I i-vr Vj ! m Advance in The County. v Sylva, N. C: Thursday, Ur -* JPig. ... ... . i ?? i . July 25, 1929 $2.00 Year in Advance outside the County IOME HERE rhairuum of tlu- eoun tftener, -- Lp&ioners of hickson county, w ? timiinv otiiccr, died, at Ut} Svh,,, Monday, night 111 I E,0, will) had been ill his us [i, became ill. Siimlay night, gtit known that ho was) " icnds wore not uh jifimaii. mem.-. ? -m ;il)niit iiis condition, veiy -i< k early Mon Ltarbc . betarui1 u ,?,l tin'" ill.' ?|'I hm v?> I1"' 'T j(if county know that Air. rfa, ill, and l!i.' county was , jo learn. on I nosday inorn |tke head ot tho county gov had nudnijrht. Keener, who ?W!ls ? years ot j3 native at Sylva, had lived (jnuty practically all his life,! tnown to. pract icily every- 1 tfrtion. He had been ac-| [bf bu>ini'>> and political liitt (ddiitv tor main years, was n. ot the boa til ot' stewards ot' [fcjjst church in Sylva, and u ot I'naka Lotliro, A. F. and He had lu'ld a number of in the town and county, hav-| |pvd as ounty treasurer, and, , having been elected to the which he held at the time of i Keener, a m?i ot the late J. S. ?kj- bora on the Keener plant ihifh is now included in the (Sylva. He i> survived by hi? _ one son, .1. Krnest Keener, In, one daughter, Mrs. E. E. I ft, of lireeiishoro. tour L;rand K.and a I rage number of other] ML ^funeral service was rofulucted, lo'tlock, yesterday afternoon, | the Metho<H>t cljprch, by the r, Rff. lieonire I'leinnier, Rev. iv Murray, pastor of the First it ehureh of Sylva, and Rev. Deitz, pastor of Scott's Creek) I ehnreh. i interment was in the Keener | iy the service being conduct Uaka Lodge, A. F. and A. M. ' wive pall bearers were: I. H. I John H. Morns, (ieo. W. Sut Aries Heasley, L A. Buc-han 2 M Hall, John Battle, Fred Honorary pall bearers: W. R. A. Painter, Col. C. J. B. Ensley, M. Buchanan, t I McKee., W. R. Tallent Mter L Mo., re, A. B. Dills, Mil, Dr. A. S. Nichols, M. ?".J. M. Worley, \V. W. Bry Bryson, ^ pS AND GIRLS IN CAMP toys and girls who arc mem ?f the 411 clubs of Jackson ! -eft Tuesday morning lor the ? lie State Test Farm at Swan for a tour days encampment, peope were transported to by county school buses. I return to their homes in ?tv, Friday afternoon. f tamp the boys will all be together in cottages with lo- ^ PWersaud farm agents. The ^ occupying cottages with lo leaders ami home agents. roomings will be sj>ent in study observing farm problems that ?? 'he mountain counties. Test officials ami State College ^ >re in charge of the serious ?t the young folks. HoW will be plenty of games F^r recreation, under careful |*BAM SUPPER AT LOVE'S i^l Society (,f Love's Chapel church will give an ice Vl^'*r> Saturday night, July f public is invited to be present TO HOLD REUNION reunion will be held r^y, next July 28, at the old 1 ^metery below Cashiers. AU relatives of the family invited, according to an ^adp by .lohn I). Norton the association, and Mrs ^k^er, becertary. Dcnman C. C. Teague ? ? " 7W^^iymiWB^''>arle3 \ViIs?n ^ WM " ? o-~ Here, are the men chosen by President Hoover to make up the Federal Farm Board dedicated *to thd best interests of American agriculture. The men were selected with great care and each is an. -expert m iWme phase of agricultural endeavour. Xfc yet, no man is selected to represent Jh? wheat interest S. C. I. TO HAVE WOMAN HEAD /? Miss Winona Hbopei was elected, last Wednesday, by the board of trus tees, as principal of Sylva Collegiate Institute, succeeding N. R. Priekett, who receutly resigned to accept school work in Alabama. Miss Hooper, who last year was instructor of English ut Sylva Col legiate Institue, has been identified with and interacted in the school for several years. She is a native of Gra ham county, a graduate of Sylva Col legiate Institute, and of Meredith Collie. The school will open on