? 'IS- ; | T?: ?" "7^^^ in, ^ h v fei "\ \- SJfJK! ? V ':?? .;. ""T ' '???? - J ? 7-v;-:; " "' v;^^.V ?-? .'"y. $1 uiMJie Year in Advance' in. the Comnv 1 vc? i *r ~ ~~ W1 ? ? ?--"??? -- - - . SyIva. N. 0., Thursday, ^hdy 19, l928 * \ $2.00 the Year in Advance Outside County noted lecturer TUESDAY EVENING. H|{. .!. M. KOV. LAND Dr. M. Kowland, noted ys:tlu>r, uniltl iraxeler and editor ?!' the Rieh in,...,! i '(iri?t i::ii AdtocRlc, will deiiv :i In line in tlie Lyric Theatre next Tiii-?l.i\ *?* ?*n inir. .Inly l?l at S o'clock. |, mil definitely known what will lit' the subject of the lecture, but it is |t,iMi:liI ! hat il will, he, "Four Times in i in- i My I jjuul. I'irhap- 111'. Rowland is best- known in l hi' |tt-o|>le of this community as the author i>i * * nine Kidge Breezes." Tlio-r who have fcnighed and cried il,, -ir w:n through this interesting i Mijiiiiu- will not li.ive to he urged to' : i!\ aiitauc of this opportunity to |i,.;ii- i his uilet l s|. akcr. Sulfur it in lli., l Sylva and .lackson county u i I li.i'.c a rare opportunity to hear ,i in.-it! wiio is an eloquent orator, n iii.-iori-i, and a Christian gentleman. There will he no formal admission I ?-!i.inic ai d the entire community is i!iv ift'd to hear this distinguished ! ji.iiiu' -on ol the Old North State, j METHODIST CHURCH Th' -r:\iics which have been plan1 lid! lor l lie Methodist church of Sy' Vii Smithy will be rather unusual.' The Sunday school and the entire; foii-.Teiralion will go out into (Jod's >;rc;il out of Patterson Spring's on No. 10' liiu'i.u:!'. some S miles west ol Hry >nii Cilv.. The Sunday school and coiiurcuMi ion will :isseinble at the f Imi cli troai !) to 0:15 a. m. All who li'ivc a car or cars are asked to bring tliriu lo the church so that ampR* jiiiivMoii may be made lor any who m;?y not have one. One truck will he |?nnii|ci| lo carry the baskets which the h'.l:cs are reouestcd to brinsr well tilled, it. id another one will carry ( "iMiir ol the larger hoys and girls. Mr. t'!c:irtncr, who will return from] (":!!.;|i I >, i. icl Boone with the Boy Siniii i loop Saturday will be mi ior will s|M*ak on some theme in kr.'h with the character of thfi| >min. Due s|Mcial feature of the >*Hicc will he the congregational ?"ii| clit-s singing. In On i veniug there will be preach 'ii- ;:i the Methodist church in' DilU In-i'ii. I?. ,, p. \\*. Tucker, tlie presid iii- i-l.lci will he the s|M'aker. LOCAL TROOP BOY SCOUTS CAMPING Die Si*?* (if Troop No. 1 are ''??"ii: - :: I.al t inif iit Camp Daniel Tin- daily program consists '? many act ivit ies. There ore throi' t'liolf si>inc infills, ysiines, .canoeiilJJ, ^iniminv;, instruction in flic various I imd with iust <*noutjh sandwiched in to make the l.ivs ii|>|>i-('i-i;it ?? still more the pleas J'raMe aciivitic*. ^ I'hImiIs vie with each other at ' ,>rk 'ii panics, in kwjiiir^ their tints ! l> and in personal cleanliness and "hIim-ss. (Some parents no doubt V!'l take Jiiis with a jp'ain of^salt.) ?^??nc hi i he ScontsS have "Killed ? ' It it Scoutmaster Clemmer and (,i ' ; in-iik Askcv and Karl Col '?"s killed ;i Rattlesnake as they "I'mvil the environs of the en in p 'and ' Ht < red into the heroic tradi ho,K ' '?:?-! center ahout the name of 1 "'i '-.Hi 1. 1 Scout Daniel Boone. The '">* will return Saturday, consider 'aimed, hut much the better for ' l,, |inc c\|K'rience which they are in ennip. CHILD DIES 'K i<- I'.rvson, the three year old Mr. :ind Mrs. Ransom Bryson 111 t'ull.iwl.ec fell on sleep Saturday *lulv ISKW The friends ami neiffh 0N "I the bereaved parents extend ami commend them to God ,0r '"in tort and solace in this time Br"'l and loss. I \ BALSAM i - ? Mr. A. F. Arlington received notice that his brother, Sahi ; Arrington j -died in .in Ashevillo hospital Sunday .night. Mr. Arringtonw as working in n fnrniturp factory in Asheviile anil was- accidentally lmrt about two } months ago, ami was taken to the hospital. TliC remains were brought to his home in Hazclwbod, Monday, and interment in Saunook k'emetery Tuesday. He leaves a wife and eleven elnldren. