MmM BI , ?. ? ' V. it't-V ?; " Mi l' iWlf iMWftl'- f i?? ILSp iLe Year in Advanbe in the County > ' f Sylva, N. O. Mu , , , ?_ < ' ? :yV ^ ? ? tv i j . ? ^ FORMED SYLVA OFFICER FALLS 150 FT TO DEATH T. B. Summey, p?liceman ot thie town of Brevard in oar sister county of Transylvania, fell, to his death, Christmas Eve, while searching 'for (a distillery in the mountains of that county. Mr. Summey was formerly the ch&f' of police of Sylva. The f?flowing account of the trag edy is taken from the Asheville Cit izen of Sunday. ' Tragedy lurked on the mountain side this Christmas'and brought stark grief into the family of onel of Tran sylvania county's most popular citi zens, when J. B. Summey, police of ficer of Brevard, and former sheriff of Transylvania, fell 150 feet down the face of Maiden Hair Falls, on See Off Mountain, breaking his neck. The officer was dead when search ers arrived on the scene. . > Mr. Summey had gone with Sheriff B. J. Slfton of Transylvania, in search of a huge still, which had been re ported to be located somewhere in te Maiden Hair Falls section, aboat four miles east of Brevard. As the two men roamed the moun tainside in search of the still, former l ' Sheriff Summey, confident of hjs knowledge of the mountains, walked ahead of Sheriff Sitton, and fell over the falls. The former sheriff, who was one of the most widely known men of this section, had) finished his Christ mas shopping this afternoon, pur chasing presents for his wife, his Ison, Dr. T. B. Summey, surgeon in the Transylvania hospital here, and rnnBT requested him to accompany him on the search for the ^111. Sheriff Sitton made this request because of Mr. Summey's' intimate acquaintanceship with the Maiden Hair Falls section. The deceased was born and reared in the- shadow of Dunn's Rock in the Maiden Hair Falls section, not .far from where he fell (over the cliff and lost his life. After Mr. Summey fell over the cliff, Sheriff Sitton summoned as sistance and i party of men went to the base of the falls where they found his body about an honr after; the accident occurred. His body wnSj found lying on the jagged rocks at' the foot of the falls about 8:30 o'-, clock this evening. . v j Members of the Summey family" were prostrated' here tonidhf wor the tragedy. They had been planning to have a happy Christmas celebr i tion at the home of Dr. Summey, with whom the older Summey and his' wife lived. Mts. Summey had alreadv prepared many good things for the Christmas dinner, and a number of friends had been invited to take ? / dinner with them. Mr. Summey was a man of pow erful physique, being six feet and four inches tall and weighing 240 pounds. Though 88 years old, he was; hardy and capable of mueh exertion. He was fearless in the performance of his duties. Besides his wife and son, Dr. T. B. Summey, he is survived by sev eral other children. Funeral arrange ments were not announced tonight. kinsland sites held OK MONDAY \ f ' / 1 ? Woodrow, N. C., December 26-? Funeral service was heW Monday morning at 11 o'clock for M. I>. Kinsland, 73, prominent farmer and former member of the North Caro lina General Assembly, who died at his home here Saturday after a ling ering illness. Final rites were Jtald at the Woodrow Methodist church. Burial service was in charge of Somooa Masonie lodge, Rev. A. C. Gj^bs, of Canton, officiated, assist ed -hy Rev. ,R. A. Seofetlfc From 1903 to 1910,Mr. Kinsland >*as engrossing clerk for the state Legislature cni in 1521 elected the state Senate front this dis trict. Surviving are: His wife and six children: Cash Kinsland of Atlanta, *'a , James of Woodrow, Mrs. James ^lott of Woodvoir, Daisy of Boston ^'ay, of Canton, ^Mrs. G< V. v? .i ?*?: 9i ' '? * f-' '- ?<" ' ?Jf; ;T&V'-Vir i. >^-Si i' V1.' -ir :.. A*.* ??? i ? i' MAN HURT WHEN PLANE CRASHES ) NEAR FRANKLIN Franklin, Dec. 28.?R-indy Enslow, of Rochester, N. Y., airplane pilot, was hart slightly and Walter Blaine and Paul Cheek, both ^of Macon counly, narrowly escaped injury, when the commercial airplane in which they were riding crashed as it attempted ft take off at an improvised field in the eastern part of Franklin Tues day afternoon. .. Walter Blaine is the, son of Charl's L. Blaine, and Paul Check; is the son of Alex? Cheek. The boys flew down to Franklin from Petersburg, Va., for a short visit "with their pareits. and were starting on the return trip when the mishap occurred. The plana dipped as it started! to rise, and crashed sharply. The lower right wing the landing gear and propeller were damaged. V y ; ??