$2.00 Year in Advance outside the County, p^elT and Denning Entertain Rotarians , ?- L H" Powe" k Is t? I1"' ?Svlv" 1!ot"''-V "" 'f ' upper Pigeon Kivcr, nth*1' 4,1 1 . j,v fvcnii'sr ,V oi"W- 11,011 wcre Prcsent at " 1 report a great din ^>ulul time tM **''"? "V,:ytl" "K """ , l'v .oiiUl want (? rat was serv !tl'. | Iflsscs UT.V by Rov. Mr. 1. II pastor of the Brevard Bap ^ .1 aim's K. Barrett, edi tlSt '? .he Hrevard News, and Ernest r'n >? *?venior of u [lofary pastor recognize ^DEPENDENCE DAY SUNDAY s hcimt the hist ?ay I:;,, relcbration of the 153rd L.h, ?i the I'nited States of Lii both ,roruinK ?t tlu* Method church Cvivi and Dillsboro will be J ill ? v 1 ' _ K^ni/nl around tins tact. 11*. suitjw-1 which the pastor, Rev. tojvo Clcnniier, will use for the lisrourse is. "The Hipher Freedom." ^ which are both spiritual and -triotii' will be used. Miss Rosa ;jnvtt will sintr, "Does Jesus Care" ,v Hall. Sunday schools will convene at #ilt iliuiilies promptly at 10 a. n;. '(?won It i.i'UUUcs meet ill the atter (llll ;i! Ii.::n and 7 o'clock. A very on?u;l invitation is extended the ablit- to ; ii.4- oi the services of wor hi|,. Following is' iliven. the order f tin1 iiici nun* program of worships Morning worship 11 a. m. \nlui;!aiy; Hyii.n No. 51, "All til, flir Power of Jesus' Name;" 'it Ap-Mles* Civid; Prayer; Re IWMri- ii-.ini "; The -Gloria 'airi: S ri|?u i't' it -son John 8:31-30; (ttmni;;1 Olicrtorw, Solo |c.-us v'are" ? Hnll ? by Miss Rosa Lirrett : llyi.::i '-'S3, "The Star ipangiod Banner;'' Sermon: "The igher Free Join" by the pastor; Iran No 281, '??America;" B^m* ietion. i ORPHANS TO SING AT LYRIC Thruojjb the kindness of tlif owner, It Harry K. Buchanan, the Singing la>s I'miii the Masonic Orphanage Ixtorik will present its annual cou nt the Lyric theatre on Wednes ?l?b I, at S o'clock in tlie even flic tour ol i he singing class from "lord |i;k Invoice an annual event 1 North Carolina, and always pro ws hjifli dass entertainment. H Alt ATT* * QuAJtLA > ' \'V PSfwitrfl ? ? I Rev. Mr. Hail of Willets preached at the Baptist church Sunday morn ing. The sermon was followed; for an earnest talk by the pastor, Rev. L. Rogers. ' ' r ... Several young folks frGm Willets were Qualla visitors Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Claud Martin and children of FayettevilTc, Arkansas, are visiting at Mr. W. C. Martin 's. , Mr John Terrell andf Mr. John Ter rell, r, of Fort Worth, Tex., spent the week-end at Mr. T. W..'McLaughlin's Mr. H. G. Ferguson and family and Mrs. J.- K. Terrell attended the iISs triet Conference at Waynesville. Miss Louise Hyatt speut the week with her aunt, Mrs. A. D. Parker atDillsboro. Mr. J. T. Bird and Mr. H. G Bird and/ family of Sylva, called on Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Will Terrell and Miss Inez Terrell of Ft. Worth, Tex., were week end guests at Mr. J. K. Terrell's Mr. andj Mrs. Glenn Ferguson were guests at Mr. Oscar Gibson's. r? Mrs. F. House returned from a visit with, her father, Mr. Jo;* Beck of Olivet. Miss Elsie Hoyle visited Misses Marv and Martha Oxner. Miss Gertrude Ferguson spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Aimic Lizzie Terrell. WHITESIDE COVE Mr. Alfred Miller of Sapphire was i here Saturday on business. A Picklesimer and Dillard Reunion' was held Sunday June 3(5 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dillard at ] Mills River. Those attending the) re union from here were Mr. and . Mrs. W. S. Alexander, daughter, Miss An nie, and Judge W. C. Benet, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Picklesimer and son Wil bur, Mr. andrMrs. Fred Edwards and Daughter, Estelle, of Highlands, and Miss' Mary Edwards of. Morstf^Cove. A delicious dinner was serevd; to near one hundred relatives "and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard have a lovely home and fine family of child ren. All present enjoyed the reunion very much. Miss Nina Bunmgarner is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bertie Hunter, in Glen ville, this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Picklesimer re ceived! an annouirccment, Tuesday from Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Edwards of La Bonte, Wyo. of the arrival on June 14th of a grand daughter, Lucile Mrs. E. G. Lombard and daughter Wilma spent Tusday night with Mrs. Lair bora's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brvson in Caehiers. Little Miss Christine. Miller of Bre