?150 the Yew in Advance in the County $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County HUH DEATH : CAUSES STIR The body of Charlie W. Haynie, well k!l0W"u horse tra<*er> was dia c0Vered Thursday morning, near his home, at Franklin. A short time af terward a Macon oonnty automobile containing Haynie's hat and marked ffitb Wood-stains, was found parked in front of\? Sylva hotel, and Harry Shepherd, Miss Blake Addington, of Clayton Oa.. and DeWitt Sutton, of Franklin, were arrested and held for the Macon county authorities. They were later released following an in stigation by a coroner'a jury, at ftwjiin. '; Haynie'a body was found stretched across tho sidewalk near his home within 200 yards of the Macon county courthouse. Wood covered his face, hands and trousers. The trio of prison apprehended in Sylva with an ' automobile gmeared \ with blood which yielded the dead man's bat. This evidence waa .explained by Sutton and his fellow prisoners be fore the coroner's jury Friday after noon. The prist of their testimony j waa that Haynie, intoxicated, j had been riding with them Thursday nufht; and that he had lunged for ward in the car, striking his no.se which bled profusely and receiving minor scratches. Later the trio let Haynie out of the ear near his home and near where the body was found, they testified. Nn evidence of any blow suffi <ient to have caused death waa found j by the jury, ,which declared) that Haynie came to his death as the re sult, either of excessive drinking or from accidental poisoning resulting from drinking and long exposure in the night. v ??' Discovery of the gory remains at fi:30 o'clock Thursday morning by E. B. DeHart, post office employe on his way to work, threw Franklin into an uproar and sent officers scurry ing on the trail of what appeared certain murder. Preliminary^ exam ination showed the horse trader's loave Franklin in a car with two with minor lacerations but no wound oould be found which appeared to have caused death. Near the spot were freshly made tracks of an auto mobile. Recollecting having seen ,Kaynie leave town in a car with two youug men the night before, officers im mediately sought men answering Shep herd's and Sutton's descriptions and found then in Sylva. The men, with Miss Addington, appeared at a Sylva hotel at 2:30 o'clock in the morning. Despite their gory automobile, and the hat which a Sylva merchant declared he had "old to Haynie, the trio refused to talk except to identify themselves. Officers believe the girl had joinel 'tie other prisoners only the night Wore, asserting that Shepherd and Sutton had made a trip over the Georgia line before returning to Franklin and picking up Haynie. The sou of Mark Haynie, a Geor sisn. he is survived by his widow wd a daughter. The dead man is well known in Sylva and Jackson bounty, having ?ade his home here for a long time, Pfior to moving to Macon county. p T. A. TO OROANKB GARDEN CONTESTS The Sylva Parent-Teacher Asso fiation will hold an organization feting for the boy's and girl's gar kn contest, that is being promoted ? ^ association, on Monday after D0?n at 3:30. contest will be staged between . toys and girls, the boys compoa |no one team and the girls another. ' is planned to secure a number of e vacant lots in Sylva, and to autify the town, as one object of the wmpaigu. officials of the association re vMl the co-operation and attend c< at the meeting of the business *n of the town, the chamber of jamercc officials, owners of va?aut the boys and girls, and all other tfwtcd citizens of the town. a .13 exPected that at the meeting } ,campaigu wUl ^ h0 (> ' C ' c RURAL COLORED WOMEN MAKE BETTER KITCHENS Raleigh, N. C., April 12.?It's rather difficult to get eolored people whose time is already filled with la bor to turn their eyes to their homes and to take steps to improve them or add conveniences. "But Emma McQougald, our home agent in Wayne County went about it in the right way," says Mrs. Jane S. MoKimmon, assistant director of extension at State College. "Emma found her first opportunity in the rural church congregations. When the pastor had finished his sermon, she told him that he had been preach ing the gospel of good hmes and hap py families and she wanted to te!l the people of her mission