i-v .1 s ' ..IN ?M r! i i I'' - ii.vii'!^ v i?i ih'vu- ? 1 ; iir! I'll ! * M|io?il in'iix'. ?>ii the night ol st ;{ I , v. Iii !?? a box supper and iimeai v. ere iii progress with i'd ?r murder dcuTe;* by it Haywood I ;ick-on county hu|hm S;if ii ril:i\ anil senteuc \J??nre to serve from 20 ii i lu* state prison, , tin! nil ire of up|ienl, , . :?.i nc\ s, to t :e supreme .. -on in As1 eville jail ? ; ? i'lai't'il on : rial alone, fn^tn iiniu ?'l lust v.eek,.e|inrjf |Wj:li h.uij: i-iie of the tv.o men re Insil'1' lilt' ot ,)el>?ty <lfiit! ("l-iiul tirern outside the Bal SSIU Ai#? fdtfrt"1" i;, ? IjiiiliLiag. Xheiv ?? '.V<1 w itnesses to the li:.i ;; ?h;?iii ot circumstantial! #;:? 1 1 1 1 rod need l?y the state i,i imk Sn.:ii I ??' < with the erijne. lie! i i~ defense an alibi, nnd > ?tnrV(i witnesses who testified! , ;> v. in n:ilioti'<? throughout thej iii. lit id' the siuiotingj ? . afternoon, until the The evidence was eom Tli .r-day and on Friday ai'uncd I iy r. C. I j l':::i .Moore, for t lie de-| i,: * i! -!i I' Monteith, K. I*. | vi ii>. II. ; ? Solicitor (J rover ('. Da-I lit -late; and on Katurdayj :.,?i niic ,! ' ? It:: ip,.:e was given the ju- j . in \\ :dtcr K. Moore, audi r>(- i ' 1 1 ' < i ?? I to I iie jurv about 10 i ,!|i'i>i. | i J 1 1 ! ' 1 ? " p'd.'.K. ^ |,l! II1 :!'m i! <>l ii ' r i i ii i ? ' ? , , . ,. . I, t??:ii-: ' ' ? ta:' ! : 1 ! VI.. I t" Vi'fr III'''! I ,'i ?! 1,1 ' I, llir. -. 1 ?li;|! iii.! I .mil the jury re-; lered its verdict of; I i .in i t in I he scnitiil degree. !,:i ii. senior counsel for ic Iiioliiin to set asid-.' -In ?round that liior*! , ii i!t evidence to war | .i tnd (hat the state,: favorable view ot'j 1 1 ?mm its standpoint, ha ! j mv tiiat the fatal shots r Smathers, aiguirtir that! ni an accused of a crime j . |it;'Ced on trial, that ftj i> ln'iw that the one on :"*t mil shooting. .Tddtye JIimiiv i.'.cri :;1? d. the motion; and; vtnui': p!1'- lin leniency were made In Mr. i!iieji:iiian and -Mr. Moore i.i ltc'::i|i ii! Stunt hers. Ilii r;i?e \va? one that was eon ii'? 1 1 m - I > im h of the way, and ?!tr.ii!i'i| Ijii^c cro'.' ils of .liiekson iiiii:it\ ^iMijilc i lifon'.'hoiil the week; ivi't". nm'.tM rit ni the trial being watch h! Ii> i people with iittense in' ti-n-t. S - v.. is convicted about twc i,i 1 1 1:1 1 1 sl;i 01" i: coniiee linn witii ;!u< k i I i i hit of \ ii"? I Colvard ?: -;hv mill on Tuckaveiirce livei1, luii! *i*i v i*i I ;i bout eisrhteen months ?1 :i ?" i i 7 \ e;i is ' sentence, wli Ml r-';i|n-i| i mm 1 1 to stall' priso:. ?i !i-- -iniiitr: mill tthe question *?? ltn?ii^!.! ii 1 1 si s ;o whether the ?>hi!hhc in tin* case t rii*?" ';>i ?(?(?!. -!niii!i! run pdiidirrciif witi. :'n' ? i 1 1 1 ? \ )?!! i i| -rutcnee. Judtre Mooim Iwililiiiu thai such was the case. HONOR POLL BARKER'S CREEK I lie i<?l|..u iii'_r have made an aver "w ot I? /. n :.|| oihjrcts tor the month "i ? i I -i i ? : Mn ISi s Khb'rs. CiViV 1 hi. .j. i'.-ii nii' .\l?<* !?! rooks, Nuhi W'liT-i, in.i Nan John I T h ^miuii, liiilicl Jones. S.y-oml (miiiIc: Berj'rice Brooks Mihlici llt ;ll||t. v> K,|ith Davis, .Ian"' ?'ili-oii, 1 1 liuv Wikle, (icoririe Browr '?"