September 4. Mr. Glenn Travis was selected as assistant principal, and Miss Edna Wallace as music instructor. Other vacancies on the faculty will be fill ed within the next few days. TO HOLD PASTURE MEETINGS THROUGH "COUNTY NEXT WEEK Mr. J. R. Sams, veteran pasture specialist for western North Carolina will spend the coming week with County Agent C. W. Tilson, holding pasture meetings. Each of these meet ings btt been scheduled by Mx. Tilson in as far as possible on farms that have definite pasture improvement work going on this year, and are sit uated so every farmer in the section ?an attend the field meeting with the least possible iuconvenience. The community meetings are as fol lows: Monday, J. H. Reagan's, Qualla 2 p. m. II. G. Ferguson's, Qualla, \ p. m. Tuesday, July30, Arthur Weidc lich's, Wilmot, 10 a. m.; *i. Sut ton's, Gay, 2 p. ni. ; \v. T. Deits's East Fork, 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 31, Roy Cowan's Webster, 8 a. m.m; John Ashe's, Love Chapel, 10 a.- m.; W. G. Dillard's, Beta, 2 p. m. ; S. C. CogdiU's, Cops Creek, 4 p. m. Thursday August 1, W. A. Hoop er's, Speedwell 10 a. m.; Cullowhes School Farm, 1 p. m; R. S. Green's Cowarts, 3 p. s, Friday Aug. 2, J. J. Hooper's, Tuck aseigee, 10 a. m.; W. M. Fowler's, Glenville, 1 p. m. ; W. R. Stewart's, Erastus, 3 p. m. Saturday, Aug. 3, John A. Brown's Argura,. 10 a. m. "Pasurc is by far the most import ant crop in Jackson county", said the county agent, '-and our farmers are certainly realizing this fact, and far more spring pasture work than ever before has been done this year This work is now showing excellent results in producing the foundation for real pasure sod. It is now time to start fall pasture sowing and cultiva tion, and every farmer in Jackson county can get some valuable idea* at one of these pasture field meetings So as county agent, t want to strong ly urge every farmer in the county to makethe effort necessary to be at the meeting held in his community or section ' BISHOP HORNER TO PREACH In St. John's Episcopal church, or Sunday night, next, July 28, the Rt Rev. Junius M. Horner, bishop of the diocese will preach. The service will begin at seven o clock in order that the bishop maj return to Ashevitte on the bus. Everybody is most cordially invited J. H. OATHEY SERIOUSLY ILL James H. Cathey, former represent ative from this county, former senat or from this district, and author oi "The Genesis of Abraham Lincoln is seriously ill at his home on~Savan i nah Road. Mr. Cathey has been un well for several .weeks. , 4 n-. .{?>,? ' ,v.: -mi-', ' 1 V - BAPTISTS TO CELEBRATE 100TH ANNIVERSARY On August 15-1 1, the Tuckaseigee Baptist Association will cclcbrate its one hundredth birthday at Cullowhee Baptist Church where it was organ ized in 1829. The Executive Committee 01 the association with a number of other leading pastors and workers, leeling that a worthy and fitting anuiver sary gift would be for every (child) church to come to the celebration with a creditable report showing its loyalty to the parent by being 100 percent to her program, met at tin Baptist church, Sylva, Tuesday night,' July 16th, to formulate plans to uiaLs, this possible. After a number of dis-' cussions, it was decided to send speak ! ers to every church, covering the en tire association on Sunday, August 4th, presenting the co-operative pro gram and giving the church an op portunity to make an offering to the denominational work. The offer ing to be turned over to the associa tional treasurer, D. G. Bryson, who will send it to the proper department where each church will be given cred it ?oi the ampunt contributed. _ The Toilowinyschwiule of churches with speakers was arranged and ii is expected that each charch will give the speaker a good hearing and a worthy offering be made. Balsam, 1). G. Bryson; Balsam