: t _??. . ? : .(? - -v \ ?? ?? ?; -v ?;.^/ - v ? 1* H. 'V. V,;; {.y.. ' . *V " ": Src/w" / ijt 50 the Year in Advance in, the County Sylva N. C.. ..Thursday, April 5, 1928 Pages 1-8 $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING SUGGESTS COUNTY TICKET I.. McKce was elected county t>t the Democratic party, . > Cowan, representtive, J. >? :? -...in, sheriff, N. I)ou Davis, ,;.ii!iii.^ii>iifr of finance, Walter ..luiinissioner of welfare, W. \ commissioner of high Va\> \i i > .lane Coward, register of' C. Buchanan, surveyor, Dr. (ii, w" ' Wilkes,, coroner, 'and Dan judge of reeordcr's court, xv;|S ?! licket suggested to the demo* i'! the county, at an enthusi ;|sii( "feting. Saturday afternoon, at ttlii.-h .-wry township in the county wit- liii'ifci v represented. Tlif mass minting was' held at the (?(.?irt iiKiiM' in Sylva Saturday, March 31, at 1 I'. M. Notice of the meeting lull j lit-i-ii previously given . by John II. Wilson, County chairman, who oiK'iieil tin' meeting and announced his jY'isrhation as chairman, which oifire lie had held for six yearsf ;i ii i ( cited l hat he wanted the meet iim in select a new chairman. .Mr. Wilson called on Dan Tomp kins, Kditor of the Jackson County Journal and Mayor of Sylva, to ad dress the meeting. Mr. Tompkins made an inspiring talk and was fol lowed by Mrs. E. L. McKee, who made a splendid talk. The chairman then introduced the Hon. Felix F!. Alley, who spoke for i ;in hoar, holding the rapt attention ot his audience as he discussed na-l tional state'and county affairs, coi,-J rluilinir his address wit.? a plea for :in undivided Democratic Party. Mr. Wilson then called Harrv K. Buchanan to the chair and on mo tion Mr. Buchanan was unanimously elected chairinttn*al)4 Mis&Hano. Crw aid, secretary of the meeting for the day. On motion of Hon. Tlios. A. Cox, the meeting voted for the chairman to ap]K)int a committee coposed of delegates from each township, which committee was instructed by the meeting to retire and select a county ticket which in their judgment would meet the approval of the Democrats of Jackson County. The committee was out for sonif time during which time the Chair man called ii]K)n Dr. H. T. Hunter, Prof. C. C. Hansen and Prof. R. L. Madison, all of whom made sho/t inspiring talks. I |xm ( he return of the committee the chairman asked for their report The report was made by Mr. R. II. Sutton for the committee which had unanimously selected the county tick et. I [Mm motion the report of t hi? emumittee was unanimously adopt COWAN DECLINES TO BUN Mr. J. D. Cowan, of Sylva, who was unanimously chosen, by the Dem ocratic Mass Meeting, Saturday, as the man to recommend to the party as a suitable candidate for represen tative in the general assembly, has issued a statement, in which he states that while he appreciates the honot conferred upon him, that he cannot make the race in the coming election. Mr. Cowan's statement follows: To the Democratic voters of Jcak son County: I appreciate the honoi and confidence shown me by the Dem ocratic Nomination Committee in re commending my name to the party for Representative, but regret that 011 account of business matters I ab solutely can not accept the nomina tion tendered me and request the Committee to recommend some other l?orson. . J. D. COWAN MRS. J. C. HENDERSON DIES Mrs. J. C. Henderson, GO, wife of j John C. Henderson, of , Webster, ! passed 011 at the hospital in Sylva Friday morning, after a long illness. Mrs. Henderson, who was a woman of strong personality and mental faculties, had. a large number of friends throughout the county, hav | ing been born in Qualla township, a | daughter of the late Emanuel Raby and having lived with her husband in J laiuburg township fpr a long per lo^S^ tb several years ago. Funeral services and intermen were held at Webster, Saturday morn I j ing. Mi>>. Henderson is survived! by her husband, John C. Henderson, on son Frank Henderson, two brothers Jeff and Bob Raby of Qualla, and 1 a large number of relatives and | friends. ed by the Mass Meeting. it