^ \ Cju1 in Advance in the County Sylva, N. C. Thursday, December 6, 1928. $2.00 Year in Advance Outside County Back 106 \. I " V ! . ; | >| M'iti. uu'i i r of Thomas ; !'. 11 mil it, John 1?. Kns t'owan, J.- -N.- Wilson, E ;i till (tCll. W. SuttolK, as ; k> compile the necessary j . niiiu the present status! lons'.rnetion, and thro.ighi _?> hi the Slate Highway , . {lie new governor, rnd ; assembly if necessary,! !v \oted to hack the con-j ? ?! Highway Idt!, lesiiiingl !?> he South Carolina | im liiit? Tuesdav evening. ! I - a Is* rise crow.!. oi enlJuisi- 1 of the I'liainher of' ami other eiii/.ens present J . limr, which was field in i i 1 1 in Commerce Hall, and' ,! ?< ? iHtmer w; s served by vhe' i t missionary societies of 1 br ,\i< ixli-i and B.iplist churches.-; I'l.o . : i cr ot siiriacinij 10(> was' ,.v:n .. ,;;-i week, when 17 members [ c!t I lie Sylva Kotary Cnih !m a inmsuonairre, that il in 'in ion tint the construc i. 1 v ? I'm: ('? II' ' : i I I'll 1 \ i lopment I i.y at 'ihe | !' 1 ' i. ? ? r\|?V tt ; ^ ' n?!i <> > hiuiiwa;. is the one mo.-t i : . ; - > .'i'Iii: in the deveh ,i. v. . :i ! 1 1 1 laekson conn The lioie rv t 'lub then ! * j -ill to support the move- i i:., 3< . ; ?! to co-operate with the! i '?< i ?! t "ommeree and ot hei ! i-- ?? alomr ;his line. ! ? i ? 'Hi'* oi tiic Chamber ol t i . .. v. a- c;- Ili'd, and I lie mailer I I' ; ? . ioi'c that iiotiy, i'ue.sdav j '-'w; . . li. Smith, representative- !! ill-;. ; : the entire new hoard ol-j . . i ui.ii- ? loiM-i ??. w? ie presen. | I ? I tiliu.- 1 i Mr. il V. iiuiiti r hail ju-t return- j i i ; i rip to Kaleiuh, whete Ik i a: ?' >i ? i In me* I try sun had an in , !?' :? ? ; . M rence with Coiiim issioner j >i:Ki ' '.i t. ami .Indue Koss, at- j ??i in ??? ilu commission, over ? ? i:.|\ \ hiyhway, : ml Dr. II i.v 'i ;>"i ,i d.that i rom the stand ? -:c ? omniisMon, the law re i|Hi>- allocation el SO per cent ?' : ? i. - i i. ? I mids from the hoiui i? ihe ha.-is ot area, juip'.i !;? sin . a ? mileage, ami that the com His* !? k i - the position thai Jack .-wi i i.a*\ !:a> alrtaly received in ,.";a| mi -Mnctioji more than its pro I'ii'i' pai ! i.i the bond funds, and that ti.f ziT'i'i !ii y lor 'the commission ex I'M --ii| ? i m ? ngiiiiioii t hat it was not H I -ia * I.i |iroviuce ol the eommis "i"i ? i ? i xiicnd anv more horn! money j 11 "ii iiinjiy until the entire! >..1111.111 1{> which the county made' " 'I..' -i ai c hi'4'liwav commission I ?"! I- i lieen jiepaid, and until1 -"-all.. | credit delidt against j ?I'1 ????iii : \ , which is the supposed i |l'"? allocation (o the eoimty, shall; bic |, j | id | out, hy ]?lrcin?; eon- ' s,i ' '.iji jaonies in other eooiiiitics lifvc not yet received their I"'1' il!a - 1 1 a i c ol' ihe allocation of i'!i' i-. il 'fur, i lull I 111 i i JlMir.ijf { oui-ver, approximately ^00, c s"?(lo,0(M> loan inr.ile hy the .already been retired hy . the state sinking fund <'?! b'vinjr | ,; ? i , | ol l t ?i?' eoun lor approximately thai h'w, enacted in 1 speeiTic ?'"> I'lnliihi's a comity from making loans to Ihe sta e hifchwir -i -ii.il. . out, at the meeting, ' l: '? i" is no sfaiute reipiirinp ' ?*' io he made on the required' II!! .1 ? emaiiiinij 2?