Grove, Geo. \V. Sutton; Barkers Creek, Lawson Allen; Big Ridge, Mrs.' James Bryson ; Black Mountain, Dav? Norman ; Buff Creek, Rev. R. L Cook; Cedar, McKinley Hooper; Cul lowhee, Rev. J. G. Murray; Dick's. Creek, R. F. Jarrett; Dillsboro, Dr. H. T. Hunter; East Fork, T. C. Bry son; East Sylva, Rev. John lloglen; and R. R. Fisher; Green's Creek, W. W. Bryson; Hamburg, Rev. J. E. Brown; John's Creek, W. H. Smith; Little Savannah, Rev. Corsey Hooper; Locust Field, Rev. Geo. Sny der; Lovedale, Rev. T. F. Deitz; Mt. Pleasant, J. B. Ensley; Moses Creek, C. W. Tilson; New Savannah, Rev. R. L. Cook; Ochre Hill, Dave Norman; Old Savannah, Mrs. C. h. ; Allison; Speedwell, Prof. E. H. Still well; Shoal Creek, Prof. F. I. Wat son; Sol's Creek, Rev. W. C. Reed; Sylva, Rev. I. K. Stafford; Qualla, Rev. R. L. Cook; Scott's Creek, Rev T. F. Dcitz; Tuckaseigee, Rev. W. N. Cook; Webster, Rev. W. N. Cook; Wilmot, James P. Reed; Wolf Creek, J. T. Gribble, Yellow Mountain, Rev Corsey Hooi>er; Cathrine's Cha]>el Walter Dean; Zion Hill, John R Jones. A. AND B. STORES LEASE ROOM It was learned authoritivelv, yes-' tcrday, that the A. and B. 10 and 25 cent Stores Company, of Atlanta, has leased a store room in the New Jack-! son Hotel Building. The lease starts August first, and is for a term of two years from January first, next. I It is understood that the company will open one. of its chain of 10 and 25 cent stores in Sylva in the immed iate future, GRIBBfiE TO APPOINT HEFNER'S SUCCESSOR AS BOARD HEAD tlpon J. T. Gribtle, clerk of the superior court* devolves the duty, un der the lawW,#f appointing a chairman of the bo^rd of county commissioners to fill the vacancy caused by the death, at his home, last Monday, night, of J. W. Keener. | Of course no ntimation has come from his office as to who the appoin tee will be, and it is unlikely that the matter has been given considera tion ; but the appointment must be made within a short time. *.?"? ,??????. f i ' ? TO LET 106 CONTRACT DURING NEXT MONTH , t The contract for grading and pav ing some three or four miles of high way No. 106 beginning at Sylva and going toward Cullowhee, will be ji warded some time next^ month, it was announced by the office of the Dis trict Highway Commissioner, Mr. J. G. Stikeleather, in a conversation with a representative of the Journal on Tuesday. It is hoped that* preparation can be made to let the contract early in the month. However, the award will carry a time s[>ecification, it was stat ed, requiring the contractor to com plete the grading and paving prior to .January First, and it is hoped to have the road open by that time. The appropriation, making- the mon cy available, has been made by the State Highway Commission; and it is planned to complete the road to Dick's Gap, next year. CO-OPS GET 10c FOR LAMBS (By C. W. Tilson) mmmmm Several Jackson county sheep growers decided among themselves last week to tl*? vRgfefog the -first ' JErtfifc ers to utilize the marketing facilities of the Jackson County Farmers Mu tual Exchange. They shipped a co opcrtive car of lambs to the Balti more market through the county ex change. The lambs were graded and ?sold on the market, and the growers received cash returns on the lamta according to weight and quality. By selling on the Baltimore market which is the largest in the East and througli their own non-profit county j exchange these men received an av erage net price of ten cents peif lb. home weights. Most Jackson County lambs brought "8 cents last year, sold at home and these fanners had only been offered 7 cents so fai this year for their Iamba. This method of culling lambs co operatively should encourage the sheep men as it assures them of a permanent and dependable market This method has been successful for years in a large number of counties in this and joining states. The Jackson