is understood that as there is a legalized primary in North Caro Un, that the county ticket as select ed is tentative and is the recommenda tion of the mass meeting to the demo crats of the county, of a ticket that ! in the opinion of the meeting, will meet the approval of the democratic party and the people of the county generally. R. L. MADISON Utu'ei ail(* former president of Cullowhee State Normal ? :>. :v ? " ? \eia tion of Teachers Colleges as jk'jun 'CoBej^ with TrA}' %t Mg. This inffcrmationwas announced officially to President Hunter in a telegram received March 23rd from Dr. H. C. Minnich of Oxford, Ohio, a member of the accrediting staff of the Association. At the request of President Hunter the Association sent Dr. Minnich to Cullowhee about two months ago for the purpose of making a careful study of the institution and deter mining its rating as a Junior Teach ers College. A critical investigation waa made, which involved such fac tors as the physical equipment of the plant, library, laboratories, prac tice teaching facilities, preparation and siie of faculty, teaching load, entrance requirements, organization of curricula, graduation requirements etc. In light of these standards, Cul lowhee made a favorable showing, and1 at the last meeting of the Asso ciation in Boston on February 25th, our School was voted upon and unan imously accepted with " A" rating among the Junior Teachers Colleges of America. H. M. HOOPER AWARDED $500 FOR AN IDEA Announcement in the house organ of the Goodyear Rubber Company's Akron, Ohio plant, in the A'kron pa pers, tells of the awarding of a prize of $500 to H. M. Hooper, formerly of Sylvd, for the best idea advanced, during the year, for the reclamation and utilization of waste rubber. . The nature of Mr. Hooper's sug gestion was witheld ; but the an nouncemeut is made that his idea was unusual, and that he followed it through, explaining its merits and selling it to the management by prov ing his theory. # Mr. Hooper is a native of Jackson county and is a brotheer of Dr. D D. Hooper and Fred L. Hooper, of Sylva. His mother and two othei brothers live at Tuckaseigee. JACKSON HAS NEW * ELECTION BOART Notice of- appointment of W. R Sherrili, Raymond R. Nicholson an?" P. E. Moody as the county board of election for Jackson county, has been received from the state board of elections. These gentlemen succeed C. C. Buc hanan, John H. Wilson and Geo. W Sutton. COMMERCE BODY TO BANQUET ATHLETES The Sylva Chamber of Commerce will tender a banquet to the mem bers of the Sylva High School and Sylva Collegiate Institute Basketball Teams, in connection with the annnal meeting of the Chamber, next Tues dya evening. This was decided by the committee 'appointed at the last meeting of the chamfeetfwhegt reportfolkxws: It was unanimously decided to have this banquet in connection with the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and that a program of about thirty minutes be planned with local speakers. Two addresses of ten minutes each arc to be given by Mrs. E. L. McKce and C. C. Buchanan. The committee recommends that the banquet be opeu to friends of the Ball Teams and that each attend ant must secure a ticket before he or she is' eligible to attend. Tickets to be provided by the ladies in charge C. C. Buchanan, Chairman M. D. Cowan J. T. Gribble SYLVA LIBRARY OPENS DOORS The Sylva library opened its doors! for the first time, Monday afternoon and kept open house; punch being served to the large number of visi tors who called during the afternoon and evening. Mrs. C. C. Buchanan is the librar ian, and she and the other officials of the library have expressed' much gratification at the beginning of what is believed will be a great public library in Sylva. Donations of books and money to ' the library will be appreciated by its ' friends and officials. KEENER BUYS RAY BUILDING Following the transfer of the Keen er building from T. W. Keener to I II. Powell a? njvoi'i-c - <| in the Jour iiiil l;iil w< ek, Air. Keener l>as just completed M":o!iatir?n'; for the pnr-| cha