JACKSON CO. JOURNAL DAN TOMPKINS, - - Editor Published Weekly By the JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL 00 Entered as second class matter at Sylva, N. C. * THE MESSAGE OF THE AM- * * ERIOAN LEGION AUXIL- * * IARY POPPY ? BUY ME?I stand for service. I ? ? enabled one cent to be earned by * ? u disheartened service man in the ? hospital who needed it, and all * !* pay for rae goes for service for ? ? those for whom the war is not ? ? yet over. BUY ME! ? ? WEAR ME?I represent the " ? sacrificed blood of the men who * ? fell in Flanders Fields. I am a * ? memorial to all who died in ser- ? ? vice. In rcvcrence and under- * ? standing, WEAR ME! Sylva needs a tourist camp. Cham bcr of Commerce, consider it. ?r Woll paved throughout, a splendi< water system, now modern fire fight ing equipment. Sylva ^0 progress. Lindbergh made it from New York to Paris in less time than it used 10 take to negotiate the journey from Sylva to Asheville. All the world is a small neighborhood. Columbus discovered America four hundred and thirty five years ago. Lindbergh discovered Europe last week. Everybody from Knoxvillc to Au gusta is anxious for the completion ol' Highway 106. It has been promised to the people. Yet the six miles from Cashier's Valley to the South Caro lina line has not been placed on tin map and taken over for maintenance. Cutting a big slice off the insur ance tax of Sylva property owners will be a large saving to the people of the town. A re rating will be asked, and confidently expected, when the new fire fighting equipment is ready for use, and a voluntary fire depart ment organized properly. The opinion is officially expressed in Washington), that a special session of Congress is unnecessary for t he relief of the flood sufferers in the Mississippi Valley. It seems that no matter how hard he may be hit -or what hit him, the fanner needs no relief. < . increase manyfold the important tourist trade, .and to greatly lengthen the tourist season; and the improved passenger service will strengthen the whole commercial and soeial fabric that the people are so assidiously building in the mountain country. CHANGING A NUMBER Originally State Highway No. 286 extended trom Bryson City, through Franklin to the Georgia line. Then State Highway 285 was paved frou Dillsboro to Franklin anjd 286 from Franklin to the state line. Number 286 turning off at Franklin and go ig to Bryson City was confusing to tourists coming through from (ho South instead of extending on thrj across the Cowee gap and connecting No. 10 at Dillsboro. The Franklin; Press is authority tor the statement that the state highway commission has changed the ?lumbers; Higway 285 now cntending from Dillsboro to the Georgia line, and 286 being the highway from Franklin to Bryson City. This move on the part of the high way commission will remove the con fusion that is causey tourists, and, at the same time, it is unmberiiip the highways as they logically and geog raphically should be numbered. 285 is now a concrete road all the way from its junction with No. 10, at Dillsboro, to the Georgia line. The renumbering of these roai^s, gives Jackson conntv another through highway that starts somewhere and goes .somewhere, affording a great highway to Atlanta and the South coming into this county. Highway 106 must be extended to the South Carolina line and improved all the way from Sylva to the state line. Hero is the thir,] of the great trunk-line highways leading directly into Sylva. WILL ZACHARY DIES IN WASHINGTON Relatives in Sylva of Will K. Zachary have received messages tell ing of his death ftt his home in Ev erette, Washington, on May 18. He is a native of Jackson county is sur vived by his wife, who is also* from this county being before her nmr-1 riage, Miss Maggie Wilson, sister of Mrs. D. D. Hooper, Mrs. J. W. Keen er and Messrs. J. H., E. L. and T. 0. Wilson of Sylva. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Flora J. Watkins and other relatives in Jackson county aiifd Western North Carolina. ? ????? s ? ? - Fanners of Craven Couniy have sold $49,252.17 wortii oif fat hogs fed under the Shay method during the spring of 1927. ? DR NEWMAN GOING TO FRANKLIN ?, c ? Franklin Press. Dr. L. B. Newman, of Cullowhce has accepted an appointment sur geon to Angel Brothers' Hospital and will report for duty on June 15. v">?. Dr. Newman comes to Franklin with a fine reputation as a surgeon. Within the past year the number of operative cases at Angel Brothers Hospital has increased ofc such an ex Hospital has increased to such ai^ ex othor surgeon, it was stated Jiere Tuesday. NOTICE A $ v v State of North Carolina County of Jackson. The public will take notice that I J/ S. Higdon, will offer for sale and sell, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of Higdon's Garage'in the town of Sylva, Jackson County, North Carolina on June 18th at 2 P. M., one Automobile Touring Ford 10235334, belonging to Hershel Middleton, to satisfy labor and stor age on the s#me. This May 25, 1927. V, J. S. HIGDON. FOR OVER 200 TEARS ( haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. - HAARLEM OIL. @!2?ili333i9 correct internal trouble#, atimulate rital : auea. All druggifts. Inaiat ?4' ') ) DO NOT FORGET ) (By 0. C. Hulett) t? i. ''In Flanders fields the poppies blow, And you, who go' , i" About your play, so careless of the day, Can