SYlVA METHODIST CHUBOH filer. tt'. -]!- bobbins, Pastor Selie<;Vle of Services.!iinK Sylva every Sunday 0orutob'Jt 11 ?'c,ock exeePt the 4th Sunday "ml tu-'y Sunday evening u, ;-ji) except ihe 2nd Sunday. ' Suniia.v stlioul every Sunday morn 10 o'clock. ipffortii Vanue every Sunday ev ?g" af 7 y'clock. ing t: ciiiuS Prayer n .i !i;iu every Wednesday I jvery -?J veiling ut 7:du. fn-acbit'^ .11 l>tilsani every 1st and y bamJuy aiti-ruoou at 3:15. jhe public is curdailly invited tr* ijj ties? soi>:ccs. evening at . :M poaching at DilLsboro eveiy 4th. sylva BAPTIST CHURCH poaching <?" lwst "'id third Sun ganda.v iaoniii?ir at 11 o'clock and ?v morning* ?l U o'clock and ol| ^ond and fourth Sunday evenings] ,i 7 o'clock, by Kev. T. F. Deitz. J Sunday School at 9:45. B. V. P I'- ?t o'clock Sundayj (ItDtOgS* - . Prayer nict*linir at 7 o'clock Wed nesday eveuing. Choir practice immediately follow , prayer meeting, each Wednesday! fining. A very cordial invitation is extend-1 of to the public to attend all of these I services. \ balsam grove baptist CHURCH r - Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor preaching Saturday before tho to first Sunday, at 11 o'clock and the first Sunday, at 11 o'clock. Sunday School ??very Sunday morn ? ie, at 10 o'clock. Everybody invited to all of these Unices. black mountain BAPTIST, CHURCH / ? >> 1* V Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor. Preaching, Saturday bctore the swoiid Sunday, at 2:30, Sunday at U o'clock. Sundav School at 10 o clock. frayer Meeting Wednesday eve ningf at 7:3Q Everybody is invited to attend all of these services. CEDAR BAPTIST CHURCH ? Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor. Preaching Saturday before the llirdSunday, at 2:30; Sunday at J! Sunday School every Sunday liiorii ic at 10. ' ^ > Everybody is invited to attend ail lliese services.-, NEW SAVANNAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor. i ' Preaching 'Saturday before the fourth Sunday at 2:30 and Sunday ?t 11. Sunday School at 10. Everybody is invited to attend all tfcese services * QUALLA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. R. L. Cook, Pa tor /Sanday School every Sunday morn at 10':M) o'clock Preaching Third Sunday Morning; ? each month at 11:00 o'clock. U Notice of Dissolution of Partnership' Notice ,is hereby given that J. W. Bwhauau and ,1. M. Leatherwood -Colore doing a general merchan ^ buiint-ss at Dillsboro, N. C. un the style ami firm name of Buch Jlao and LcalHierwood lias been by J?oal consent dissolved. All debts wthe firm v. ill be settled with Mr. Leathmvoitd and all liabilities the firm an assumed by J. M. tberwood. .1. M. Leatherwood will ^tinue the business at the same ^ad in the name of J. M. Leather wood. We take thir* opportunity to thank . tor Mieir trade in the past '' "ill ask all j>crsons owing the ^ t<j make .settlement with J. M herwoo,] at once. riv, ^ ( re.s]?octfully, 01 CHAN AN & LKATHEItWOOD, '? Rttelianan, : M. Leatherwood. ,ro- K- April, 7, 1927. Thf fjJ i ( r,t ' ' f n days arc the hard ^ J hiodiU r chicks, andj i tho in? V ^s,wlio have been answer th^ ' <!"s over North Caro 7 8p"ng agree with them. NATION'S SOY GROWERS TO VISIT CAROLINA Raleigh, N. C? April 26?Soybean growers of the United States will pay a visit to the-parent soybean section of America on August 9, J.Q and 1.1 when the National Soybean Associa tion will gather in Eastern North Carolina for its annual convention. At a recent conference between Fred P.- Latham of Belhaven, Presi dent of the Soybean Association, and Dean I. O. Schaub, Director) R, Y. Winters and Prof. C. B. Williams of the School of Agriculture at State College, it was decided to hold the i annual meeting of the association in early August. The place had al ready been determined at the meet ing hold in Mississippi la?t summer. The convention program will last three days. / Mr. Latham's plans are now to convene the meeting at Washington, North Carolina, on August 9, when the delegates an(j visitors will regis ter and hold the first session. The second day, August 10, the ^ entire body will travel in pars through the lowlying fields of Hyde County where soybean growing is preeminent. The journey into Hyde will end at Swan Quarter where a luncheon will be held and the party will return to Wash ington in time for a barbecue sup per and a night session. On the third day, August 11, the