tiiti' wide law annuls all former laws >|M-?-ial or general, and is placed on every dog in the state, and this ill'- tax is to go to the school iiiiuTi Tax o.i female dogs, six months old and over -- per year. \|| oilier dogs, male and female, one iloilar each. This tax must he .,.,1,1 to I lu- tax collector who in turn gives the owner ot the ? a t,ii{ which must he worn at all times on its collar ? that is the dog's collar. Viiil all owners of dogs must list iliciii same, as any other property, ,ui. I failure to ?lo so j>. | uni.shablc |,v a line not exceeding $">0 nor ;l() day* in jail. I| is further required that the dogs he listed on or before tlir 1st oi'-.hdv, and the tax bo pjiid i on or he! ere the 1st day rf October,! ami it it still remains unpaid Dec. 1st, then another fine of $50 or .'{<) 1 days in joil is imposed upon the own-.' cr of the dog. The law proxiiles that no g is allowed to run at large; the < wner must he with it and have it Tied. The law set > I fit li tliaf any one without tear of punishment, may kill any firur->u?*kiii?r. sheepkilling dog, or a do- that kills poultry. JAM^S FREEMAN DIES IN TENNESSEE? QUALLA Mi. .1 :i MH- Freeman died at Duek town M.w l!M? an. I his body was i;i tcrifd in the cemetery at <^ualla on Wednesday 22m1 He was 44 years ot' Hire. !fo professe(| faith in -Christ ahoui 1 years ago, .joined the church ami lived strictly rciPigious life duif iug bis remaining 4ays. llis wife was , prior to their marriage, Miss Sallie Knsley of Beta. He was a devoted husband and father. He expressed re grot to leave his three small children, Pauline, Willard andf Glenn. He was a member of a large and prominent family. He was a soil of the late A. Freeman His mother still resides at (^ttalla. He made his houie at Qualla lor some time before going to DiH'ktown. llis brother, Mr. Will 1'roenian j?ml sister Mrs Addie Brad bum reside* here. Other members of tiie family are Mrs. Nancy Bailey and Mrs. Amanda Allen of Almond, Mr <1. K. Freeman of Sniakcmont, Key. H. ('. Freeman of Franklin aner will bo given at Webster on Thursday for- bene fit of the Webster literary society. Mr. Tuesday, of the Equitable Manufacturing Company has arrived in Sylva and, will superintend the building of the factory, laying down machinery, etc. , > Lawyer Hooker returned Saturday from murphy court and reports Murphy a prosperous town ? good people, cool water, and pretty girls in abundanee. Mr. W.n I j. Fortune of McDowell county arrive^ in Sylva, and will proceed to the organization of Farm crs' Alliances in Jaeksom county. That Sylva is on a "boom" any stranger would infer from a half hour's walk around town. On all sides the bustle and stir of improve Inient, while no one is seen to be ic'JJe. 1 A party consisting of O. B. Coward, T. H. Hastings, A. M. Parker and Capt J. Irvine left Sy^va, Tuesday, for upper Tuckaseige to try their luck for the speckled, beauties. I Mr. W. L. Fortune will address I the people of Sylva and vicinity a( J the academy in Sylva, May 31, at 2 o'elock in the interest of the Farmers ' Alliance. Seal Buchanan, depot agent a< Whittier, got too near the business portion of a mule, whereupon the worthy equine fetched him a 1 square in the mouth, dislocating scv eral teeth andi otherwise injuring I: The 17 year locusts have not yet 4 , April closed the first year's work ior the Karris Public Library and following is an itemized statement Of the year's ex|K>;ditures. Jackson County Hardware .50; Mrs Marsh for magazines $58.75; A & P for punch served at opening 2.17 ; Mrs C. C. Buchanan foi' Stationery 1,00 p Southern R. R Co Express on books,' from Boston 9.05; II. \V, Wilson Co, Readers Guide 7,50;Arthur Wain-; rath Co. for Imoks $20.27 ; Lincoln! Library 10.50; Mrs. Brown, chickens! for banquet 0.75; A. .1. Dills, Insur ance, $50.00 ; Mrs. C. C. Buchanan freight on books :L>0; C. Scott, ex- 1 press on books 1 .Hi) ; Baker ? and Taylor for books 8.00; ('. Scott, ex press on books 7.07; News and Ob server 8.00; Junior 1 Seine Magazine 2.50; Child Life Magazine 2.50; Gay lord Bios, for supplies 1 (?.-!<) ; Mrs. i ('. C Buchanan for supplies 4.15; Jackson Ihlwe. Co for supplies 2.80; L-ash, work in library .50; Gaylord Bros, for books 2, .15; Curtains and pillows 15.27;Baker and Taylor for books 20.27 ; Sylva Supply Co. for paint li.10; painting of bookcases .'{,75; C. Scott express on books .0+; Baker an. I Taylor for books 50.00; Total $332.09 ;Total Receipts for year $410. IS; Balance in bank to iite, $87.39. * Respectfully submitted, May 28, 1929. Mrs. Billy Davis Treasurer Harris Public Library A public library in Sylva is a real ity in spite, of a very scant income. Starting a year ago, with no books at all, there are now fifteen hundred, volumes on the sliGlv^v.>-T.h#^:iroints in Virginia and North Carolina. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER GO TO THEIR CLASS REUNIONS Mrs. W. H. Rhodes andj her daugh" tor, .Miss Llewellyn Rhodes, loll :.ion day for Greensboro where they are 'amending the roMunirns of t heiv classes, which are being held this week at Greensboro College icr Wo-. c?neH. '. .w , V~' -l ?