vard has returned; to her home after MASONS INSTALL NEW officers! , ) : ' . v- I' .' v ? . ; - ( - ; - ? v J Thdi installation of the officers of Unaka Lodge, Sylva, A F. and A. M was held on Monday, night, St. John The Baptist's Day. District Deputy Grndi Master C. Z. Candler was in charge of the insatllation ser vice. The officers installed; were : Dan Tompkins, Worshipful Master, J. T. Bird, Senior Warden, John Bat tle, Junior Warden. W. D. Warren, Senior Deacon, Harry Buchanan, Jun ior Deacon^ M. D. Cowan, treasurer, Charles English, secretary, Aaron Hooper, senior steward, C. B. Robin soon, junior steward, Doyle Alley, tiler. V C. C. Buchanan was appointed as educational secretary, and Rev. W. C. Reed as chaplain. The Oxford Orphanage committee is E. L. McKee, I. H. 'Powell andj Hoy Allison. After the installation re fresh m nets were served; and tlrtn*e was work in the first degree. MARRIAGE LICENSES I ! The Register of Deeds has granted marriage license to the following couples : Sam Robinson to Effie Jones Erastus Miller to Mattie Fore. William O. .Cunningham to Zadah Ashe. Guy Worley, of Canton, to Bertha Buchanan. . | ? ? _____ spending two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Pieklesimer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bryson of Speed well, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bry son 's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. H. B. Pieklesimer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bumgarner of! Sylva sjtent the week end* with Mrs. Bumgarner 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Edwards. Mrs. IsSbelle Lombard ^visited Jbgi* brother, Mr. Alex Edjivartls and fam ily in Horse Cove. Suifday. i Mr. Otto Alexander of Union and Mr. Conrad! Miller of Brevard are to leave Mondhy for Douglas, Wyo. Mr. Alexander is a former Cullowhee student and has many friends in Jackson county. He has taught school for a number of years in Transylvan ia, his home county. Myrtle Pieklesimer of Cashiers is spending the week with her cousin, Wilir.a Lombard). Rev. Frank Bumgarner preached at Cashiers, Sunday. Club boys of Granville County have purchased ten pure bred Duroc pifjs with which to start their pig club work for this year. [What Do You Do If the Parachute Doesn't Open? By Albert T. Reid | BISHOP i\ Mock, pastor of the [ethoJist church, and well mghout this section of North l^rolina, created no little sensatiottlast Sunday morning among me^bejtf of his flock when he scath ingly denounced. Bishop James Can non, Jr.4j for meddling in politics and for gambling in Wall street. The pastor claimed/ that the bishop by so doing has broken his ministerial Vows and that, conseueguently; he is no'' longer fit to be a minister of the Methodist church. The vows each Methodist n:inister is- required to subscribe to are taken before a bishop and read as follows: The bishop, Will you deny all un godliness and worldly lusts, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present world, that you may show yourself in all things an example of good work to others, that the adver sary may be ashamed, having nothing to say against you? The answer is: I will do so, the Lord being my helper This 'Vow, said the local pastor, was taken by Bishop Cannon when he became a minister of the Methodist church and this vow has been broken by his nefarious activities in Wall street and in politics. "Any minister who will gamble in Wall street has no interest in the church nor in the Kingdom of God' and is merely using the cloak of the church as a smoke screen and is bringing shame and dishonor upon the church, V said) Mr. Mock. The pastor tool: as his subject, ' 1 The Relations of the Church to Man and God." His discourse was based upon the story of the Good Samari tan. He stressed the fact that the thieves were determined^ to have the I>ossessHjb8 of the wayfarer regard less of #he methods used| to attain their vW! t of a (ietermination on the part of the bishop to attain worldly riches regardless of right or wfong. The congregation Sunday morning was small, but those present heard one of the most powerful sermons ever delivered in a local church. It was evident to the audience that the pastor is deeply concerned about the church of tw^ay and about its fu ture. He stated that the church is losing its influence and referred to the actions of Bishop Cannon as a contributing cause. His earnest plea that the church follow the basic