> per cent " hoinl issues, nor of the main ti'iij ;i. e\c funds, created by r"' ?" h i iii ns from license ami pas a\c, than was anticipated, nor lederel aid money, coming to | 'list rict. '^i'li this in view, the committee 01 chamber was 'empowered to 1 ?' i 'el 'i 1 1 |? (.on,pj|p ni] (]1P data con-j the history of roail. building ?ounty, showing how intieh i,i "miiv has spent on stete high , ' how much the county has loan ' 'I i lie hisjhway commission, how ll"1, h lie highway comn}is-si?n ; h?s t'X]?c)i<|(>(l in the county, and how much the grading of Highway 100 cost the couuty ami state, above the original estimate ot' the state engin eers. ?. to wim ujts i.ata, Vila u\'l \iUCVlU<^ ii.i ? V'ium.^a/ii iw vviiiu t i v .*. ? ? u.i.i Uiv s>wUlt! ? ?n\\ UIUVII till* MUic iihCMiii ... % ..v v iiu mv ta\ OUHv' uiiti Ol'iioui U.^ t| (ItlOil II i.*ot Ul '|>> ? ???. Un:i^\ , ?4.l.l l.tL' UVC" k ?' ? ' ^ ? k'i \ I ? C 1.. I1U MttiU ^ vitoti ut* ? "1.. i.jiw.i.t ui. ini;iivva\ V.0111 iiii'. ii'u li:?*\ ? 1 ?*? 1'iminM um licit ?ii? 'I,. UtlVO V IIHl-l.lieilt, SllOlitll |JV I ?)i ;i Si.liliUlli UlliUUIli Oi 1.11111 <iu.lll<( u?- CAJH'llllCIl llpl'll, tllO [I. >. mis lllt;in\ity. 1 L I II IS ' 01111 tiUi >/. tiOlH', 11 Is IIIC i>Ul'[?OSe Ol I ill* v li.iiiiiCi' "i '..Onuwret; ana lis colu mn ii-c .0 aj'|icni to 1 iiivcnioi'-cicci n.iiri.icr a?.\ 1 > 1 !.-? lu'iii iai AbhCiiiiMV inr legislative lclici. it puniiiii out by Dr. Hauler Ouici* S|<i'.u%t is inai i he ftyiva i ii.i in >? r 01 v ouiisiyice did hoi ue i<> ;iji|W.ir to in- antagonistic to Uie huilv iti.i;iiway 1 U1111111.V111111 iiui 10 l uiituiisMuiicr ;->iiivCi? atlier; but la.iicr iua( Uie 10cm civic uuiti.es ?:.c.-ire 1.1 won; wan Uie I oliunistjiou in situ nipt in^, 10 wui'K oat a |ilan (v nwciiy X iu* road can lie const ructed, ^ v 1 1 c v u t,_r .ill'. Miueleat her ami the ollllllts.-ili'l 10 ll.- S\ nipaiiict u* 10 the ...wment. 1 -J? "Trie Cnamber ot Commerce oxpffts" .0 concern rale its eiici-gios upon tins .taller for .the next snerat num. Its, ?tut 11 is believed that, there will be v,iisidcrabtt>- expense attached to the ..ork. Therefore, a membership eont ?i.t.ti' was appointed to canvass the iJiiiiuiiiiiiy lor new niciabers, and to oiled unpaid pledges of iiicmlier uip. The comuuttee is ?oni|?oscd of' nigh M. Montcitli, (i. Iv. Hess, \\ . | u. Knloe, II. T. Hunter, aiuf K. K j rown. -v>iVIS TRAINING SHOWS VuUii jb ui S ?i?COIlD j Knlti-I., N. ( .v? Like his | ; unions grand tut tier, Hobby Schaell crJ -it clun hoy ui Newton, | ?roved lus! "int. ierdge til .Jirst-y t.iiuc ai iairs' this j.ill find wo? .>i2rt in premiums rt'itli ins |?tn-e ured iiciter. "i>oiiii\ is the .uranuson ol K. L. I Siiuloni, liinstcr lariaer and .Jersey! irecder - ol Catawba founly," says j . Hendricks, county agent. "lie is al .o a member ol the Catawba l otinty c.:li rial) and this fall he showed his animal at Hickory and. at the t 'alt wba, .Cleveland and (iaston county fairs where Iu* won a total of ?128 in premiums. Ai each of the i on r shows, the heifer won a blue | ribbon and was once made Junior Champion." 