si; so Year in Advance in The County. ? ? ~ ? - - > ? $2.00 Year in Advance outside the County SCOUTS 10H& BENEFIT SHOW ,.Tbe Cohens and Kellys in Atlan /vtv " a riotous comedy wiU be Slim Thursday and Friday of next k at the Lyric Theatre as a Bene ^pieture for the Boy Scoot troop of Sylva. t ? ^ ,.]he Cohens and Kelleys in At hntif City" i* the story of a pair of Kothinc suit men whose angle on ** wear is as oUl fashioned as long j The business "is going to the does when a snappy *>n and an eq Bglly modem daughter get rid of their i?a rents long enough to bring the styles right up to the present L even a little bit higher, thus saving the business There are many big sequences such as that of the beauty parade and the ...... cf Cohen and Kelly to their ^miml bathing ?*****-' juent The picture actually fini in Atlantic City, with a real beau ty parade and everything which in frfases the interest immensely. Ihc Scouts have gi?cn a good ac ,mmt of themselves since their or ganization was set up in Sylva little more than a year ago. They have don* many civic "good turns" and in many ways have shown themselves to be ffood Junior citizens. ? (b the other hand" the citizens of the community and the eounty have shown their appreciation of the Scouts and have always been ready to cooperate with them in the carry ing out of their programs. The sum realized from this picture will go to augment the fund which h ae been itw-d thru various Scout activities durin? the past year for the put pose of defraying transportation ex penses of the troop on a great trip to Washington and other points of scenic and historic importance. Wllowing is given a hat of those .Scouts who have indicated tbeir de termination to make this wonderful trip: John Parris, Jr., Lyndon McKee Jr., William Curtis, John Wilson, Edmund Brown, Frank Askey, Too& Wilson, E. Ford King, Jr., Marshall Cooper, J. T. Gribble, Jr., Ernest Wilson, Host oe Askcy, Tom Kelly, Lyndon Carden, Mack Hooper, James Moody, Herbert Bryson, Edgar Moody William McKee, Bill Edwards, Alvin Sutton, Paul Buchanan, Chas. Raines, Earl Moody, Mack Higdon, Clyde Brown, Frank Watson Jr., Alden Coward, Earl Collins, T. K. Guthrie, Malcolm Brown and Mascot' "Buddie Hall. ' r This list includes all the Scouts except two. There may be two or three who will not get to go because they cannot provide the amount nec essary for their meals and other in cidentals. What a pity to leave any behind. Suppose it was your boy? Or you, yourself? What would you not have given to have had sach a wonderful trip when you were a boy? Think of the sights, Natural Bridge* Luray Caverns, Famous Battle Grounds, Wonderful Washington, They will see President Hoover and hear his Memorial Day address in Arlington National Cemetery, Con fess ns it sits in special session, ^lt. Vernon, Richmond what memo ries cluster about that city, Norfolk, a hustling1 seaport city, Ocean View and a grandi dip in the wrf, to say nothing of ov.r own Raleigh and Dor ham and Chapel Hill, Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Life ran never he the same fcy a boy who is lucky enough . to make this trip. Remember the dpAe for tba ; picture. Next Thursday audi Friday, | ( May 23 and 24 at the ItflW and see the show. Take the.'W*^6 ft11? "kiddie*". (live the boys a big ho?8* f?et your tocketa in advan??* Ask . *ny Soout, he ean tell yon' all about 2i MRS. LEM HOOPER DIBS The funeral of Mrs. Lem Hooper held, yesterday, aT the ZachaTy ?*metery, in Cashier's Valley. Mrs. Hooper, who was 8ft years of ?g& ^'0(1 in Morganton Monday night. She is survived by two sisters Lou Coward, of Cullowhee, Mrf. ?'ulia Coleman, of Murphy, two~bri>th er?. W. C. Norton, of Ctdlowhed, J. ? of East Laporte, and number of other relatives -fa thi* I adjoining counties. , J 40 YBARSA0O TVOKABKtSB Ilifr'HW I 1 Ku lfk lM {i The celebration of tho Battle of Guilford, near Greensboro, v- was a credit to the State of North Cii^bu The crowd in attendance did not XkU short of 10,900 and the pragramaw was fully carried out. Senator Vance's oration **as full of patriotism was greatly enjoyed In a letter which Jefferson Davis has written to people in FayetviHein answer to their invitation to' be present at the centennial celebration of North Carolina's ratification of the