prin ciples laid down by the Savior made a deep impression on his hearers. Not only is it important that the laymen bear this in mind, but the ministers in particular should be es pecially careful to hew to the line and to bring no disgrace Upon th# church. Calling upon ' Bishop Cannon "to get out," Mr. Mock ma^e the follow ing statement: "Any minister of the church, be he bishop or whatnot, who so far forgets his relations to the church and to God as to go off after falscj gods, who breaks hi$ minister ial vows by mixing in politics and by using the money given him by Methodists to gamble in Wall Street, i is totally unfit to be a minister of the Methodist church and should get out* voluntarily." The sole business of the church is saving souls, said the minister. "It rightly has no place in politics," said the pastor, who then went oh to state that "the Bap tist church had its Carnes, and now the Methodist church is burdened with its Cannon." During the course of his sermon* . Mr. Mock stated that he had no ob jections to a minister's association with gamblers, thieves and drunkard^ , provided such association was for the purpose of lifting up fallen humanity. "But when a minister of the gospel walks into a gambling den and throws his cards on the table with gamblers, such minister should im mediately quit the ministry." The local pastor intimated that he might be disciplined for his utter ances concerning Bishop Cannon. '^1 was called to the ministry of Jesus Christ and not to the ministry ot any particular church,'.' said be. The Rev. Mr. Mock stated his readiness to leave the ministry of the Metho dist ciurch and to take up similar work in other fields before he would - sacrifice his convictions of right and wrong. In fact he stands, ready to **?: ?? .. ; , ?i TUCKASEIGE DEMOCRAT June 26, 1889 A new law in Madagascar gives a husband the right to chastise his wife with a regulation whip, only and does away with clubs and| dray sticks. ' . ' . 1 The Manufacturers'- Record be * lieves that to the close student of industrial workings in the United} States, the ultimate supremacy of the South in the manufacture of cot ton, iron and wood is all manifest. The people of Pennsylvania have rejected the proposed amendment to the state eonstiution prohibiting the manufacture and sale of liquor by a majority estimated on the day of election to be about 90,000. A dinner .was given by Andrew Carnegie to Rt. Hon W E Gladstone at the Hotel Metropole in 'London, to enable Mr. Gladstone to meet Mr. Lincoln; the American Minister, and Sir. Mew, the consul general Henderson ville went wet on the! First dfey of June by a majority of ) 29. The board of aldermen fixed the, license for retailing at $1 ,000, which is virtually prohibitory. The Farmer's Alliance was organ ized at Webster with E. D Davis, president, John T. Wike, vice-presi-| dlpnt, Dan Snider, Treasurer, A. M. Parker, secretary, J. W. Bird, lectur er, . Rev. W. Ensley, chaplain, J. E. Moss, door-keeper, Jas. Watson, Ass't door keeper, W. R. Hooper, Sergeant at Arms, E. R. Hampton, business agent. Fourteen sub-alliances with membership of 'over 600, were, repre sented. Rev. Frank Siler preached to a large congregation at the academy, V Sunday night. & ter's Oats." He can hardly find room to shock it on the ground it grows on. On Sundfey 16th, at 10 o'clock, in the Love's Cha])el section, Mr. Thom as F. Long was married to Miss Mollie King, and Mr. Julius P. Snider to Miss Fannie C. King, Esq. Joseph Davis, officiating. Ameeting was held in the court house in Webster Saturday at which a committee was appointed^ to ar range a Fourth of July celebration. After adjournment the committee met and agreed on tlicj followijng program : 1. Procession of citizens and old sol <|iers to be formed at the Court House square and march to the Grove. 2. Prayer by Rev. B. N. Queen. | 3. Reading of the Declaration ot Independence by W. H. H. Hughes. 5. Adtfress to veterans by W. T. Crawford of Haywood, D. L. Love, and E. M. Painter. 