County Farmers^ 'Mu tual Exchange is an Incorporated non-stock, non-profit organization per fccted by the farnieis of .Jackson county to render marketing services, for the entire county on all farm products. Each community in the county belongs to this exchange and have elected in community meetings their representative or director in the exchange. The marketing" executive committee of the Jackson County Farmers Mutual Exchange .elected by the community leaders present in their meeting this ?pring are as fol lows: . . R. C. Hunter, S. C. Oogdill,- A- J. Dills, R. W. Fisher, N. Higdon. The officers elected for' Jhis year are as follows: S. C. Cogdtll, presi dent; R. W. Fisher, vice president; A. J. Dills, secreta?y. . Other directing members of the County Exchange whd are tho lead ers in marketing for their communi ties and townships are: J. H. Reagan, Qualla; G. S. Bumgarner, Wilmot; J. W. Buchanan, Dillsboro; Burton Ashe, Greens Creek; N. Higdon, Gay; T. B. Cowan, Webster; J. T. Cogdill, Willets; W. C. Norton, Cullowhee; George Hooper, Speedwell ; R. C. Hunter, East La Pdrtet Rs ^?Hen son, Cowarts; Claude Wike, Tucka seigee, A. L. Brown, Argura; Carl Jamison, Glenville ; W. R. Stuart, Erastus; Warren Alexander, Cashiers. ? , Best printing, best service, best prices, on commercial printing, be the jjtb Uurge or small. The Journal. 1 WILLIAMS GETS 18 MONTHS ROAD SENTENCE The family troubles oi R. C. Wil liams, local painter, were air^d in the Recorder's court, Monday morning, and Williams, on being fonnd guilty of abandonment of Ms family, was sentenced to serve a term of 15 months on the roads of Buncombe Judge Sutton gave him until court ad journed, on Tuesday, to furnish a bond or other satisfactory assurances that he would provide for the support of his family; upon which the judge agrecr to suspend the sentence. At the adjournmet of court, however, Williams had made no such provision, and the sentence of 18 stands against him. Williams and Hannah Jane Rob inson were tried on a statuatory eharge, and tho Robinson girl, on be ing sentenced to serve a term of 6 months in jail, promptly appaealed. Walter Ashe and Elmer Franklin, tried on a charge of larceny, prob able cousie was found, and the two boys bound over to the superior court Edna Stewart, accused of larceny, was remanded to the Juvenile court to b<j tried before Judge Gribble. Ansel Leopard and Frankie Bryson were found not guilty of transporting liquor. Jake Arrowood was found guilty of larceny, and sentenced to serve '12 "months. He appealed to the su I perior court. Mil as Galloway was found not guil ty of manufacturing liquor. Joe Parris was sentenced to two terms one of 4 and the other 2 months on a charge of passing worthless checks ;but the Sentences were sus . pended for 12 months. r ftiky Parker entered a plea of ^guilty of petty larceny, and was giv en an 8 months suspended "sentence. Mrs. J. D. Owen, of- Virginia, visit od jjk J. L. Ferguson. WF P. A. Bly, Mrs. E. T. Moody of Whittier and Mrs. J. iL Hyatt vis ited Mrs. P. C. Shetton. Mr. and Mrs. York Howell, Mr Frank Owen, and family, Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, and Mrs. Joe Hyatt, of Asheville, spent Surfjjay at Mr. Oscar Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Martin, of Bry son City visited at Mr. Charles Wor ley's. Mrs. Rufus Johnson of Deep Creek spent the weekend at Mr. D. M. Shuler's. I Mrs. A. J. Franklin, of Bryson City spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. E. S. Keener. j Mesdames Bonnie Bly and Lney Shelton visited Mrs. P. H. Freguson Mrs. S. J. Beck is spending a while with relatives at (jlenyille. ' Mv- and Mrs. D.. M;. SJmler and Mrs Cora Johnson spent Sunday at Mr. Mark Blapton'fl. . Mrs. W, H. Hoyle called at Mr. S. M. Crisp's. Mrs. V^lma Chambers of Whittier was a Qualla- visitor Sunday. j