1 ?i lis l to see Hobby, one would, think 1 ic is too small to handle a calf,1 dates Mr. Hendricks, but 0110c in .lie show ring, he handles himself iveJI. Not only does lie take an in terest in his own calf but he usually pends 111 11^1 of his time after school 11 work in? with his grandfather's icrd. When milking time comes, he likes a regular place and 'it? effi cient iu the job. This fell Hobby not only showed lis calf 111 the single classes but also is a part of ? lie Jersey herd from Vfr. Shit ford's farm. The calf helped 'o make up a county hM;d to be ex hibited out of the county and was ?xhibited in several "-roups such as lie (iet of Sire, (let of Dam, Call Her; I, Exhibitors Herd and Graded 'T ?i r] T\ b!?y jin. opportuni ty to win more money." the calf is named "Oak wood Gold en Hell" and is a double granddaugh ter of the South 's only silver, gold ml inedrl of merit bull, Oakwood D's Fox. Mr. Hendricks says that Bobby is proud of his calf and gives her the best of attention and care. \ SHOP. EARLY ! MAIL EARLY. 1 I ! - | PASTOR WIl PREACH ON "DEMON POSSESSION" 14 Demon Possession in the Twen tieth Century," will be the subject of the sermon which the -past or,. Hcv. George Clemmer, will deliver Sunday morning at the Methodist church iu Sylva. In the time of Christ it was al most univei tally believed that fte nious ]K)sses.-i )g supcrhiUiiaM VDvvcr; entered into men and held, them in the grip ol' their malignant power. In this day very lew people helisvc jn this type of Devil ^session, and yet in n most real seifso our age is the most demon riducn <!?;>? in i he world's history. Sunday schools meet promptly ;i! 10 a. ni. lli-l-icague in the evening at 6:30 and the Senior League at 7. Mr. Clemmer will preach at Drlls boro in the evening at 7 Follow j iug is given the order of the morning program ol' worship: Morning worship, 1 1 n. m. Voluntary; Hymn No. ! , "All Hail The Power;" The Apostles' j Creed; Prayer; Responsive reading i No. 308; The iloria Patrij New 'lest-' ament Lesson Mark 5:1 JO; Annouuuel ments; Offerinir; Offeer.orv; llvmn' I w j No. 22, "Love Divine;" Sermon :i "Demon Possession in (he Twentieth ; Century;" Hymn No. ?'!(?, u Of My Soul;" Lened^ctiou. ? SYLVA DONS HOLIDAY ATTIRE j . ^ j The merchants and business houses ! of Sylva have, deeoraied their store.'- ! in holiday a tire and have placed j the largest stocks of holiday goods] <2v*er shown in Sylva on display. During the pa week the tiri iiiroi spirit has been steadily ri ing and j there is ? in.: swd s jo-livi: v in f lines of busuiv ?->. m t li* ? own. Not only h; ? the merchants large' assortments c. display, !>ui a coin- j parison of pr v.iih < Ii : ol. where shows conclusively thai ii is! unnecessary (<> " ? o?!.side of son connly i> do ypui* Cht ; Mains- j sho]>ping. People fivei oilier p.-:. of North ( ihna and ir?sm ot states, comiii:'. through,1 ?>'< ;: Murine,! the past IVw- "ynrs, Iia <? lyifW: upon the excei'^nt si;i in of {he in-v their noatno-s i h< i-haracter ?>!. l i- ? merchandise 1 t ! . r ? c:::ry, <?'!> the pi*ogres''iv ? ,orv.:'id !" Iciie; Rpir? of the mere';: nt-. of t lie town. The mere!:-' ? s iH'c* I 'w* 'V I pie fo do th-ir Chris! uias -hoppin; at their e:"" i -i con* cnirnce. a-; v.; fug them the best service, irtcn ,iae. Use and prices. The shops of Sylva are de.-eniu? of (lie support of the people, and P ? <if**! town evpn-t t?> wake Sylva a great ::ho]j|?:u<;- enter i :, ' ?>.-'h C nU'ia. Do your Christinas .sl>opp::i " c:!tly. Spend your money a home, t i tlM? iulvifi" ??? f Th.* Journal : nl lhi> paper believes 1 ha t the hu* ??i's can got more n.?i*!v; what .tin y want by visiting t he loci! 'hops, can - t favtevj val'e for i" i am- < an j better service, right here, than the' ; can bv going or ordering from else: where. j OiiU V i^Xw i Uxijjjjiu liSOXuXtJi-OMlO CHJiuW i LtlLU ! J iiaicigh, .n. L-., it. ? Crimson clpver is proving lis v.ir.h as u builder oi' crop yields when turned umier in eastern Carolina. "L.a.