;.L ) ? . - ? ? ? V . V' ?V*-- ' ;v. '? X : "4 Vi1' V*? "? x ? - '? '<? }/ 4 glaO the Year m Advanoein the County Sylva, |f. C. Thursday, December 1,1927 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside CowjitJ Farm Board Attains EigMy-fiye C .T), Percent of Goal for Year 1927 A . tu, 84a.no Comity Aent C- W. Tilson reported io the Chamber of Commerce Tues Jay evening that 85 percent of the troal set for Jackson county, for the year, as prepared by the couqty board ot' agriculture, composed of farmers and Sylva business men, had been attained; and that $34,845.10 worth ot' cooperative business had been done, exclusive of the sheep and beet' cattle business. The report follows: The 1927 Plan of Agricultural Ex tension work for Jackson County as devised by the Jaekson County Board ot Agriculture and the results that have been secured in carrying out dhis plan? '' ?>, L DAIRYING:? r. V ^ / . . . ' * a. Bring; in 50 high producing diary COWS. /' '' a. Bring: in 50 high producing dairy by good farmers and over 50 more demanded that could not be found. b. Cull out 100 head of low produc ing scrub cows. b. Oyer 150 scrub and non profit able cows went out ?to butchers. c. Bring' in 6 dairy bulla. ?>. >. ? ? e. Placed 4 exceptionally good bulls. i d. Cull out .by butcher or castration 50 scrub bulls. 1. ? \ - i. d. Culled out 21 and many others are rx e.Get every farm possible to grow stock beets and soy beans or cow peas for cow feed. ) e. Over 80 percent of the dairyman grew beans or peas for winter feed. f. Establish at least five cows and a eroain separator on farms that should soli cream. 1 . f. Established the oows and separa-i tors on 6 farms. Lack of available' cows was handicap to farther success in this work. g. Develop the standard system J? weam jnoducers getting their cream into central ereani stations, and co operate with Carolina Creamery in marketing high quality crewn. I a'This work was completed and ovt;r $5000.00 in cash has come to our farmers for butterfat sold. I h. Havg ten standard community ?'airy demonstrations in the county. li S standard community dairy de monstrations were established and a modified Cow Test Association has Ken reali zed and is operating. 2. POULTRY:?? \ a." Completely establish 25 farm flocks ot one standard breed of poul try with equipment for brooding and raising chicks and standard laying house for 100 hens. a- Work was completed on 18 farms b- Start f)0 new farm flocks and develop standard equipment so far as Possible this year. b. Oyer 50 new farm flocks were stai" i-d on definite plan. ' c. Place 20,000 standard bred baby ?hicks on the farm in county with "o more than 300 chicks to one good brooder. *?' )ver 23,000 standard bred chicks W(T(> placed with farmers. 'l; Have 15 standard community P?u!try demonstrations starting with brooder, brooder house and 300 stand fird bred chicks and carrying through Dn,il this farmer demonstrates the Producing of a standard farm flock a'"l equipment. d. We have 15 standard demonstra tors this year and they will continue. Market poultry by cooperative lot shipment and market eggs ?*0}i'.rh express shipment provided ^?fticient volume is available this a" to furnish a continuous supply. Farmers have marketed $9,450.00 *?rth of poultry for cash at their j^r'ot sales. The egg production is n" Absorbed so far by good nearby markets. '? HOGS;? a. Establish at least one good brood' sow on 30 farms with proper housing and pastures. aEstablished 35 good gilts and sows i on 25 farms. b. Place 15 "purebred boars in ooun-' ty and castrate scrubs. b. Placed 14 good purebred boars in ? good communities and moved out the: scrub boars. c. Have ten standard community I demonstrations in housing and past- j unug and the care of the brood sow and pigs. ? c. We have these ten demonstra tions underway and they are to oe continued through the coming year. d. Get every farmer possible to grow pigs on balanced rations of corn, shorts and fish meal with pasture and market in April and September when market is best. ,jt We have over 300 hogs fed'out for market by 27 farmers to bring in ov er $6000.00 cash. These hogs paid their owners an average of $1.63 per bushel for' the corn they consumed. 