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duncan of Glad'? Spring Va.' announces the bix*th of an eleven ]>ound son ? -Ralph Baker. Mrs. Duncan wa^, before her marriage Miss May Christy, o/ Balsam. " Mr. and Mis G. C. IWawner and j Miss . Clarice and Master (ins, Mrs. .!. 11. Rork and Master Raymond Rork of P.u^ucah, Ky., spent Saturday at the Indian reservation, j Mr. ,1. \Y. Culhberson and family of Almond spent Sunday before last wilh re'alives here. Master (Menu I remained until Friday when he re i turned home accomiKUiied.. by his cousins, Helen and Agnes Queen. Mr. Lloyd Quictt of Whit tier w:h here I his week visiting his sister. Mrs. K. <>. Queen. Mrs Dr. Fred Moor of Tallahassee, Fla., who i* spending the summer in Wayricsville and Lake .lunaluska sjvnt Friday with Mrs. 1). T. Knight. L'rof W. C Casscl will close- his! singing school here I'liursday night, j lie is a fine teacher i'lid has, ifi ad dition to the class of adult*, taken great interest in teaching the chil dren each afternoon A large ntimocr of visitors have been preheat each night. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Cm w lord andj daughter of Addle a" tended the sitiir- 1 i ing Monday night. , Mis-; Anna Margarettc Baker audi Messrs Janinit Fuller and Thomrvj Stoddard of Clereinont, Fla., visited! Miss Faye Hryson, Friday. ? Messrs Fred McTCce' -CSrorgc Mr- j Council and Harry ?!. Allison of Web, stcr were visitors in Balsam Satur day evening. " Mr. llu'rli Sniiilhovs smd Mr. TrvJ Smut !u?i*s of f, niton were quests of their , coi gns Mrs< j[\l. C. iBryson. Kundav. Misses !'.vc!y:i Brvson, Marie Cow ard ami Messrs Crady Crawford and Lawrencp Hoopp)?.wcu1 fo Kasl La port^ Sunday eveninir to hear t lit* Hazelwood quartette sinu. 0 ???'? Fnye Brvson a', 'id K;itu Kenney and Mr. Robert Brvson wore : .joint hostesses and liost ;;t a weine;) roast, Wednesday afternoon at thej "grandpa Brvson " spring. The yin st.? i were Misses Anna Margarette' Bakcrl of Cleremont, Fla., Lillian Kenney' A v i Mr. ni:d Mrs. Hoy Duncan in Clade 0 rren, Howard Warren and Ben jy j Br/son. Mr. and Mrs, Finley Carson ami Mrs. W S. Christy left Friday to' visit Miss Kd.it h Cliristy i?i le go with them as they j begin life together. I Mr. and Mrs. Hooper will make tlicir home at Tuckaseg#ee. j 1 JACKSON BOYS RETURN FROM TRAINING' CAMP . i A number of young; men who have 1 been in training- at the Citizen's Mili | tnry Training Camp, at Fort Ogle ! (Jr., for the past four weeks, f have returned to their homes in Syl va and Jackson County. Included in i ti?e number are Arthur Rogers, Earl ' I.V.ell, Hold Queen, Parson Kincaid Jr., Janips Mason, Dick Wilson, Ray | Cogilill, Wayne Bryson, Fred Bnc ! hanan, William Koylc, Hairy Nichol J son, Felix Potts and Askew Hooper. ? ? !' Despite depredations by bean bc> ! tic:, the on+iuary farm garden is 1 still the best paying piece of land j yi. : jt place. 1 - -it UsL Turuiey TdjJ)efend Title Against Heehey r..S.The next big championship fight, ffijgg-. ? r T - ? r*> I * |T OM HEENEYl' U*~?-4-T I f - Forearms ?f Otl . ?j-ti? m'~z -r^ GENE TUNiJEYl QUALI*A Tii.i' Quarterly CoiiiVremv cmi-i vcncil at the Methodist ehnreh Sail-] lii! and fa:::il\ of r-rv . on (' ty, M i\. I A Gi ill 1.1 t??'j ('in rn::ee with ir.nv.otln' rolalive-*, and }'riectl?? "Itas-v- visited M n Keener who l..V;>heen seriotiSTv ill for , * / the |>:i!?t week. Mi's. York Howell of Sevierville, Tenn, is siK'iulins; awhile anions rel atives. Mr. \V, ('. Norton of Cnllowhoe was a Qua lla visitor Sunday. .Miss Inez Mat! in of Iirvson City is vi>ililijj at Mr. .1. ('. .loli?i>,oii V. J Mr. and Mrs..!. M. Ilu?h< > liH'e re- ! turned to Ashevil!o(ai'ier a visit witlii relatives. .Mrs.i Horace I Towel! ami ihildrei are srirests at Mr. .1. M. ITanla r* i Mrs .lolm Jones of barkers Creek sjH'iit the w*ek eml with Mrs. I). L ' ).