$150 the Year in Advance in the County , Sylva, N. C.( Wednesday, January 19,1927 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County GOV. WILL NOT Western North Carolina members of the general assembly have been ijivcn definite assurance by Governor McLean that there will be no oppo sition from the executive branch of the government to the proposed issue of two million dollars in state bonds to supplement the funds already raised by private subscription for the purchase ?f the lands for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This statement was made following conferences with Governor McLean and members of the North Carolina Park Commission held in Raleigh Tuesday. The Governor insisted, how ever, that a definite plan be submit ted by the federal government as to what it proposes to do in the de velopment of the park area, and when the development is to begin. A committee will confer with Sec retary Work, in Washington in the immediate future, and will whip the plans into shape, having them ready to present to the North Carolina as sembly within a short time. There is a feeling among those in formed upon the subjcct that with 110 tear of executive opposition, the bond issue will have slight opposi tion in the legislature as it is general ly recognized that the park is a mafc ti'r of state wide importance, a cot*.-! struetive policy that will affect the entire state of North Carolina as well as the other states in the Southeast, and in fact the whole of Eastern America. AUTHORITY OF HIGHWAY BODY AGAIN CURTAILED ( Kaleigh,\Ian. 12?Invoking the gen eral principles laid down in the cele brated Newton road case, the Su preme Court today further restricted the discretionary powers of the State Highway Commission and, uphold ing a restraining order granted by Judy-c Garland Midgette in Robeson Caunty Superior Court, refused to allow it to make one road do the work ot two. The ease was that of Carlyle and othesr vs. the Highway Commission, and involved the right of the .Com mission to unite Route 70 and 20 thirteen miles out from Lumberton atid run them into the town as a si.i erle road. Sylva Wanner than Elsewhere ^ > Sylva with a temperature of 11 above zero, was one of the warmest si>ots in North Carolina, Sunday morning. AsheviNe's recorded tem perature was just a fraction more than 1 above zero, while weather folder than that in the valleys West ot' the Balsams was recorded at all points cast of those mountain bar riers. The o cial recording in Atlan ta was 10, just one degree lower than Sylva. Painter Undergoes Operation. Mr. B. 0. Painter is recoverihg at the Franklin hospital, following an y'(*Tation, which he underwent at that institution last Sunday. DEHOIMTS ELECT REPUMCJN SHERIFF j There has been much good humored ! speculation thorughout the state, for the past week over the action of the Democratic board of county commis sioners of Randolph electing a repub ; lican as sheriff of the county. I It came about on this wise: J. I<\ Cranford, republican, elected as sher , iff in the November election, resign ed. The county commissioners, com posed of Ernest Watkins, democrat; W. C. Grimes, democrat; J. W. Mc Elhanlon, democrat; W. L. Ward, re publican and E. L. Leach, democrat, proceeded to elect, J. A. Brady, a former republican sheriff of the county to fill the vacancy. All the of ficers of the county are democrats except the sheriff and commissioner Ward. i, ? ' '*) ( A POULTRY GRAVEYARD ?? t <?'. (By C. W. Tilson) Back in my home county there is situated on a south sloping hill near the edge of the woods a good stand ard built poultry laying house for 150 hens, and just down the hill a ways nearer the farm house is a stondard two in one brooder house : for raising chicks. Strange to every ! by passer there are no hens in the I house nor chicks in the brooder j house. When you ask about it some 'one on a nearby farm where most farmers have one or two hundred busy hens paying them a profit, will tell you that desolate place is the community poultry graveyard. Then when yAu look again the larger house at the'top and brooder house at the foot of the slope remind you of tomb stones. The story of the life and death causing the establishment of this graveyard is often told by the farm ers and farm women, and it goes somewhat like this: The owner of this place decided to raise and keep a flock of 150 to 200 hens. He built' a double brooder house and put in two brooders. He planned to keep barred plymouth rocks and ordered six huadred chicks and placed three ffundred with each brooder. His idea was to do this like some of his suc-j ccssful neighbors and also get his chicks in March. He waited until the last day of March to let the weather get warm and went down to the Hatchery to buy his chicks. Here he was told that folks have to put m orders 5 to 6 weeks ahead if they want to be sure of getting chcks on a certain date. He decided "well, lato !chieks were easier raised anyway," and left his order for 600 chicks. Hp received 600 good Barred Rock chicks the 15th of May so they say. , He and his wife found that chicks were hard to get to grow after hot weather in June and July came be fore they were very large, so when eggs were high in October and No vember and his neighbor's March hatched pullets laying 60 cent egt?s his May pullets were only two thirds grown. His pullets, 130, were housed in the good laying house and fed on | good commercial feed, but it was ? February before they were laying and eggs selling for 30 cents per dozen. In March the eggs from these pul lets were saved for hatching while the pullets stayed in the house oi. tibout the place with no green ryo, ? ?