?lill liui-iianaii, Annie Jones, Mar wi'i-l (i i, , Hubert Brown, Theofloi" {''wr: I'i'-.l Sutton. Tliinl ('i)inle: Virgie Elders. ''?'iirtli tirade: Marv Aliee Brad^ '?T. Ileliii [Siadley, Mnyhel! Elders, ?'d I'kioU, IjoviI Jones. ? <irade: Addie Sherril', ??lilli i>iii'li;iuaii, Floyd Jones. ^imIi < I r:i i ??? : Janet Brooks, Tiios. h'uhv Ounter, Birdell Kinjr, ^"i i on, Howard Nations. Thelnia Mae Curry, Prin. EfRD ON PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL MEET ^ Mr. \\ |.; |iir(| of Oullowliee State ''' I I' ll 'I uesdav for Charlotte. Hill iiltend the sessions of ' mi North Carolina Cont'ei j,1" In' Methodist church South, "'"it""-.-, \|r Hi,-,! wil! stop over in 1 i-iiville. for the meeting of i ii North Carolina District ; '-"liicational Association. Ho ' ?' | in tM'i" at the ivlueft. ionnl "Some Literary Aspects ?. ^<Mi rn North Carolina." SYLVA DEFEATS C. S. N. IN GRID CONTEST ?WILL PLAY FRANKLIN T01)AY Coach Shealy's Sylva Hgih squad last Friday handed the^ Cullowhee State Normal hoys a drubbing on the latter \s gridiron by a 0 to ft count. This was considered by local laus ns? rather unusual for the high school youngsters as the Cullowhee outfit llnd a decidedly great advan tage both in weight and experience. The single, touchdown of the game was made by a pass from Morgan to Henry. Morgan made the princi pal gains through, the line, while Henry, Queen and Keagan made sev eral gains around the end. In one instance IJeagan intercepted, a pass and van (v> yards for a touchdown but was called back because of a foul p??y made by Queen while running interference. Cuttowhee did not threat, en to score during the whole game, the ball remaining most of the time in Sylva 's territory. Sylva will meet the Franklin squad on the local gridiron today at ff the games played by the two teauw prior to this can be considered as any evidence, Friday's contest wiil be the best match of the <-eason, i> ia suggested. Franklin defeated Bry son 20-0; Ctillow'nce bent Bryson 24-0, and Sylva beat Cullowhee 0-0. The lineup Cos. Ii. K. L. T. l. n. c. I!, (i. U. T. Ii. K. Q. IV I, II. It. II. F. 1?. Sylva High Monteith S. Cogdill Nicholson Allison Wilson I). Hills, Hull Keagan Henry Queen Morgan Subst it ul ion Cullowhee ( 'ope Parson Presslev .Tack Battle Bucknei Wilson Watson F. Battle Fineannoti liogers Henrv Sylva, li. Cogdill foi S. Cogdill; F.d wards for Queen. WEBSTER Miss K.itlioiino Di'lard spent lli> week end with her sister ill Cullowhce Miss Lena Barker visited her par-: cuts ntA,'?V0Ws duiiiiir the week-end. t Mrs. .J CT\ N'iohobion wbti hiii.Jx-iji^ visit iut; her father, ^itr. 1. 0. Henfler^j son, has returned to Pisffnh Fores*.) M rs. F. W. Kiker is spending sev-j (Mill days in Char I otto with relatives! while Rev. Mi*. Kiker is attending j the annual Conference. Miss F.v:? Johnson of Sylva spent flic week end with her sister, Mrs. Dan Al'ison. \ - Mrs. .1. If. Morris, Mrs. M. II. .MorriV and Mrs. Mell Lang spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. .1. Kohl. Ijontr ot Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of K.ist * l.ajM>rte were guests of Re>.\ and Mrs. F. W. Kiker on Sunday. Mrs. Kugcnia Allison, Mrs. Kttn Davis and Miss Myrtle Davis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hilly Fisher of Beta. Judge Walter K. Moore, Mr. Tom Moore of Chattanooga, and Mr. K. Jf. Beardcn of Asheville were visi tor.- of xMrs. Kiigenia Allison Satur day. Mr. Fred MeKcc lias returned U>i Caldei wood,. Teun., after K|M'ndinir! several, days wit it his mother, Mrs.1 Mattie MeKee. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET TUCK ' ASEEGEE BAPTIST CHURCH ' SUNDAY OCT. 2H, c> O'CLOCK i 2 o'clock, Devotional, led by Group Supt., I). M. Hooper. 2:10 Business Session. 