? ' " Malti Advance in the County v ^ Sylva, N. C. Thursday,, Nov. 8. 1928 $2.00 Year in Advance Outside County .In '' U?" ! ,11! ? ' ? : i:"1 ,,i Kvpuhlimn votes , slates i ito tlio Ke . 1:1 Till*: lily 's elee , , . li t in > Mill' of til? 1 j', i hi dotihi . harlv tins ^itim II""' .J" J, |ll I ( in'iiiiii appeared in , in xv i tii :i majority < \t,vv" ? \ ! :*:iiis;is, (ieorgia, I.on- 1 and South Caro- < I ,</ sal'elv in tlio jjlD ;iliillr lemailicil jj Siuili. "ii I1 Tennessee, North! iiluii'i, I'loiii!:., \ iruinin, and Tex I Ittt li,|riiiii'l'b ' ? ^''P'ddican column ;(v il.r ii.i!ii?n;il ticket is eon r (/? ' " ! , .IM,i uk.-lv to remain there j ,. iiiiiivil tabulation is com- j I "J- I GARDNER AND STATE WIN ! ,i \|;i\ li. i.liici and the entire J ,? r:!i ticket were elected ? Tm -i;i> election; although ; , ...iii w.i- :i|?| ?.-i reiitlv in the j ?,,i ,<i:iun:i !?> ;i sliirlit margin. . CANVASSING BOARD MEETS i f:r iinit: > lanvnssriitjf board in! ; in i-iiiiiifie- of North Carolina j jr,. n.iriinu and canvassing the re- ? i?! flu- i ii i lion throughout JC tlie i BUNCOMBE GOES REPUBLICAN Fur ill'- in-: time in many years ; |bi;oiihI) ty iias elected an en- > ir iniiiifv lit publican ticket, (the jiiiiiie- lan-imr from 200 up to L on i . iace of the unofficial I "rib uifi in' exception of (Seorpe IfeK U? _*i- * ?>! Deeds, who was I SWAIN IN' REPUBLICAN COLUMN ?>?., in ru iiii v i liiinned from Demo | *;. !? "ii h'l ii'i'ilii-aii, in Tuesday 's : iImIiiih, ? !<-? i intr an entire JJcpuldi U? M'f . I HAYWOOD GOES FOR HOOVER II?i In i * limner eaimvl the Dem I ".'i n?- r? n". ni lla.wvood. BIO RIDGE Mr. ;u,.| .\|i>. I'jiicy Mcl.ain, Mr.' ??'I Mi-. !!ii| Ma-Lain and .Mr. firccr | "":t. A?ln . ilia*, look dinner with Mr ! ? i Mi-. Iiiihnuii A. Broom ol 1' : If i'i l;i-.t S Ut l a 111 V . Mis. I. I' Moore. visited home folks liill-lauiii Saturday. Mi. I> liavis ;inal son, .Toiin Dee,' in >.h;i last week. Mr?. I, Mm - I'nictt visited in (ilen S:it ii n|:i \ . Mr. I iaitli.i Moore, who is tendinis Cnck spent the week end I'i; Ili.ljc, lust week. Mi. iiiiil Mk. [ten Pruett and faru 1,1 M?i at| relatives in "McDowell ! ?'"ITy lil.t i\'a i'k. | Mis William .1. Moore was in Syh'a TRANSYLVANIA AND HEN DERSON SPLIT TICKET _______ I Ii lit inlersou and Transylvania! ""nitic, cliiia'd Democratic .sJieriffs.i "" 'I"' ii-t (>t the officors in these, '"""i's ;.ic Republican. 1 'ay a'aimit v elected a Democratic | ''?''ill, i wo democratic county com |:,Ns>"i?i ilh,| |)?t the other of lice- i I -mils of the Republicans. Un\ wimiiI ._.;i\e Hoover a majority! 1,1 *'?>, luit elected a county Demo- j !!,,lr lit ka i with decreased major- 1 '"s -In rii i Welch pulling througl? 11 "Ii "ill \ 7 J over his opponent. 8?ME DEPARTMENT OF CLUBS MEET American Homo Department j'!' aMnui) V Clnb will meet a' " ? I'm-;. i,n Monday afternoon, Nov "? :'! cliamber of commerce. The w ill be Mrs. Sarah Porte? ?' 1,1 i lie home economics depart 'i,, ;i1 l!alei<>h, and. the guests will 'In 'iaw alistrict director, Mta ? I'j'vi^ and tho nj&w di*tfic Mrs. Walter Jonea. WEBSTER CHURCH NOTICE QUALLA J. C. RHODES ENDS LITE Mrs. tlannan Hall of fill lowlier! spent Tuesday VTi'Ti Mrs. M:i i ti?- i ilfKw. Mi's. 1). M. Hall ami Miss Hannah - Moore were truest s of Mrs. Kiigenia ' Allison, Sunday. Mrs. II. B. Buchanan and Missi Dorotliy Moore were dinner guests 1 of Mrs. John Morris, Saturday. Mrs. Dan Allison spent Saturday) ill Ashoville shopping. Mr. .T. .1. Wild has returned to' Chattanooga, Tenn., alter s|?endim:j the week end with his family here. ' Mr" and Mrs W. A. Sjillwell have | returned to their home after siM-nding' the summer in Maeon, (!a. j Misses Isabel Allison and Margaret Moore were guests of Mrs. Kugenia Allison during the week end. Mr. W. I\ Morrison of l'ifgah Forest is visiting his family here. Mr. A. -C. Queen is mueli improved after having heen quite ill. Prof. It. L. Madison of