constitution, occurs the following tribute to the OM North State: "North Carolina, first in assertion of the unalienable rights of maft, prompt in open resistance to en? eroachment by the crown upon the charters of the colonies, steady in the maintenance of the Declaration of Independence, slow to grant ppper whiebmight be perverted to the im pairment of her liberties, and faith ful throughout her cxisteftce as a soverign state to every oblation of compact is to be honored and revered as well for her promptitude to resist aggression as for her careful guard ianship of the community rights of her people." ; The Charlotte Observer is author ity for the statement that: "There is every good reason to believe that Secretary Wanauiakoris a party to the most flagrant political fraud perpe trated since the stealing of the Preafc dency by Rutherford! B. Hayes". C. H. Roy, Democrat was elected Mayor of Waynesville. He received 52 votes and his opponent, Geo. H. Smathers received 18, suit, Monday. Ivy is in bloom. t- 1 1* Rev. G. W. Spake, of Webster, was n town, Monday. Why can't Syhra have a building tnd loan association f Mr. Henry J. Rees made us-p, pleas ant call Tuesday morning. The singing at the school) house, Sunday night, was well attended. Mayor Coward bears his magisterial lonors with becoming dignity. Jackson Academy will dose on May !4 with appropriate exercises. Miss Frances Banm returned Wed leeday from a pleasant visit to Web ? iM'Jf The summer travel on the Murphy >ranch is assuming large proportions. The railroad authorities are potting n 600 feet of side track at ike kaolin The foundation for the kaolin fac tory is nearly eomptetOd and tto work on the bmlding will go right - i The saw tall is running tfull en p* icitys awing fannbar for Ike Equitable Manufacturing (lip? y. As our election was illegal, accord ing to the new election law, the old Mayor and Board of Aldermen will bold over, with the exception of Mr W. K Burns, who rwigiHidi Mr. J. S. Jarrett was chosen by the "board to 511 the vacancy. Tka nloii and specifications for . a works. mvAWt CHOSEN AS DUE OFTEN BEST "*! IVank Askey, son of Floyd Askey, 16 jttara old, Star Seont of Syhra Ho. 1 been selected as one of the ten best quailed Scoots in Western "North Carolina to,represent the Boy Scoots in the Asheville Times' expedition into the Great Smokies. : Hany Eugene Whisenant, of Whit tier, age 13, aon of J. E. Whisenant, is another of the ten best qualified. ?. The Scoot to accompany the expe At ion will be selected' tomorrow and Saturday, from . the ten, and he will Have the honor of accompanying the expedition, which leaves on June 8 for the Great Smokies. The boy winning first honor will be presented with all necessaiy equip ment for the expedition. Second hon or boy will be awarded a gold medal, third a silver medal, and each of the ten district winners will receive a 1 bronze medal. COMMITTEE ADOPTS COUNTY'S HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS. ' 1 The committee appointed by Comi ty Supreintendent J.N. Wilson : haf I made its report adopting the text books that are to be used in the high schools of Jackson county for the next five years. Mr. Wilson explained that the committee was appointed months ago in order to give the principals ant teachers ample time iq which to care fully consider the subject before final deeisiea. was reached. The following high school princi pais served on . the eommitee: V. T. SiS* r" - " *** > A m - ? J m ^ proportion to fatio? fee lawlessly killed in the United States as la Grean Britain. In many of our cities murder can ap parently be committed with impunity At least 50 times as many robbericft are eemmtfted in the United States ?a in the United Kingdom and three tilbes as many burglaries." ' ' We Ma not siffering from an eph Mineral crime wave, but from a sub sidence of our foundations." To all who are interested in better citizenship a cordial invitation is ex tended to this service. Church schools meet at 10 a. m. Leagues in the evening at 6.30 and 7 o'clock. and Williams ? Art in Home and Clothing ? Lippincott. Dictionary, Webster- Secondary School Dictionary ? American Indian Gets Fine Timpson Bird, aged Indian, who was convicted of retailing and of an affray, in recorder's court, two weeks ago and sentenced to