\ner. I Mr \Vi:ifred Hughes ol' Ashevi'ie is visiting anion i ; (lie program. 1 MRS. DAVIS HONORED Miss Bessie Snyder and Mrs. .Ten- 1 ilinirs Bryson entertai.'ied at the homoj of Mi>*s Snyder Thursday afternoon' with a miscellaneous shower honor- j in;/ Mis. .toe \V. Davis, who was Mis? Carrye .1. Bry.-on before her niar-l riage last week. During the afternoon the guests! \tcre asked lo write their favorite recipes in the bride's cook book and also a bit of advice was ?rivon by each one present. Many beautiful and useful present.* were drawn into the room by the little niece -of Mrs. Davis, Doris 'ifenda Bryson, in a beautifully drap ed wagou of white and green. I The hostess es served an ice course 1 ? . ? carrying out the color scheme of! green and white. Those present were: Mesda ines Joe W. Davis, ( leoige C. Snyder, I), (i. Bryson, W. (i. Dillard, T. C. Bryijpn, j Sr., Albert 'Anderson, V. V. Jfoojier, Misses Mary Clayton, Muriel Snyder, of Beta and Mesdames C. B. Thomp son, Ii. U. Sutton and Miss Helen : Allison of Sylva. TONIGHT A , \ ? ? " ( ? ?' V AT LYRIC THEATRE rin-tin-tin in "HILLS OP KENTUCKY" ^ . * - * * { ' *? * V . * f - ' - . -* BENEF5T SYLVA BASEBALL CLUB . ?'"? ' 1 ' PROGRAM OF JACKSON COUNTY UNIori MEETING The next Union meeting will con vene with the Moses Creek Baptist cIiutcIi July 27th, 28th and 29th. Kvcry church in the Tuckaseigee As so^iation is urged to send represent atives. The program is as follows: ? . FRIDAY 11:00 A, M. Introductory Sermon ? Rev Fcank Cook. Alternate, Rev I>aw reuce Crawford. 12 M. Dinner 1 :30 P. M. Reorganization and Elec ..tiou. uuOliicers-tor the Ensuing year 2:00 I'. M. 4 4 Who arc the Stewards ol' (iod and where does their Respon sibility begin and End?" ? Opened hv Rev. J. G. Murray. 2:45 P. M. How may we Enlist the Members of our churches to become Loyal Stewards? Opened by Rev. 1. K. Stafford. 3:30 P. M. Adjournment. SATURDAY 9:4") A. M. Devotional ? Rev. A. C. Queen 10:00 A. M. The W. M. U Work and its va^ie to the church, discussed by Mrs T. ('. Bryson, Mrs. H. T Hunter and Mrs W.- C Reed ] 0 :45 A M. Prove that the B. Y. P. U is worth while as an auxiliary to (lie church ? Opened by Prof W. C. Reed. 1 1 :.'!() A. M. How can a rural church maintain a B. Y. P. U? Opened by Mildred Staneil 12:00 Dinner. 1 :30 P. M. Devotional ? Retv Ben Cook. 1 :45 P. M. What are some of the Evidences of a Real Revival? Opened by Rev T. F. Deitz. 2:45 P. M. Ways and means of se curing accurate reports and repre sientatives from every church to our annual meeting of the association, Led bvRev. R. L. Cook. SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. Devotional, Rev. J. I). Sitton. . 10:00 A M. S. S. Session, Lesson Discussed by Prof. E. H. Still well! 10:45 A. M Business and Reports. ll:00 A. M. Sermon, To be supplied. DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOI, CONVENTION AT LOVEDALE The District Sunday School Con-j vention will be held at "the Lovedale" 4 Baptist church on next Sunday, July! 22. Below wc give the program for the meeting: 2:30 Devotional, E. H. Stillwell, CuJloWhee. 2:40 Introduction, A. V. Washburn Sylva. 2:50 Building a Standard Sunday School, J. N. Barnette. Cullowhee quartette. 