4. SHEEP:? a. Establish small farm flocks head ed by purebred ram on at least ten farms. <r a. Established flocks on 9 farms with -136 ewes. . . I b. Encourage use only of purebred rams and cull out scrub rams. b. Excellent results have been ob tained over 25 purebred rams were placed to head flocks this year. c. Encourage the saving of the best half of ewe lambs produced in coun ty this year for future ewes- for Jackson county farmers. Exceptional ly good results obtained and practi cally all our good ewe lambs ha>rc been kept. / ' d. Have cooperative car lot wool sale, and when practical have coop erative car lot lamb sale. d. Held a cooperative wool sale and farmers sold over $2000.00 worth of j wool for good cash price. 5. BEEF CATTLE:? a.Enconrage and promote the pro duction of beef cattle only where farmers have large pastures of cheap lands and are sufficiently equipped' to maintain their own breeding herd, j a. Results are showing as men arc; showing interest and working toward breeding their own. b. Discourage average valley farm er with high' priced lands against producing, beef - calves for somebody nlse to pasture and trade for TH-TP PROFIT AND HIS LOSS. b. Valley farmers with high priced land and good roads realize they must manage different and are ceasing to raise calves for the other fellow. c. Place purebred beef bulls and move out scrubs with beef cattle breeders. ' - < ; /' ? .c. Four good purebred beef builS were placcd with mountain farmers in good communities for raising and grazing beef cattle. d. Encourage and aid beef catt'c breeders to cooperate in securing the best markets. d. Owners were advised in various ways about the market and most al> our cattle sold was at the top mar ket anl above the market to H.*ywood grazers who will hold over all the good grazing cattle they can pick out of the cattle bought. 6. VEGETABLE AND FRUIT GROWING:?", a. Establish practical orchard man agement of pruning, spraying, ferti lizing and cultivating and proper stor age of fruit with at least ten home commercial orchard keepers. a. Work started with more than ten farmers when late freeze killed! all the fruit and cut off the comple tion of this work this year. b. Have five demonstrations in or chard management. * b. Had five demonstrations andj freeze cut off results this year. They-j will be continued. I ? c. Encourage the proper storage of j fruit in standard houses to hold for best market. c. The freeze left us no fruit to work with this year. d. Wolk to standardize tne grow-: iOg of the varieties of potatoes and cabbage and beans best suited to our i ?% - ? r county along with the use of the fer tilizer and sprays that will give us highest yields and best quality. tLDefinite results were obtained in work to determine the best variety of Cabbage and potatoes for Ham burg Growers to use in standardizing excellent results were secured in re of balanced fertilizer for vegetables. The outstanding work in spraying was done in bean bettle control and with dusting or spraying lots of beans were grown. 7. SOIL BUILDING:? . a. Promote the cooperative buying of 250 tons of lime to be used ip pro ducing legumes.. a. Farmers bought and used 211 tons of lime. b. Encourage the use of clovers, soy beans and opw peas for turning, un der as soil building. b. An exceptionally large quantity of clover, soy beans, and cow peas were sown this year for soil improve ment. c. Have ten standard community soil building demonstrations wit), lime and legumes. e. Wc have ten demonstrations tint are showing the untold value of lime used on lands in every section of the county. 