sl5U the Year in Advance in the County JJ Sylva, N. C., Thursday. August 16. 1928 ? |2.00 the Year in Advance Outside Count* ..ak UNPOPULAR PREACHER" W1LL BE PASTORS SUBJECT" ?*<?#' ? An I n|N>|>ul<ir Preacher" will be? the subject Jl s?'''mon which the !,?? li'cv. (icorge Clemmer will do- ; jjv,.r SiiihIhv morning at the Metho- J ,l?t <luir?-lt in Sylva. The sermon ttill contain (lie dramatic story of; |i(.i?i<- ? li:i racier who valued the I juswvr of a elear conscience, along with (li?* approving smile of Ood more thm l Ik- noun of {Mtpular favor. j( j, not enough to kn..w that a prophet is iinjH?|?ular. One ought to ?.k h hv Mi, Clemmer will do this; in discussing tliis theme Sunday! moniitiK Si inie s|M-i*ial music is being pre- 1 pared for I lie service. Miss Emily i WVigle ot Augusta will sing an of J tfiM) number .1 nd |X'ihaj>s there will' br a selection hy a mixed quartet. j Sumliiy schools of the charge meet jjiuiiiftlv :ii 10 o'clock. There will | h# uo ewning service, A very cordial imitation i> extended to all to attend jiiv ni tlic scrvces ot the church. I The program of worship for the morn ' jjji/ serv ii'c follows: Voliintiin ; Hymn No .12, "Come Thrni Aliniiility King;" The Apostles ("reed : Prayer; Kespousive reading No. Ih; The Gloria Patri; New Testament Icsmhi Hcbresw 12:1-11; Announcements; Offering; Offertory Solo; Hyiuii No 7, "Hail Thou Onw IbpiM'il ; Sermon: "An Unpopular Preacher. Hymn No 18 "The Son of tloil Hoes Forth to War; Benediction. QUALLA Oh Sunday afternoon a Sunday i School Hall) was held at the Bap- j list rhim-h. Interesting addresses j ?tre imiile by l'rof K L Moore, Rev | A V Washburn; .1 T Gribble, Rev I k Stafford ; Rev K L Cook ; Prof J. E Brown; Dan Bryson and R R' Fisher. Meetings of this kind should I ereatly benetit the communities in j which they are held. Mrs il \V Wbitmire of Midtonil,, | Tms and Mr Jesse Shelton of Los Angeles, Calif , arrived at Qualla ; Suiiday afternoon, this being their' tormer home. They have many rel- : itiies atul friends who welcome their raining ami will enjoy having them (kit in our section again after an itame ut several years. Mrs Whit unre was formerly Miss Mattie Shel lull. I Mrs W 1) Wike and three daugh- j t?s ot Cullowhce were callent at Qualla, Sunday afternoon. Messrs H (? and Wayne Ferghson ?re attending camp meeting at Con ey's Springs. Mi auil Mrs (' M Hughes of Ashe Vl"e s|K'nt the weekend with Mr. ?I H Hughes Mr ami Mrs Koscoe Swan, Mrs Alton t'ohmnl of Florida and Mrs Thomas Vnnier of Whittier were Pwts ot Mr and Mrs C P Shelton. Mr Uivedahl of Cowarts, Mr and Mrs .IcKt Snyder of Willets and Mrs ?I Cook were among Qualla's viai l0h Siindiiv. U i * * 1 *f James I trail ley of Oklahoma is WHting atu?fit<r relatives. He was a ^wr Quuilii Ikiv SCOUTS 00 AGAIN TO LAKE. popular iliil the outing at Lake Juualuska prove among the Bov last week, that it has been <le '"JfJ by the officials of the troop to ?u aj?ain Friday afternoon and per M* the following Friday. Some twenty of the boys went over last( ?"It along with Scoutmasters Clem- 1 a'nl Allen in a big truck turn k'",|l by Mcdl'ord Furniture Co. All bus enjoyed the trip and the, Ration, and are keen to go again. | *??ts are asked to assemble in '","1 of Med l ord Furniture Store ?' i i> in. in uniform and |?f?l with u dime and a "Hot or so tor sup|?er. The troop p "'main at the lj?ke for the even ly program it the weather is suit |'W ^RRIAOE licenses ??lter "?!e"an,l<'r to Btrtha Hooper. ? 1 r Crawford to Mamie Coats BJ^an Kuykendahl to Belle Trippett Haywood. W*** ShuUr to Alyne Ch?pm>n ?j or 't- Roberts t? %cwe ?r Indiana J tt4'1 ^ueumber tolaSiM J* Ven to Nannie Colouahoskie: | Negroes R. Walker to Ida Mefcnney LYRIC TO GIVE BENEFIT PICTURE On next Wednesday and Thursday the Lyric Theatre will show "Ham and Eggs at the Front" as a special benefit picture for the Sylva Base ball Club. The Baseball Club has' arranged to have a number of young ; ladies make a canvass of the town' and community in sale of tickets for J the benefit show and the tickets will I be on sale Saturday Monday; Tues day ; Wednesday and Thursday. Ham and Eggs at the Front is said to be a side-splitting comedy of thej war featuring blackface comedians j in the trenches with Tom Wilson;! Heinie Conklin and Myrna Loy as1 the principal actors. There have been many stories told I of the grim side of the war but not i mauy realize there were just as many funny