among them. She did. It was easy for her then to meet the various community! * ? ? groups later and to get them inter- ? ested in home improvement." Mrs. McKimmon states that though this Negro agent was a stranger to the Wayne County colored folks, she soon made herself known for her burning zeal and her friendly anil sympathetic efforts. She persuaded; many women to enter the kitchcn campaign. At first an inventory wasj made to find out the good and bad points in the kitchen and to score them as they were. There followed the cleaning ont of old rubbish, the accumulation of years, then came plans for more convenient arrange ments of working equipments, for more window^ for finishing walls and floors and for building such things as were laekitig. When the campaign was over, Ursula Jones had won first prize of a kitchen cabinet, but the best prize was the clean, Improved kit chens found among the Negro homes of the county. One husband said he would rather have the pretty kitchen than all the prizos and he wap deter mined now to make the remainder of the house look as nice as the kitchen did. Colored preachers, doctors, high school teachers and rural teachers all contributed liberally in time and money to make the campaign a suc cess and many prizes were offered. White friends were aty> geneUous and each woman who made an effort to raise her standard of living was rewarded. BUCHANAN HEADS COMMERCE BODY Harry E. Buchanan has been elect ed as the president of the Sylva Chamber of Commerce, for the next year, succeeding John B. Ensley. Mr. Buchanan, a young man, has been one of the organizers and one of the' most active supporters of the Cham-1 ber since its inception, about two years ago. Geo. W. Sutton was elect ed vice-president, A. J. Dills, secre tary, and J. W. Keener, treasurer. The new board of directors is com posed of Thomas A. Cox, A. M. Sim ons, I. H. Powell, P. E. Moody and John B. Ensley. The election was held yesterday, Tuesday, afternoon, and the new of ficers assumed their duties at the close of the annual meeting, last eve ning. A rising vote of appreciation of the old officers for their faithful work during the past year was moved and prevailed, as did a motion of appreciation of the work of the worn-1 en of the town for their co-operation I with the Chamber. \ The auditing committee reported more than $400.00 in the treasury at the close of the year; and there was raised in subscriptions and pledges, more than $800.00 at the meeting. The Chamber plans doing some active advertising during the year, and it is expected that many addi tional subscriptions and member ships will swell the funds to a con siderable extent, enabling the cham ber to make a really creditable show ing in advertising,., frfrm which1 it is expected to get big results. SHEPHERD AND GIRL RELEASED - Harry Shepherd and Miss Blake Addington were released upon pay ment of the costs, in the recorder's court, Monday, on a charge of reg istering at a Sylva hotel as man and wife. It was shown to the court that the couple was married, in Georgia, after the ehaige wu pUeed ag*?st then. / "V 1 PLACE IN TRIANGULAR Cullowhee, N. C., April 12.?Music { lovers in Jackson County will be afc forded an unusual entertainment next Monday evening, April 18th,. when Miss Helen Pugh, Asheville's. noted 18-years-old pianist, will ap-j pear at Cullowhee State Normal School in what is expected to be her last concert in this part of the state before making her formal debut in New York and the larger musical centers. Miss Helen Pugh is an artist of rare ability, a prodigy, a miraci'*. When only two years old, she used to play on the piano, chords and me!o-| dies correctly harmonized. When she was tjirec she had set pieces of her own. At the age of six she played Clementi Sonatinas, Heller's ^'Aval anche, and other famous compositions. Soon after this she played for Josof Hofmann, who declared: "To hear the little girl play with the greatest ease and understanding difficult pieces of Chopin, Grieg, Schubert, BAPTIST MINISTERS MEET The Western North Carolina Bap tist Ministers' Cc#fercnce began it's session, at Sylva Col legate Institute Assembly Hall, yesterday morning, at 10:40, with devotional exorcises conducted by Mr. Paul Lovingood. A number of ministers from various towns in the Western end of the state are in attendance upon the meet i?g- ; On Tuesday evening a strong ser mon was delivered at the First Bap tist church, by Dr. R. L. Creal, of Bryson City. The tentative program, which is being followed as nearly as possible is: 10:40 A. M. Devotional, Mr. Paul Lovingood. 