St .* * - ?- * By Artiur SQUANDERING OIL WEALTH. 400* MORE BABY SHOES. USELESS RECORD BREAEMC. WILL SHE DIE? Mr. Teazle, president of New Jcr iey Standard Oil, warns oil men that they ar? cutting their own throats. This '?'.jnrry is treating the nation's oil wraith as uniafriligently as front iersmen treated thv herds of bison. The bisons soon vanished. Oil is actually being sold for less ih?n i! costs to pr^uce, cheerful for leers, but it will not last. Millions are spent dewiraing new ? !!* to increase competition while r companies are carrying S K).000,000 '(.ircls of oil stored above ground i an annual cost, loss and waste of $130,000,000. . ? The country's national oil wealth ~y'l? not merely private wealth. it is a great national amt and a way should be f< :md to give oil production some national control and stop waste. You are tokl many things about prohibition, for and against. R. H. Davidson^ writing from CoroiTado Beach, California, asks, "Do you chance to know that the tale of chil dren's shoes has increased 400 per cent per annum since prohibition came?" . nib?Jon. Those that would modify die Vol ?tead Act say the averaga man is earning .i'-otit twice what he earned before the war, and atcr?aaad earn ings. not the absence of bear, explain greater savings and mote children's shoes. A coal strike of a sort was start ed last week in what is called "the central competitive 1 ?' %) -A ?- ? ? ? M Ml At Nfft i iiM engage |b b-t flea, ai the expense of .the Workers' wives and children, to Add* wfctt is *&!!?; rpr ty should ftc wages. 1W panic pays in the priot of caal. * #Segrave, British heat the wotid'a wrtpmobfle record last week, Mag oyer the Bands of Daytooa Bean R Florida at a speed gnatar than 106 rnOee an hoar. His qdkg car. the "Mystery S." looking Bkea auWa nm on land, broke the American record by .ten miles an hour. It's an achievement interesting, but not useful. No automobile can go USEFULLY 166 mUes an hour, or 100 miles an hour. y Up in the air, where the road is wide, is the place for real speed. At Lrmm in OMM& men on trial for artTs^SM Ihe Rev* E J fam ??n lUT One had a A**. m&m *zrm a sword. TH?? (old bfa J5* did not apprors kfc maipi mtim, drove him off ia a tn* Ml Mm down, beat htm with a leather strap. i The clergyman testifies "After I was act free ! started off down the road singing 'How Beautiful Heaven Must Be'.." Dnrinac the beatia* hej bad prayed aloud. Such fortitude MOST unusual. <. ' .j ') ?" ( ?i For Easter Let HER know you didn't forget her. ,i Send her an Easter Box of delicious cjan-1] dies. TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST Buchanan :) Pharmacy J. D, Cowan, Prop, ) *r; r,. v i? . " , ? > V- ? >: . f ? ? ' -? ?;? ? ?? . " ' ? ^ ' ? ? *?? - i ? ? ft ' ?* * 'f ' ' ; J . . ? ? , , ? ? \ ?' > ? -? ? . ? z- 3 " , ' ' - ? '?* " ? ? There will be a mass meeting of the Democratic voters of the Town f. of Sylva in the Court House ?> 7:30 P. M, u I !* ! Every Democrat, especially the ladies, is urged to be present O : } ' ? '' t / x **? * Democratic Committee u o Oi ? - \ / / Read A Good DAILY Paper, Tool! ' ? ? ' ' ' s r <' / i / ' v *\ The JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAU ... AND THE ASHEVILLE TIMES ? '/?? _ - ?. ? 1 ?> \ ; >vt. ? OT? /^/^vt Tpcr you subscribe to the Jackson , T County Journal.1 It is a ) splendid paper to keep you posted on the happen ings in your immediate community. > * But there are things happening all over Western North Carolina . . . all over the. worlri . . . things you should know about, DAILY! These events are brought to your door every evening in Western North Carolina's Own NEWSpaper ... The ASHEVILLE TIMES! v, ? ? , . . Decide right now, to supplement the information from your local newspaper with a subscription to The ASHE VILLE TIMES. Have all the news ..... everyday! THE ASHEVILLE TIMES ' ' 'w ? ^ ^ "Western North Carolina'# Complete Evening NEWS paper* J ^ r ??-f , fJse This Convenient Coupon -/Jf | Ihe Uhpvillr Times, 1 i , ituhrvtllr, N. 1% i ^ ' ' f , , ? * ,v | ';em:emr:i: v ? ' iv ? ?" ... 1 _ _ > ' I carlo.?? for MrliScli plMM mm* af ? I I ' ' % T'r-i far I lUlf (If m'I) i . Pa? thi I*J? l ' * R'.i Manfh* ..... Nsr.8 I Tk'"? Kw'H* lit' ? I E.U it>* r?rr'?t. - . Cnf Te?r A.-1A r-m | Dlff t?antbl I'l MIIMHtMIIIIWill 4 Cm ITtch ? t # ? # JW \ " " The TIMES Reachc Sylva About 5:00 P. IVi, (' ? . ^ ... J