i?sr^ -*. r-f - 'V -^v. ' k-F ? ^ 50 Year in Advance in The County Sylva,"N. C: % rsday, % 1929 $2.00 Year in Advance outside the County; NICHOLSON'S REPORT SAYS HOSPITAL COST 72,659.19 ?fii,' famller-Nichols Hospital, a plan lot' the purchase of which by ,jl0 (Oiiiiiv ami the Duke Foundation i, now uiuler way by the people ol' Jackson county, coeit $72,659.19, ac , ?online to an audit of the accounts 0, : he hospital by Raymond K. \i,M>oii. The audit was read at a meeting of citizens of the coun IV. Tuesday niirht. ?flic owner- of the hospital have altered to M'll the property at actual cost: hut under the law, in ease an election should be called, and th; people of i In- county should vote to buy tin- hospital, u committee of, ilirce foni|h?scd of one selected by ihe roiinty commissioners, one by the owner- of the hospital, and one by ihi'M' two, would appraise the value or the property, and set it he price that would he paid. Tlie audit made by Mr. Nicholson lollow- : Hospital Lois $5,000.00 Nurses' Home and Lots 10,000.00 Actual Co-! of Building .... .'W, 000.00 Actual Cost ef Equipment 10,394.58 Actual Cos; of Heating; Plant. Plumbing and Fixture* 0,500.00 T^tal $72,659.19 1 The itemi/ed accounts that make tip the above figures, as found by Mr. Nicholson, follow: Hospital Building; Uhor $9,858.35 Estav.it ni<* I Dicus Bros.) 1,539.65 Exmnimr (li. L Brysou) 256.00 Engineer fee 22.00 Stone ami Sand (W. M. Brown) 629.00 1 Window Sills (H. Stein) 250.00 Freight, express, supplies 147.94 Sylva Supply Co. (Supplies 81.49 Sylva Supply Co. (Supplies) 147.94 Freight ami express .... .... 26.83 Freight, express, supplies 31.54 V.levatov 717.76 ?Sylva Supply Cii. | Supplies) 69.55 W. 1L Arthur (guttering and supplies) 564.30 Cotteral Tile Co. (Tile and Work for Ojicratiug Room Concrete (\V. M? Brown) T. C. Sniiih and Co. I'aiut, i i| i.le Freight and Kx press M. Moore and Co. (Supplies) .... Builders' Supply and Lumber (V (Building Material 14,432.65 Architect (Work and plans 1,100,00 L T. Burrows Co. (screens) 338.44 Sylva Supply Co (Supplies) 425.37 Jackson Ifdw. Co. (Supplies) 57.90 ^alls, walks, shrubbery work cn grounds 1,750.00 298.00 456.00 315.03 29.32 14.00 $34,704.61 Kquipmcnt ami refrigerating plant $1,253.06 Victor X-Ray Corpn. (%ocl record tiling Wfice ile^k K*raington iv|>ewritcr hiiiim; lui-l reception room furniture Wheel chair Dwssiii case &5.00 45.00 103.50 500.00 45.00 loiuii cabinet, |**rk atid supplies )?air M ales fPCsfojK' and laboratory >plios steel safe uros purchased from l^rriwethur hospital ?Wotic Fixt 100.00 21.00 200.00 20.00 150.00 'raeture splims ami appliances 150.00 tonsil suction machine 85.00 |*e