2:20. The Standard as a Program ol Work, by Rev. John Brown. 2:40. The Value of the Standard in Reaching the People, by .1. T. fJrib ble. 3:10. Tiie Advantage of the Standard Sunday School in Training for Christian Service, by T. C. Bryson. 3:40. The Organized Standard as th.-> Golden Age of Leadership, Mrs John R. Jones. 4:10. Congregational Singing. Adjournment. I D. M. Hoojior, Group Supt, bv R R. Fisher, Asso. Supt r' ? ? j S OFFERS B ROKEN LEG Janieq T?. Chnsl:.in suffered a pain fid injury Monday afternoon wiiilo working on the rebuilding of th'? I bridge across Trckasoitfec river, be tween Sylva and Ctillowhee, wheii a steel beam fe'l and broke his leg. Mr. Chaslain was brought to the Cand ler-Nichols hospital for treatment | and Ts said to be doing nicely. .1 EH ? ~ <1 I i : YOUNG MEN'S CLUB i Jv - TO SHOW PICTURE The Younu Men's Democratic Club of Jackson Coun ty luis secured the Kotloo Theatre, lor showing tiH* three ivel picture of Governor Smith, entitlotl "Tin* Happy Warrior." This picture will be shown .free of charge ? tr. and the public is invited 10 he pr??vnjt*V. Showing starts * \ at 7:30 Saturday evening, October 27th. The president ol' the Club, Doyle D. Alley, urges ail members of the Club to be present, as important business will be taken ii|>, immediately following"! lie showing of the picture. WAYNESVILLE BOY KILLS SELF AT SCHOOL The following account of Viie siii-j ?ide of .lm? Davis, Wii\ nesvillc youth,' at the school there is taken from ;i Wuynesville dispatch to tiio Asltev i ? 1 1' Citizen of Wednesday : " Disappointment over the breaking ol n love affair is believed ;o have been | lie reason for I lie suicide ol ?Joe Davis, lf> \ears old high sciioo! boy at thevjloor ol liis class room n-l hoiit !):,'!!) o'clock Tuesday morning. I Leaving his class room on preiext of returning a revolver to his home, Joe fired a linllet into his heart, and died a lew minutes facer, ^.'o one saw tins tragedy, hill it was so apparent thti! the wound was self inflicted, the cor onor declared no iii(;ue>.t was nyces ? V- - r According to school officials, the hoy hrough; tin' revolver with him when he came to school. His teacher asked some of tliK. other scohol boys to take it from iiiru :vnd unload it. Kee|>ing the cartridges, the gun wis returned to young Davis and he wisl given jH i nii.-sion ,o take it home, j Evidently.- lie* had other cartridges j in his possession for tiie gun had heen reloaded when it was taken smoking from his grnsp immediately; after the"re|?ort reverberated 'hroughj trie corridors of the liiirli school building and teachers and students crowded out of cl has rooms to inves tigalc. Hearing the shot, Joe's young si -; ter, Pearl, rushed frantically to < him reaching her brother's side aiiead of anvone el>.e. The hov lived for a few; ? ? moments, and was repeatedly fulled, upon by his sister to explain why he had committed the act. lie did not reply. When a doc: or arrived at I he! school building the lad was dead. Teachers said Joe a p| tea rod to he worried this morning, but his prev ious conduct had. been above re ( pronch. He was -t freshman in hi'rb ' school and was declared .*'.! ??\*< ?