.. . - ??? .?. ... ..KTgr 'WNi-""' -" H 1 : ? *' : '!? -7 i - - ? v< .?r- -if " * n ? - v- ."9 , V ? *, '??? Vi T*??$ ft7*. \ i. - r..-y .v- *?* - - ? V c ; ' ~ d 50 the Year in Advance in the County Sylva, N. C., Wednesday, (April 27,1927 . $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County ? ? : .. ? * j0NESSEE PASSE|ark BONDS CAPTURE LIQUOR AND STILL IN SYJ.VA SWAYGIM HELD ON ! APPRAISERS TO REVALUE CHARGE OF ASSAULT j * r LAND OF COUNTY ' \ ? y ' | ' *?.? . -j ? CHAMBER ANNOUNCES STANDING COMMITTEES WHIPPETS SET NEW MARK IN RUN TO-|IURPHY XI,e lower house of the Tennessee j^islatuiv Tuesday alternoon, by a vote ot <>>' "? ;l;!' :,C('0,(lin?' to dis -jjflii'j tm.i NnslirvilJe jwtsed tJio Park Bfll. fl,(< senate had pa.f-ed the moas ulf last Thursday. ' he bill now goes IVay. ivlui on many occasions jj3> demon ? wment and who is ex his friendship for ii*i rk lh(> It,;inii>t Mi* signature prompt JKCtlll W *' 1>- V4ltl. tH the Tennessee? houso tr,P bill y- <?? Kyre&en 1*11* ?Tffaim- Iiayiu's of Franklin ull\t|. uiiHioned the cause in tin ( Tin' 1,1 the Tennessee bill Quit's a mad of approximately $4, l)iiv in the Great Smoky floqucai tllC dispatch said. ^The la* assures a !?' ? jjjeiiiitiiiii-- <;! 'North Carolina and t^Iiiosmh' 'national park lands to bo added to the tract of approxl biJjp!v SiW acres already acquired jjv Tcaat J-vo. Ploitfcs, totalling approximately jl.OtKM'W -were obtained by popular Mibscripliim l!l Tennessee and North (.aivlina more tlian a year ago. This I and was* increased by $2,000,000 by 3Jo:i(l i>>iic voted by the North Carolina s.r?neral assembly during: the nwnt se.v-irn. Then the tight swung Mo Xaslifvilic. where a bond issue of, .41/KW.tMHi "to match North ('aro-j ima" was priMH sed. The amount of. the Tennessee bond isfcue is $,r)00,000 bs than that ot North Carolina, it, is said.- because Tennessee already t te acij!i!r("i httci4 t ract of a ni;c- [ lens, lor the park, area. ^ PAVING WORK COMPLETED Tlic etui ot this week will, see thoj completion ot the paving work of the tott'u ot' Syfva. The program as map ped wit about a year ago is now completed; but a little additional J paving, petitione,! on 1 fail road street, is now being: poured, and it is ex pected that the entire job will be over by Saturday night: "" The pdviuu assessments and the water and sewer assessments on each street have been worked out by^tlie engineers ami are on file for the in spection ot' the interested property owners, with Mr. B. II. Cathey, town clerk. The aldermen of Sylya. will hold a special session on Saturday, May ' at 10:30 o'clock for the purpose of heariu<r a?tu>property owners who life not satisfied with the footage and assessments as figured by tho engineers for the city. C) " ?" " 106 TO BE TINE ROAD Mr. Thomas* A. Cox of the Svlva Chamber of Commerce highway com mittee i?; Authority for the statement that Highway 100 frorh Dick's Gap to the Forks of the Tuckaseigec will be a*s|>lendi(l road. The minimum width of tliii bituminous surface will ^ 14 feet: but on all curves the - width will be greater, going jus widtf 20 feift where it is necessary. In jadditionthis, the road will have ^ide .stymltiers, covered with chats, nakii if it not only good, but giving 'V a fine appearance. I \ ^ORS FOR MAY TERM superior court i_7 ? .. ? Oscar Hi-don, W. T. Deitz, Wade Hawkins, Lylc Wilson, J. N. Coward T.J. Moody. II. W. Phillips, W. W. Parker, Sam ( Jones, E. M. Hooper, ?'? E Kn-lev, A. C. Barnes, P. H %uswi, <;. C Hooper, M. E. Shuler G-C. CraV lord. C. \V. Parker, H. B. Wood, Houston Blanton, John l> Jones, W. T. Corbin, 0. B. Coward, "?vA.' Henson, J. M. Cunningham. SefeBiid Week?John S. Buchanan, k-B. Chhc, T. Stewart, J. T. Bry R- Ii Wike, M. M. Pressley, W. ?? Fisher. 