ones most of which will re- 1 main buried for a long time. The story of "Ham and Eggs at the Front" written by Darryl Francis Zanuck for a comedy film for War ner Bros, is one of these stoVjes done into comedy film which presents the experiences of two members of a ne gro regiment at the front played by two black face comedians Tom Wil son and Heinie Conklin. The uniform could not protect them from the feat's which superstition creates in the hearts of every negro. They suc cumb to their belief in ghosts rabbits feet and flie lure of women as does many a white brother. Unlike a lot of white folks however they work; out of their jams gayly creating, some of the funniest motion pictures, ever made. Another feature of the show 011 , this date will be the first chapter ot'j the Lyric's new serial picture "Th?? Jungle Goddess" as well as the usual two reel comedy and the news reel. The usual admission charge of 10c and 25c will be made. ROTARIANS WILL BACK WORK ' FOR CRIPPLED TOTS The Sylva Rotary Club ai its week ly luncheon ineetiug at the Potluck Tea House Tuesday voted unani mously to underwrite the clinics for! crippled children of the county and; authorized president Candler to so no i tify the proper authorities of the 1 State Board of Health andMiss Elea- ! nor Ormond the county health nurse. I The ortho|H'dic clinics will be held , in Sylva at which time the children ! with defective limbs will be exam-1 ined by experts from the state board j nf? health and all of them who can be benefitted by surgicial or other treatment will be given the benefit of such treatment. Lespedeza on the land is like ?K>ne\ in the bank, says B. L. Medlin of Union County GROW BEEF CATTLE SAYS LIVESTOCK MAN Raleigh, N C. August 15 ? No other | section can produce good quality beci} cattle more economically than the South, and North Carolina in par ticular, for the reason that lands are still cheap; grazing is good; the pasture season is Iqng; feed is pro duced at low cost anj^jiot much shel ' sideline to crop f^armihg." t4For these reasons we can start in the cattle business in this State with less capital thai) any other sec tion" says Fred M Haig animal hus bandry worker at State College. "Out of the twenty-five million acres of farm land in North Carolina, six million are being cultivated. This in- j eludes nil of our pasture and hay land and thus there must be plenty > of land left for grazing. Most of the | 161000 head of beef cattle now in the^ State are found in the western part; where the land is rough and grass grows readily- Still the eastern por tion also Offers possibilities to tin man who may grow his beef as a.i sdeline to crop farming." Prof. Haig finds that many crop farmers of the east are already turn ing to dairying with success and he believes that the raising of a few beef cattle would add to the income The small amount of labor required! would come in the fall after crop! work is over. i Feeding beef cattle works along j well with hog growing and the manure . secured will add to the fertility of the land. However Prof Haig cautions the beginner to start slowly and gradually ! add to his beef cattle herd as hej becomes more familiar with feeding and marketing method**. One sure! rule to follow is not to attempt feed | iii? more cattle than the corn and hay grown on {he farm will supplv. { In many sections where cattle feed ing has been started the grower starts with only a few animals and markets his. surplus loc?Uj>. market is net satisfactory he may combine with a neighbor and ship a> car to the larger livestoek markets | This name method is being used sue ( cessfully by hundreds of swine grow ; ers all over the State. EASTERN STAR TO HOLD DISTRICT MEETING The Eastern Star of the 13th Dis- ? trict will meet at Brysoji City on August 31st for an all day meeting The recitotary -requests all members of the Sylva chapter to be present. Dinner will be served by the Brvson City Chapter Tom Tarheel says the best part of August is the time given to pi<* nics, barbecues, swimming parties and all day preaching. TUCKA8EEGEE BUNS HIGH ASHE BRIDGE WASHED OUT! Heavy rains for the past few days raised the Taekaaeigee river to it* highest point in' recent years Wednes day afternoon and Wednesday night 'doing considerable damage to crops io lowlands and washing out at least three bridges, The new bridge just completed by the county a few weeks ago at the mouth of the Ashe branch between Sylva and Cullowhee at a cost of approximately $5000.00 was washed from its piers Wednesday night and is lodged a short distance below the site of the bridge. The, covered bridge across the river above | East Laporte and the bridge across Tuckaseigee at the mouth of Way ehutta are both gone it is reported this morning. ? The superiority of the climate we.