About your Health Things You Should Know' !br John 1o??ph Gaines, itj> THE ABUSE OF PRIVILEGE I wonder if my readers some times pause to think of the bound less privileges that men and wo men possess? There is nothing in or on this big, round earth?no, nor in tho skies above, that is not ours to lay hold of, and use as we please, so long as we respect the rights of our fellow-men and wo men. * Yet, man is the only created being that abuses his divine per mit, well knowing that he must suffer by so doing. Like the spoil ed child* he sprees, does excesses K in everything debauches his diges tive, eliminative, nervous and sex ual systems?there is no privilege that he does not abuse?and the penalties are as sure as today' sunset! ? The abuse of privilege is mar. kind's most outstanding sin; wt ought to be ashamed of ourselve.; ?blessed as we are above all ani mate species, and defiantly indulg ing our appetites as if wc were damageproof. Who among us has ever observed one of the so-called lower animals violating the natur al law? Violating the law of right living? They are seldom ill, and usually live out the full expecta tion of life unless man interferes. Excesses in food and drink; ex travagance in our output of ener gy; prodigality in things which are sacred; intemperance in so called luxuries; defiance within the orchard of forbidden fruits?all these are producers of suffering and unhappiness, curtailers of life itself. I am not sermonizing,? I am arguing for temperance in ALL things, and against the violation of our God-given privileges, know ing that life health and happiness are the sure rewards. Right liv ing will, in time, do away with the doctor and his gripful of "pel lets." There is nothing that we may not use; the danger lies in i abuse. * HEROIC WOMAN FIGHTS FIRE AND SAVES HOME Lexington, Feb. 1?Mrs. D. J. Crotts of this city, is in the local hos pital suffering from severe burns sus tained at her home when her clothing caught fire from a stove. Mrs. Crotts jerked off the flaming clothing and in 80 doing set fire to some of the furniture in the home. Then she fon?:ht these flames to save her home with her bare hands, burning the; flesh from some of her fingers and even losing one or more finger nails. At the time only a small child was in the home with the inothei and could render no aid. After mnning the battle with the flames, Mrs. Crotts went to the telephone and called for help. She was taken imme diately to the hospital where her re covery is now expected, although one Of her hands may be partially crip pled. SYLVA METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. M. Bobbins, Pastor Schedule of Services. Preaching at Sylva every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock except the 4th Sunday and every Sunday evening at 7:30 except the 2nd Sunday. , Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Epworth League every Sunday ev ening at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Preaching at Dillsboro every 4th. 6unday morning at 11 o'clock and every 2nd Sunday evening at 7:30. Preaching at Balsam every 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoon at 3:15. The public is cordailly.invited to all these services. > ? SYLVA BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching on first and third Sun day mornings at 11 o'clock and ou second and fourth Sunday evenings at 7 o'clock, by Rev. T. F. Deitz. < Sunday School at 9:45. B. Y. P. U. at 6 o'clock Sunday evenings. Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock Wed nesday evening. Choir practice immediately follow ing prayer meeting, each Wednesday Evening. A very cordial invitation is extend ed to the public to attend all of these services. A carload of 37 Guernsey heifers have been purchased by farmers oj Madison County. ^'COLDS Recommended and Sold by SYLVA PHARMACY J Smoky Mountain Baby > Chicks \ Leading varieties including the Kiwi, the world's greatest fowl Write for circular. Smoky Mountain Poul try Farm, < COSBY, TENNESSEE JUDGMENT SHOW YOURS BY BUYING A \ COMPARE our new low prices with those of any other car on the market COMPARE the performance of the Ford with any other car on the market. COMPARE our replacement parts and repair labor charg es with those of any oth er car on the market. COMPARE the used car or resale val ue of any car on the market, i' \ COMPARE the monthly payments on time sales of a Ford with with those of any other car on the market. COMPARE the country-wide service of the Ford-with that of any other ear on the mar ket?then \j AFTER CONSIDERING