serve on the roads of Buncombe county, was given a change of sentence, Monday, when a certificate .was presented from the county physician stating that Bird is a very sick Indian, unable to work the roads, and that it would be un wise to confine him to jail. He was fined $100 and the costs of the action, and given a two years sentence, sus pended upon his returning to Swain connty and behaving himself. Tom Ammons was found guilty of manufacturing and given a 10 months sentence in jail with the privilege of being hired out by the commissioners. Plumer Painter, assault with a deadly weapon, prayer for judgement continued. Riley Mathis, manufacturing, 3 months in the county home. Weaver Swayngim, manufacturing. It was shown that this is his second offense, and that the recorder's court has no jurisdiction. He was bound to the superior court in the sum of $1500. He was sentenced to three months on a charge of resisting an officer and fined $56.00 on a charge of carrying a concealed wea pons. In both cases he appealed to the superior court. Riley Broom, manufacturing, fined $100 and the coBts. Brady Broom, manufacturing, 8 months oil the roads and appealed to the superior court. '? The same defendant was tried for killing dx>e out of season. Ezekicl Wiggins and Sterlin Nich olson, two little boys, were given a hearing on a charge of raj>e and probable cause being found, were placed under bonds of $700 each ior their appearance at the superior court Ray, a statuatory offense, guilty and sentenced to serve two rare at the s State Industrial Farm ? ? Major Stanley and Harry Womack were found guilty of [Kjsscssion of liquor, when the oifficers found them approaching some liquor hidden on the sandbar, between Sylva and Cul lowhee. They protested their inn^> oence and stated that they were look ing for sand to do some concrete work. Stanley was sentenced to four months in that case, and 3 months in one which the judgment had been | suspended, a few months ago. He ap pealed. Prayer for judgment as to Womack was continued. Howard Childers, possession and transporting, prayer for judgment continued. John Hoyles, Frank Hoylcs, and Abe Keener, burglary, continued. David Ward and S. T. McGinniss, affray, continued. It I CLOSES TERM TOMORROW With the address of Dr. H. T. Hunger, president of Western Caro lina Teachers' College and the Class Day E&ercises, at the Lyric theatre, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, the commencement exercises of Sylva Collegiate Institute will come to a close. The finals of the institution began with the commencement play: "My Irish Rose", at the Lyric Theatre, last Friday evening. On Monday evening, at the Fiust Baptist church, Miss Ruth Gribble appeared in her graduating recital in piano. An operetta "Madcaps", vu giv en Tuesday evening by ohilthvn of the grades in the school auditorium. Last evening Rev. Dr. R. |L. Creal delivered the commencement ser mon in the First Baptist church. The program for this evening at the Lyric theatre, beginning at 8, is: (Continued on Page six MARRIAGE LICENSES A. B. Fullbright to Tallie Painter. Ed Hyatt to Lizzie Ray. MRS. FRANK SCOTT DIES Friend* in Sylva have received the inteligenee of the death in Grand Rapids, Mich., of Mrs. Frank Scott. Mrs. Scott's death came a few days after that of her husband. Both Mr. and Mrs. Scott have many f'rineds in Sylva, having lived here for several years. Mrs. Ben N\ Queen is their niece, and she and Mr.Queen were in Grand Rapids at the time of Mrs. Scott's death. Milk is going from .the farmg of An son county to the new cheese factory at the rate of 12,500 pounds a day and the farers are buying more cows. Eular Ensley, Theo Mathis and Homer Mathis, fishing without li cense, and seining in the stream, continuodt Frank Reed, possession and trans porting, continued. R. W. Parker, transporting and possession, oontj^nued. Ott Hooper, possession and trans porting, called and failed judgment ni si sci fa and capias. William Styles possession and transporting, called and failed, judg mcnt ni sci fa and capias. Julius Sutton, carrying concealed weapons, continued. Otssie Sutton, carrying concealed weapons, continued. {They've Beaten Him Up Before' But He is StiU Came ?? ? ? : ' -III. _>. ? . .!? M *0fT\ >'J? ? J3A ggS By Albert f. Rod