6. Dinner. MCCURRY RITES IN ASHEVTLLE Funeral services for Robert D. Mc Curry, who died at his home in Bilt more, Sunday afternoon, following a lingering illness, were held{ at the home, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. R. J. Bateman and Rev. 0. G. Fitzgerald, conducting the service. Interment was in, Green Hill cemetery, West Ashe ville. Members of the Asheville Shrine Band, of which Mr. McCurry was the director, had eharge of the services at the gravfe. Mr. McCurry was an employee of the manintenance department of the state highway commission for several years, and had many friends in this part of the state. He is survived by his wk|ow, who was prior to her mar riage, Miss Pearl Zachary, of this county, and by three chiI3ren. ? i . OXFORD ORPHANS TO BE AT EAST LAPORT^iTH The Singing Class of the Oxford Orphanage will visit East Laporte, on its annual tour, and will give a con cert tjhere at & o'clock, Thursday even ing, July 4, under the auspices of East Laporte Lodge A. F. and A. M. give up his life, if necessary, rather than depart from the true mission of the church a* defined by Christ, hft declared. . vrr?;v : . j X V " ? ' ' ? Creamery Begins To Distribute Product * \ *? - '? " ? '? . ? ' One of the latest Jackson county enterprises, the Smoky Mountain Creamery, recently incorporated with its home inypillsboro, is now operat ing arrfl is putting on the taaijcet one of the .best ice cream products ever put before the local public. The company has installed the lat ent improved machinery for the man ufacture of icc cream;; and has placed an expert, Mr. N. D . Ridjflle, former ly manager of the Talledega Cream ery, Talladega, Ala., in charge of the production. Mr. Riddle has had/ years of exeprience in the production of the highest grade of commercial ice cream and) the officials of the company have instructed him to produce a cream that will be the equal in texture, food value, flavor and smoothness, of any on the market. Officials of the company state that it is their purpose to Use, as far as is possible, the raw material from local farms. The busineess is owned an^ fi nanced by local men, and is in all re spects a home enterprise. ^ The incorporators of the creamery company are M. Y. Jarrett, A. H. Weaver and) O. N. Gillette. -Mr.1 Jarrett is president of the company, Mr. Weaver vice-president, and Mr. Gillette secretary-treasurer. In addition to the regular com mercial cream for distribution through the usual channels, the Smoky Moun tain Creamery will manufacture briek cream and all kinds of speciaties for luncheons parties, and other occasions The Smoky Mountain Creamery er pects to engage in the manufacture and distribution of butter, within a short time. Inquiries for this product have already been received from large Eastern cities, and the com pany expects to have a splendid mar ket for Western North Carolina but ter. . . ' It is believed that the eatabUah iaenf the vcreamery hefewifrgwatiy' stimulate the interest in dairying in Jackson andj the adjoining counties. The milk and cream is now being de livered at the Dillsboro plant of the company. BALSAM Rev. and Mrs. Aaron Bryson re ceived an announcement of the mar riage of their daughter Rath to Mr. I. M. Roberts in Detroit, Mich. Miss Bryson has been with her brother, Mr. Vaughn Bryson in Detroit for several years. Mrs. Dr. L P. Tappen of Cincinnati is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Lind(sey Mr. Grady Queen was here Sun day from Canton. Miss Florence Lindsay of Black Mountain was a guest of relatives here last week Miss Eloise Cogdill returned front Asheville last week where she hat) been visiting Mra. R. L. Cope. Mrs. D. T. Knight attended the District Conference, in Waynesri He Thursday and Friday of last week as lay delegate from the Methodist church here. Miss Dollie Hoyle of Athens, Ga^ is visiting her father, Mr. Geo. Hbyle Mrs. Bullock and children of Win chester, Va., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Jones. , , r DINNER FOR CONFEDERATES The B. H? Cathey Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy^ will entertin all the Confederate Veterans in the county, their wives, jand- wid ows of Veterans, at a dmnerj thil af teroon, at the home of Mrs. Charles L. Allison. Invitations have been mailed to the guests of honor, and ar rangements are being made to trans port them from their homes to the home of Mr and Mrs. Allison, an$ re turn. WILL HAVE COMMUNITY PICNIC . , -rA ? , There ,will be a community picnic the 4th of July in tfie Allen pasture on Fisher Creek. Everybody 'is in vited to come and bring a basket of dinner, and let's have a 'goo<$ old time. Rev. W. N. Cook wfll ' preach ait eleven o'clock P. M-, and 'other speakers will be present- in the after noon. . Mrs. Mag Gribble, Pres. i > Ofed# W. m?r, Sec, m . " ;

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