ALL THESE COMPARISONS SHOW YOUR GOOD JUDGMENT BY BUYING A FORD J. S. Higdon, Sylva, N. C. ? Phone 1 C.) I Tom Tarheel says the neighbors j laughed at him when he started to give his hogs all they could eat by using the self-feeder but now the neighbors are building feeders too. Take the advertisers out of a town and you'd leave it too dead to wiggle. ?Austin V. Butcher in the Altoona (Kan.) Times. Black Walnut logs suitable for cut ting into veneer bring from $150 to $200 a thousand board feet when from 18 to 24 inohes in diameter at the small end. WANT COLUMN The rate for classified ads in this column is 10c. per line for I each insertion, averaging six (6) words to a line. COW FOR SALE?Half Jersqy. Calf two weeks old.?C. Hi Kitchen, ! Sylva, N. C.?2 9 4t. FOR SALE?Seven Stacks of Hay; 65 squares of good roofing at $3.50 a square, boxing and framing at $1.00 a hundred. H. O. Curtis, Sylva, N. C. TURNIP GREENS WANTED Queen's Fruit "Store. FOR SALE?1926 Model Sedan Chev rolet in first class condition. Been driven less than 2500 miles, five! new tires, looks good us new. Apply E. M. Hale at Journal office. SYLVA'S NEWEST AND BEST place to eat?The Poinsett Grill and Delicatessen. STRAIGHT SALARY?$35.00 per week and expenses. Man or woman with rig to introduce Poultry Mix ture> Eureka Mfg. Co. East St. Louis, 111. YOU WILL ENJOY EATING AT the Poinsett Grill and Delicatessen. FOR SALE?300 Bushels Seed Oats, 300 bushels apples, 13 to 15 hay stacks, several tons of oat straw. A. B. Dills, Sylva, N. C.?2 1 2tp. THE MOST DELIGHTFUL PLACE in town to eat.?The Poinsett Grill and Delicatessen. STOVE WOOD FOR SALE?Roy R Dills. THE FOOD, THE SERVICE, THE cooking and the surroundings all! combine to make the Poinsett Grill a delightful place to eat. i STOVE WOOD FOR SALE?Roy R. j Dills. , | Men 18 35, Railway Mail Clerk po sitions. Big salary commence. Ex perience unnecessary. Write George Robbins for free particulars about J instruction for this examination, j 672 H Burchell Bldg. Washington, D. C. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO RE lish a meal try the Poinsett Grill and Delicatessen. WHITE LEGHORNS, Trapnested Prize Winning Stock. Eggs $1.50 per 15, lOo apiece any number, postpaid, From these eggs get breeding cockCx-cls of your own raising. Barred Rocks same price. B. H. and H. P. Cathey, Sylva, N. C.?1 19 3tp _____? How Doctors Treat Golds and the Flu To break up a cold overnight or to cat short an attack of grippe, in fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy sicians and druggists are now recom mending Calotabs, the purified and refined calomel compound tablet that gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleas ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bed-time with a swallow of water,?that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, work or pleasure. Next morning your cold has vanished, your system is thor oughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please,?no dan ger. Get a family package, containing full directions, only 35 cents. At any drug store. (adv). RHEUMATISM While in France with the American rmiy I obtained a French present on for the treatment of Rheumatisi and Neuritis. I have given this to .thousands with wonderful result The prescription cost me nothing. I ask nothing for it. I will mail it if you will send me your address. A postal /ill bring it. Write today. i PAUL CASE, Dept. 0-654, Brockton Light Draft Economy It is admitted by the wagon < world that the George E. Nissen wagon, is the lightest dijaft wag on known, and with the improvements which the new Nissen Company have made, the George E. Nissen wagon is one of the strongest and most dur able wagons on the market today. We are offering the special inducement of fall terms on all wagons sold during this month. If you anticipate purchas ing a wagon this season, you should take advan tage of our liberal terms. Our prices are as follows: 2 1-2 size Nissen gear. $107.50 2 3-4 size Nissen gear .. 110.00 3 x 10 size Nissen gear 112.50 .3 3-4 x 10 size, Nissen gear. 115.00 To those wishing to pay cash for wagons we will allow a five percent discount for chsh on all wagons purchased during the month of February. HARDWARE Interest and activity in building and con struction work is increasing with the com ing of Spring. If you are contemplating building either now or in the Spring?let us stress the ad vantages of buying now. Prices are bound to increase. L ? ' LUMBER OF ALL KINDS BRICK ?. CEMENT ? LATHES ? SHINGLES Sylva Coal & Lbr. Co. Chas. Price, Manager