hardly know, ? The blaze of glory that they shed, On our brave dead, Who silent lie, beneath a foreign sky? "But we, who heard the murd-rocs guns Deep, roaring guns, Death's symphony, performed for such as we? The Hardy Ones, Whose Buddies' fleeting breath sped 'Mid poppies red. Can we forget? Tho' years more years beget? No, not yet! . , "Today, in reverence you wear A poppy fair. In Flanders Lanjd, where countless crosses stand? So silent stand; They will not sleep, nor we forg-ivc c If those who live, Neglect to wear a crimson poppy fair, - And breathe a prayer. ?, V Hawkins Cafe (? t ^ REGULAR DINNER 40c week day" SUNDAY DINNER 75cents NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina, Jackson County In the Superior Court. Sylva Coal and Lumber Co. f \ N. L. Dillard and Mrs. M. J. Diliard. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Super ior Court of Jackson County in the above entitled action, I will, on Mon day, the 23rd day of May,, 1927 it being one of the first three days of the May Term of the Superior Court of Jackson County at 12:00, noon, at the Court House Door in the town oi Sylva in said county,, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution, all the right, title and inter est the sai^ N. L. Diliard, defendant, has in the fo'lowing described real estate, to wit: Beginning at an iron post, Mr*. Osten's northeast corner on State Highway No. 10, and runs an east course on the old State Road to Hen son's or Phillips' line; thence a northwest course with Henson's line to State Highway No. 10; thence West or down State Highway No. 10 about 600 feet to the beginning, con | taining 4 acres more or less. This the 23rd day of April, 1927. M. B. CANNON, 4 27 4t. Sheriff Jackson County. NOTICE On petition of the County Commis sionera of Mitchell, Surry, Jacfksou Haywood, Yancey, Avery, Buncombe and Alleghany Counties, we hereby extend the provision of the Stair Wide Anglers' Act to all methods of taking fish from the trout streams of said counties as provided by Sec tion 13, of said act. The fishing public will, therefore take notice that a license to take fish from any of the trout streams iu said counties by any and all methods of hook and line, or rod and reel fishing will be required. By order of the Board of Conser vr.tion and Development. This May 2, 1927. J. K. Dixon, Asst. Director. Poultry Sale * i ? ^5* ? " , -m '? ? f * ' ? The cooperative poultry car run by Jackson County Poultry Growers Cooperating with State Division Markets and County Agent will be at SYLVA ALL DAY THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND. ' The following prices will be paid in cash at the car: Henb, all breeds ? ? .... ? - ?? .?20c. per lb. Cox ? .... ? .... ? ?- ?* ??-?8c per lb. Broilers:? , ( . ,, i ; v Purebred, heavy breeds 1 1-2 lbs. and up ....32c per lb. Mixed, heavy breeds 11 1-2 lbs. and up ....30c per lb. Mixed, heavy breeds under 1 1-2 lb...~.... ....25c per lb. Leghorns and Anconas 1 1-2 lbs. and up ... 25c per lb. Leghorns and Anconas under 1 1-2 lbs 20c. per lb. NOTE: Broilers under 1 1-4 pounds not wanted. ? ? Jackson County farmers have already received in cash at tl.c poultry car over seven thousand collars, which is more than wo soli during the entire year last year. Let's continue to make oifr cash poultry sales grow. JACKSON CO. POULTRY ASSO, For Sale ? ? ? : . v . *: ?. > t - ? v *? : ' ? ' ' '' ' ?" ' ' ? '? K 600 acres mountain land inj upper Cullowhee Valley, Jackson County. Considerable Saw and pole timber and large amount of acid wood. Will consider trade for improved real estate. Apply to W. R. Ammons, ANmcd ' S1 Li The warm weather has started the tourists On their annual pilgrimage through our mountains. The vanguard is beginning to trickle through on our highways and by ways. Soon the roads will be jammed with the summer crowds on pleasure bent. As 'they journey through our county and our towns they judge us by the appearance of our homes, and farms and streets. The first impression is the lasting one. The tourists are worth nothing to us unless tliev stop and see us. A nleasing anoearance will stop them. Let's put the best foot first. ' Bakeup, pick-up, burn up, paint up, fix up, ' primp up, clean up, build and make repairs. Elbow "grease" is your biggest investment. Outside, inside, floor, ceiling root or wall, we have the ]iaint, oil or Alabastiiy; that fits the purpose. Figure your paint by the surface it covers, and it costs less in . RED W ' "the Paint for Every Purpose" lives up to its name. We have it for every purpose, roof, wall in side work, barn and outbuildings. It's amazing what a little paint, at small cost, can accomplish about the old place, whon mixed ?we know thi value and needs of good tools. Do you need? Rake ? Hoe ? Spade ? Shovel ? Trowel ? Fork ? Lawn Mower ? Scythe ? Clipper?Pruners?Gar den Seed ? Field Seed ? Paint Brushes ? Hammer ? Saw?Chis el ? Brace and Bit, etc. We have them?all first class tools and supplies?and at lowest cost. Drop in Every tool and an pliance that is need ed for the work of repairing the house, keeping the premis es in tidv shape, and cultivating the field or erarden is found at the Winchester Store, and every aoout tne oia piace, wnon mixed x i ? u j ?s with proper pride and a little cl- lOOA lb db *00U ** bow grease. / ; . . . . . .. . , _ the gun." iPMl m JS? ^ w ?the WINCHESTER store