Oullowhee. sj>ent the week end with iiis family! here. Dr. an. I Mrs, I. K. Cooper and j children left Tuesday for Allendalo, S. C. where they expect to make their j home. ? There will he service :il the Sylv-ij Methodist* clmivh Sunday hlorniiur at 11 o'clock ami in the evening at 7 :->0 ; at Dillsboro. T ic new Presiding El- 1 der, Rev. I'. .M. Piekens, will lie pies- i out niul deliver the morning sermon' Mr. Pickens cumes to the Waynes- J ville District from First Methodist' church Marion where lie has been pa > tor lor two years. The even ins; service at Dillsboro will he conduct >d by (lie pastor, licv. Georjre Olemmer, who has been re turned to the Sylva charge tor an-) other year by the Annual ConlVrenc" , recently held in Charlotte. Sunday is,' Armistice Day. The theme of ill-* evening sermon will be a thought su.j, jested by the day. Sunday schools of tiie chaise inert i promptly at 10 a. in. and the Kp- . worth Leagues at 7 p. in. The public is cordially invited to all services of j the charge. has operation Friends <<l Mrs. M. liuchanaii, dr., j will be gratified to learn that she is, doing well, after an operation which she underwent, in Atlanta, Friday. Sup!. .1. X. Wilson ami Mi-.s Swain i ? f ? - T- ?? -l oi Sylva mef the teacher-. of ISarkei-. <'wk, Wiluiot ami Olivet at Quaila Friday. Mr. T. W. McLnuiihlin ami fainiiy motored", o CiiiIowl.ee Sunday to \ isi'i relatives Mrs. J'av. A'lirncr ;vt?<l children oi Whit tie'- were at ? >iui IIji, S:itnrda>. Mesdaimv. T. -Johnson, W. C Martin and K. Ilowcl'l called on Mr-. ?T. II. 1 1 iiu iies last Wl ; k. Mih \ ork Howell is aide io he' out auain. She is .spending a whi'e with Mrs Krank Owen. "Mr. 0\i<| Hc-ek ol Scofts ('rock was a Oualla visitor, Sunday. Mr. and Mvs. (iol.iin Kinskmd ami Mr. I ?reins 1 1 i |>| ??? c?t" Olive' were1 callers at Mr. J.-'K Terrell's Mn?. I>. It. llensoii of Whitlier visited Mrs. \V. II. Cooper. Kvervthinir so 'la r as we have ' learned, passed off as peaeahlv at Qualla 011 election day as a Sunday, service. ( LITTLE GIRL VERY SICK ~ \ The lit lie daughter of Mr. ami Mis. j McKinley Hooper is seriously ill, 1 with pneumonia, hut is thought to be somewhat improved. lt Concealing himself in his. neighbors garage, J. C. Rhodes, citizen of Whit tier, ended his life by shooting him self through the heart about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. No reason J or his act lias been ad vanced b\- relatives or associates and member.-; of his family are of the opinion that the shooting was acci dental. believing that Mr. Rhodes went into the parage to load his gun, and that it was dischaiged in some manner. There is no reason advance,! as to why lie should have taken hif* own life. Mr. Rhodes is well and favorably known in both Jackson and. Swaiii counties, having lived in Whittier and the. lower end of Jckson county for many years. He is survived by iiis widow, three sons and two daughters.} Funeral services were held v ester- : day. MR. AND MRS. CLEMMER RETURN Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Clemmer have returned from Winston-Salem and other points in the state, where they have been visiting, following the close of the Western. North Carolina Con ference, in Charlotte. UNOFFICIAL-TABULATION OF VOTE FOR COUNTY TICKET O f? o u %. o o ? <u i Aililio Ha I sain IWker 's Creok Canada .... .... ? Canoy Fork Cashier's Valley Cullowhee Dillsboro East Laportc .... fJreon's Creok N.. Hamburg ... Mountain Qtialla... River .. Savannah North Sylva Smtli Sylva .... Webster AVillits - VOTALS (59 145 70 118 310 107 451 118 83 84 ? 197 77 239 90 222 182 399 104 71 3059 -ion lies 85 49 247 205 380 if >8 103 184 95 14(? 197 39 293 12.1 , 139 308 496 159 90 tz 146 " 07 123 31 1 106 467 128 83 84 209 74 2.38 100 220 202 423 103 81 -17 219 204 380 68 156 171 -96 140 182 38 294 118 130 291 473 157 91 73 81 144 50 71 *253 122 204 310 380 170 OH 460 105 119 185 80 101 84 140 203 192 70 38 244 294 91 128 225 139 188 308 414 484 162 160 77 94 69 145 71. 