| Enslow's injury consist* of ft eat upon the forehead.i y ; , WESLETANNA : 'M The Wesleyanna Sunday School has made an average attendance ot 52 since last April 1st. (S The Tiled and True Class has an enrollment of 20 members. The follow ing members have not missed over one Sunda^ through the last quarter Masses Julia Tatham, Rillie Ta tham, Rosa Barron, Effie Barron, Mary' Belle Buchanan, Messrs Hur shell Cabe, Taylor Cahfe, Lester Cabe, Carl Sutton. There are. quite, ft few ie the other classes of the Sunday School, who deserve ft place ot honor, but I am unable to give their names, slnse jj have only kept a record of my class. Mrs- R. O.Higdon. '-*>?? 'AT, 1 ".'jM*'' . CARD OF THANE6 We wid to thank our ftkndp^ot the man}' kindnesses shown us doting the sickness and death of oar dear wife a?d JWtta ?nd for the bean tifdl floral offering. . I? MISS MOORE SINGS OVER RADIO Miss Doothy Moore, daughter of .Inhere Waiter E. Moore, who with her father and sister, Miss Hannah Moore, is spending tho Christmas holidays in Asheville, sang over sta tion WWNC, last night. Miss Moora was hearri in a program of soprano solos from 9:00 to 9:15. GAY "r ) ?? o:; . ? ? - , Christmas passed very quietly here, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jones, accom panied by Mr and Mrs. John:C. Jones motored thlough the country to South Carolina, last week. i Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones returned Saturday night, but Mr. and Mrs? $. P. Jones {dan to spend the winter with their son, there, Mr. George Jones. Mr. S. C Buchanan and daughter, Mary Belle, motored to Biyson City iMt Saturday XT" s ? Mr Roosevelt MpMahan "is having a new cottage built near Mr. G. C. Tropin's stove. 1 > Mr. Coleman button, Jr., of Mass achusetts, spent the holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Sue Brysoo. , Mr. Ransom Buchanan of Robbjns ville, is spending ,a while with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buch anan. _ > ,r: Carl Hig<ton spent Christmas with a friend at Glenville. Mrs. Fred Barron, last Wednesday, visited her mother, Mrs. Pink Collins , Mr. N. Higdon and Jack Mash burn are in the saw mill business. Glad to see Miss EtheJ Turpin gut again after, being conl ned te h r room witV flu- v Mr. W.-P* Turp*n haa been bavinji mom improvement ntade to hi? home. MrSt liora Barron ?telted her daugh ter, Mrs. .Will Morgan, Sunday Miss to motored tip for her grwv7 '? ?_ . ' / ?' v. Mr and lbs. Lyndon Hall ^md l and Mr. Lewao with their John Tatham, of DEITZ HOUSE AT BRYSON CITY DESTROYED Bryson City Times. Fire burned to the ground the house owned by Willard Martin, town marshal, of Sylva, here. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom my Ledford. The fire broke out at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning and was in full blaze when discovered. Mr. and Mrs. Ledford were spend ing the night at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Cabe Martin, father of the own er. They lost all their possessions as well as several things belongong to Mr. Martin.. . > The place was known as theDeitz House and was about - mile from town,-In-this bouse lived Rev. Thad Deitz,' formerly of Bryson City, and now of B'jta, during thy 19 years he was pastor of the Baptist Church here. ' ? . ? - No alarm was turned in. ?. . MISS I ALTON 18 HONORED * i. . ? ? , ' i , .* v Miss Ruth Oliver entertained with three tables of bridge, Monday after noon at her home here, honoring her guest, Miss Anna Delton, of Durham, The house was very attractive witn its Christmas decorations, the same ,idea being, carried out in all the de tails of the party. ^ After the game delightful refresh ments were served. Those {playing were Misses Eva Bain, Docia Gar rett, Llewellyn Rhodes, Isabel Alli son, Irene Oliver, Leah Nichols, Mary Allison, Myrtle Henson, Nell Cowan, Anna Dalton, ftgth Oliver and Mrs. Walter Jcmea, ' ?: ?): ;? CARD OF THANKS ' ? * ?' ?' ?" ? V We take this method 'of thanking our friends for the Wndn*rf aal sym pathy shown us during tho sickness and at the death of our son and brother, Clarence OogQil^ and? for tm lovely flowej*, . Mr. and Mrs. &. C? Cogdill ?nd family 'i i -? -1 ? ? -22.'' - ' ~ . Tf* ''ti?