11. W. Cook, H. H. Hoop la ' ? I' Mack Ashe, R. V. I!> K. Buchanan, L. H ffawiord, Thad M. Deitz, T. P. Buchanan, (?. E. Campbell, A. R ?tsnes. DAVIS ATTENDS BANKER'S & MEET 1 (^Hly Davis, cptshier of the I 'ockasee_;(.(. Bank has returned from itiehitist, where lie has been at ^nding the meeting olf the State "tankers association. Mrs. Davis ac ' Co?panied Mi-.. Davis to Pinehnrst, and while there they motored down! 1? Wilmington aril th? eout. Tuesday afternoon Chief of Police Allen Sutton searched the premises of Edith Burch, in the Tannery sec tion of Sylva and found about a gal lon and a half of liquor buried. Lat er in the day the Chief of Police re turned, with Sheriff Cannon and further search revealed 5 more fruit jars of liquor, some 40 or 45 gallons of beer and the worm and thumb head of a still. /' ; <? Edith Buvch, Luther Crowe, Newt Mace and Delos Burch were lake.i into custody on charges of violating the prohibition laws, and officers be lieve that ono of the most fruitful sourcds of liquor in dnd around Syl va has been brokrti up. CREAM SELLING NEWS Last week the butterfat in ?oo< cream that was' sold to Carolina Creanuyy, on Wednesday mornin; and Saturday aiteinoon, at this cream station in back of Freeze an< Flee man 's store at Sylva, brouglr our fanners 49 cents per pontijd. For the past six montlis Carolina Crean; ery has boon paying from 48 to 51 cents per pound for butterfat in cream not over four days old. Under this new system of our fatfn. ei-s selling dircct to the Carolina Creamery/the cream business is ^ pav ing the farmers at least one third) more than under the old system oi' lo. iii'r a lot of money from the col letting and handling bv a middle man Here is what the' farmers ,t>av abo?;t it: ./ ?? Speedwell, Mrs. Dora Watson re ceived a little less than two dollar* for a five galon can of cream coi lected by the truck 'old way). Tin' next week the same amount of cream from the same cows.was brought t;> Sylva and sold to Carolina Creamery aud it brought her over fodr dollars. Mis. Watson has ordered cream cans ai\d sends the cream into Sylva and says it is paying well. Qualla: Mr. Paul Ferguson says< cream sales to Carolina Creamejy are paying better thau the old way. The cream from two good cows ho sides supplying the family is now paying a dollar a day or 30 dollars a month and he says that cream sell ing pays well. > Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ferguson con vinced themselves last year under, the old system of selling cream tint it didn't pay them very well. Since the checks have begun to come in for cream sold at the Carolina Cream ery Station they arc well enough sure of cream paying until they arj buying more cows and ordering a cream separator. " '.l Mr. C. It. Moody of Sylva got re turns on his first can of cream to the new station last Saturday and his 4 gallons of good rich cream testing 25 per Ipent butterfat brought: him $4.06 .and a smile of satisfaj tio?. He says our farmers certainly should have 5 cows and a sej arator and they will.make at lest $60.00 per montlh i PRESIDING ELDER TO PREACH Presiding Elder P. W. Tucker wi?l occupy the pulpit at the Methodic, church, Sunday morning, in the ab sence of tlu pastor, who is visiting in the central part of the state. There will be no preaching service at the Methodist church Sunday eve ning, the members of the Methodist congregation will worship with ^he Baptists, and have an opportunity of hearing the new pastor of tiio First Baptist Church. % ? ;{ f j KILLED IN FALL ; FROM TRUCK Murphy Scout April 22. Logan Owcnby twenty .two years old met instant death when he was thrown from a truck to the pavement while the truck was rounding th'? curve at the Southern Depot last Friday