*lli it| . I -i,inh"il . ,\'i i?i*l* -i u. .!??:- ii..?l tin" tic' p:i>" ' i wo uionihs (Ken ? tmuiiei ing tiie! ice de'ivery business of his father,] Charles Dnvis, who is 'critically ill at ! his home here, witii pneumonia. The J father sustained a relapse when he | heard of his son's death. His father I mother and one sister are lie only immediate surviving relatives. Funeral service:- were held Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from' the residence. Burial in Grwi Hill cemetery, here. The school was closed | during the afternoon out ol' respee*j to Hie young student. | Joe was -very popular anions? the young pcojile of W'ayncsvil'e and commanded the confidence and re spect of the older residents. - I COOKING DEMONSTRATION .' TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT The WeiiieviT Alrmitnnn people will give a cooking demonsrratiou, with slides and lectures, in tiie Chamber of Commerce Hall this ev ening at 7 The demonstration is being sponsored by the Kylva Parent Teacher Association, and a 'free lunch I'll will be served. Everybody is invited. r I DISTRICT MEETING OF WOM EN'S OLUBS HERE SATURDAY Tiici annual meeting of tire First District Federated Clubs of XorJi Carolina will lie held here, ?Sa.i un lay, the Women '.s clubs ol Sylva enter laittjng (lie women of the district. Tin* business session ol liie meeting will lie lield at the Methodist' church and t:he luncheon will he served in j the dining room ol the Ceihi'al lligli; Se.'ioql building. The toll owing; pro- ' "Vanilias heen announced by Mrs. j Stanley W. Itlaek, Resident of tliei dist ru t; the opening session to he j held at 10 :.'{(> .o'clock. ?: Morning Session Soic;, Club Woman's Hymn. Collect of Clnh Women ol America' Weleonie, Mrs. C. A. Kales, presi dent .ol" Woman's Clnh. Ed Tfrbofcs; -Clyde I Civil League. 'i.?l Appointment of Committees. v ; Address, Mrs. hbnnis < ) 'Berry, i president of N. ' Federation ol ? Women 's Clubs. Speeial Music. y Address, Mrs. W. Broaden, "??li:i ? 1 ! mini ol District Presidents. Luncheon. Afternoon Session Sonvr, The Old North State. Address, Mrs. K. L. McKee, (inner al Federation Director. Ifepor's of Clubs. Bound Tah'e Discussion. Kepor of Committees. Minutes, 'Airs. K. K. Bennett, Sec ( retary. Adjournment. A large numbe/ of people are ex peeled and all members in this dis trict are i i rued by the president, t.j attend. Kach jierson will carry lunch which will he augmented by coffee by tiie hostess clubs. Mrs. Billy Davis is chairman of ar liinireinents: H. W. HOFFMAN KILLS SELF N ? s ?i:is i heie of the sill j f*df in ( ' i i ? ? i , T la., o; II. W. Kofi!-, | ??:>. tiie?* ??) the Bsifik >?1 Citra,; | and formerly of Sylva and Waynes-! ville. Mr. Hoffman left Sylva some | three years ago and has been making ! his home in Citra since that time. I j Details were lacking;, as the only j information reaching here was from |a telegram from Clarence II. Henson.j i of ^Jorence Villa, to his parents in! j Sylva. i The following account of the death i " I j of Mr. ITofftnau is taken from t h ?* [ Associated Prejs dispatch to the i Raleigh Xews nhd Observer: ' Hoffmaij, cashier of tiie Bank of Citra, which closed its doors Satur day, committed suicide today at the | i home of his' wife's parents at An thony in t hip county. Tiie Bank V>f Citra was taken over j by the state comptroller late Friday 'when 'it was announced that an ex I # jamination by bank examiners showed I the- assets were tied up in ''frozen loans." So far as was .known no shortage \vas found. LEADS IN PHONES i Rochester N". Y., Oct. 25. ? In Tfoch 0 pry ester there are 19 2 telephones for every hundred, people, while in I the IT. S. t he proportion is 15.3 . ! BAR PRAISES MOORE Ay . i A resolution