^1 inn j. .?iiiur o i' Merry llill 111 liituc County plained aliout an atie oi camion <'u??ei* in a tob ae<o tielu, ' npon.i j,.. \ . oim r, ex i , , ' (Cii.-utii i ;-.l ;? t.u lego. j v'o?er i.iaite r.j..oisil:d- growth ihis spring ami was liaally about two i Jvt i"gtl? l iir cuUiitV ill, i>. 1"]. 'Grant asivi-d .u r, ?>iiiiii to lta\e pari the closer oil tlie land and to mow lijc r. nii'.iiiiifi lor u..,i io compure ihi.^s- l\i() liUliioilVni :i soil building dl'iiiuii.- . rai lull. ' ' * ir.Awver, nir. Miller iound it im I ?<: ?.? tu ivmoiu .ill i:u- ciuvtr j rum iiu: aiv'?,i to.iere it m vut tor hay. I i.iic ctuvi'r liad iaiuii oiiii so a iicv.vy i> i... i.h.c:, (in June ot corn v. as ? v?r tiic wuolc :ivid. .ki.ii' U i . i. j it V?a.- a]) jum in i c'.-iii uiiii" rio'tCi Wi-iiHt (/ut%s ic.ii i;un iiu ciuver \\ a> ^lumi. ?.ii. ..Liiix v ]>i allied lO i i/vllil i Ov,'tVtvv*i ni.j t yi il i au<L * ' \ UI* >1* iU: it U. I.v'4l% 1 Willi el iu"i^ oi * i?c i it>v i r. ih\ia?U, ij;oK) -a/. . ..11*', i?ic con* , w> hUk %% . ?*>i \? *i, \\ ik i'c no | i' S* a.S t'Ut 4 ?? ?U ?a, .>8.0 IMnlii l.S ailOlj V? ?>\ ??* iiiC cluVCl* Wil.i f t*t I'/ i" ^ ; 1 1 ? 4. .iir .MUbOiC pit'Wl li lUiuCi' liil' V'uiu \? US -rrf.I i)Ubll \kL' i'.iiii \% lu*i u I ill! i V.'ihMi: rru|? was Itilliiti it 1 1* i % 1 Hit V?a.*) i)li .1) ini ^llvi.s oi ^*;ua' ?*v.i a if. Ail oi I lie tt/iii s\ a.) iyiuli/.ed with i/iiJ i#tJi' ax. i i' i/i ?!? .iU-ri-O mix l it' 'c iji ioic tiUii \v ii.i later | ?'.?[-uivt.:CiL Willi ca.iwii iini'U.u ot . yti;i a:, tiw rale oj j?.vi ].otiii<Js per i i,i*. v. ??..? i>*?.rai[ i\niii/.ation i<ut the ?.ymV!(islranon sliov.eU that i ]?a; s Li Uu'ii uuu i" a legume crop, ia. a.imticn lo using ;ilu. n lertiii/.cr, .I j i .1. 1. .'..lit- a. iv .viculs a iv warned, ..lies .nr. i>ia ir. MtiTHO L'irj i'S XI-; S ^ AJjL G- SYSTEM fi' he .Mi iiiodist citurtn oi Sjylva is i;ts ailing a loiV-pi'i":. ii . h<.eaiu heat 4iig plHnt, which will heui liie entire i iiiiivli com Lor la bi^ in ti./e coldest win i In r. Tiii- work wr > - tartifil uliout . Vt?K.'iv ago,? :ukI ii is iiwjK'd to liave . iie pimii iiisi ailed ?>? i ??*"*? Sunday, . ;tci!inbei' 1 vi. During tlie lime i .al liie work n. ii art: puilisig in ( 'k heuiing sys eia, i in* eoiiyr . ? . is meeting, ,.nd ; i M'rvices :m ? i; ing held, in ii ? Sunday Sdiooi a i-iiiori m. A new roof has ju.-t hem put on . !??* pa in .mage, iu\v rs laid, and iyhfr iuiprovc;:u;iit.s made, making tlie pjrsonago one oj" the most com iort homes in Iha town. A ?!oat ol' puiiit will he pul on !lic inside of the church, and other im ?n-ovenunts made. The entire coat ?l tin- work being done on the eh nrcli property will he ^?proximately !r"'ft<IO,Ort. Iloii1 r Drolhoi-s, of riurphv, have the con'r 'I for iiwtaliing the Iieat ing plant. This pit. an c .shtuvs lly;.U. S. 3- Maryland, flagship of the Pacific Fleet, chr n fnr the i.ritiii-Anicrican voyage .of Herbert Hoover, I residcnt-c'ect. '\i: vUitd by Hoover r!-?ring this .. trip ? .v.- C ?;<!: *rn'; . a a . Fa'! a. V.o:-\ C'allao, Peru. Vai arii^'V ? ^ - . ; y /v. is carrying a message ol_ ^ood wiu to our iicj^^yjmg countries. * iiiii.Ji.ij x/Uxu Ox X xvXiXii) /iXl L< biiitviib Kalelgh, .