Pub JACKSON Entered as Wind cla& , at Sylva, N. C. , vtn?r?j tU)i'c..' v'O ?> :it-"' * ? 1 , ? "Hail'MwI Farewell I^'rq r arrives mnwymm ? IjflIfoiiiW the .W Year -b yl I i J W;- to show the world that America^ ja - v.-li'-tipc isn't always tardy. ?? Here's hoping 1928 marks one more milestone on the world's progress to" brotherhood ami "good will to men,*^ which will bring /'Glory to God ..rv the Highest" PO^TOFFICE HANDLES : BIG MAILS ; V. ) ' . .. . ? ' V ' ' i. ? '?The Sylva postoffice. handled the largest volume of Christmas mail '.r " the histiry of the town. Never befc.e ?has there beW so mych tyldo, and the: postmaster, Mr. Wafreiy apd" his as sistant; Mr. Ensley^re to be con -^gratidrted "iipon the dispatch, th ? - ease, thdJ Courtesy, with which the - incoming tmd outgoing mails were disposed of. The people of the com iminity are deeply appreciative of (1m* job well done. Uif v. ,..u: ...* 1928J i ? ? f." ... ' ? * "? 'it*- .*.. ? .? 'i.. - ??*?*????>'.? " " ?Sfrlya* J4: ckaon Courrt^ 'hid-Western ?. Noi tli Carolina oari gfwtf Sp<28 with . i . confident that it will briVg mnckj .. , prosperity and great > blessing in ma ' terial things. There are ih'-prosp>t:t many things that will be of material benefit to us, and we can greet the , ^ ;?py . year with.'.eon lidence. To the v ' nation a? large it brings the presi dential election?first _ 1 e great' na ij fekmal Conventions ;and";;elertiqn, and it prrtirrisei to' be one . . Mii the hottest and-inost interesting . political campaigns that "this country v - has witnessed. ?: , There is danger that prejudice-and . ??' intolerance wkll earry 'the people far afield from their-^trtttural 'feeling of goodwill^ but it4s_ the duty-of every man and woj*^ to "keep his mind aad heart elear and to do all in his power to prevent the setrit of intolerSnc; frOm making too'great" A cleavage ipr our;people. '? 'Y' ?' if*1 The fair minds and trite hearts Of - America will be the balance wheel, i ' ? ? . ? i ' and we can enter upon the campaiTn knowing that oitr people will settle their differences .. .Without undue' strife ami undue hard-ftelings. All in all 1928 promises to be a gool year. We can make it'so. HAPPY-NEW YEAR! l' . ? -? ^vv : The Journal extends' to eaeh of - its readers its best wishes for a happy . and prosperous' .New Year. ? > May 1928 bring toybu all thfe blcss v' ingg that you need.-May it fill your hearts to overflowing,wifh happiness. , *!? May it see y^r -dreams11 of the yean . eome true. May your: plans for. the advancement of your interests',: ami glorious fru^^* . ? May ?l^^'knit each pfcYt jof Jack son 'coui^'i^re iSosely together m the bonds of goOd^feHOwship, mutual understanding and ^nntual h?lfpfulness Ourgi^L a gMit' cottnty, ours ti ' great peopre/^lMfe'fend more d? we see that..''the everlasting' teim Work of^ev?i^ blonimj^'soAl** all that is ? ' needed1 to' abb\it- great thin s' 'i 'in this be^tiiifuFcomity of ours. Hap piness, wnt.eethient, prosperity, 'ar-V1 ? ' our ail^olsJaeksoyr eoiihty. We hop^ . ^'to 'dnt t|W day when ignorance,' irftol -tfe distitet will be for ? *vw*,banishlkl from this e^rmtyz when; , "ij there will nW- be an empty heart 'noV <-i widerfed ohild in all these mountains, whet*'We^ry'"bev imd^girl fr?m thc ifto?l^ ChfcdBhft Uife4> the -Ooon^t i lOJirft* ?'fitesr the top of thi1 Bal sams to thV'tj^ttiumi of the Cowe. 4>?pHtt.'luve glorious opportunity place 1 the^'Vffl have tho ?( vfldlU- ' opportunity: T 1928, W aj ^'these endsl It can ?' ?' W-. i X. "DON'T FORGET TOTO EYE#" If you expect to succeed in 1*2$ you mtest see vreiL I^our vision is not 0. K, you shoaHpfeeet Df. A 3- PUFJMLHtJtt? Mf&S01!?' Ck"U" JAR 1928,] arifl lAVoiwoUr oj es e Dependable eye exaaunat* quality glasses fitted. Don't forget your *ycFight. r-/ 'r rr Eesolitfunts? 1928 Is Leap year ? Jfi tM 'J You'll find most of tlie Presidents candidates parked under the mistle toe these days, hoping that their par ty will spy them. If their dispute over the annual Army-Navy football game prove.1 nothing else, it shows that both th? Army and Navy are ready to fight. Chicago gangsters are reported to have sought court protection against the activities of police, and some kind jndge' may yet place a number of them behind the bars where they will Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing RAYMOND GLENN WANT COLUMN 1 ? ?? f The rate for classified ads in i this column is 10c. per line for I each insertion, averaging six ( (6) words toa line. , ?; j LOST?ON STREETS OF SYLVA, black leather, pocketbook, with gob trimmings. Contained sum of money, calling cards, and letters to Miss Sar ah Sue Shorrill, Aaheville. If found please call 30-J. WANTED?If O. 1 IRISH POTA toes, any quantity. Queen's Fruit ^store.