* BOOSTERS OF SMOKY PARK SEEK SUPPORT OF GOV. McLEAN . Ralcgih, N. C., Jan. 17?The move ment to secure State aid for the ireat Smoky Mountains National park project came to the fore here aijain today when a committee of parki boosters held an extended conferencc, with Governor McLean. I N'o announcement of the results of, the conferencc was made but it was indicated that the committee would so<- the Governor again tomorrow. Those leading the movement for the park are eager to get Mr. McLean s Mipport fo a proposal to issue $2, 000,000 in bonds to supplement pri vate subscriptions to the fund for ac quiring land in the park area. Those conferring with the Govern or were Charles A. Webb, copublish er of The Citizen, Don Elias, of the Times; Judge T. J. Murphy, of Ashe ville and Dr. E. C. Brooks, chairman of the Appalachian National Park commission. Westerners in the General Assem bly arc ready to go to the bat for the desired bond issue and there will be strong support for it among rep resentatives from all seotions of the state. The support of Governor Mc Lean, however, is particularly desir ed because of his standing amous' the members of the Legislature. He has declared himself friendly to the park movement and if he can be in duced to help in presenting the mat ter to the solons the cause will be given a great boost. I The plan to establish a National Park in the Carolina mountians has met with a favorable reception among people all over the State. It is gen 'erally recognized as a State propo sition rather than a sectional one. That sentiment is expected to help it in the Legislature. ' '? ' ' i INTESESM BOOKLET ON MOUNTAIN FLORA PUBLISHED One of the most interesting and in structive booklets of Western North Carolipa that has ever been publish ? ed has just been produced by Pro!'. ' B. W. Wells, professor of botony at 'the North Carolina State College, un jder the auspices of the North Caro lina National Park Commission and t ^ j the Great Smoky Mountains Incor porated. The booklet entitled "The Re markable Flora! of the Great Smoky j Mountains," covers the subject as | thoroughly as rs possible in so short j space. It would be ini])ossiblc to pun ish an exhaustive work on the flora cf the mountains without carrying the edition into many volumes; but Prof. Wells, presents the interesting subject in excellent style. He begins his short work with these paragraphs: ""Students of plant geography havcj always recognized that the Southern Appalachians constitute one of the outstanding vegetational centers of America. Here under conditions of high rainfall, good drainage and long growing season, Nature has Produced a flora remarkable alike for luxuri ance, size of individual plants and number of species present. > . "Within tlie boundaries of this re gion from Virginia to Georgia the veg ctalien of the Southern Appalachians reaches its highest expression in the Great Smoky Mountains. Here on the vast cloud bathed slopes of; these giants among the eastern rang es, plant life runs riot and many hundreds of species characterizing the region are distributed in lavish profusion. No richer botanical col lecting ground exists in America than that of the Smokies. \ "Of the approximately 3,000 spec ies of plants in North Carolina a large proportion of them are distinc tivc of the mountains region. Here they distribute themselves in accord-! ancc with differing habitats, certain1 ones preferring the lower altitudes with their milder climate, others the higher, with their severer boreal con-, grass or any form of green feed > available. The hatches from these! eggs were poor find of the chicks more died than lived and with good haiidl-l ing only cue third of these clucks ( lived to grow off. In August a neigh bor farm poultry keeper helped cull the old flock and those hens left along with the pullets were placed in the laying house. They were fed com mercial feed bought altogether at the store while this farmer sold all his home grown grain to the mill for half the price he paid for the grain in his commercial bought feed. By Do-; cember of that year this farmer had! decided his poultry was a losing proposition and sold off every chick en on the place. And there stands the houses empty and the socalled poul try graveyard. Most any farmer in that mountain community will tell you if you want to take mighty good chance of mak-J ing a poultry graveyard for your self to get your chicks in -May or June, so you will have a lot of late pullets to feed all winter to get 30 cent eggs in the spring, or save hatch" ing eggs from hens without plenty of good green feed of some kind, or feed your hens altogether on bought commercial feed while you and farm ers in your community sell grain to the mills for only half to two thirds the price you pay for it in com j mcrcial feeds. And fail to cull your pullets or,, hens close less than 2 or 3 times per year. Either of these pratices just mentioned or a mix