I jl 50 the Year in Advance in the Sylva, C., Wednesday, June 8,1927 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County HARRY BUCHANAN PLANS BIG THEATRE EXPANSION jj. E Huchanam, owner and op erator of the Lyric Theatre plans u laige tii ;itre expansion in Sylva, ,rhicli includes the erection of tv/a new theatre buildings, and other theatre improvements, according to announcement made yesterday^ Fifteen months ago Mr. Buchanan; purchased a Main street lot, one of the most centrally located in town; between the present Lyric Theatre building atid the Tuckaseegee Bank, for the ? rection of a new picture theatre, and he now announces that the building will be constructed at once, the work beginning within) thir tv days, with the expectation of hav ing it ready for occupancy by Sep tember First. The building will be of brick ami other fire proof materials, and will he modern, in every respect. It will have a seating capacity for 400 people, will be equipped with now screens, new projecting ma chines, new open seats, and an( air conditioning system will be Installed keeping the air cool in summer aud warm during the winter months. This theatre will be for white peo ple, and in keepin& w?th the pres ent policy of the Lyric, only the best films obtainable will be shown. Mr. Buchanan announces that ho will also construct a theatre on the Cullowhce road, above the upper Scott's Creek bridge, opposite the store of W. P. Potts. While this building will be of wood, it will also be a theatre of the most modern ap pointments, Mr. Buchanan states that the purpose of this theatre is for the accommodation of the people who live in that part of Sylva, placing a good picture theatre at a more convenient location to their homes, and giving them theatre advantages without haz ing to walk such a ong distance, lo the Lyric on Main street. The seating capacity will also be for four hun dred people, and there will be a bal cony for colore^ people, with a sep arate entrance from that used by the white people. Both the new theatres will be open six nights a week, and will put on film features sneh as are found in the best theaties of the larger towns. At the Main street theatre Mr. Buchanan announces, he will install a modern reproducer organ, giving the same musieal effects as an or chestra, and will give Sylva the best theatre west of AsheviHe. There will b* a pood stage and dressing rooms, providing for the showing of first class vaudeville. Six years age Mr. Buchanan) took over the old Halson theatre, when it was closed and began the showing of films of the best producers. He has consistently stuck to the policy of showing only the best obtainable, ?id has built up the Lyric on that l*sis. He recently purchased half in terest in the building, which pow houses the Lyric. Mr. Buchanan frankly states that the present thea tre business does not justify the ex Pension that he is launching, but be lioves iu the future of Sylva and is building for the future. DILLSBORO WOMAN PASSES Mrs. James C. Fisher died at her home in Dillsboro last Thursday, fol a long illness at the age of The funeral was conducted at the lsboro Methodist church Friday afternoon, by the pastor, Rev. W. M. Robbinjs and Rev. Thad F. DeiU, ??ptist jwistor. Interment was in the ^wris cemetery. Mrs. Fisher, who *as a native of South Carolina, was ?^verte(j at an early age, and*unit with the Dillsboro Methodist arch, a few years ago. Mrs. Fisher is survived by her hus p'H James C. Fisher, two sons, . fRe MeDade of Dillsboro and J fisher of Richmond, Va., and llv? daughters, Mrs. C. W. Allen of Va an j County to Cooperate In Forest Work The county commissioners, Tuesday closed a contract with the Forestry Service of the North Carolina Depart ment of Conservation and Develop ment, whereby the county will co operate with t',e state and federal governments in forest fire prevention work. Under the terms of the contract, the state and federal departments wi.! spend $500 for the work in this cou i ty during the year, and the county will pay for all fire fighting, the county's appropriation for the work not to exceed $500.00. If there arc no forest fires, the state depart ment will spend its $500 in the coun ty. In case of fire the counjty will spend whatever it costs to fight the fires, up to'$500. If there are no fires, the county will pay nothing. The appointments of the wardens will be made and the actual machin ery of forest fire prevention work will be put into operation within a short time, it is stated. MBS. GIBBS IS IMPROVING Mrs. J. U. Gibbs, wife of the princ ipal of the Sylva graded , school, is said to be out of danger, following i injuries received some days ago, in ! an automobile accident, near CantoA, and is recovering,. at an Asheville hospital, where she was taken fol lowing the accident. Mr. and Mrs. . Gibbs expect to move from Whittier to Sylva, and make their home here, as soon as Mrs, Gibbs recovers completely. ' ' '' ENLARGEMENT CAMPAIGN IS IN PBOGBESS Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Washburn are this week conducting classes, at the Baptist church, in "Building A Standard Sunday School" and "Plans And Programs," in connec tion with the enlargement campaign which is being inaugurated in( the Sunday School of the church. The classes, which are held each night, at eight oi'clock, are being well at tended. L . ? 6 ^ SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army territorial staff band, of Atlanta, Georgia, will give an open air concert in Sylva, at 9:00 o'clock Saturday morning, June 11. It is expected that a large crowd of people from all parts of Jackson and the neighboring counties will be present to enjoy the rare privilege of hearing a band composed of such accomplished musicians. The concert will begin promptly at 11 o'clock and will continue for one hour. A temporary stand will be ex-ected on Main Street at Allen for the accommodation of the band, which will be under the direction ot Lieutenant Colonel G. W. Peacock, who was for many years a member of the Canadian staff band, and sen ior bandmaster of the Canadian for-{ ces during the World War. This famous bailed will stop off in Sylva for one concert, Saturday, as it is traveling from Atlanta Head quarters to Asheville, where it Will give a series of concerts, including a broadcast from station W. W. N. C. With the band will come some of the highest rankinjg officers of the Sal vation Army in the nited States. They and the band will be intro duced to the people of Sylva ar. visiting relatives at Almond. Miss Polly arifd Edna Hoyle, Eve lyn Kinsland and Dorothy Freem >n called at Mr. J. E. Hoyles' Sunday. Mr. H. G. Fergusoin and family] called at Mr. York Howell's Sun lay afternoon^ ' Mrs. A'. C. Hoyle who has been seriously ill for several days is re ported in.proving. ? Mr. J. C. Johnson has been on the sick list for about two weeks. Mrs. Ras Chambers and sister, Miss Audrey Matthews, who ht.ve recently - undergone operations in Candler-Tidmarsh Hospital, have re turned home. DR. ASHLEY WELL ADDRESSES COMMERBE BODY $300,000 Golf Project is Assured at Highlands Citizens of Highlands are happy at the prospect of having noted golf stars in their midst in the not dist ant future, following the announce ment of the purchase of more than 400 acres of land near here for a Southern golf center, by a syndicate composed chiefly of .Atlanta busi ness men. The cost of the land, andi the mag nificent club house and course to be built immediately will be in the neigh borhood of $3000,000, it was learned from authoritative sources. ! The purchasers include Robe it Jones, Sr., of Atlanta, father of Bob by Jones golf champion); Sam Evans of Atlanta, lawyer, and Carlton Smiih also of Atlanta. The fact that "Bobby" Jones' father is in the syndicate is takx-n as ample proof here that the Atlanta links wizar(] will* bring noted players here when the course is opened. The survey of the^property for the coursu already is under way. No confirm ation of an earlier report that young Jones himself was actively connected with the syndicate could be had. The land, near the Jackson county line on the Georgia side of Highlands, runs r.p to the town limits, and Higl lands already has agreed to run lin