- . - V1 - I*0R' SALE?25 Half Hampshair* . pigs $5.00 each 35 shoats and grown ;-.nogs priced1 to sell. Address Rass Duvall, Aquone, N. C.\ FOR SALE?Earred Rock Pullets.? A. J. Dils. " "V FOUND?Widding ring, on Train ' No, }8, September-2nd, date 1921. t-L, STRAIGHT SALARY?$35 per weak and expenses. Man or woman with pg to introduce Egg Producer. Eu reka Mfg. Co. East St. Louis, 111; FOR SALE?0ABIJ5 PIANO; Ray - mond Glenn. FORi SALE AT A* BARGAIN ? 2 stand roller mill, tully equipped. Write or see T. D. Heffner, Ctdlo - whee, N/ C.?12 15 4t. -) LOST?On the streets. ?f Sylva, on the afternoon of Dec. 24, white ,,, . wrist . watch^ octagon 6hape, t tum^ to.Alrs. Tilman powell and rej with white gold , wrist-band. R<> eeive reward. . ?nd -fights; jtnd five acres of] r land. Close in. Ppr terms or,other' ihfbrtnation sec J. 0. Parker. Sylva, f vv - j iiyi-.'-.-'r.ii v ci '? i' , BALSAM GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH , Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor Preaching Saturday/ before tht the first Sunday, at 11 o'clock and tht- first Sunday, at 11 o'clock. ? Sunday School every Sunday morn ine, at 10 o'dock. ; . ;? .Everybody invited to all of thest services. i i ? '% BLACK MOUNTAIN ( \ BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor. Preaching Saturday tKlure the wcood Sonda3, at 2 JO, Sunday ? U o' Sunday School at 10 o'clock Prayer Meeting -Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 Everybody is invited to attend all of these services. CEDAR BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor. Preaching Saturday before the third Sunday, at 2:30; Sunday at 11 Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 10. Everybody is invited to attend all these services. NEW SAVANNAH BAPTIST CHURCH j Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor. Preaching Saturday before t.h ? '? / ' ? . . ' V, ? ' i . l . ;V y.'-V V - TRIPS i Kir^ *."Vt At. !Ml.ft'? .I - . - V..1"--.'.-: Y :?'* ; ?' - v>' "* :3 Ask Ticket Agents ? .-?*-%"? "????? ?--.*? -?-? ? -> . V JB A' ? ?? u n?v... ?. . 'i.'- h7.\ 'W O'Vi?! r1 /VT ' -<3 V mt "l 11' -L. ?r'W-'. RAILWAY SYSTEM . - ? M ,. .sj ,i ?I-- ;?*i &??>??? ' '"A 'V '''lV-r ^ ""?W ??T. I'. ??^-/r BALSAM BAPTIST CHUrCh Geo. G. Snyc 'reaching e\ fell SPEEDWELL BAPTIST CHURCH Allen, Pastor. Saturday evonin?, tfaWL-JiU _ "'K n?(, o'bloc*. Also in flic afternoon a$ Os car and Fall Cliff. --r Mid-week prayer meeting at each plaoe.. ? i . ,r Everybdy is cordially invited to at tend these aervices. W Sunday at 7 0'el^ nnnav at 11 ?0_.i. ^^ayatnoVWk:.,,,^ ty at 11 o'clock. . Sunday School at 10 0>Io . Sunday 'morning. On.J p? ... . B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 , Ji; ?:| evening. " ' "'k1 The public is invited t? all, these services. * # a iv y ' i '? LINK BY LINK i] S'j A 'I ;V' , ? you .wtfll ;wind a chain of * f ? 'i. . , ( ?>M'" rc.i <- ftons why you should ,io fo,,; ' SafeiyP'"^""^8 r'"""0"' p? ?i.-, i.,,' i t?l>arSctcr' convenience arc i>ut a ti \ hut the fact that so mnnv T of tlrcn. l"'o?|iiiipnt ?business men use tljis? ^ headquarters, speaks weir lor standing1 iiy the eommunijv. uckaseegee Bank I?111 III I ?? I IMIIIBI??III! IMIII IIW?lll?l llil The Latchstring VOL. 1 : NOVEMBER 17, 1027 - NO. 16 Published in the in terest of better homes in Sylva and vicinity by BUILDERS SUP JLY & LBR. CO. J. Claude Allison ' Ti ( : j " v * Editor .' ? t?? Hope your Christ mas was as merry as ours. We even re ceived that new Au to License Plate. Every day you do without that homo of your own, you're robbing yourself of the pleasure of poss ession and the prot . it of a good invest ment. We have the 'materials for a good home. A Sylva young lady says she didn't give 11 him'' his present until the day after, then she gave 'him' the gate. ,? Owning your own home is a safe and sensible investment. But the most prac tical giving we've heard of was the young married lady who says she ru ceived 27 guest tow els at her wedding shower. Gives six away as presents ev ery Christmas, and receives about four. She has hopes to eventually dispose of her supply. As this will bo the last issue of The Latch String, this year, we want to thank all our friends and customers lor their patronage the past year and ex press the wish that 1928 will be the most prosperous and happiest for cyerv man, woman and child in Jackson County, that they have ever had. I Maybe it Frorn now until Christmas, or until sold, we offer ab?ttt 100 barrels of supd'la ^itent flour at $i;O0 per 24 lb bag, This 1 is the highest grade of flour made by tins mill and every- sack is guaranteed, v ii j.iiSugar $6.30 per hundred, ^SUKT i? dX 'B, En sley S.tM . t?l* (??'N :.i .'K v:-* ViV.'VU .L'.!! ? f. . .y.'l-va ?>41 l ' '-I.1 1 .. ? ' 'i [: &? ?*&&& ? %; if ? W? ? v. '