ture of them will soon build a poul try graveyard on most any farm. You will find the really successful farm poultry keepers in that com munity wil| tell you to follow this plan if you will keep chickens for profit or for your healths 1. Build , standard brooder house ton by twelve feet for one brooder and 300 chicks only, and build standard laying house 120 x 20 feet for 100 hens only. 2. Get your heavy breed chicks from 20 of February to 20 of March and get the light breed chicks from 20 of March to 20th of April, no sooner and no later for profitable layers. Get 'chicks from flocks you know are carefuily mated and properly fed. i3. Raise your chicks en commercial dui<*ns. Noting tlicse subdivisions or natitfal plant communities constitutes one ^of the interesting occupations of the -mountain climher whomsoever he migat be. Nowhere else in this great Southern Appalachians, are these contrasts in vegetation which are of so iauch interest to everyone, more strikingly observed, than in the bo iauM&l center of the region of the Smfflty Mountains." I" #*? Wells closes his work by suaqling up the necessity, from the stapijfcpoint of the cultural development offimerica, of the establishment of thd Park: "In America there is cer tain to develop a much higher culture th|kff "we now possess. If the artists, musicians and poets are to enjoy as ; foilfterly, the inspiration which pe rennially glows out of the primeval wilderness, it is imperative that poolWt not' this wilderness must be saSved. If scientists of the future are to have the privilege of studying liv ing species, rather than reading musty books on extant life, these species must be saved. If the citi zens of the nation (now mostly in cities) are to have awes of wild country in which to make amateur studies of wild life, and incidentally; restore their nervous balance, such areas must be saved. There can bo no question whatever about the vast importance of National Parks in relation to the culture of the coin-i ing generations. ) "When we judge the Great Smoky Mountains area from this standpoint, the student of its flora knows that no wiser move qould possibly be. made than to set aside in perpetuity as much of it as possible, for here in coming generations, will come thous ands annually to see the great forests and the glorious pageant of wild flow-. crs. From the mountain tops thay will, gaze at the distant, vendure clad slopes through the Smokies' eternal haze, and will ever after in memory possess something of the stimulating intellectual interests, the infinite charm and the supernal beauty of the Great Smokies." ??????^ SOUTH'S NEEDS ?A Frankly the South needs industrial prosperity, but not at the expense of the grace and charms of life. We need education for the masses and expert training for thoso who are to be lead ers, but we should not like to have vocational and technical training en tirely take the place of liberal culture. We want all that modern science, can bring us, but we do not want to become scientific and rationalistic at the expense of the spiritual values of life. We can get along without a liter ature that finds its material in the garbage can and without a theatro that ministers to the obscene snick erings of the audience. We have seen some of the effects of these things ? on the modern mind and we want to j avoid them. <J We need to know what critical scholarship and scientific hypothesis have done to make necessary a re statement of religious beliefs, but we do not wish to swing to the opposite extreme and exalt rationalism and scientific certainties above a reason able and vital faith in the eternal virtues. We of the South are too apt to in dulge in a superficial optimism when a resolute facing of stubborn facts would be better.?Dr. Edwin Mims. starter feeds, but when they are half grown start mixing your own feed from your own home grown grains You cannot make the best chick starter feed, but you can make as good and more profitable mash and grain feeds after the chicks are half grown. However you must mix your feed strictly by a standard formula or you better buy commer cial feeds altogether. 4. Cull your en tire flock carefully at least in the early spring and early spring and early fall. 5. Mate only the big, typsy, high producing hens in your ! flock with choice cockerels from which to produce your chicks. Never breed from the entire flock as most larg? hatcheries do .for you can nev er increase profits from size, vigor I or production tkat way. _ SYLVA MINSTRELS WILL SHOW FRIDAY The Sylva Minstrels will give a presentation on Friday night, at 8:00 o'clock, in the Graded School build ing. A bunch of good laughs are in store, and a large crowd is expected to attend. The proceeds are for the Sylva Central High School. DUCE OPPOSES MASONRY Rome, Jan. 18?Mussolini yester day received delegates of the Center Party from the Chamber of Deputies. He pledged himself to make war to the end agaoinst office holders who still arcMasons affiliated with the Grand Orient. CHEROKEE COMMISSIONERS ABOLISH COUNTY COURT Cherokee Scout. At the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Cherokee County, the General County Couit was abolished by special order of the board, to take effcet as soon as the! docket can be cleaned up and trans ferred to the Superior