8. BOTS AND GIRLS CLUB WORK:? a.Have seven Boys and Girls Com munity Agricultural Clubs, with boys and girls as Junior demonstrators in dairy calf, poultry, pig, sheep and p> tato elub work. a. We have six clubs with 109 boys and girls doing active club work. 9. FARM RS' TOUR. a. Hhve organized farmers tour in I late summer through -? section of j Southwest Virginia and East Ten-? nessee where our farmers can visit and study the cash crop system of farming we are now starting in Jack son county. ^,,iL . -'j a. We made the farmers' tour thru! the section proposed with 32 Jackson countv meii and some valuable ideas ? i J . I were gathered about good livestock farming and the value of good pas ture and lime and legumes for soil improvement, and live stock feeding. STATISTICAL SUMMARY Number of meetings held to give dem onstrations or where a community: demonstration was ' being carried on ... .... ? ?102 Attendance .... ? _1 1532 Number of farms visited in regard to definite work {. ? ....... 63v) Number of conferences with farmers at office on definite farm prob lems ? ? '?'*??773 Number of telephone calls- in regard to definite farm work .... 346 Number of individual letters written to or for farmers in regard to work ?.... ? ? - ? 620 Number of circular letters in regard to work .... 4755 Number of State and Federal Farm bulletins distributed from actual dc-? mand ~ ? 1050 Number of newspaper articles pub lished in regard to^work .... s 59 j Days spent in ijAd ? ? ? ... ISO Days spent in >office Days sick ..../? Holidays ....L. ? --5 Annual lea/c ? ?-9 . Cash income to farmers and busi ness mcn from cooperation brought about by County Agent working with farmers: 0 ( v DAIRYING:? v \ Received in cash for pream, " sold, over ?v.._$5,000.00 Bought cooperatively 37 head of dairy cattle 1,762.00 POULTRY:? J Received in cash for poultry sold at the ear ? $9,450.00 Bought 7000 chicks for 1,050.00 Produced and hatched at home, 16,000 chicks 2,400.00 SHEEP:? Received in cash for wool-in sale, over.... ? 2,000.00 Bought cooperatively 136 ewes ? 1,336.00 HOGS^? | Received in cash for hogs sold;in carffllgs ?..$5,400.00 Corn sold tor c&sh through hogs with fiah meal 2100 \ ? -S: '? . ) HIGDON TO GIVE NEW FORD DE TAILS TOMORROW The announcement is made that the new Ford is ready <a"be placed before the American public, and the show rooms of the Higdon Motor Company will be open tomorrow from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., and full details and specifications of the new Ford Car will be given and explained by members of the Higdon Organiza tion. The old "Model T" Ford was placed upon the market nineteen years ago, and since that time there has been no vital change in the Ford Motor, and few in the body; but the new Ford is said to be as far in ad vance of the present day require ments as the old one was in 190S. It is said to be good-looking, low, trim, rakish, smooth, road-clinging, find to have speed, flexibility, pickup, coupled with economy and durability, and is said to have better materials. ; T^e Higdon Motjar Company tis inviting the public to oome to their show rooms Friday or Saturday and secure full details of the new Ford. CHURCH NOTICE Services of worship will be con ducted in the Methodist church Sun day morning and evening by the new pastor, Rev. George*Clemmer. The morning service will be held at 11 a. m. and the evening at 7:30 p. m. At the morning hour the pastor will speak especially to the officers, teachers and leaders of the church on "The Method and Ministry of Work." The officers elected by the fourth Quarterly conference will be formally installed at the close of the service. Itr the evening Mr. Clemmer will speak again, the subject being, "The Divine Method of Approach to the Human Heart." "Sympathy" will b? the theme of the evening sermon. Visitors and strangers will be wel comed to any of the services of this church. Following is the order of both prgrams of worship: Morning Worship 11 a. m. Voluntary: Hymn No. 33, "Lord We Come Before Thee Now." The Apos tles' Creed; Prayer; Responsive read ing Psalm 15; The Gloria Patri; New Testament lesson 41 Cor. 6:1-10; An nouncements; Offering; Hymn 388, "A Charge To Keep, I Have." Ser mon: "The Method and Ministry of Work; Hymn 428, "Must Jesus Bear ( The Cross Alone."1 Benediction. Evening service j 7:30' p. m. Voluntary; Hymn 57, "Day Is Dy ing In The West." Responsive read-1 ing Psalm 27; Prayer; Second Scrip ture lesson Isa. 53:1-8; Announce ments; Offering; Hymh No. 349, "Something For Jesus." Sermon: The Divine Method of Approach to the Human Heart." Hymn No. 481,' "0 Love That Will Not Let Me Go." Benediction. 