- - ? Mrs. Rhodes graduated at the col lege in tbe class of 1 888 and Miss Llewellyn in 1927 The reunions of both classes are being held during tho commencement exorcises this year , They will also visit relatives in Ral"ig!i, Warren ton, and oilier points in Eastern North Carolina before re turning to Sylva. TOWN CLERK IS IMPROVING * | Friends of Mr. -T. , I). Cowan, clerk of the Town of Sylva, will be glad to learn that he is rapidfy improv at the Angel hospital in Franklin, wlioie he has been for several days. Tom Tarheel says lie has finished storing a good supply of eggs in water-glass for use next winter. BALSAM Mrs. Maybelle Perry received1 the following announcement of a fine grandson in Franklin: "Mr. ami Mrs Charles Perry announce the birth of a9 1-2 ]>ounositions. Miss Evelyn Green and Miss Fayc ; Bryson joined' a party from "Waynes ville and motored to Clayton Ga. Sun day. ? i is - T elia Faye Parris is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kelley Hyatt in yitalla. Paul and Frank Bryson have re turned from ii visit to their grand i paretns, Mr. and Mrs. John A 1 1 man in Adddie. Sunday School Day was observed j in the Methodist church Sunday The program "With One Intent" was | well rendered and much enjoyed by 1 the large audience. * Asheville Normal^School and return Miss Katy Kennev graduated from ed home last week accompanied; by her roommate, Miss Antonie Lee of Spartanburg, S. C. who also gradu ated Miss Lee returned home Sunday Miss Tda Mac Coward is attending summer school at Asheville Normal. Mrs, Nellie Queen went to Franklin Monday to the Angel Hospital. She has not been well for some time. Mr. Buddo Howell is the guest of his uncle Glenn Howell is guest of his uncle Glenn Howell, in Willets. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cowan of Webster. Miss Clem Hall, Miss Har riet Ilall and Mr. Reed Queen of Qualla motored to Balsam Sunday afternoon andi brought little Miss Dorothy Bryson home, she having been the guest of Miss Clem Hall for the) past two weeks Miss Edith Christy who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo i Bryson, returned to Greenville, Tenn. ? where she has a ]>osition in the i Methodist Orphanage \ PASTOR COOK COMES BACK Rev. W. X. Cook has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist church at ' Webster, and will move to his home there from King's Mountain immedi ately. The following from the King's Mountain Herald will bo of interest to Mr. Cook's friends in this county: Rev. W. N". Cook will move next week to Webster, where he has accept ed the part time pastorate of the Baptist church. He received notifi : cation Monday morning that' he had May 30 ih SEARCH NOW ON FOR FRUIT FLY Raleigh, N. C., May 29. ? Since the discovery of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly in Florida, any fruit in which there are loinul small worms or mag gots should; he an object of suspicion and those who find infectecs, and so 011 and on. , The fly is not so large as the com mon house fly. The rear end of the female is equipped with a drill which is used to puncture the skin of fruits ant*, vegetables ami make a small cav ity beneath. Here anywhere from one to six eggs are laid and more than one female may use this same hole. When the eggs hjitch, the maggots burrow through the fruit eating as they go and the fruit is ruined. The maggots change to adult flies in the ground and it takes from three to four months to make the life cycle. GREEN'S CREEK I Everybody enjoyed a singing at the Old Siivannah church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Tom Brooks spent the week end in Bryson City. Little Opal and,' "Buddie" Hyatt of Asheville are spending some time with their grandparents Mr{ and F. M. Ashe Miss Margaret Buchanan of Can ton spent the week end with her uncle, Mr. J. W. Cagle Miss Ina Green who is attending school at Cullowhee was at home Sunday. We are sorry to learn of the seri ous illness of Mrs. G. H. Green, and wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Hixie Ashe spent Sunday nighe with Miss Gerf; Cagle. Mrs. Henry Cowan, of Gastonia is visiting relatives here Mrs. Clinton "Sutton and> children spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Jack Sutton in Franklin. Mrs. Nelson Buchanan was struck by a car last Wednesday. The in juries she sustained} were not serious ; Mr. Andy Bstes of Whittier is -i spending a few days at this place, beingj called here by the serious ill ness of his sister. Mr. A. J. McClure of Barker's Creek recently visited his daughter, Mrs Harvey Potts. Rev. Ben Cook will preach at 014 Savannah church Sunday night. JUNIOR CLUB TO SPONSOR RHODODENDRON PAGEANT At the request of civic leaders in Sylva and Asheville, the Junijw Stud^ i Club of Sylva has assumed the re sponsibility for Sylva 's part in the Rhododendron Festival, that Western North Carolina is to stage in Asho ville in .lune The Club plans an old English epi sode in the pageant, and' it will re quire about 50 local people The young ladies of the club are requesting t lie cooperation of the en tire community iu the matter