C' ? fimb^Year in Ad W in^hTcou^ c; '0 ?0 z' -. ?A v-i.-;;: / - ?" ?. / ?> ? x, V Al*g. 3,1927 >? -| ' ?3^= ? HfeBl V .7**" \ . - -r-> . > , ? . .. fllt> Wcstcrsi- Norili ("nruTina Bnp ljj[ kW;""!"1" :.:l mniilvr jjlij,; of tl/e l?s ^ l'. I i ami W'oiiu L': Missfl?ll"tOl' tiu> WlVi Ifrti Jftri ^!'"? win' !,,- 'J;.'.' ^ SvlvaXoiit x'i; c iy-riile, Ix'^iji .im'ni'\t>Siin<< v.i't'ii^t;oM i)k rtt'M^ I.1!. (if I hi 't?,>.?t prominent |S WHll.lT- jiiul jmli'i ?ill '>? enlion.i ?:i*f : i..i i.;' i: ?!.i "i '! v.'.il r><> ii: t'i'- i' :?t ?, ! iiti?rs v, ill {). 3W * ? ot ikr I waii- |Vl I' '? iiiilrtil')11'.: . tir jlHVi ljl?rs V. Wi! ill lii"' -c? I.ail of I la1 Isriu'J iiwii': Jh'r*i" -jiii i* who will ap ' , , I fftjr on 11k- |'!f.jr;iia are: Ktv. II 'i'- 11iiili I'ointJ > 'ijii liaptist Ciiuicii. iinxei. ^ Cfiavli- ht-v. liicktfiy, State lav !j?rhtK?l J' W orker. bs lila.hA M<. Unlc iu li, Stal o ?Mrtilan Sii Srliool Secretary. llo.jlNr. Myvrii.x. Hi-li Point, wr, Cdrr??Secretary; 'W. .l'. iw N t'. . ylva,. State iljv Sch.'i'i iv?iM \\ orkrr. ( j Ptm Mutual* Kajciuh, State I>. ^. , l'. .Vrctiiry? , ? j \V. t'. liti'iU Sv'lva. President Ira Colli-111?t it nic. fe T. WattN l?;illa>. Texas, Sec- ; Hi'lii'i ainl Annuity Hoard, j>. ('-j i ' ' j EmniAv Moure. liinninirliafh Ala., |atf Sr.ijilay S-fool. Secretary for ^ ? " ? i. A/ Mall in, i> I Waynesvillc, illi Fir-Si l>;ij>ii-i ("liuivli. I Ihe |n-*.-|?l"r a'cinlinyf mvat n&Kjii-:iiii|-iiicti1 will loom ill tliw miijfunis ui Syha '.Cuili'^iatc In lite anil will iui\ c ? livir meals [?1 iii tin- iliniau liall of the i? itution. ? C. n ? '- . H Iw - . tliv'(>j?? akcrs. at tlu tua: .-p.'ak?,.( ?i:unit v lor relax P'' ? ? imales in attend-, f ll(j ? V ' 1 '? injuru'iit to enjoy j j'") I lu'anty of f"' "'l 'K<- ti miiiliii^ territory,. ^"'"??1.:!^., i he n s, of the ?,-! Al V l ' .T -T?nr 'J sy^a, N. G, rtlu Qf ,;i ?, I'jfidB v ^ i'apirnnt *? *? U. Field Worker i If REV. H. T. STEVENS, High Point, N. C. Encampment Preacher Sunday Night ) 1:00 Mootin?? of Sylva e(. Y. P. U.'s'J 8:()() Sermon. MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY Morning 6:30 Rising bell. : 7:00".Breakfast., 7:45 ' Classes ja p?. Y < P. U. 8:30 Classes in Sunday School.. 9:15 Mission Study for all. 10:00 Classes in It. Y. P. IF.** 10:45 Classes in Sunday School. 11:30 Recess. ^ ^ ? 11:45 Bible Lectuwv?G. A. Martin. 1 :t><> Dinner. Afternoon 2:00 Jtest?Rfjsjuatj^n, ; "Evening ' > '? s | 6:00 Supper. " c 6:45 '^Conference Period. 8:00 Sermon?Mr. Stevens, 10:30 Sandman's hour. COURSES OF STUDY 1." Building a Standard Sunday. School." A courso in Sunday School Administration for all teachers, of ficers, pastors* ami others. ' Mr. Ivey, Teacher. 2. 44Working with Beginners." * A course for workers with the Cradle {'?ill and Bsginners in the Sunday School. s ? oi Miss Beck, Teacher. 3. "Working with Primaries*" A course for workers with Primaries in the Sunday School. Mrs. Washburn, Teacher. 4. General; B. V. P. I7. Organ ization." A study, in B. Y. , P. l', methods for pastors, Seniors, Adults ami Junior and Intermediate Leaders, Mr. Morgan, Teacher. 5." "Intermediate B. Y. P. lT. Man ual." A course in methods for In tcrmediates. ' Miss Rickett, Teacher. 6. "Junior B. Y.\P. U. Manual.*,' A course in Smethods" for uniors. Miss Biggers, Teacher. 7. *4Only a Missionary." A study in missions for all. 1 Mrs. Stevens, Teacher. POLICE SAYS NO OBJEC TION MADE TO SEARCH i T '. ' Following thi; ptib ieation cif an ed itorial i'i the Franklin Press, criti cisiii'-'' the, action of Svlva officers-in i searching* Jthe cat* of W. T> Moore, j i*Y;Vi.