JACKSON CO. JOURNAL DAN TOMPKINS, - - Editor Published Weekly By the JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL CO .j Entered as second class matter at Sylva, N. CL V y Let's crank up the little plane and fly over to Paris for the week end! The ships that pass in the night fly so high we can only hear the hum of their motors. With the trout season merging in to the bass season, life is happy i;i our mountains, prosperity or no pros perity. J "High school graduates urged io Carve careers." Let's not make sur geons of them all. / ) S ? >? Mr. Coolidge took the advice of 'Horace Greely to young men,Jo "go West." We hope he, grows Up to the country. Of course the price of grainp is going up. They are now out of the hands of the producer, and haven't yet reached the consumer. > , We notice that headline writers are also sometime facetious. Our fav orite Sunday paper carried this one: ''Coolidge Will Run Again If Pros ]?erity Continues.'' Great fear is also felt that the Mississippi flood will do great dam age to Western North Carolina's tour ist crop. If it were a certainty that every man who writes or speaks of the "next war" would have to spei.d several months in the front line trenches as a buck private, the e would be no "next war" talk. 5 As is our way, in a few years Lindbergh will be a little, tin, angel, with wings, and everything, who new er had a human thought or a human impulse in his life. As a matter of fact, the best thing about him is thr.t lie is a real, live-blooded, human American!, even as you and I. "Knee deep in Juno!" Wo like it so well that wc don't carc if it geis soi deep that we have to wear bath ing suits. Western North Carolina is blest, in June, as well as the other eleven months of the year. While the lowlands swelter, we look dciwn in comfort* from our mountain strong hold, aivd invite them all to come up higher. ' v 1 : When is the state highway com mission to fulfill the promise of Mr. Stikelcathcr, made last July, at High Hampton, in the presence of South Carolina officials, former governor Morrison, and ia large crowd of in terested North ?Carolinians, aiijil place the Sloan Turnpike, from Cashier's Valley to the South Carolina li.ic on the map as part of 10(i, an(] as sume the maintenance? We wonder A COUNTY VETERINARIAN Dr. I. K. Cooper is fast completing the difficult job of testing the cattle of the county, and by August First it is expected that ihe couiity will bo officially five of tubercular cattle. This is-a great stride, both in public*' health and in1 placing the dairying and bief cattle industries on a solid| basis. The county is free of tubercular cattle. It should be kept so, and ii would 1)0, wise to employ Dr. Cooper as county veterinarian, to look after thisj important feature of the county's business and to be of general (service to dairymen and farmers , of the ^county. It would also be wise to have in sjieCjinn of milk and meats sold with in the town of Sylva. This is indeed, .and would be a great forward step as a public health measure, (and as as'drawing card to tourists.. Why couldn't the town and comity co-op orate in thi}< work and put on a coun ty veterinarian and town meat and milk inspector. It wonl(| be destinctly j worth doing, and the cost would be negligible. : :/? . L / ? (Jo Wli^ie the Smart Set Coos ? MAKE YOUR SUNDAY EVENINGS A REAL PLEASURE Join the Methodist Epworth League Meets each Sunday, 7:00 P. M. Mi's. 1). D. Alley, President CARD OF THANKS s We wish to thank our dear friends for their kindness and sympathy to "s in our reccnt bereavement, and for the many beautiful flowers. May God's richest blessings rest upm each one of them. ) Mrs. W. F. Holden and Children. WANT COLUMN The rate for classified ads in | this column is 10c. per line for I | each insertion, averaging six j best and earliest varieties. | (6) words to a line. | CELERY PL All NOW READY? -40c. jK'r hunjred. Apply Mrs. J. H. Cathc/, SylvH. N. C.?