praising the work ot [Judge Walter E. Moore who held his ! fir?r tenn of court in his home coun j ty, ihis month, was. adopted by the i local bar. Judge Moore has received mucli favorable comment from bar and public everywhere lie has held court. Tup lVsoIutiou adopted* is as fol i lows : I North Carolina, I ' In the Superior Court, Jackson County, Oct. Term 1928 That the said term of court was be ing presided over by His Honor, Walter E. Moore, said* Walter E. Moore being the resident Judge of the Twentieth District and being resident of said Jackson County, living in the' ] town of Sylva that said term of court being the first terra His Honor, Wal ter E. Moore, has held in his home and resident county, and during the said term ofrcourt lie celebrated his ! seventy-second birthday, the snm< | coming on October 14: | Therefore, P,E IT RESOLVED, by j the men i hern of the Jackson County Bar, and other Attorneys in atten dance at said Court, together with the Solicjtor of tho Tw. ntieth Judi cial District, Grover C. Davis, that in appreciation of his birthday and able manner in which lie iias pre sided over said tern/ of court, that j these resolutions be passed commend- 1 ing the fair, able and impartial man- 1 tier with which he has presided over j said conrt/- and also wishing to ex J press on behalf of said attorneys, j both resident and visiting, that these | resolutions be adopted and a copy ofj same be furnished to TTis Honor, Wal| ter E. Moore, that a copy of same, be published "ill ihe local pa]?crs of said county, and nIso that a copy of same be spread "upon the minutes of said, court for a permanent record. K. I*., STILLWFJJj, C. c; BUCHANAN, : OROVER C. DAVIS. "7? *" * ?, ^ o.: - - - - I E || iAUTOC P. i .... gw..fa >... .Ii till ilic charges that has becuj made in I liis campaign in regard. t? both candidates were laid end to end it would lake cm' over Iwo hours to j pass a given point. Tl' all t ho denials wore heaped in a' pile an aviator couldent fly over them j 1 1 is a tunny l!?i titr about a denial. T< j takes i wire as many words to deny: ? I a.- ii did to make ii. \\ i>i!(- .>ii!iih \v a -? ii<-a \ in^ ??harg4'* al him, lloovd* ju.-t pulled down tin , blinds and shut the windows and] started communing with* Work. Through close associate i witli Coo! idgc lie has her'omc practically s|H'ceh le.ss. There is nothing gets you quite so sore as to have somebody ignore you. Al is asking questions but he is not even getting a minority report on them. A woman in Virginia sent out a scenario saying that the Catholics wouldeut make good postmasters ?o Herbeert paid enough attention to her to have a padlock put on her tyjw. writer. Mr. Work promptly said that he dident tell that Alabaman to pro dine any pamphlet about Al's re ligion Work said he was "exceedingly sorry" but dident say whether his tears was caused by the insult to Al's religion, or the fact that the story loak<d out in the northern jva|>ers. So that's the way things have drifted along. fust from one scandal to another. lint as the candidate of the Anti-Bunk Party I have just gon.? and lime not only kept clear of chnrcli but also of state matters. Our whole appeal is to the broad minded element and I doubt if T receive even a hundred COUNTY HAS BIG LIVESTOCK SHOW The Jackson county livestock and (toultry show, held Friday and Saiur : day at the sheds of the Sylva Paper Itourd Company was largely attended and brought out a part o? the fine