afternoon. The truck was loaded with radiators being hauled from the cars to the court hoiVe foi installation and Logan was assisting irj^the work. When the truck round ed the curve at an unusually high speed according to witnesses Lcgan was thrown from the truck hea(] fore most upon the pavement and a radia tor said to weigh about 500 pounds was also thrown to the ground and landed on top of him. His skull and body was crushed death resulting in stantly. Weaver Swayngim is being held under hnn^ in the sum of $900.00, ac cording to the sheriff's department, | following an alleged shooting on Caney Fork, Tuesday afternoon. It is reported that Swayngim and Hal Stevens engaged in an altercation in the road near the store of Elihu Cow ard, and that Swayngim drew ~ his pistol and fired several shots at Stevens, none of which took effect in his body; but it is stated that one bullet passed through Stevens' cloi.ii in?. A hearing will be given Mr. Swayn gini at the recorder's court, the sec ond Monday in May. ?y ? RECORDER GIVES ONE ROAD SENTENCE j |e time Dei* case against Only one rr<ad sentence was tm posed by Recorder leo. W. Sutton, at the term of his coiirt, Mondav. I % John Farley, eunvicted of transpon ing and ]>osscssion wa?s sentenced to serve 3 months. ?' Deck Nicholson, already under sus pended sentence of the court, for violations of the, prohibition law, pleadi guilty to manufacturing, and implicate,] Weaver Swayngim, an>i anothei; man, who lirts not been taken, in the operation of (he 'still. Swayn gim, after the . evidence admitted that he had been somewhat implicat ed; but made a speech to the court, stating that he had''sold liquor only to substantial citizens, and had never solfj any to boys or men who wo-ild become intoxieatcd. He stated thar he was through with the business, an,) threw himself upon the mercy of the court. In the oases of' both Swayngim and Nichlofon, the court continued prayer for judgment for tw;o weeks. Davis Nicholson, t>'e father of Deck was charged wi'Ji possession, as some liquor was found on his property, at tl was arrested; but the him was nol prossed. Mount ry Dillard was' convicted oSj forcible trespass, and 'judgment Sus pended upon payment of the oosta. Bufrell Zactiary, caijrying a con cealed pistol, $50.00 a Another case agaii&t an assault, was nol prossed Hebe Bryson, drunk the costs. Gladys Dorscy, colurcd, assault prayer for judgment two weeks. Clayton Higgins, larceny, sentenc ed to serve 3 months farm. Daily'Dyer, drunk, 1510.00 and the costs. f. ?? ? Luther Robinson, drunk, not guilty Geo. Spiathers, Sr., drunk, judg ment suspended. - George Smathers, Jr., drank, nol pros.. John D. Broom, sedq Curt Smith, transpo session, $100.00 and Harley Sims, assauli, judgment sus pended upon payment of the costs. Seaman Hopper, transporting and possession, 4 mollis sentence sus pended upon payment of $50.00 fine and the costs, and the car in which the liquor was foundj was ordered sold. 'vL.' : n ";*V jid the costs liiin, charging d. $20.00 and ?jl, assault continued for cenv, sentenc on the county iction, nol pros ting and pos-1 he cdsts. CULLOWHEE WOMAN WINS Ov"?l Cullowhee, N- 0.,'^Vpri! 25.?Mrs. Eddie/W. Wilson, of! Cullowhee, has been accorded the poetry cup offered by , the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs for the best poem written by a,, member of the club "A Prayer" is the name of Mrs. Wil son 's poem. I ? 