3:40 Round Table Discussion: Can a Country church build and Main tain a Standard Sunday School? Adjourn at will. M. C. BROWN, Superintendent. R. R. FISHER, Asso. Superintendent A meeting of all associational B. Y. P. U, officers will be called at 3:40 by the president, Miss Louella Brown. / y North Carolina's first Farm and Home Week and 26th annual meet ing of the State Farmer's Convention ? . ? * t FOUR LIVESTOCK DATS , - AT FABM CONVENTION "N . Raleigh, N. C., July 18 ? PigB, dairy cattle, beef animals, work stock and sheep will occupy an iaipotrant part in the program of farm discus sions to be held at State College daring Farm and Home Week, July 23 to 27. Tuesday, July 24, will be swine day with W. W. Shay as. chariman. Experimental results in feeding hogs actual results in feeding by farmers and late information about the great increase in growing hogs for market will be three of the important mat ters discussed on this day. Two coun ty agents who have had much exper ience in swine feeding work during the past year will lead two other discussions. Wednesday, July 25, will be. dairy day with John A. Arey in the chair. On this day farmers and specialists will tell of actual experiences with dairy animals. R. L. Shuford of Ca tawba county is on the program to tcil how to develop a good hend and it is admitted, generally, that he has the right to talk with authority. H. A. Patten of New Bern will also dis cuss some local feeding problems and ? ports will discuss other phases of" the dairy industry. The day will end with a judging demonstration. Thursday, July 26, is beef cattle and workstock day with Earl Hostet ler ar chairman. How pure bred beef . bulls are being used in Ashe county will be one of the interesting discus sions as will those having to do with the present status of this industry in the South. H. L. Young, field man for the Hore Association of America, will discuss the present situation as regards workstock and will also dem ontratc multiple hitches in the after noon. Earl Hostctler is also chairman of yiieep- day on Friday* July 27. In ad dition to four important lectures on J he subject there will be demonstra tions in slaughtering and dressing the animals as well as in drenching and judging lambs. In the afternoon n trip of inspection will be made to the college flock when the experimental work with sheej) will be observed. BUYS WAYNESVTLLE FURNITURE PLANTS Waynesville Mountaineer. R. C. Robbins, for several years connected with the Star -Furniture Co., of Lenoir, has bought the Hay wood Furniture Company at Waynes villc and the Waynesville Furniture Company at Hazelwood, and bopraii operations Monday as the Robbins Furniture Company. Mr. Robbins ha?, already arrived in .Waynesville to take active charge of the operations of the two plants. Mr. Robbins has been negotiating with the owners of the two properties here for several months for these two plants. One plant will manufacture din ing room furniture while the other makes a line of bedroom furniture. These lines with improvements will be continued under the new manage ment and ownership. MASONIC LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS Unaka Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Svl va, elected Dr. C. Z. Candler as Mas ter, John H. Morris, Senior Warden, Dan Tompkins, Junior Warden, C. E. English, Secretary, M. D. Cowan, treasurer, Doyle D. Alley, education al secretary W. C. Reed, Chaplain, W. D. Warren, Senior Deacon, J. R Buchanan, Junior Deacon, Ben X. Queen steward, Harry E. Buchanan, Junior steward, and J. T. Bird, tyler, at a meeting held, Monday in the masonic hall. The officers were immediately in stalled. I. H. Powell, Albert M. Anderson, and Roy C. Allison were appointed as the committee on the Oxford Or phanage; and Raymond Glenn, John Battle and Henry Bird, as a refresh ment committee. J. E. Clark of Beufort county be gan his tobacco harvest this year on June 27. Much of the crop is matur ing earlier than usual in eastern Carolina this season. Tom Tarheel says, his boy has earned his own money and will at tend the annual state club short course at State College July 30 to *****