\fin B?nkf ?, in Sylva wpek be fftre iast, "BBf" Martin town mm h . hid of Sylva, .'dated to a represcnla j live oft t Ik* Journal, that he was prcs i ent at the time the search was madt* and (hat Mr. Moore made no fb.i?"? I lion to having his car searched; b;n to the contrary, invited the-officers fo search it, when he was told that Jt was suspected of containing liquor though lie did not tell the officers q^) a i' r who he was, prior to the search, ?tc cording to Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin slated that lie had re ceived reports that a car of liquor, ! answering to the description of Mr. 1 Moore's ear and driven by a mnu ] whose description closely resembled that of Mr. Moore, was ooming thru. ! He stated that when he saw Mr. Moore going through town he started a Wavnesville Bovs Make Georeia to Sea Run < i V Leaving the Georgia line at 5 o 'clock Tuesday morning, passing through Sylva at about 7'clock, and lvcing 011 down the state over High v. ly No. 10, C. G. Logaii, Jr., and ?T. P. Swift Jj". Waynesville boys, ar- j rived at Morehead City at 7:44! o'clock Tuesday evening, making the; dawn to dusk drive from Georgia to the sea. } ? - " ' 1 The two young men said that they kept within tlie state speed laws all the way. When they arrived at Dur ham they Mere 22 minutes ahead of their schedule, but later ran out of gas, losing 8 minutes. Tlie run was made under the au spices ol' the Waynesville Chamber of loihmerec and the speedometer at! the end of the trip showed 5tii) miles.' TOWN CONTRACTS CITY HALL BUILDINttj The contract tor the erection of the new city hall and fire department house, was awarded Monday to W. Mike Brown, by the board of alder men of Sylva at a contract price of i $2935.00, this behijj the lowest bid! made for the materials andawork, j The contract calls for the comple tion of the building by September j First. The eitv hall, which will con-, tain the fire house, mayor's office; and serve for other functions for the city,Is to'be erected on the ot] now ownejl by the to\yn at the junc-, tion of Allen Street and Dillsboro road, just north of the Scott's Creek bridge. R is to be^t concrete fou.tr-j dati?n anll fhe sefcond story Ife to b" of brick. ^ f MRS. CHARLES JOLLAY Asheville, N. C. Encampment Pianist WIKE FARM SOLD AT AUCTION The Home Realty and Auction Co., of Franklin, and Ilorney Brothers, of Asheville and Lakeland, conduct ed tin? sale of the C. B. Wike farm, near Cullowhee, Tuesday and offi cials of the auction company staff that the sale was a tfood one, t!?J> *property being readily bid in at good prices. \ It is reported, that Reggie Va^ler bilt has spent thirty million dollars in twenty yeijrs?and yet we haw never heard that ho ran a newspaper ?or backed a show troupe. in pursuit., to investigate and found Deputy Sheriffs Claude Green and Glands- Wike, j on the same ? errand. He states that they quietly stopped Mr Moore and informed him of the reports itbey had received and that Mr. Moore invited Jhem to go ahead and search his ear to satisfy them . selves about it. ) ,? "It was merely a.case of mistaken identity," said Mr. Martin, ''and there was no fuss made about it, the search being made at the invitation of Mr. Moore and in the presence of onlv three or four bystanders, who gathered when they saw the offieeis stop Mr. Moore's car." ichanan and Powell Will Not Make Run Because (4' the serious illness of Mn. .1. H. Powell, Mr. Powell ami Mr. Harry Bnchauan have indefin itely postponed the Georgia terintemleut, protesting in Jackson