(> 8 2t FOR SALE?Two Jersey Milch Cows (rood milkers and limxI butter. Aj? | ply ,T. C. Fisher, Dillsboro, K. 0. (> 8 ltp. iPOTATO PLANTS FOR SALS - ' 25 cts. per one hundred at bed. y\riil deliver at 30 cts. Will be ready May 15th. ..W. C. Allison. LATE 1925 ROADSTER FOR SALE good rubber, new top, new batter* A-l mechanical conditior. Priced tc sell. D. D. Alley, Sylva, N. C. >';} ?? FOR SALE?6 tube radio set, hag been in use only 3 weeks. Gives perfect satisfaction. A bargain. Leonard Jones, Dillsboro. ' K.? I THOROUGHBRED KENTUCKY Spanish Jack. Season $12.6u. A3 j fine as can be found. D. L. Shook, i Tuckaseigee,' N. C. l I I MALE HELP WANTED CORRESPONDENT REPORTER to gathejr news rnd publicity. Ex perience not essential. Write PRESS, 211 South Davie SI. Greensboro, N. C. The cooperative poultry car will be at Svlva all day Thursday, June 16th. The ? ?? ? 7 following prices will he paid in cash at the car: . . T ?? ? ? ? " V' ?' -V ;? ? ; ??? 1 ? ; Ileus, heavy breeds 1 ...,18c per l!? liens, lijihr breeds ?. - ?Joe per lb Cox ; ....8c per lb Broilers, heavy breeds .... t...25o per lb jj Broilers, |ii>ht breeds .... ... 20c per !i> ^ *"i #? * y ' . *? . * , . ? ?A All broilers should average 11-2 lbs or more. It will be more profitable to (i?row ' broilers to two pounds before selling them Jackson County Poultry Asso. ? * ' ?*% mm* PICTURE FRAMING ?Nicely done at reasonable prices Give me your work. S. S. Enloe, Dillsboro. FEMALE HELP WANTED ?CORRESPONDENT REPORTER^ to gather news and publicity. Experience not essential. Write PRESS, 211 South Davie Sr. Greensboro, N. C. Lost |DOG, FOX TERRIER, BLACK SPOTS. 1T* SUJT ARU". ;;i.\vM>n ? C. J. tlARRfi DILLSB0R,0. X. (j WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR j * r. ' / Ladies Ready to Wear Department * * - V* { / / : - * s - i ? ^ . .> * "? . ?? 1 ? IS ALMOST COMPLETE .? . "? ' > ? ? '?" . . / W . a * * f 'u s We have some very pretty (-oats am! dresses and a few ladies hats in Kelts ami Straws, which are all the rage. W e invite you to inspect our newly Equipped rest room which has been added for the convenience of our lady customers. A, " ? r . y Remember it was built for service. w ?A YES SIR! ?: Y ? A-" 1 ? ' J i c 1 \ <0 1 \ '? , \ ?< > ; ? > \ i ' r i.) \ L, , : \ ; ? j v V" / t ' f > 7 \ ' 'i 9 ? i ? i /1 ' f > . k. c o X 0 BOYS1 FOUR PIECE SUITS * V i -J Coat, Vest and two pair of trousers S10t0 $20 (. ? A Eeal Value WE'VE JIJST PI T IN A DEPARTMENT TO TAKE CARE OF THE (?.' ' i % * ? i ? . ' i \ ' ' * JACKSON COUNTY BOYS. BOYS LIKE GOOD LOOKING CLOTH- \ ) ' * . / ' '' 4 ^ * l ' * \ ING AS WELL Xs THEIR DADS AND OLDER BROTHERS. AND. ' SAY, WE'VE GOT EM. ; LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF BOYS CLOTHES i' ; THEY ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY, MADE TO STAND THE HARD ? ' - ' ' r ?? '? '? /' KNOCKS, AND YET LOOK AS GOOD AS MR. ANYBODY'S CLOTHES I - . > i ? .A > . ,? I ^ - - ' > * 'A* I i r. ) ^ .. i V J & ... - . vv";' V . . i . ? OUTFITTERS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS - ? ? ? v ? ' s ?? . , v /