1 The cup will be presented at the Washington Duke Hotel/in Durban fin the morning of May 4th, at which time Mi's. Wilson will read her poein j before the members of the Federation. Owing to the fact that the Separk | cup has had all of the names on it I that it could well hold,a new cup has, I recently been presented to the Fe | erati'on, the gift of Mr. Albert I. j j Berry, Hiid to be known as the Berr> I eup. Mrs. Wilson will be the fir.;t f woman to have her name engraved on the new cup. \ MARRt^GE LICENSES Ben Dewey Green to Miss Gracie Trantham. Hampton Hall to Iris Bryson Ei^gene W. Wright, of Henderson county lo Julia Mae Breedlove. X board of appraisers consisting oi! 45 citizens of the county, has been appointed to revalue tbe reaL estate and Kst the personal property of the county, beginning on Monday, May second, and continuing until tha wort is completed. It is hoped to finish the task, within thirty days. Mr/ S. C. Cogdill, chairman of the boar^ of commissioners is ex-officio, county assessor, and the work will be doiie under his direction. A meet ing; of the appraisers was held on Monday in the office of Mr. Cogdill, at which the work to be done was thoroughly discussed and all mem bens informed of their duties. The appraisers as appointed by Mr. Cogdill, are: Caney Fork: Finley Arrington,| Ransom Hooper, Lawrence Lovedahl. ip Canada: Cleve Wood, J%M.-0wen, | Joe Mathis. River: June Hooper, John A. | Hooper, Johty E. Tritt. Cashier's Valley: Alex Bryson,I Tom Dillard, Frank Wike. Hamburg: Hayes Hooper, S. L McGoire, Jr., W. A. Henson. Mountain ? W.. F. Moody, John| Stewart, A. 0. Watson. Callowhec: Z. V. Watson, W. D Wike, Oscar Eiiisley. Savannah: Herschel Cabe, R. B.| Hyatt, J. J. Cowan, Webster: A. C. Queen, W. C. Cag-| le, J; W. Henderson. Green's Creek: John Reed, Wes. Grr-e?, Estes Green. S)1va: B. 0. Painter, D. L. Bryson. | A. J. Dills. * Scott's Creek: S. Jerome Phil lips, J. B. Cogdill, L. W. Crawford Backer's Creek: Estes Parris, Ver ion Nation, Ben Jones. Dillsboro: F. E. Parker, L. L. Sutton, S. W. Enloe. Qitalla: W. F. Battle, Paul Fer gusop, Dave Wjorley. BETTER HOME CAMPAIGN The week of April 24th to May 1 will tte observed throughout America as Better Homes Week. This Nation al educational movement in whieii Secretary Hoover is so keenly inter ested has been growing since its in ception in 1923 at a rate which proves its importance as a social and civic force. There is every indication that the 1027 Better Home Camjwign will be the most extensive ever held Mrs. Ramsey Buchanan who h-is been appointed local chairman by the National organization has brought this work to the attention of the local clubs and is cooperating with the committees which have been app int ed by these clubs in arranging suv; able programs for observing Better] Homes Week. The object of this campaign is tho building up of a better citizenship by making convenient, attractive and wholesome homes accessible to all American families. i COUNTY'S ROADS COST OVER TWO MILLION An immense amount of money has been expended upon the state high ways in Jackson county, up to the present time. Mr. Thomas A. Cox, read the figures to the chamber of commerce Tuesday evening, and it was stated that upon the grading, surfacing, engineering, structures anj other expenditures upon Highway No. 10, Highway 285 and Highway 10o, up to the present date, the state and county have paid out $2,441,524.29. It was impossible to obtain the fig ures by roads and projects, Mr. Cox stated. : . , .' ! NEW BAPTIST PASTOR ARRIVES Rev. J. GP Murray, new pastor of the Sylva Baptist church, arrived, the first of the week, with his family. Mr. Mnrray will fill the pulpit at the Baptist church next Sunday, at both the morning and evening services I MRS. STANFORD MADE HAPPY Perhaps the happiest young lady in Jackson county, Saturday afternoon, was Mi-s. Stanford of Scott's Creek township; when she was presented at the close of the Sylva Supply Company's Sale, with a beautiful dinner set, a set of Rogers Brothers silverware, a set of tablecloth and napkins and