1 * . ? ?-?; FATHERS AND SONS - ' 1 TO HAVE BANQUET A father and son banquet, spons ored *by the Methodist and Baptist churches of Sylva, will be held at the Chamber of .Commerce dining? hall, next Thursday evening at 7.30, ( and it is hoped that every father, in Sylva will bring his boy to the' meeting, and that the men who have no sons will adopt one for the occa sion. *?, . ' .s A program has been arranged by a joint committee from the two church es. Features of the program will be snappy community- singing, led by Mr. W. C. Reed, principal of Sylva Collegiato Institute, an address by out-of-town speaker, whose name is to be announced later, a toast "Toj Our Dads" by Edwin Allison, and a; toast "To Our Sons" by C. C. Buc hanan.;' ! *?. A great meeting and a jolly good I time is anticipated, with Mr. M. D. j Cowan presiding as toast master. bushels at $1.63 per bushel averaged .....'. 3,423.00. Purebred foundation breed ing piga?bought 25 510.00 LIME AND LEGUMES:? . i Lime for 37 farmers 2ir j tons .... .... 913.30 ! Soy bean seed 475 bushels 835.00! Seed wheat 311 bushels r 665.50 184,846.10] ORGANIZE SYLVA LIBRARY AIiON. HARRIS 10 GIVE B1BINS RALLY DAY, GREEN'S . _ ? > GREEK BAPTIST CBEJRCH December 11, 1927 < 10 A. M. Services opened by Choir singing. 10:30 Address by Hon Geo. W. Sutton, Subject, Christianity. , r 11 A. M. Followed by Prof. Frank -Watson. 11:30 1 hour to be used by Prof. R. L. Madison, subject as above, Christianity. 12:30 Dinner. ^ 1:30 P. M. Coming together by singing. 1:45 Address by Dr. Hunter. Followed by Rev. T. F. , Deitz. Other short talks by J. T. Gribble, Hugh Monteith, R F. Jarrett. This is for the purpose of raising money to complete our church. Every body is invited to come. Deacons of Church and Geo. C. Snyder, pastor. QUALLA Rev. L. Rogers of Sunburst preach ed at the Baptist church Sunday. He was accompanied by Mr. R. Trull of Balsam. They were guests at Mr. D. M. Shuler's ( Mr. P. C. Shelton and Mrs. J. L Hyatt have returned from Cullowhee where they attended the funeral of their niece, Mrs Ruth Cannon, i - Dr. J. C. Coggins preached near Franklin Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bird and Mrs $[. F Battle visited relatives at Cul lowhee Wednesday., Mr.J. 0. Terrell returned to Bat more Sunday after a visit with home folks. Rev. R. L. Bass called at Messrs. H G. and P H Ferguson's Mr S. P. Hyatt and Miss Essie Anthony who teach near Ravensfordj spent Sunday with home folks. Air. and Mre. C. M. Hughes and son Winfred, of Asheville spent a few days among relatives. Mr. H. R. Queen and daughter, Miss Sadie of Sylva, called at Mv. J. E Hoyle's Mrs L. W. Cooper and children attended the funeral of Mr. J. L. Cooper at Whittier Mr. and Mrs. York Howell have moved to their new home near Sevier villc, Tenn. Miss Cumi Howell of' Asheville School, Miss Etta Kinsland who teach es in Madison county, Mr. Marshall Gass and Misses Annie Lizzie Terrell and Clem Hall of Cullowhee school, Miss Bessie Martin of Whittier school Messrs Jack Battle, Guy Moody and Miss Irene Raby of S. C. I., Sylva, and Messrs Jack and Joe Hyatt of Asheville Farm School, spent Thanks giving with home folks. , Mr. and Mrs. Lum Gibson of Bar kers Creek spent Sunday at Mr. D. L. Oxner's' Mr. J. E. Freeman and family of Smokemont visited their Qualla home Mr. J. K. Terrell called at Mr. G. A Kinsland's ?: J^TroyiJPurpin and family visited at 'Mr W.iH, Oxner's. Rev. and Mrs J C Coggins and children motored to Cullowhee to spend Thanksgiving with their daugh ters, Misses Christine and Frances Mr. Frank Shuler has returned from a trip to Winston-Salem. Mr. ; and Mrs. B. B. Henson of Whittier spent