-t of the Balsams was again demonstrat ed as highway No 10 from Sylva to Ashevilk and the Murphy Division of the Southern are said to ve the only roads leading into Asheville upon which traffic was not disturbed re callng the days of the flood of 1910 when the Murphy Division was the only means of traffic into Asheville from aqy direction and proving that the mountain barriers not only pro tect this immediate region from heat and cold but also from windsstorms and extreme flood conditions. SYLVA BAPTIST ENCAMPMENT BEGINS 'SUNDAY Arrangements are being made toj care for the many Baptists who will attend the second Baptist Encamp ment to be held' at Sylva Collegiate Institute, Sylva, August 19-24. Noth ing will be left undone to maJce the stay of the visitors both pleasant ] and profitable. I Among the speakers will be W R Cullom, D. D Chair of Bible, Wake j Forest College* I M?wa?> ft ?j Winston-Salem President ? Baptist j State Convention, Zeno Wall D. D. pastor First Baptist Church, Shelby, | A- B Wood Th D pastor First Bap tist Church, Maxton, and others. The teaching faculty will be composed of i all state Sunday school, B. Y P (J j and Mission study workers. Sunday j school secretary, Perry Morgan of | Raleigh, assisted by Miss Gladys Beck and C. B Earp will teach classes ill Sunday school work each morning B?yY P U secretary1, .1 amies A Ivey o| Raleigh, Miss Winnie Rickett, Mary, Frances Biggers and Mrs A V Wash burn will conduct classes in B Y P U. Studies in Missions will be led by Mr and Mrs A B Wood of Max ton. During the afternoons in addition to the outdoor games, stunts, hikes mountains climbing etc. which will he enjoyed by all, a visit through Sylva 's new paper, board plant and The Subject For His New Picture By Albert T. Rmid THEY I.ncr. the JOURNAL or HAWAII Schofield Barracks T H June 25 1928. Mr Dan Tompkins Editor Jackson County Jonrnal Sylva N C Dear Sir: Just a few words to let you know that 1 have received the Journal and was very glad to hear from Jackson county. You publish a right newsy little weekly and I alway^ \ enjoy reading it and then pass it on to another Jackson County boy; Pher ron D. Bryson of the 3rd Engineers I am in Company "A" of the 27tii Infantry. We have been in the Hawaiian Islands for almost a year and like it fine but its nothing con Spared with onr own wonderful North Carolina. We have been in quite a few states and were through the Panama Canal but still we can't see that any of them have anything on Western North Carolina We shall not be sat isfied until we see North Carolina again Thanking you very much for the service in delivering the paper and you may look for a renewal when my subscription is out. Sincerely Ralph Long .... Co "A" 27th Inf Dear Editor: If you will, allow me the privelege would like to add just a few words to what Mr Long has said I can not say that I am as well satisfied with these Islands as he but quite agree with him when he says that old North Carolina is the best State we have Your paper was quite interesting and entertaining and we certainly enjoy hearing from North Carolina. Will write to you again in the near future and tell you more of the Ha waiian Islands as I expect to sec quite a lot of them during the next Wishing you and all the Uar Heels the best of luck and thanking you for this chance to express my feel inys for the old Home State. Respectfully ? Pherron D. Bryson Hdq. & Service Co 3rd Engineers a trip to the Cherokee Indian Reser vation will be given to the visitors attending. Those attending may stay in the dormitories of the school at $1.00 per day including three meals Quests will be expected to bring bed linen, towels, soap etc. A registration fee of $1 for the entire week, or twenty five cents per day will be charged to help defray expenses of the En campment. Dormitories will be open i Sunday afternoon Aug 19th for the reception of guests. Dr. I M Mercer and James A, Ivey will speak at the initial meeting Sun day afternoon at three o'clock when a great crowd is expected from all parts of Western North Carolina. RECORDER'S COURT