50^ie Year 111 Advanoe^^BCounty g Sy.iva, N. C. Thursday, October 13,1927 > ' $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County IS Tho cases against Walker Breedlove ami Ii?i( Bryson, in which >they are hjrjrrtl Am ill shooting each other, at lileitvilf'' at the election, last year, ' imn nt Ho Macon County by ord er J Jiftkv Harding, Monday after vo6n. lilH' s,t *or trial on the first . v 0j-1|?. November court of Macon, ,-liii'li iw's 011 the twenty-first, with Imk'f Harding 011 the bench. ' The 's sa*(' *? 1 ^ave ariseu L,. J),,, ( iisting of absentee ballots niifii Breedlove waes registrar and Bj-vsoii tin- republican judge of thd Action- ' .J. It was jelled up in court, Monday, when Col., Kranklin Watson of Burns viUe, ^presenting Mr. Breedlove ninth' a motion that a jury be drawn from another county for the trial of the ease, at this terra of Jackson county court. Col.,Watsn read an affij davit made bv Breedlove, in which it was protested that the affiany Breedlove, is a Democrat and wasi registrar at the election in Hamburg' township,, and that Mr. Bryson wasj Republican judge of the eleetion Breedlove asserted in his affidavit that Bryson raised a dispute over, the casting of an absentee ballot,! and that Bryson fired upon him. The affidavit affirmed that the Republi can party prevailed in the election, and that all the oiicers of Jackson county are now Republicans, and that of the 34 jurors summoned for this term ot' court from all sections of Jj-cksoii ioiuity, only 7 are Democrats j and that of the 7 part of them affil iate with tli'e republicans in some elec tions. The affidavit went on to say that political feeling runs high in this county and that the affiant Breed uvc, could not get a fair and ituparu ial trial before a jury of Jackson Comity at the present term of court. With this affidavit as his basis, Col. Watson pleaded for an order to lie made drawing a jury from another county. . ' Judge '1 had D. Bryson, attorney for Bryson, opfwsed the motion tof ?either removal of or drawing a jury from another county, stating that the affidavit was insufficient, and thut if the Judge should draw the conclu-j ?>ion that a great prcponderence of juror* ot the republican prirty were drawn purposely that it would be n direct charge of moral turpitude ag ainst the county commissioners; and that believed, a fair trial could be liad in this county. He state4 that ci' the jury list he held in his hand, containing .'i6 names, that 17 of them appeared to be democrats. Mix K. Alley, also appearing for Breedlove insisted that a jury should he drawn from another county, star ing that he believed it to be unfair to both the defendants, to the state, 2nd to a jury that might be drawn in this county, for it to be tried be fore Jackson county jurors. He stated that if the political faith of the jar ws was by aeeident or inadvertanee that it would still be unfair to try 'lie ease before a Jackson county jury. Col. Watson stated that all ho or client wanted was a fair trial for Breedlove, Bryson and the state, an,l that he wanted to go further Nun that, and wanted the people POOTBALL TOMORROW Sylva Collegiate Institute's FooL team will meet Franklin High 0n the local gridiron tomorrow after no<"i at ,"J :30, for the first game to flayed iu Svlva for many years. S. c. r met the Cherokee Indians as* week, at the Indian fair, and an excellent showing. This was first game that the Sylva school tVcr engaged in, and the spirit of "Ie team was the topic of much fa v?rable comment from lovers of the fl^'t, and it was believed that only InPxpeijionce was the cause of defeat, c final score being 25 to 6 in favor the Indians. The S. C. I. team has been training ?r Mrs. W. F. Deitz from East Fork and Miss Deliah Gribble of Hiawassee Ga., visited the parsonage Thursday. Miss Lillian Banks spent Friday nt S. C. I with her sister, Miss Theresa Banks. Mesdames D. G. Bryson, T. C. Bry son and T F Deitz spent Saturday at Addie with Mrs Robert Fisher. Glad to report that Mrs. S. W. j^nsley who has been sick at her home is improving, Mrs. Milas Ward is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Bishop at Cullowhee. Mr. Frank Clouse from Canton, was here Sunday. Mr. Glen Ward has gone to Char lotte. ? Rev. W. N. Cook of Kings Moun tain passed through our village Sat urday morning, stopping only for a short while. Mrs. Gordon Reed has returned aft er spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Charles Fowler of Ashe viHe. Miss Anna Mae McKenna, and Miss Laura Leverett from Sylva Collegiate Institute spent the week end wit'i Miss Muriel Snyder of Beta. Mr. Clinton Hooper and Miss Maud Dana Bumgarner of Speedwell were married at Beta Thursday, with Rev. Geo. C. Snyder officiating. Mrs. C. B. Thompson, Mra. Jen nings Bryson and Mrs Geo. ?. Snyder spent the day Thursday at the home of- Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reed. Mr and Mrs. W. A. Stillwell Macon, Ga, have returned to their honid'after spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. W. G. Dillard. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Snyder and chil dren spent the week end at Franklin with relatives. Mr. Snyder and. three older children returning Sunday while Mrs. Snyder and younger children will spend a few more days. Mrs. Snyder is also taking treatment under Dr. Lyle. Rev. T. F. Deitz is holding a re vival meeting at Lovedale, and re porta a very successful one. JACKSON COUNTY TEST ASSOCIATION RECORD FOR AUGUST .*? ? -> _ . 1061.7|4.6| 48.81$ 22.40 849.9|4.8| 37.6j 16.92 983.7|4.6| 45.2| 20.34 803.2I5.6| 44.9| 20.20 818.8|4.4| 36.0| 16.20 705.9|5.2| 36.8| 16.50 680.0(5.41 36.9| 16.52 527.4j6.0j 31.6| 14,92 749.215.21 38.9| 17.50 722.0j5.0l 36.1| 16.24 7901.8[5p.|392.8|$l 77.04 cc o 'a > 1 ra J3 > 01 ?i a. <4 fee c ?H T3 o w ? O -4-> 1 38 or^lflf "V?7*63 *** cow' The third high'herd profit was mado by J. E. Tritt of East LaPorte. 5cows netted hZ V3 73 or $ll)l ^ ^ The 34 cows tested in Jackson County Test Association for August hv eio-ht former f a *i.- profit per cow. ? ' AUgUst bv e,ffht farmers retnra^ their^owners an average net pnffit of $12.49 per coW per month. , . .-i ? ? ? *. The eight farmers testing these cows weighed their milk every night and morning on Government Test Milk Scales and recorded it on milk sheets furnished by N. C. College of Agriculture. Strict records were likewise kept on feed and pasture cost and charged op to the cows The work on the farms was supervised by County Agent C. W. Tilson while the butterfat tests were made for the month by Prof. Frank H. vn in the Cullowhee State Normal Laboratory. These records were carefully worked out *>r1 cheeked by Prof. Brown and Mr. Tilson and they Brown in are accurate. \ \*r ? ? . ?? V ? , ' - , * 4V / .y, ( \ ' .? ? I ^ JUDGMENT IN GLENN CASE i