Court docket. This action was taken in vie^ of; the fact that the commissioners are seeking to curtail expenditures at every point possible. The burning of the court house last year has brought | On a lot of expense to the county,] which made it necessary to take this action, it was announced. MARRIAGE LICENSES GRANTED License to wed has recently been' granted the following couples: James L. Clement to Eva Church well. Mitchell Lindsey to Selma D. Mull.! Marvin Reed Evans, Martinsville, Ind., to Flossie Ellen Parks. W. H. Huffman, Madison to Mae Leatherwood, Haywood. Peal-ley Hyatt to Ora Cloer. WHOLESALE DEATH OP HORSES IN HENDERSON i Hendersonville News. Horses in Henderson County are suffering from an epidemic of Botu lism, which has been raging for six weeks. Dr. R. E. Taylor, veterinarian announced yesterday that in the past four weeks there has been seventy five horses died, and he declared that others have also been lost of which he had no first hand informa tion. This is the first time an epi demic of this type has struck Hen derson county and there is a tendency on the part of fanners to confuse it with madness or rabies. VETERAN LOAN FUND CONSTITUTIONALITY IS YET TO BE TESTED j Raleigh, Jan. 18?Constitutionality of North Carolina's $2,000,000 Vet eran's Loan Fund is expected to be decided soon by a "test case" in the Supreme Court. Secretary of State Everett said today that papers in the ease already had been forwarded to Chester B. Masslich, New York bond expert for approval. The bonds were authorized at the November 2 referendum, but doubt as to their constitutionality was ex pressed by Masslich. He said a test ease would be necessary before he could pass on the bonds. SYLVA HIGH DEFEATS S.C.L The Sylva High School quintet took the second game of the series from the Sylva Collegiate Institute, on the S. C. I. court last night with the close score of 21 to 25. The game started off with both teams playing hard, and with S. C. L showing a superb defense; but in the latter part of the first quarter Sylva High began breaking through the de fense and scoring, and maintained a small lead until the third quarter when S. C. I., by scoring repeatedly, tied the score. It was only in the third quarter that S. C. I. was really dangerous to the High School; and they soon again took the lead, main taining it until the close. Watson for S. C. I. starred for his team, scoring 17 out of the 21 pointa made by the Baptists; while Fincan non, Sylva High's standby,for many cage battles, ran true to form and lead his team to victory. Both Watson and Fincannon were disqualified from the game in the foiirth quarter on fouls. Grindstaff, for S. C. I., was still suffering from an injured arm, and was in the game for only a short time. Individual scores follow: Sylva High School Ensley - - ? 1 Freeze 6 Fincannon ? ? ? ....13 Clayton ? ? ? ? ? 1 Barnes v. ? ? ? 4 iiL US. "T 25 - S. C. I. Watson _ IT Bryson ? ? ? 1 Deitz .... - .... .... ..~ .... .... .... 1 Dillard 0 Moody _ 0 Grindstaff . - ? 2 21 VARIED VOCATIONS MAKE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Almost every vocation in the state is represented in the present general assembly with the lawyers leading, with 81. There are five physicians in the house and one in the senate. Other classifications are: Funeral directors, 1. Ministers, 1. Editors, 3. Real estate dealers, 3. Manufacturers, 5. Bankers, 7. Merchants, 5. Automobile dealers, 1. Insurance agents, 3. / Fishermen, 1. Cotton buyers, 1. Druggists, 1. Teachers, 2. Civil engineers, 1. Cotton manufacturers, 1. Lumber dealers, 1. graveling salesmen, 1. 18 Below Zero on Mount Mitchell Mr. R. C. Evans of New York, rep representative of an outdoor club, with one companion was on Mount Mitchell for observations Saturday morning and reported that there was four feet of snow and a temperature of 18 below zero. JACKSON COUNTY BOY DIES FROM ACCIDENTAL SHOT , Qnalla During the past week:? Mr. Troy Lee Nation who was ac cidentally shot on Dec. 31st, died at Bryson City Hospital Jan. 14th. His body was interrtd in the Ward cem etery On Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. L. Cook conducted services. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A!-j den Nations, he was 19 years of age. Father, mothex-, two brothers and i five sisters mourn his departure.! They have a host of relatives andj friends who sympathize with thenii in their sad bereavement. i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibson on Jan. 16th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ferguson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gol man Kinsland. i Mr. sad Mrs. J. M. Hughes and Master Theo. Estes visited at Mr. D. K. Battles. Mrs. Will Freeman spent a few days with her parents at Almond. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes and Messrs. D. K. Battle and Marshall Grass were visitors at Mr. J. E. Bat tles. Miss Mozelle Moody was the gueet of Miss Ruth Ferguson. Miss Mary Battle called on Miss Oma Gass. Mr. and Mrs. Golman Kinsland visited at Mr. J. H. Hughes. Some of the Qualla folks attended the funeral of Mrs. John Cooper at Ela Sunday afternoon. The Parent-Teachers Association met Thursday afternoon. Dr. Wilkes vaccinated Qualla for *~*11 pox

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