Rev. Wes tern C. Reed, who is an experienced leader in. this work, has consented to lead the voting people. Rev'i Mr. Reed requests that all young people of the Baptist church and congregation meet him at the church Sunday ev cvenhig and help with the work of reorganization^ Rev. T. F. Dcitz will preach at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. > MRS. NICHOLS APPOINTED TU BERCULAR SEALS CHAIRMAN. At a meeting of the Woman's Study Club, held at the home of Mrs. Ernest L. Wilson, last Thursday, Mrs, A. S. Nichols was appointed chairman of the Tubercular Seals committee, for this year. Other business was transacted and the program for the next meeting, which will be with Mrs. C. L. Alli son, on Thursday of next week, was announced, the book for study se lected by the program committee be ing "A Daughter of A Samurai*' and the leader Mrs. M. Buchanan, Jr. s Mrs. Wilson^ served a salad course and iced tea. - Dedication of Chicago Unit of Shrincr's Hospital for Crippled Chil dren will be held Sept. 25, 1926. This unit was opened March 20, 1926. ij If, as is proposed, a coin should be authorized bearing the likeness of President Coolidge, it might help to refuteth e saying that money talks. ?Indian&]>olis Star." WANT COLUMN The rate for classified ads in this column is 10c. per line for each insertion, averaging six '(6) words to a line. FOR SALE?Remington portable' typewritter. Reasonable terms. Mrs. F. S. Griffin, Cullowhoc, N. C. z FOR SALE?Fine Duroc and Poland China Pigs. Love Dillard, Sylva, N. C. ? & ! WANTED?Snap Beans $1.50 a busl el. Queen's Fruit Store.?8 18 tf FOR SALE?50 acres in three tracts, fives miles from Sylva at Greens Creek, N\. C., on the State Highway running from Dillsboro to Franklin situated on the banks of the beautiful Savannah Creek. Attractive homesites. Several acre8 in cultivation. Eight room house, large barn and other outbuildings. Each tract may be sold separately, or together. For particulars write: A. C. Caglc, 6500 West Tliird St., Station S., Los Angeles, Calif. - FOR SALE?A few good productive farms on the "Joe Brown High way" between Murphy, N. C., and Sweetwater, Tenn. Also some in the fertile Sweetwater Valley on the Lee Highway. These farms are priced to sell. Write us if inter ested. Mutual Realty Co. Box S, Sweetwater, Tenn. It Will Take Us All To develop the resources of Jackson County, to keep the county abreast of Die- growth of West ;rr. North Carolina. Ti'<> farisier, the merchant, thoc professional man, the manufacturer, the miner, the banker, we are all busy building Jackson county. When a man is building- a. successful caeer /uv ^in-self, he is also building for his neighbor, his community, and his county. There is plenty for all of us to do. There is room for all of us to be successful in Jackson county. One of the first steps in a successful business career is es tablishing a good banking connection. This bank is here to serve the people who an; building our sect'on. s ( AFETY FIRST ERVICE NEXT ATISFACTiON ALWAYS fj^uckaseeqee 3Dank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00 D. G. BRYJ30N, President J. N. WILSON, V.-Pres. BILLY DAVIS, Cashier New Fall Dresses a i Many Entirely New Arrivals in TJhese ? > ? ? , *5-98 to *25 ? ^' * ' * " - ; * a* NEW JERSEY DRESSES NEW SATIN DRESSES NEW FLAT CREPE DRESSES Black, and the popular colors /are shown in a wide selection. Smart styles that are/entirely new. Dresses you will recognize as being in the leading styles of the new sejason. Dresses for street and all general wear. Quite the best values you will find FALL MILLINERY For immediate wear?for all costumes. Black Mats of Moire and Velvet. Velvet Hats, Satin and Velvet, New Felts. In all popular colors. Prices from $5 to $12 CFhe $aris 'Dept. Store yMASSF/ Sylva, 5?' C. It Tastes /Is Good As ft Looks! No doubt you, have the proper recipe for baking ham, and we will supply the ham?'-it will melt in your mouth!, Ours are all well selected. Our Prices for Next Week Fresh Ground Coffee, per pound 30 Maxwell House Coffee, per pound package 55 Pilot Knob Coffee, per 4 pound package 1.25 Home Made Pork Sausage, per pound -* .35 Sugar?100 lb. Bags 6.50 We Buy Right, Therefore We Can Sell Right. ^ -?< ? * / T WANTED?IRISH POTATOES f We offer $1.25 per bushel for Irish Potatoes, next week only. Above price payable, one fourth cash, balance in merchandise. Sylva Supply W. O. ALLEN, Mgr.