- M&i. '?> ALL-STARS TO PLAT GAME HERE FRIDAY NIGHT \ Garland "Buck" Jones, who in re cent years wag considered a terror, by his basket bail opponents, will lead a team of all-stare against the Whittier All-Stars on the Sylva High School court, Friday night, December 30, at 8P. M. This team, composed of several "old-timersplayed and defeated Andrews here, Wednesday night, by the score of 46-30. The game tomorrow night promises to be full of action and will be of much interest tc local faris. JUNIOR OIjUB SINGS CAROLS The Junior Study Club, tinder the leadership of Mrs. J. L. Dillard, and* assisted by a number, of young men, sang Christmas carols, Christmas Eve, visiting various sections of the com munity. At midnight the partyre turned to the hosnc of Mrs. Dijllaid, where- they( were served sandwich a and ?coffee-..i . v On Christmas Day the club gav-> a Christmas tree to the inmates qi the County Home, and Christmas carols were sung for the old people. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aiken and daugb ter, ?f Murphy, spent Friday night here, guests of Mr. Sod Mrs. A. Q. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken wen enroute to Asheville to meet 'th *ir s??, Mr Harvey Aiken, who is. a stu dent at Annapolis Navel Aeademy and who was qoming home for the Christmas vacation. Mr. andMrs. Walter Jones will go to Ashevflie this >81161110011, to a* uLasses White." SYLVA HIGH TEAM TO GO TO CANDLER TONIGHT The Sylva,High High boys basket ball team will go to CSaiadUer tonight to meet a team of all-sta* of M organized to play and paaaed^ttfM* the Soothf? >?" MOODY__ ? " Ftmeiml Mririaifc*^ whodiedUk*A d?y monua|L;'?i were W? o': lSskb'' - " of the the BerriK, iu the jfcal _ '?Iteltoodtf; fint wife ldftwUacp beth Zaehaxy, PPHI . IJ 0. R Zeeksiy and Ms. Til Eaat La-porte. H?/ wm noria* th? leaond time to ITHm WillMy ' Virginia, by whom, with four atf* renj he a tf&rive# ffi? pac?0v Ml a4* ,?? SJosamte4? .? :^t vj?' At ranni . I ?. Miss Awu;; Battel.fPirlpMit U at & aaaO' diosif |i by Misa Doeia Garrett, evening, at the PdMatt party later going to ae? "t in Sonora." Mies GafMt's gaesta were Mia3 Daltoo, IQn Both Oliw and Mrs. Waiter Joma. i Jkf 4; ? * L ?. 'fc I '? Rev. T. F. Deite Wt in teresting sermons Saturday ?*4,8ttx> day, using as his subject, Saturday, "The Birth of Christ." Sands/ sub ject, " The Ascension." . . Mr. Jfrtmk Clayton died! at Us home Sunday morning. Fonem ser vices being held at Scott's Greek Church Monday at one o'olede, con ducted by Rev. T. F> Deits. , Mr. and Mrs Albert Anderson have gone to Alabama to visit Mr. And erson's mother. Mrs. V. V. Hooper and Mrs. IT. C. Bryson* Jr., spent Friday in Abbeville Mr. and lbs. Bill Aberesthy apt Miss Ines Davis ?nmi Winstou-Sav lem an spending the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. BStDi ? ? ' * ? r*. %' VIS. - m. * ... j ? f.; i l|rs: Thad Allen frapfc; font)#*, Ga., is visiting Mr- and lbs. wW. J. Fisher. viiir.v. Mrs Charicji Fowler and Bttle sppf Deits, of AaltygUtt are visiting Bsv. arid Mrs. T.'F.Deit*.?/, a'' Mr. Willie Fisher fcop Cbaxiotto is spending the holidays with his parents , }fe xand Ifap. SlrTMwr. Mr. Charlie Bumgarner from Ak rot}, Ohio, ,is. spending the holidays with b|s parents Mir. and Mxa. CW? Mr. Glenn Ward! who has been. Ok Atlanta at the government hwpitil for treatment, ?s spending; a 'Jffew days wih his family; Mr. and link. V. V. Hooper **t children spent (Smstmsf with Mr. John A. Hooper at Tnekaseegee.' Miss Bessie Sirdar is {qpsfltag the bolidsys here, with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C Snyder. She is a student in Meredith Ootteje. lbs Sallie Buehanan ftm Qrtfult (keek-is visiting it the homeef Vjr and Mrs. G. C. Snyder. Mr. and lbs.. Norman- Ay?n sad * little daughter from AsfcfrfQvlopl f Mr. and lire. Dim Marion spent CVisj? with their parents, Mr. and lib* D. L. Bryson Mr. and Mis. GeriouReed.Mr* Gtt lie. Banks and Ifisses UOsb ju*

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