other dining room and kitchen utensil*. The standing committees for the Chamber of Commerce as made by the president and confirmed by the board was a:inounced at a dinner meeting of the chamber, Tuesday evening by the President, Harry E. Buchanan. The Committees follow: Civics, Billy Davis, chairman, J. F. Freeze,- Secretary, D. D. Hopper, Geo. W. Sutton, J. C. Allison. Transportation and Roads: Thomas A. Co::, chairman, H. T. Hunter, sec retary, D. G. Bryson, E. L. McKee, P. E. Moody. Indistijes and Commerce: M. D. Cowan, chairman, A. J. Dills, secre tary, T. C.' Bryson, E. P. Stillwell, I. H. Powell. . , Advertising and Publicity: Dan Tompkins, chairman, J. R. Buchan an, secretary, A. A. Nichols, A. M. Simon.;, E. E. Brown. a Agriculture and Rural Development D. G. Bryson, chairman, J. R. Jones, secretary, D. M. Ilall,, C. R. Moody, S. C. Cogdili. Membership: J. F. Freeze, chair, man, Ben Queen, secretary, W. Mike Brown, H. E. Monteith, J. S. Higdon. It i3 expected that there will be much work for the several commit tees to do during the year, and a report from each, at every meeting | of the chamber will be askej for,; the president stated. Mr.'D. G. Bryson offered a siie for a manufacturing enterprise, at Foster's Siding, a short distance out side the city limits, and placed it at the disposal of the committee on Industries and Commerce. It is the intention of the Chamber to stage a membership drive, in a short time, and Mr. D. G. Bryson has been appointed as commanding general, with J. F. Freeze and H. E. Monteith as captains o? the two teams that arc to do the work. Announcement was made at the meeting of the American Forest Pro ducts Company having subscribed for ten memberships in the Chamber for the year. A dinner meeting .will be held ev ery two weeks, the board of directors has decided, and the plan of app oint ing go-getters to get the membership of the chamber out to the meetings, has been adopted. The membership committee was appointed as the go getters for the next meeting. SUNDAY SCHOOL CAMPAIGN TO START A concerted effort on the part of the local Methodist tnd Baptist churches to increase the attendance and interest in the local Sunday Schools, will be launches next Mon day afternoon, when teams composed of fourteen members from cach school will make a canvass of the entire town and community and ascertain the number of people not now at tending any Sunday School.. The com mittee has been divided into teams of two cach, one from cither school, and the plan is start at 2:00 o'clock Monday and complete the canvass in a short time. It is hoped that the ladies of the community will co-op erate with tlic workers by making it a point to be at home at the time the census is bcingtaken. The teams and their districts are: Jtrs. I. H. Powell and Mrs. Came McKee, from the tannery to the Moody farm; Mrs. Mvra Loftis and Mrs. Annie Tompkins, Courtlani Heights; Mrs. J. F. Freeze and Mis A. J. Dills, Sylvan Heights; Miss I Louise Stein and Mr. A. J. Dills, Dills i Cove to W. E. Grindstaff's; Mrs J. R. Buchanan and Mr. L A. Buc hanan, College Hill; Mrs. W. M Brown and Mrs. Walter Dean, West j College Hill; Mrs. D. D. Hooper and ! Mi's. J. T. Gribble, from Mr. John j H. Wilson's residence, on Keener | street, to Mr. C. M. Wells,' on Main; Mrs. E. Ford King anj Mr. Geo. ?Y. Sutton, from Mr. T. 0. Wilson's on Keener street to Mr. S. C. Alli son's; Mrs. J. B. Ensley and Mrs. J. L. Dillard, from Mr. M. D. Cowan's to Mr. Ben N. Queen's; Mrs. W. E. Grindstaff and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes, Railroad street; Mrs. M. Bucbamn | and Mr. E. E. Brown, Btichanan's Garage to the Carolina Pole Company Mrs. John V. Ashe and Mr. J. B. Ens ley, Rhodes Cove; Mrs. C. Z. Cand ler and