\.'C. uec. o. ? While Nov emoer is prohaoiy the oest tunc to plant trees aui shrub* 111 -North v. ?rolina, there is yet Liuie to set ttic orchard 01 to prepare ior beau uiying tne iauii by planting dosir ao.e i rocs .unci shrubs. "i'ail pinung is desirable in this ' State birauai- it gives the cuts a > enance to lieut and the roots an op portunity 10, start growing l^t-LOUe not weather begins, says licroeri U Wluteseil, landscape specialist at State Loin ye. "Spring pian.ing, es pecially when uonc l?ilc, docs not per mit this and is therefore undesirable To have complete success in planting, one must realize that a plant is a living body and requires definite), favorable comix. ions lor growth and development." When plants have been dug, care must be used to prevent the roots from drying. Where planting cannot be done at once, heeiiug-m is .ad- ; vised by Air. Whitesell. This should be done in a protected place and oarii plant so placed that lis roots will , come into contact with llie .soil. Nev-j or hccl-in great buudics. i>aui\ injured roots oitould be re moved i'.iio aii wounds inane smooth ? . U US IU I t.Clllbt'.ie *\u |Hull nig inusi oe uonc until tne .ice is 1 i- united. It is' easier tuen to deter- , .nine i lie iouiiuaiion branches, says j jii. t\ uiio.eil. it is hiu?<"' * v? r iuc- | v3.->.u \ to uuu Viatel uui when tin.-> | is (tone, lite water should be pourcit ?mo tlie hole beniore tlij plant is sei.i i a. uy.tL IHC dull jliMAJj ikUJU I UK* 10OI.V j 1 ills IS l..c j aooiit tiui pt*iitXT~ Will. Wt'il-i'UVllU I iiMiiiurc is tne best i>,riiij/.vj'. ^xi. ?? niteseli advises, however, against anowing the manure to conic liito contact Willi t iic p.aiu. In all plantmgs, he urges that the noie be siuiicieiniy w.de and deep j that none oi the roots is crowded, i QOAiiLA. In the death of Air. Horace llugiit. at his home,, ^ov. jUtn, Quaint io~ one ot its oect and int.. t usetui t. i^ens. lie was .'1 ycais ot age. Ji proiessed laith in Liirul ana joiiii.i. me -Uethoaist church Jourteen ^ear& ago, and in tins laith he reniaim.^ iirni and sleauiact unto tin: euu. xie irequeiitly expressed hiniselt a~ oeing ready for tne change, lie loVeu the church as was nianuctied wiiu. he helped plan and diiect the wot. of the new .Ueihodist church at (juai la lroiu start to finish. Ills lifip, wluch he wilimgly donated, meant much as. he was one of the leading cariH-'iuers m the cotuitry. Though he \v;ts aiiiicted lor sev eral years, lie bore his buffering with patience, scarcely ever complaining or referring to his condition, but when asked how he wa<s, would ans wer cliccrfully with a pleasant smile, "All right." Ho was public spirited, always interested in tbe upbuilding of the community and always stood tor the right. He leaves a wife and two sons, ' Messrs J. Al. and I), (j. Hughes, two little grand children, Jim Ed and W'ilina, one brother, Air. Cam Hughes J of Asheville, two sisters, Airs. W. j H. Hoyle ot Quaiia and Airs. Eva 1 Conner of Luliv, and a host ol friends who are made sad by his departure, but who arc assured that their earthly loss is his heavenly gain. All that relatives and phy.