127 310 168 449 136 84 84 199 77 241 92 ?228 193 400 .167 81 84 40 249 .202 379 68 173 172 93 140 194 39 29."> 123 134 302 494 157 91 72 80 149 46 70 249 120 204 311 381 168 68 456 159 120 173 83 94 84 140 203 189 77 38 239 293 91 123 224 137 197 293 415 478 162 158 79 91 72 80 147 46 71 249 121 204 312 381 108, 68 461- 157 125 174 84 92 81 140 202 189 77 38 242 293 92 121 226 136 206 286 425 471 165) 158 79 91 84 72 46 148 70 120 204 119 300 385 310 108 68 168 454 165 465 122 174 122 93 84 1 1 84 81 140 84 193 200 209 38 ?> 293 240 91 125 107 224 138 225 186 305 186 408 489 409 162 160 160 80 80 a> U3 < V M ?-! a CU 82 71 47 146 80 4G 69 250 249 202 123 202 381 311 381 68 168 63 157 456 164 176 124 179 85 92 84 140 93 140 182 202 189 75 38 38 77 293 237 299 110 97 120 137 225 136 308 193 298 489 417 478 162 165 157 81 87 81 89 3269 3L77 3100 210 13 3121 3272 3127 151 3241 3137 3205 3170 3185 114 68 15 5 3085 3252 3152 3211 3142 3218 167 59 7< 1 POV ny.f\K KTT.T.PTt IN AUTO SMASH I Joy Bock, 25 years old, of Bryson City, was instantly killed Sunday evening about 6:30, when the auto inoliile whieli he was driving failed to make n curve 011 the Bryson City Franklin road and turned over. Tho aeeident occurred at a )>oint about 11 miles from here. Beck's three compnions, Mr. and .Mrs. Bryan Jenkins and Miss Hazel McMahan, were unhurt. Officers reported finding 12 quart of liquor in the car, which was prac tically demolished. Nv> inquest has yet been held. Jenkins - got out of the car, he said and walked to a house some distance away, where he telephoned for an ambulance to come for Beck. Beck was employed, here with the State Highway commission. He was unmarried. UNOFFICIAL VOTE FOE CONGRESS IN COUNTY Weaver Pritohard , Qualla 239 203 Barkers. Creek 70 247 Dillsboro 126 172 North Sylva' 198 202 South Syllva 420 474 Addie 72 80 Willits 80 91 Balsam 151 45 Greens Creek 84 140 Savannah 136 90 Webster 164 156 Cullowhce 456 159 East Laporte 83 96 Cancy Fork 311 381 Ri^r 06 * 123 Canada 121 202 Mountain 77 38 Hamburg 203 189 Cashiers Valley 168 69 3255 3337 BOY HURT IN FOOTBALL GAME j Grayson Cope member of the Cul i lowlice State Normal Football squad I is, in the Candlcr-Tidmarsh HoapHat | in a critical condition, following in juries sustained in the football game j between Cullowhee State Normal |and Sylva High School. | It is said that the yonng man ' struck his head against another play er, and that the blow affected his spine Ho is well known in Sylva, his home being in this township^ and he having attended Sylva Collegiate Institute for several terms before go ing to Cnllowhee. BOT SCOUTS TO MEET Sylva Troop One Boy Scouts of. America will meet in regular weekly session Friday evening at 7:30 in j Chamber of Commerce hall. IJacn Scout is urged to be present as mat ters of first importance to the troop are to be considered. Scoutmaster Clemmer has. returned to Sylva and will be in charge of the meeting. BED GROSS BOLL CALL The Red Cross Roll Call will begin November the eleventh, lasting thrn the twenty-ninth, in this county. This is in keeping with the nation wide program. Half of the proceeds are kept for rise in this county. If a Red Cross worker has not seen you before the seventeenth of November, you may-give your mem ber ship fee to the girls that will be in the Jackson Hardware or the Sylva Pharmacy on that day. This Roll Call is sponsored by the Junior Study Club of Sylva. Uaiy Allison, Acting Pres. WEAVER AND PBJTC*ABD NECK AMD NECK The latest available returns show Congressman Zebulon Weaver and his Repnbliean opponent, George M Prit chard running a neck And neck race, with Cherokee, a Hwpiihlifan county, the only one not.MNttted. It will take the official tafcHatioii to show which of the two has been ant to nnngrw from this district.

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