11:00 A. M. The Financial Condition of our Missioy Boards, and the Perilous State of Their Fields of Operation Caused by Our Re trenchment, Rev. A. V. Joynor. 11:30 A. M. The Most Effective Or ganization and Methods in the Local Church for the Support of Our Mission Work, Rev. W. H. Ford. 12:00 M. Dinner in the Dining Hall. 1:00 P. M. Devotional, Rev. R. 0. Vance. 1:30 P. M. Baptist Schools and Their Needs, Rev. J. W. O'Hara. 2:00 P. M. Why Should Parents Sen! Schools? Rev. I. K. Stafford. 2:30 P. M. Are Christian Schools an Asset or a Liability to the De nomination? Prof. P. A. Roberts. 3:00 P. M. The Church as a Teach ing Agency, Rev. G. A. Martin 3:30 P. M. Adjournment. 7:30 P. M. Sermon, Rev. R. L. Crenl. [ Wednesday, April 13, 1927 9:30 A. M. Prayer and Praise Service | Rev. John Hoglen. 10:00 A. M. The Person of the Holy| Spirit, Rev. Geo. C. Steed. 10:30 A. M. The Holy Spirit in the Individual, Rev. L. H. Crawford. 11:00 A. M. The Holy Spirit in the Church, Rev. R. P. McCracken. 11:30 A. M. The Holy Spirit in the | Word, Rev. T.r L. Sasser. 12:00 M. Dinner in the Dining Hall. 1:00 P. M. Devotional, Mr. Robert Sisk. " . 1:15 P. M. Soul Winning, a General] Discussion Led by Rev. R. N. Deitz. ?- ? ' SALE DRAWS BIG CROWD Following the publication of the 5000 big circulars, by the Jackson County Journal, and their circulation through this trade territory by the Sylva Supply Company, a tremendous crowd of shoppers thronged into Syl va, this morning for the opening of the Sylva Supply Company's Pre Easter Sale. y Mr. D. M. Hall, the manager of the big department store secured tho services of the T. K. Sayles System, of Minneapolis, to conduct the sale and it is in charge of Mr. L. J. A. Boulay. There are many interesting feat ures, each day, including the giving of free goods, the afternoon auction sales, at .4 o'clock, and other attrac tions,, that keep the people interested. The sale will close Saturday even ing, of next week, April 19. lasohn is truly wonderful, in the audience were 'if. her technique and inter preting*-In 1921 at the age of thir teen,* she; thrilled Asheville audiences by competently appearing in the lime light ?g Soloist with the Philadelphia Orehesta* at the second Asheville Musical festival. Helen Pugh was born in AshcvjUe and t)T behooves us, as people who have Jived close to her, to make the Monthly night concert at Cullowhee a distinct ovation to the genions of! this great North Carolinian. Tickets may bfc ^purchased in Sylva at the Sylva Pharmacy, or if notice is sent to the office at Cullowhee, tickets will be reserved there. Reservation should be made at once, for the space is limited, and only about 76 people outside the school will be able to secure tickets. The price will be 75 ccnts. The recital will take place in the Moore B":i ling, and \H11 start at 8 jf. M. RECORDER'S COURT MEETS. Porry Duncan was convicted, in re corder's court, Monday, of driving an automobile while intoxicated and was1 sentenced to serve 6 months. He ap pealed to the superior court, under bond. '.C ftufus Jones, intoxication, $25.00 and the oosts, Lebo Wood, same of fense, $20.00 and oosts. Tom Parris, $25.00 and costs. Bascomb McCarty, manufacturing, 4 months and prayer for judgment continued for 12 months on good be havior.^, ? EarlyfcWood, driving iritbout the ?ijSS?4?r Tom Amtnons, manufauctring, six months 7m the road, and prayer for judgment continued for 12 months, on good behavior. Lambert Melton, assault \with a deadly weapon, probable cause found and bound to the superior court. Dan Ridley, assault, $100.00 and the oosts. Same defendant, d-runk, nol pros. Ed. Jumper, drunk, and assault', $50.00 and the costs of the action., Fancy Mills, larceny of chickens, j nol pros. Jule Barker, larceny of chickens, 3 months on the roads, and prayer for judgment continued. Carl Teems, abandonment, 6 months suspended sentence, u'pon good behavior, and he providing for his family. Mounty Woods, false pretense, nol pros. j Wade Hampton and Mary Kitchen, a statuatory charge, nol pros. QTJALLA Our teachers, accompanied by the student body, attended the County Commencement at Sylva, Friday. Quite a number of parents and other friends of the school attended from this section. They report a very inter-, esting occasion. A Born on April 6, to Mr. and Mis.! Bill Howell?u. son. Miss Clem Hall of Asheville Nor mal is spending a few days with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hughes and son 'Winfred of Asheville are visit ing among relatives. Miss Vinnie Martini is visiting: Miss Jessie Martin at Cherokee. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Crisp called at Mr. D. M. Shuler's Mr. Thos. Moore of Hayesville stopped at Mr. H. G. Ferguson's. Mr. J. L. Wiggins has returned from Asheville hospital where he had been for treatment. Rev. H. C. Crist and Mr. Rose of Whittier and Misses Jessie Martin and Vinnie Martin were guests at Mr. H. D. Turpin's. Misses Alpha Dickenson, Bertha Buchanan and Louise Haigler and Messrs S. P. Hyatt and Wayne Battle called at Mr. J. C. Johnson's. Rev. J. T. Carson of Beta and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Henson of Whittier were dinner guests at Mr. J. K. Ter rell's Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Oxner and Mr. Ed Ox ner visited among relatives. Mrs, P. C. Bhelton visited lira. C / NOW AT WOKE ON KNOXVILLE ROAD Graham County News, April 12. Now that better weather has set in, the work on the new highway, lead ing to Knoxville is being advanced rapidly, and will be completed in a few months. The lower half of this road has already been completed and we are informed that a bridge will be con structed across the Tennessee River, at Rymer's Ferry, to connect with the highway now under construction in Swain county, lending to the state line. This road will give us a direct outlet to Knoxville, opening up a large territory that has heretofore been inaccessible except on horse back. It follows along the shores of the large lake for eight miles from Robbinsville to the dam; and when completed will furnish one of the most beautiful drive-ways in Western North Carolina. The power company is also getting ready to begin work on the road leading to Santeetlah and the Snow Bird section. This road will skirt along the lake ts entire length, pene trating a section that has long been known for its fine hunting and fish ing. The highway leading to Knoxville will make a connecting link for the Dixie Highway to No. 16, completing the most direct route from the North Central States to all southern points. BERT MELVILLE PLAYERS HERE NEXT WEEK The people of Sylva and vicinity will have a treat in store for them when Bert Melville brings his Asso ciated players to Sylva for a few days engagement under the auspices of the local schools. Their big tent will be erected at the graded school grounds. be the first time that ^fiaer appeared in Sylva. This company is rated as one of the largest on the road. It has played in every city in North Carolina in the past ten years. It is coming here direct from a ten weeks engagement at the Victoria Theatre in Wilming ton N. C. The Unwanted Child will be the first offering in addition to five acts of big time vaudeville. In presenting the Unwanted Child as the opening attraction the Melville Players will have an opportunity to display their versatility and at the 88me time give one of their best plays in their repertoire. A change of plays will be made nightly. One of the feature plays that will be presented during the week will be Peter B. Kyne's grea play "Cappy Ricks." The schools will receive a reasonable part of the receipts of every performance. MAKING IMPROVEMENTS AT COURT HOUSE | The county commissioners are hav ing a number of improvements made on the county property, at the court house. ' ^ The connecting link between Court Street and Ridgeway street, recently paved by the city, has been put down, in concrete, and commodious parking space about the court house has .been paved with water bound macadam, adding greatly to the appearance of the county's property, and making access to the (jourt house much eas ier and more convenient, and at the same time connecting two of the streets within the town. ? The entire inside of the court ? bouse is being given a renovation. The plaster has been patched in the court room, and halls, where it had cracked, and a coat of calsomine is being applied to all the walls of the building. The Shay method of feeding hogs is paying many farmers in North Carolina. The man with extra corn should try this meathod this yer. R. F. Hall. ' Misses Oma Gass and Mary Battle' were visitors at Mr. J. M. Hughes.' Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Howell and Mrs James Sitton were callers at Mrs. A. C. Hoyles. Mr. Sebe Hyatt of Olivet called at Mr. J. C. Johnson's. Miss Geneva Turpin called on Miss Ollie Hall. Terry Johnson visited bis eousin Jf?rry Marti*. GET 2 MEN AND STILLING OUIFH Deck Nicholson and another man together with a 65 gallon fliatilliwg outfit, 6 gallons of liquor and a small qtiantity of beer were captured, on Caney Fork, by officers from the sheriff's department, yesterday mora ing. Young Nicholson was tried on a charge of violating the prohibition laws, early in January, and was given a suspended sentence and ordered to appear periodically before the court and show good behavior. On Monday he appeared, and failing to make a very creditable showing, Recorder Sutton warned him that he must have better e^tdenee at the next term of the court. On Tuesday he was captured and charged with again violating the prohibition laws of the state. On Monday a 5 gallon still was taken, by the officers, on Scott's Creek, but no men were with the plant .at the time. According to Sheriff Cannon from 2000 to 2500 gallons of beer have been taken and destroyed within the past week, by officers of his depart ment. J. J. WILDE FISH WARDEN Mr. J. W. Dixon of the State Fish eries Commission was here Monday and appointed Mr. J. J. Wilde of Webster as Fish Warden for Jack son County. Mr. Wilde has already assumed his duties and the law is that every person who fishes in the streams of Jackson County regard less of age shall first procure a lic ense. (. The County license will be $1.10. The State wide license which means that you may fish in any County in the State will be $2.10 and the Non resident license will be $3110 the 10 cents going to the person who issues the license. Your license may be had from the Clerk of Superior Court or from the Jackson Hdwe. Co., or from Mr. Wilde and at various places through out the County. We have a great County for fish ing and we have a very fine hatch ery next door to us and we hare planned thousands of fish in our County so let's all get together and abide by the law and we will have a chance to get a few fish during the summer. If you see a person fishing with out a license oi Ashing out of season or with more than hia allotment of Ash then it is your duty to let it be known. The fishing season opens on April 15 for trout and for Bass June h You are not allowed to take a Brook or Mountain trout less than 6 inches long or a Rainbow trout less than 8 inches. You are only allowed) 25 Brook or Rainbow trout in one day, or 200 during any one season. There was a time when any one might catch all the fish that he wanted but now there are too many people for any thing like that and we will have to all join hands and hefp to protect in every way that w< can, if we have plenty of fish, and if we will do this then we will have fish, and it will be a great thing for the whole county, if we can *have our streams full of fish, it will bring many a person here with money and that is what most of us are interested in?more money. If you have a stream that has not been stocked write the North Caro lina Fisheries Commission at Mbore head City, N. C., for application blanks and fill out same and return and you will get some fish from our Hatchery at Balsam. SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE At Sylva Methodist chnrch Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service, there will be a reception of new mem bers, a short talk on the Resurrec tion, followed by the sacrament *rt the Lord's supper. The service will be featured throughout by special Easter music, lead by the members of the Epworth League. You are cordially invited. Dbnt fail to be on hand, if possible. W. M.

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