-i i-ians could do was done lor Ills com- j fort. The funeral service was con- , ilneted on Sunday morning by Kev. If. L. Bass. A very appropriate talk ( was made by Air. J. L. Hyatt. Alan.v friends assembled to see his remains , U* id to rest in Thomas cemeterv al Qualla - | The following, who either teach oi flttend pehool at different ]x>ints i spent Thanksgiving with homefolks: Misses Clem Hall, Etta Kinjslaud, Hazel and Ida Battle, Jennie Cathey, , Annie Lizzie Terrell, Messrs S. P. Hyatt, J. 0. Terrell, and C. B. Terrell. ] Our teachers went away to spend 1 Thanksgiving. ^ Mr. Cain Hughes and fwaily re- ( MAN'S BODY FOUND NEAR U The body of Lee Bird, flagman lor the Southern Railway Company was found by workmen, about ti o'clock this morning, seated on the end of the cross ties, uear the east ' end of Cowee tunnel, and a eoroner's j jury decided that the death was j from natuial causes. j. Bird was occupied, with other | members of a regular train crew, ! Hagging for the workmen repairing j the tunnel. The last time he was j seen alive was about 10 o'clock last night when he flagged a west bound freight train. When found this morn ing he was seated beside liis lan terns and a small fire, and there was what appeared to be a small Rcalp wound 011 the side of his head; but an ^Xray examination showed that this wound could not have pro duced death, and was probably an ?ld one. There were no other wounds on the body. The coroner, R. L. Elders was summoned as soon as the body was found and an inquest held. Bird has been an employee of the Southern for a number of yeare, making his home in Bryson City at present, though he lived for Bcvcral years, until a short time ago, at Addie. He is. survived by liis wife and four cjitidtep. Tiifi body was brought to Camion Brothers Undertaking Parlors awaiting disposition by rel atives- Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. INDEPENDENT COACH BUYS ' ANGEL; WILL OPERATE " THROUGH ATLANTA BUS Negotiations were closed last Sat u day whereby the Independent Coach .ine, Inc., bought the Sylva-Frank n Bus line from Zeb Angel; and he' first bus over the* line operated >y the new owners came from Fank lin, Monday morning. It is understood on good authority that the Independent Coadh (Line, will operate through busses from Ashevillc to Atlanta, via Sylva and Franklin, beginning about January First. The route selected is the nearest ^ij most direct route between Ashe vilie aud the Georgia city, the road iiirougJi the short route is said to oe in excelent condition, being paveu all the way through North Carolina aud most ol the way on the Georgia ?nle, and is admirable lor bus trans portation , and it is believed that liiere will be a great deal of travel by bus between the two cities and intermediate points. The Independent coach line now ojieiatcs busses over Highway No. 10 through from Ashcville to Murphy. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE HELD HERE TONIGHT The First Quarterly Conference of the year for the Sylva charge will be held in the Methodist church, here, this evening at 7 :30, Rev. C. M. Pickens, of Wayncsville, presid ing elder will hold the conference. tinned to Ashevillc Sunday after noon. Mr. Will Shelton of Waynesvillo lias returned home after visiting among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ferguson were quests at Mr. G. T. Cooper's of Sylva. Mrs. Itoxoma Carter of_ Cape Hat teras and Mrs. Sarah Ann Gibson ?f "Sunburst are visiting among rela tives. Misses Sadie and Elsie Hoyle have returned to Clyde since visiting at Mr. J. E. Hoyle 's. Mr. Wayne Battle of Sylva called it Mr. W. F. Battle's. Mr. Lnther Hoyle, Misses Grace Hoyle and Winnie Cooper made ? trip to - Cullowhee Monday. Mr. John Cfcthey haa wm*& to _

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