Tuesday with Mrs. W H Cooper . . BRYSON .AND BREEDLOVE FOUND GUILTY Jim Bryson and Walker Breedlove were both found guilty of rfssault with a deadly weapon, by a Macon county jury, last week. Judge Harwood imposed fines of $500 each upon the two men, and ordered Bryson to pay Breedlove's hospital expenses. Breedlve was in the Brevard hospital for about three weeks, following the shooting affray at the Hamburg polls on election day, last November, when Breedlove was the registrar and Bryson the Repub lican judge of elections. With Mr. J. D. Cowan as president, Mrs. C C Buchanan as vice-president, and Mrs John B. Ensley as secretary treasurer, the Syiva Library Asso ciation was organized, Toesday eve ning, at a joint meeting of the Sylva Chamber of Comerce and the Wo man's Club. Announcement was made, by Mto. C. C. Buchanan, that Gol ?. j Harris had promised to erect a suitable building for a library in Sytva, s soon as the library has growntopm prtiong and interest that will justify such a move. Mrs. Buchanan, who "presented the matter to the meeting, stated that the movement had origih ated in he Twentieth Century Club^ prior to the organization of the Wo man's Club, and that the new club had taken the movement over and' Hi sponsoring it through its civic com mittee. She stated that some time ago Col. Harris was approached' by a com mittee composed of Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. David M Hall and Jftofr' John H Wilson, and that Mr. Harris was greatly interested in the matter and' stated ttiat he would begin the move ment by giving a subscription at $25.00 and that he would erect a suit able building when the proper time arrives. ; Mrs. Buchanan and Miss Hipfes Wd son offered their services as* librar ians, without compensation, and the meeting, after several speeches had been made favoring the. movement; unanimously voted to form the li-? brary association and the officers were elected. Col. C. J. Harris and . Mrs E L McKee were elected as honorary presidents of tbe-^assoeiw*-' tion. It is expected that the assw^ie# V will begin a canvass for members at an early dite, and that, the library and reading room movement will soon begiii to materialize. ' The Chamber of Commerce has offer ed the use of its quarters for the reading room and -library. HOSPITAL BUYS NUftSEfe SOME Announcement is made that the Candler-Tidmarsh Hospital has pur chased the residenee of L. C. Hall, next to the hospital, to be used for a nurses' home. The property was leased from Mr. Hall some month* ago and has been the home of the nurses since that time: The consideration is said to be around $10,000:00 I APPLY FOB BOOTS VETERANS SHOULD ,,, u Announcement is being made by. the Veterans' Bureau and the War, Department that und^v the .}&w.al|u applications for adjusted compensa tion- must be filed prior to midnight,. January 1, 1928, It is estiipated that, some half million veterans have failed to file their claims, ahd the gnvepf- , ment is anxious that none of those entitled to the adjusted compensa tion be denied it because of their negligence in filing their applications There are 66k inds of birds whicn feast on the boll weevil in North. Carolina. Other birds eat the boll worm, white grubs and rodenlp., While sale killing of birds probably has had much to do with the increase of insect pests in the last four years. ( The tobacco flea beetle can ba suc cessfully controlled by the use of the trap bed. If the beetles or bugs are kept from the young plants and kill ed, they die not so likely to attactc the crop in the field. , / I * Tom Tarheel says when he saw his full barns, his well fed livestock, his fall planted cover eroj* and then went into the house last Thursday andf ound a healthy, happy family - group waiting for him to carve the . turkey, he gave thanks to God for , all his blessings. / ? J i ./ ( Every normal ear ofe orn has in even number of rows of grain. I one doubts this, let him count tftfe rows op a thousand \

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