county, the unfair treatment that the county received at the liands of the^; equalizing compulsion, last J week, granted Jackson county an additional $L'000.00 from the equal izing fund. While i>eopIe in the county who are- familiar with the facts assert that this is far short of what Jack son is really entitled to, they are delighted with the success that has been attained in securing this addi tional amount tor the schools of the ?county. -One prominent citizen of the coun ty called the Journal and offered his congratulations upon the rather unexpected sncmis of the campaign and was kind wiough to ipsist that .the cditoiial&rappearing; ii^the <[$urn nli foiiltry conditions arc being made a sjK-cial study thm i tlr> section. ' ' , * v On Thursday the tourists will go into East Tennessee and its sweet clover region and on Friday will; j stop at the Tennessee Central State Test Farm at Knoxville. Friday night they will camp in the Sweetwater I Valley ane for* vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes gave a watermelon reception to a party of friends. ' * ? Mr. .T. 0. Howell and family vis aed fit A. Ci Hoyle's. , . \Miss A. L. Terrell visited Miss M. E. Ferguson. - Mr. G. T. Cooper and family of Sylva, called at Mr. York Howell'--. "Mrs. J. H. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes called at Mr. W. H. Hoyle's. . Mrs. Pearl Cooper of Sylva spent the week end with Mrs. Frank Owen. Miss Bonnie Anthony visited Miss Claudia Hoyle. Floyd Bennett, pilot of the Byrd North Pole flight, is coming to the Cullowhee State Normal on Friday, August 5, under the auspices of the school lvceuin course. While here Mr. Bennett is scheduled to give au illustrated lecture concerning his experiences at the North Pole. Pilot Floyd Bcnjiett, according to Commander Byrd, U. N. N., the or ganizer of the expedition, deserves much credit for the first successful flight to the North Pole. Mr. Ben nett was chosen for the great adven ture because of his knowledge of the aviation motor, as welL as his skill as a ?pilot?which alone could insure the success of the great under taking. The only possibility of a re turn to civilization alive if engine trouble had forced a landing on th?i ice lay in Bennett's knowledge of the giant motors which drove tho great monoplane to the North Pole and back again. Since the triumphant; return of the North Pole flyers, Mr. Bennett has achieved a considerable reputa tion also s a public speaker and lect urer. Although extremely modest about his own accomplishments, Floyd Bennett has a, direct and sincere manlier of speaking and telling one of the most interesting stories of his tory. He has already visited fifty cities from New York to San Fran cisco, travelling by airplane. Hia i 1 / FLOYD BENNETT coming to Cullowhee was arranged by president Hunter after a lengthy , correspondence with Charles I. Reid, his representative, which finally ^fe sulted in a mutually satisfactory date. On May ninth, ]926, the world nv sounded with the news that two Americans, Floyd Bennett and Rich ard Byrd of the U. S. Navy, had flown over the North Pole. America's claim to the North Pole was cinched. The intrepid flyers, Byrd and Ben nett, had reached the pole nnd cir cled it several times, verifying Ad miral Peary's observations complete ly. The flight had been favored by continued sunlight and there was nev er the slightest fog?so that Com mander Byrd, with his sun compass (Continued on page 4) jgm, . > m - " ii * " -V 7 v" - r -.?? k T. ? ?r '/? PERRY MORGAN Raleigh, N. G. State B. Y. P. U. Secretary J J i J