A large number of eases were dis posed of in Recorder's court, Mon day and Tuesday, before Judge Geo. W Sutton Guy Seagle and Burnell Ridley were indieted on a charge of forgery. With consent of Judge Walter E. Moore,, resident judge of this judicial dis trict, and Solicitor Grover C. Davis, the bill of indictment was changed to forcible trespass, to which charge the two young men plead guilly be fore Judge Sutton, and were given seentences of 12 months on the roads, which sentence was supended upon the payment of the costs, and the good behavior of the defendants. Joe Burton Stanley, Assault with a deadly weapon, plea guilty of sim ple assault and fined $10 and the cost-. ;t Bailey Dyre, violation of the pro hibition laws, nol pros. Same defend ant, assault plea of guilty judgment suspended upon paymeent of the costs. Lee Woraaek, assault. Ernest Hall, the state's witnes was called, and failed, and a fine aginst bam of $40 was imposed. Fred Parker, intoxication, plea of guilty, judgment suspended upon pay mart of the oosts. Harrison Cowan, false pretense, called and failed. Ed Wilson, operating an automo bile while intoxicated^ plea of guilty TUGKASEIGEE ABBOOIATIOX MXKTDfG TODAY The Tuekaseigee Baptist Associa tion was opened, this morning, at 9:30 o'eloek with devotional exercises conducted by Prof. R N Priekett, principal of Sylva Collegiate In stitute, in the auditorium of that in stitution. The order of business for the meet ings follows: Today 9:30 Devotional, Prof. N E Priekett 10:00 Enrollment of messengers and recognition of visitors. 10:30 Report on Orphanage, D. G Bryson 11 :00 Christian Literature, T 0. Bry son 11:30 Introductory Sermon, Rev I. K Stafford 12:00 Appoinftnent of Committees and miscellaneous 12:15 Dinner 1:30 Devotional Rev L. H Crawford 1:46 Report on Cooperative Program G W. Sutton 1. Foreign Missions, Rev* A W Davis 2 Home Missions, Rev J G Murray 3 State Missions, McKinley Hooper 3 :30 Inspirational Address 4:00 Adjourn Friday Devotional R F Jarrett 9:15 Cooperative Program Continued 1 Ministerial Relief, M C. Brown 2 Hospitals E H Stillwell 3 Christian Education, Rev I. K Staf ford 10:15 Sylva Collegiate Institute, J. T Gribble 10:45 Sunday Schools, A V. Wash burn 11:15 B Y P U. Mrs I K Stafford 11:45 WMS MreJG Murray 12:15 Dinner 1:30 Devotional T C Bryson 1:45 Stewardship Rev A C Queen 2:15 State of Churches R F Jarrett 2:46 Ministers (Names, Addresses, Deaths) Rev R W Green 3:00 Temperance F I Watsow _ 3:T5 Reports of Ct?iiuh tsw Mbaet lan sons 3:30 Inspirational Address, Dr H T Hunter fined $75 and the eosts and ordered not to drive a motor vehicle for a period of 6 month*. John Taylor, carrying . aenscoled weapons and injory to personal prop erty, sentenced to serve 6 months on the roads. He appealed to the super ior court Robert Stewman, intoxication, pray er for judgment continued to next term. John Waldroop posessioti and trans porting, guilty, prayer for judgment continued to second Monday in Sep tember. Joe founders, intoxicaiton, guilty prayer for judgment continued. Lush Wilson, posession and selling intoxicating liquors. Sentenced to serve 4 months on the roads. He ap pealed to the superior court. Jess Farley, poeession and trans porting, judgment suspended open payment of the eosts. Same defendant operating an automobile while intox icated, fined $50 and the costs, and ordered not to drive an automobile. Deck Sutton, intoxication, judg ment suspended upon payment of the costs. Same defendant carrying concealed weapons, fined $50 and the costs, upon which he appealed to the superior court. Same defendant trans, porting and peseasion, $25 and the sort, and appealed. Owen McKinney, intoxication pray er for judgment coo tinned. Bob Shelton, possession and trans porting $10 and the costs. Bertha Jones, intoxication, con tinued. Graee Smith, prostitution, tour months in jail capisfe to iaeae in five days. Jim Owen, assault, continued Same defendant intoxication continued. C W Sizemore, false pwtawt, nail ed and failed DISTRICT BOTAftX ?OV Dr. William Way of Charhatnn S, C. District Governor of Retary? will visit 8yhra next Tuesday The local rotarians are planning to have ladies night at that tiin* in honor of the coming of the district governor. Enoqgh bogs a re m foe*- in Col umbus county to ship two ?an this fall, and other demonotoatiooa an , being arranged bjr the nwij IfMt

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