Miss. Sadie Luck, Early's Service Station to Garrett's Service Station; Mrs. A. S. Nichols and Mrs. W. C. Ree^ from the corner of Main street to the Buchanan Garage. Breaking by 51 minUtis the fast est previous motor ear record fce tween Ashevilie and Murphy, two stock Whippet Foots rolled into Murphy Saturday morning and were greeted by Mayor F. F. Hill, of Mur phy at 7:46 a. m., after leaving Ashe time at 5:07 a. m. The speed of those cars at times reached 75 miles per hour. This trip was made in exactly 15? minutes by both ears, an average of 47.73 miles per "hour for the entire distance. One ear was driven by Howard Justice, assistant used car manager, accompanied by J. M. MacHale, wholesale manager, the other by Dennis Rogers, assistant service man ager, accompanied by Ernest Anders, new car inspector. Not content with this performance, the Whippet cars, piloted by Ella worth Lyman, sales, manager, and Howard Justice, started back imme diately on the return trip to Ashe vilie and completed the trip with an average of 33 1-3 miles to the galloa of gasoline, according to their report* This trip is up the famous Nantfc hala gorge consisted chiefly of ateep mountains and dangerolnsly 'sharp curves, with very few stretches of straight or level* country.v Checked out of Ashevilie by A. Nowell, of the Postal Telegraph checked in by H. C. Rogers, of tbt Western Union Telegraph, at Mur phy, "N7 cr, the two cars were checked back into Ashevilie ai d the econ omy record recorded by Commission* or Bartlett an?l representatives froog Ashevilie newspapers. -? URGE FOREST PROTEOTIOH The chamber of commerce at its Tuesday evening dinner meeting, un animously passed a resolution urging the county commissioners to co-op erate with the state and federal gov ernment in forest tire prevention, and extended an invitation to the forestry service of the stats, to es tablish its district officii in' MISS COWAN HONORED Miss Nell Cowan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cowan, who was voted the prettiest girl at Greens boro College for Women, will be (ho , May Queen at the college fete to bo held, Saturday. JOSEPH HENSLEY DIES Joseph Hensley died at his homo near Wilmot, April 15, at the age of 48 years and eight .months. Mr. Hensley ^as known to his neighbors as a good citizen and loyal friend. He is survived by his widow,, who before her marriage was Miss Callie Nation, and four children, Theodore, Bert, Jewel and Hazel Hensley. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Thad Watson, Rev. Wesley. Green and Rev. Clon Brown and the inter ment was in the burying ground, se lected by himself some four yeais ' ago, on his own farm. STRANGE SENTENCES '? IN MACON COUNTY According to reports from Frank lin, Judge A. M. Stack has been im posing some strange sentences upon those convicte^ of minor violations of the prohibition laws, if indeed there be esuch a thing as H minor violation of the dry statutes. It is said that in some cases he has im posed fines, or suspended senteneee, requiring good behavior bonds, and has ordered that those convicted stay out of the state of Georgia for a per iod of twelve months. MAY DAY CELEBRATION < A.T BRYSON CITY The Parent-Teacher Association of Bryscn City invitos eveiy reader of this paper fo join them in a May IXiyj Celebration on Friday afternoon^ April 29th, at three. o'clock. There will be a parade of the school chil dren, the crowning of a May Queen, a May-pole dance anj games of var ious kinds. Every woman and every girl is requested to wear' a cotton dress. A prize will W gifren to the visitor wearing .the most attractive dress. Just follow No. 10 and you will find the place near the Cowl* house. _ j

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