? : T ,f 1.50 Year in Advance in the County >? Sylva, N. C. Thursday, riecember 27, 1928 , $2.00 Year in Advance Outside County ' . > ? !<rr , I Mi-. S. Cory of Waynesvillc is vis itiiiir her neices, the Misses Coward at the Coward House. | Mr. Gerson Bryson of Charlotte, s| '< n t Christmas here with his par ,-nis Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson. .? :J> ? Mr. Dan Tompkins is visiting r-ela ' fives and friends in Augusta, G*., i.?r a few days. ? * ? Miss Ada Barrington is spending M-veral weeks in Savannah, Ga., with );.r mother, Mrs. Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Allison of Web strr are in Sylva for the winter at tin- Sylva HoteJ. I ? * * ' Mr. A. M. Simons and Mr. Felix l'otts left Christmas Day for a trip to Cuba. * * * .Miss Maude I^atherwood and MLs.s i Myrtle Hen son have returned from a' visit to Miss Ella McGimsey in Mor ion ton. ? & ? Miss Irene Oliver went to Ashe ville today where she will be a guest tor a day or two of Miss Ruth Rey nolds. ? ? ? Mrs. a;id Mrs. L. D. Shealy and litile daughter, Peggy, are spending the Christmas holidays with relatives in Newberry, S. C. t ? ? Miss Nellie Wild will leave Sunday tor Pleasant Garden, where she will resume her position as a teacher in the school at that plaee. ? ? ? Mr. ami" Mrs. A. V. Washburn and Mr. A. V. WashbtitB^r, who spent Chrisf&ftg in Atlanta,' bavt1 fetttfnefl to fheix home here. if ids Caroline Rhodes who is a student at Greensboro College for Women, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes. 1 ? ?? ?3 Mr. W. H. Rhodes, Jr., of Raleigh is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, II Rhodes at their home here. ? ? ? Mrs. Carrie MeKeo, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kizer and son, Alex Kizer, Jr. camo over from Brevard to fij)end Christmas at the home of Mrs. Me Keo. ? * * Mrs. Etta Morton, who is a teach er in the public schoolsi of Mars Hill is spending the Christmas vacation here, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Crisp. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Olin Williams of i Knoxville, Tenn., have been guests of Mrs. Williams' parents, Dr. and Mrs. I). D. Hooj?er during the week. ... Miss Eleanor Oriuond has returned from Davidson where she spent a day, accompanied by her friend, Miss Patterson of Ashcvillc. * * * Mis<s Lucy Wells has returned to , Charlotte after spending a few days here with her father, Mr. C. M. Wells. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Hal McKee of Char lotte were guests of Mr. MeKee's father, Mr. E. L. HoKee and Mrs. McKee, Christinas. ? ? ? I Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ensley spent Chrstiuas Day in Asheville guests of Mr. Ensley 's sisters, Mrs. J. R. ?Smith and Mrs. Docia Smith. ? ? ? Mr. Alfred C. King of Fruita, Col. arrived Christmas Eve, fo a visit to his aunt, Miss Amanda Tompkins, and his cousin Mr. Dan Tompkins. ... Mr. and Mrs. Hal McKee of Char lotte, have announced the birth of h daughter on Wednesday night, December 26th. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Henry Curtis and family spent Sunday in Cornelia, 0.a.r with relatives. Miss Roth Brack-, ftt, accompanied them home and is spending a week here. * * * Mr, Morris West and Mr. Ray mond Holeombe of Clarksville, Ga., spent Wednesday here with friends. ? ? ? Mr. Edward Dubost who has been in school at Ga. Tech. is spending | Christmas holidays here with friends. ? * ? | Mr. Ernest M. Hale has returned | from Louisburg where he spent | Christmas Day with his mother, Mrs. E. M. Hale. < ? * * Mrs. and Mrs. Graham Grindataf f, who are spending some eirne here,? from Koene, New Hampshire, went to Spruce Pine and Penland today on a brief business trip. ? ? ? \ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yonnally of Grand Island, Fla., arc spending tho Christmas holidays with Mrs. Yon nally 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Mogran at their home here. Mr. and Mi's. E. E. Bain, Jr ,and children will return to eheir yomc in Greensboro Friday after spending Christmas with Mrs. Bain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keener at their home here. * * * Mr. R. L Overstreet has returned to his home in Bedford, Va., after spending Christmas here with Mrs. Overstreet 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wilson. Mrs. Overstreet will remain for a week or two longer. ? ? ? Mrs. C. E. Putnian of Hamilton, ? Wash., who has been visiting her father, Rev. J. D. Sitton here is spending some time with relatives ii> Marion. * a a Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bales and children and Mrs. Inez Carroll are spending several days with the par k's of Mr; Bales and Mrs. Car roll, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Sullivan, in^ Hayesville. * # Mrg. L. P. Bogle, her daughter, James. JQUwyyui and lier son,. Sir. Paul Bogle of Winston-Salem, have been visiting Mrs. Bogle's sis ter and brother, Mrs. Mattie McKee, and Mr. F. N. McLain and Mrs. Mc Lain. * ? ? Miss Bill Allison of Hayesvillc and her brother, Mr. Donald Allison, of Atlanta have returned to their homes after a short visit to relatives here. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. A. (X Allison, Miss Hazel Allison, Mr. Sam Allison and little son Bobby, Mi-, and Mrs. Wal ter Jones, Mr. Roy Allison and darghters, Miss Sue Allison acd j Miss Kate Allison, spent Christmas Day with relatives in Haycsville. , Mi's. Roy Allison accompanied th? J parfy as far as Andrews and stop-, ped over for +he day with Mr. and j Mi's. Vinson Hall. BRIDGERSCOWAN Miss Mary Bridgcrs and Mr. Claud Cowan were married at the home of the bride at Macclesfield 011 Christ mas Day, leaving immediately after the ceremony for a wedding trip which included Richmond, Va., and other points. Mrs. Cowan has many friends in Jackson county, where she has taught for the past several years. Mr. Cowan, a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cowan of Webster is popular amnn? a lar<re circle of friends and holds a position with the Dillsboio and Sylva Electric Light Company. Mr. Dan Cowan, a brother of the groom, attended the wedding, from here. I I CURRY-MARR Miss Thelma Mae Curry and Mr. Claud C. Marr were united in mar riage at the close of the 11 o'clock 1 services of worship in the Methodist church here Sunday by Rev. George Clemmer, the bride 's . pastor. Mrs. Marr is flic accomplished and attractive daughter of Mr. an3 Mrs. I. N. Curry of Sylva. Mr. Marr is the son of Mrs. Hattie C. Marr of Bryson City.. After spending the holidays in Asheville the young couple will re sume their work teaching. Mr. Mari is principal of the 'Sand Hill High school of Buncombe connty while Mrs. Marr has charge of the school at Barker's Creek in Jackson county. mwutuli ;'ALL T:?y VE-Q, ^ WOfcLD'P /AND ALL THE' A Qrt&z"! WOMEN GET WtLLO f*>P plaVi m(? i 9awta Cui tiAMK? io Chaise? D^Camo, salt lake coy and poimt? ea,5t. ?ff /7 ji BUV_CHRi?JMA? . ^*5 GIVE SHOWER FOR BRIDE ELECT Mrs. .Terr Moody and Miss Nellie Cowan wove, .joint hostesses at a mis cellaneous shower given for Mhs Mary Bridgers, whose marriage to Mr. Claude Cowan - took, place on Christmas Day, at the homo of Mrs. Moody on Thursday afternoon of last week. ftsnfa Clau- appeared during il?e af- j ternoon and from his pack presented' the bride-elect a number of lovely 1 The hostesses ser\*cd a salad course carrying out the Christmas colors of red and green. Guests, of Mrs. Moody and Miss Wild were Misses Louise Parker, Bertha Clay' on, Marjorie SherriP, Bertha Buchanan, Annie Louise Mad ison, Clem JIall, Louise Buchanan, Oheria Wild and Helen Cowan and Mesdames P it Cole, Erviu Robeson, John Morris. Dan Allison, John Pfi ris, D. 1). Hooper and .T. J. Wild. SYLVA HAS FIRE CHRISTMAS EVE Fire of unknown origin partially de stroved a dwelling house owned by Mrs. I). L.Love and occupied by Mr. John Wilson and family about mid night Christmas Eve. The household goods, belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were almost totally destroyed by the fire and by the water used to extinguish the flames. Mrs. Wilsc n and the children were out of 'own and Mr. Wilson, return ing to the b nisei. found the inside ir flames and rent in the alarm. The metal roof rf the house held the fire in chcck. enibling the fire, company to extinguish the flames "before the <*we!';n<? completelv destroyed. Mr. Wilson stated fo a representative of The Journal that the fire started in a part of the house in which there was neither fireplace nor stove. OULLOWF^E STATE NORMAL I CLOSES rOR XMAS HOLIDAYS The last of the students and facul ty members of Cullowhee State Nor mal left the campus Friday for home Cnllowhee ip one of the few institu tions in the state which have not been forced to close early on aecouat of the flu. Cullowhee has be, en very fortunate jn this respect. At no time during the *all -quarter were- there more than five or six cases of fin, and hot a *ase remained when the school closed for the holidays. . When the Norma! re-opens January the second, about twenty or thirty new .indents -af. expected. Twenty two. new students entered December tje thirteenth, when the winter' qnaatfbr began. . ' r'.l [? !* gifts. BIG BANQUET METHODIST CHURCH MONDAY P. M. AT 7:30 The Methodists of 8 viva will ban quet Monday evening in t he base ment of the church celebrating the taWu of the New Year and bidding farewell to die Old Year. A great time is exacted. More than 200 ad mission tickets have been mailed to nu mbers of the church and other in dividuals. It is expected that at least 150 will attend and "enjoy the affair. An interesting program has . been prepared by the joint committee com posed of members of the Board of Stewards and ladies of the Woman's Missionary Society.. The first item on the program will be a delightful dinner served cafeteria style begin ning promptly at 7 :30 o'clock. Dur ing and following this there will be music, furnished by local ent'cHain ers, readings, recitations, snappy talks by gifted speakers. At the efosc of the banquet a watch night pro gram will be set up. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS There will he services Sunday mora ing iu the Methodist church at Syl va and in the evening at Dillsboro. The pastor, Rev. George Olemiugr, with Mrs. Clemmer is spending a few days tins week in Winston-Salem and other towns in Piedmont Carolina, but will return to Sylva the latter part of the week and will occupy the pulpits of his charge Sandfly. Mr. Clemmer will speak on New Year Themes morning and evening. The subject at the morning hour will be, "The Most Valuable Piece ui Real 1 Estate in the World." Sunday schools will convene at If; a. m. promptly. Hi-league meets .it (?:30. The Senior League meets at 7 o'clock. Every member of the church is urged to be present Sunday an-l visitors are cordially invited. While all England, zs wcil S3"tt.c entire civilized world, is anxiously scanning , reports of his condition, King George cf England :s lying ill in London. The Kins has shown surprising resistance during his or deal, but there- to be litHe bope .for his recovery. * Leroy B. Rider, o f Washington, D. C, former member of the U . S M a r i n c ' Corps, has offered; himself on the auction Mock for I "work or for mar-; riagc to the high-} est bidder." He i9 26, in perfect, health, but without) a job. ? Longfelioiv's Alice Dies Miss Alicc Long fellow, daughter of the poet, Henry Wadsworih Long fellow, and the "grave Alice" of his famous poem, "The Children's Hour," passed away at Cam hridge, Mass., at the age of 78. She was Longfellow's eldest daughter. , ... .& ' > 4. A'* Siamese Twin Thrive : Meta Marie Kel ler of Chicago, physically perfect, was born a Siam ese twin a?:d saved by the surgeon's scalpel when the other infant was found dead Marie and her twin were born ten months ago- joined^ in t..e., _7i&5S?-r ASTOB TAKING VACATION Rev. ^J.^G. Murray and Mrs. Mur ray arc" spending a vacation of ten days or two weeks with Mr. Mur ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray in Morgan ton and Mrs. Murray's parents, Mr. m/lJMrs. Yates, in Cary having loft M>rfday morning.. They wifl be present at the celebration of the birthdays of' both Mr. Murray, senior and Mr. Yates, while they are away. There will be no preacehing service at the Baptist church on next Sun- 1 day and t&e following Sunday. ii bout your Health Things You Should Know iby John Joseph Gaines, M. D-# i ^ New Year Resolutions Most people lirgit their "swear , ing off" at the first of the year, to tobacco, whisky and lying. How faithfully wc observe our new pledges, must be left to history to reveal. But, the effort is worthy always. Much more pertinent, it seems to me, would be to assume some sol emn obligations with regard to our habits of eating, since everybody eats ? and many dine to their sor row. I would like to impress a few ideas that I have tried to empha size with the readers of our paper for the past four years ? and, I as-' sure you, that they are based on' years of experience, both within: myself, and many patients; I am sure these thoughts are worth while: '? First, let uS pledge ourselves that we will not over-eat during the coming year. Second, we will look out for the symptoms of over-diet, such as i fullness, sour stomach, nausea, gas,; I "heart-burn," and bringing up par tides of food after meals; if sach should occur, we promise to at once think of the cause, and matce no more mistakes of that kind. Third, let us very firmly decide, not to eat dinner at six o'clock; the hour when the body should begin' its most important season of rest. Fourth, that we will begin each day's work with a body fortified by a tfood, intelligent breakfast, taken deliberately, at an hour when haste is entirely unnecessary. Fifth, wc will try to learn of the wcll-balanccd meal, and temperate-, ly adhere thereto, knowing the. need of food in wholesome variety,' to satisfy the requirements of our bodies only. " U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MRS. REED The B. H. Cathey Chapter U. I>. C. will meet with Mrs. T. E Reed ou Thursday afternoon, Junuary 3. Mrs. E. L MeKee is in charge of the pro grain for the afternoon. INMATES OF COUNTY HOME THANK PEOPLE FOR GIFT3 I The inmates of the County Homo wish, through the columns of Tiie , Journal, to express their apprecia tion of the Christas gifts presented : them by the people of Sylva and Cul | lowhee. JOURNAL GETS CHRISTMAS GIFT OF ORANGES The Journal is deeply indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yonnally of. (hand Island, Fla., for a crate of de licious oranges, grown in their grovo at Eustis. ' Miss Elizabeth Moody, who has been teaching at Hampetoad, and Miss Evelyn Moody, who is a stu dent at the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, are at home for th? holidays, with their pareneta, Mr. and Mrs. C. R Mood/. Bobbed hair and all, this is the new Mary Pick f ord, shorn of her famous curls, as she is to appear in her first all talking motion picture, "Co* QUjite." ?

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