convention will begin a tour up through the great soybean growing Seetion of the State ending the tour at Elizabeth City in Pasquotank County. Here the coinven tion will close and the delegates mav reach the trunk railroads of Norfolk and the cool soa beaches of the At lantic Ocean. The entire resources of the agri cultural extension service in Eastern Carolina will be put ' behind Mr. Latham's '"efforts to show the visit ing delegates something of the soy bean showing industry of this State. Parties of fanners' from other see tions of the State will be invited to attend the meeting and a strong pro gram will be arranged., ,. Other officers of tljis association, in addition to President Latham, are Taylor Fonts of Soyland, Indiana, vice president, and W. E. Avres, of Stoneville, Mississippi, Secretary and Treasurer. fi ? COURT TERMS IN CAROLINA Raleigh, N. C., April 24.?Eighteen Superior 'Court terms . were slated j to swing into action Monday in North; Carolina with the regular line-up of| judges. No special terms were calendared and no regular terms were scheduled for the 14th and 16th judicial dis tricts. The Supreme Crturt, sitting at Raleigh, had 14th district appeals in its calendar. The line-up for the week follows: Judge Daniels, one week mixed in j Tyrell; Judge Nunn, beginning two weeks civil in Hertford; Judge Harris beginning two weeks civil in Johnson; Judire Cramer, concluding two weeks mixed in Pitt;. Judge Sinclair, con-] eluding two weeks civil term in Ons- i low; Judge Devin, concluding two! weeks iivil term in Wake; Judge! Bond, concluding two weeks civil term in New Hanover; Judge Barn-! liill, one week civil in Bladen; Judge! Midyette, one week mixed term in Person; Judge Harding, beginning two- weeks mixed term in Surry; Judge Oglesby, concluding two weeks j civil term in Guilford; Judge Webb, one week civil term in Anson; Judge Schenck, beginning two weeks mixed term in Cabarrus; Judge Moore, be-i ginning two weeks mixed in Avery;j Judge Parker, beginning two weeks mixed term in Polk; Judge Harding, one week mixed term in Madison;' and Judge Stack, beginning two weeks mixed in Macon. ? DILLSBORO LODGE NO. 459 A. F. & A. M. Regular cummunic* tion on Fitet an?1 third' Thursdays ? 8 p. m. Visiting Brethren welcome. -R. 0. Queen, W. M F. I. Watson, Sec'y. FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlera oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. ^ HAARLEM OIJ^ correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital Of|K>i Three tuet. All druggists. Insist m the original |tauia? Qou? " Twelve farmers in the Lowe's drove Community of 'Durham Couu-| ty will plant one acre of alfalfa each &3 a demonstration this year. RH E TJIIATIS M While in France with the American mv I obtained Freneh prescri') n f^r the treatment of Rheumatisr and Neuritis. I have given tL. i,o thousands with wonderful result The prescription cost me nothing, ask nothing for it. I will mail it it' yon will send me your address. 4. postal ill bring it. r Write today. CASE, Dept C-654, Brochnn Mass. ' ? Italian Queen From April 1 to August 31 j * \ "i^ay 25c lb; for beeswax. Beehives, foundations and G. B * ' ' Lewis bee supplies for sale. \ D.E. SYLVA, N. C. X ' ? * ? ,-x ' / V V ? \ I ? ? NOTICE OP EXECUTION SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. J. W. BUCHANAN AND J. M. LEATHERWOOD, TRADING AND DOING BUSINESS UNDER -THE FIRM NAME. AND STYLE OF "BUCHANAN AND LEATHER WOOD" VS 3^-^ JAMES ASHE By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Jackson County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 2nd d?y of May, 1927, at 12:00, noon, at the Court House Door in Sylva in said County, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the rights, titles and interest which the said James Ashe, defendant, has in the following described real estate, which is a One fifteenth undivided interest ' in a. house and lot in the town of Dills- j boro an,] bounded as follows, to-wit BEGINNING on ^ siakc. Gal Fish er's corner, on the North bank of Seott's Creek and runs thence dow?:. the bank of Scotts Creek 47 feet to a stake; thence a North course to the Southern Railroad; thence with the Southern Railway 47 feet to Cal Fisher's Northwest corner; thence with Fisher's line to the bogilininir. Containing 1-4 of an acre more or less. . This the 2nd day of April, 1927. M. B. CANNON, Sheriff of Jackson County, N. C. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE ? IN THE SUPERIOR COURT., NORTH CAROLINA,. JACKSON COUNTY. J. W. BUCHANAN AND J. M. LEATHERWOOD, TRADING AND; DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE I FIRM NAME AND STYLE OF' "BUCHANAN AND LEATHER WOOD" ) c / ' \ "" ?? ? ; Ul vs ? JESSE ASHE By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Jackson County in the above entitled action, 1 will, on Mon day, the 2nd of May,, 1927, at 12:00, noon, at the Qpurt House Door in Sylva in said County, sell to the highest bidder lor cash to satisfy said* execution, all the rights, title and interest which the said Jesse Ashe, defendant, has in the following described real estate, which is a one fifteenth undivided interest in a house anj town of Dills boro and bounded as follows, to-wi, : BEGINNING on a stake, Cal Fish er's corner, on the bank of Scotts Creek and runs thence down the bank of Scotts Creek 47 feet to a istake; thence a North course to the Southern R-rilroad; thence with the Southern Railway 47 feet to Cal Fisher's Northwest corner; thence with Fisher's line to the Beginning, Containing 4-9 of an acre more or less. This the 2nd day of April, 1927. M. B. CANNAN, SHERIFF OF JACKSON COUNTY, N. C. ) NOTICE NORT& CAROLINA, ; JACKSON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:? This is to give notice that the un dersigned will apply to the Pardon Commissioner of North Carolina for a recommendation for the pardon of Ed. Slathers, convicted at the Octo ber Term, 1925, of the Superior Court, for manslaughter in connec tion with the killing of Virge Col vard, and sentenced to a term of not less than five years nor more than seven years in the State's Prison, to the end that His Excellency, A. W. McLean, Governor of, North Carolina, may grant said pardon. This the 2nd day of April, 1927. 4 6 4t. Mrs. Ed. Smathers. NOTICE ) North Carolina, Jackson County, In the Superior Court. E. P. Stillwell, Admr. of D. M.; Zachary, deceased. vs. Kate Zachary, Ann^e Zachary, Frank Zachary, Sue Zachary, Mrs. Ed-1 Hargrove, wife of Edd Zachary, de ceased; Elsie Zachary, Mrs. Etta Zachary Campbell; Ruth Zachary, Mary Bess Zachary and Walter Zachary, minors and heirs at law of D. M. Zachary, deceased; an,l El sie Zachary, Mrs. Etta Zachary Campbell, Ruth Zachary, Mary Bess Zachary and Walter Zachary, min ors, by their Guardian Ad Litem, Hugh E. Monteith. The defendant, Frank Zachary, one of the defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled ns above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Jackson County for the purpose of selling the real estate! of the sjiid D. M. Zachary, deceased, to make ai>sets with which to pay the outstanding debts of said estate, said lan 1 .tnifcg located in Jackson County and over which this court has juri; diction; and the defendant will further take l otiee that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Jackson County, at his office in Sylva, N. on the 16 day ofMay, 1927, at the Court-ho.ise of said county, an|d ans wer or (lemur to thn i>ctition in said action, er the plaintiff will apply to the Com t for the relief demanded in said petition. This 1") day of April, 1927. J. 7. -CRIBBLE, ... L Clork Superior Court. "/YWW\VrtQrt? Fertilizer and cultivation will not make up for pour soil preparation. Renew Your Health by Purification ? . . , Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health," Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs,?once or twice a week for several weeks?and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family pack age, containing full directions. Only 85 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.) Coca Cola Delivery truck from Sylva distributing point starts Wednesday morning, deliver / ing bottled drinks: ft v : ? The Sylva delivery service covers all territory from Balsam west to Eavensford. ? #?, * ? * i Asheville Coca Cola Co. W. E, Reed, Local Mgr, 1 Underline each word.. Natural-tobacco taste?for each word means a lot to a Chesterfield smoker , ?> 1 . - / ^ Natural aroma, natural sweetness, natural good taste but no "dolling-up" ?not by any means! Natu ral tobacco taste is all that it implies in natural good ness and character. y > * * ? * - b i Chesterfield and yet> they're MILD Lioobtt & Myers Tobacco Co. ? . * i i i ? i i . i??vmmmym

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