stock and poultry that is in the county, and inade a most creditable showing. The show was held under the au spices of the Jackson County Poultry Association, financed by the associa tion and business firms of Sylva, and the work was done under direction of County Agent Tilson, N. C. Brown, Tyre Davis, E. B. Wilkes, H. P Cmtk ey and other citizens who contributed largely of their time, in mjirijy the show a success The premiums in the livestock show as awarded by the judges, L. I). Thrash, county agent of Bnncoaabe county aud J. R. Brown, assistant county agent were: DAIRY CATTLE Jerseys: Cow Z year old and over. First prize, F. N. McLean, Sylva; Second prize: W. A. Hooper, Speed welL Heifers 1 to 2 years old: First prize, Hurley Lewis, Webster 4 H Club. Second prize, C. H. Kitchen, Sylva. lleifer under 1 year: First prize, John R. Jones, Jr., Sylva. Second prize, Mrs. F. N Mc I^ean, Sylva Bull 2 years old and over: First prize, B. O. Painter, Sylva. Second prize, W. M. Harris, Sylva GUERNSEYS Heifer 1 to 2 years old: First prize, - Frank Brown, Jr, Cullowhee, 4 H Club. Second prize, A. H. Wen v cf, Dillshora Heifer undo: 6 months. First, Fred Brown, Cullowhee, 4 H Club. Bull 2 years and over: First, A. H. Weaver, Dillsboro. Second, F. H.- . Brown, Cullowhee. Bull mider fi mouths: W. M. Harris, Sylva. HOI-STEINS ? Cows over 2 years: First, N. C. Biowu ""Srlva lj-ritl'v. Second, N. *0. Brown, Sylva Dairy. Bull 2 years and over: Firslt, N. C. Brown, Sylva Dairy. SWEEPSTEAKES Best cow niiy breed, 3 years anil over, X. ('. Brown's liolstein, Sylv# Dairy. Rest cow under three years, any breed, Mrs. F. X. McLean, Sylva. Best heifer, 1 to 2 years old, Hurley Lewis, 4 Ii Club, Webster. Best iieif er under I year, John It. Jones, Jr.,. Svlva. Best bull and breed, A. H. Weaver, Dillshoro, Gneitisey.' Best l>;il I uii<li?r 'J years old, W. M. Har ris," Svlva, Guernsey. BEEF CATTLE Cow .'i years old and over: First, D. G. Bryson, Beta. Second, Walter A she, Sylva. Ifeifer under 1 year: First, Chris David, Webster 4 H Club. Second, Clifton Fisher, Beta. Bull 2- years and older: First, H. Kitchen, Sylva. Bull under 2 [years: First, Percy Fowler, Hi:; Ridge. Second, Troy Davis, Webster 1 4 H Club. SWEEPSTAKES Best cow 3 years and over, D. G Bryson. Best heifer, 1 to 2 years, Tvrc Davie. Best heifer, under 1 year, [Chris Davie. Be-t Bull 2 years i<ud . mcr. 0. U. Kitchen. Best ball under 'i years; Percy Fowler. ' ' SHEEP Best Ewe over 1 year, First, U. ! W. Fisher, Beta. Second, it. W. Fish ; er. Best Ewe Lamb: First, Rav Fisher, Swtt's Creek, 4 H Club. 2nd. Ray Fisher. SWEEPSTAKES Best Ewe over 1 year, R. W. Fish er. Best Ewe lamb, Rav Fisher. HOGS Best Sow, 1 year or over: First, I{. W. Fisher. Best gilt under 1 year: First, -Curtis Frizzell, Webster 4 If Club. Second, Frank Brown, Jr., Cul lowhee, 4 H Club. Best boar over 1 year: First, Guy Fisher. Second, J. M. Trrcker, Speedwell. SWEEPSTAKES Beet sow over 1 year, R. W. Fish er. Best gilt under ] year, Curtis ! Frizzell. Best boar over 1 year, Gu v j Fisher. Best sow and pigs, John : Sharp, Scott's Creek, 4 H Club. Best ! pint of cream in sftow, X. C. Brown, ; Sylva Dairy. Best dozen brown eggs, David Green, Willits. i The Journal was unable to get *i ? list of the awards of the premiums in ! the poultry department in <hn? for publication, this week: but wffl Meure the ififomration in tuM for next week's p*pr. . _

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