The Camp Ground -working was well ?attended. The eemetery was eleahai -ofjc iiioely ; and the unmarked graves "were marked by? cedar stakes ' Mrs. J. JL Hyatt andjMisses Leno ra^ and Myrtle Whitmirt* motored to Whitesids. r . Mr. _and Mrs. J. 0. Howell visited Mrs. C. M. Hughes at Angel hospital, in Franklin. Mrs. C. L. Ledb^tor of Asheville I spent Sunday MHK relative's, here. Mr. !?. E. Freefc* and family of Smokemont visited their Qualla home Sunday. ? Mr. J. L. Sitton and family mx>to? ?d to Barker's Creek to visit relatives Mr. S. P. Hyatt of Asheville Spent the week end with home folks. Misses Ida Battle, Irene Raby and Mr. Herbert Reagan made a trip to Whiteside. ? Mrs. J. U: Battle, Mdtfs Ja^e and I Earl Battle visited Mrs. D. C. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibson called on Mr. and Mrs. York Howell. Mrs. L. W. Cooper was guest of Mrs. J. H. Hughes* ' ! Miss Mary' Emma Ferguson visited MIsb Edna Hoyle. i Mr. and Mr. J; M. Hughes of Chero kee spent the week end at Mr. D. K. [Battle's.^ i \ fV.. ' ? ' f "*?'"* . \ ? -t." 4 ^ 1 ... . * . . ? ' . " MORE MACHINERY BEING INSTALLED AT COPPER MINE Additional machinery was being moved to the Cullowhee Copper mine on Monday and Tuesday of this week by the North Carolina Flux Comp any, which concern recently leased the property from he trustees. The following dispatch from Ral eigh to the daily papers is interesting in this connection: If interest that has recently devel oped in copper deposits in western - North Carolina continues and ore posits prove extensive enough, the establishment of a copper smeltering plant, involving expenditure of large sums- of money, is seen by officials of the Department of Conservation and development as a promising pos sibility. Four mines within the'" last few weeks have been reported* to' State Geologist H. J. Bryson as having been taken over by firms that plan their operation. One of the most important of these is the Cullowhee mine ip Jackson county which .has rcceifiVljfc^" been taken over by tho North Caro lina Flux Company. ' ' If prospecting in the mines taken over in the last few weeks should show large ore bodies which would - last through many years", asserted^ the state geologist, "it deems logical* to erect a copper smeltering plant i^VL some central locality, probably neai^f Sylva or Bryson Cify. This 'yo.uld save transportation to the nearest , smeltering plants in Teupessee on an ? average of $2.50 to $3.00 per ton". BALSAM Rev, and Mrs. Aaron Bryson^rc- ! . ceived' announcement of the arrival ... of^Tgrandson the 15th, in the home of Mr. And Mrs. Vaughn Bryson in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. W. S. Christy has returned from Lakeland, Fla. Mrs. Dr. Tappan and little son, ao ? eompanied by her sister Miss Virgin ia Lindsey, returned to Cincinnati, last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Horton arrived Friday from Atlanta and are sojourn ing in the attractive summer home "Green Pastures". Mr! and Mrs. Spencer Rork^ little Miss Catherine Rork, and Mr. Ray mond Rork visited Whiteside, High Bunpton, and the Indian Reserv ation, last week. ? Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Perry and Kttle son^ Joe Drayton, of Franklin, ?pent last week-end with his mother, Mrs. May belle Perry. Mrs. Boyd Parker has returned from the Angel hospital in Franklin ^fhere she underwent a very serious operation. Miss Tree HoJmesA, niece of Miss Sallie Christy "is 'H^re from Nov Yerk and will speftcf some time Balaam .Mountain Springs Hotel. , Mrs. Hattie Bryson of WaVnesvii! ? spent ya^t week en inhere with friends Miss Sallie Chri|$y was the guest i i relatives in A^fiville last week. Mr. and Mrs. ESlwin Christy and Master Paul of Ashevil'e were" gnosi s of relatives here last Sunday. Master Louis Green celebrated" l.:s slcrenth birthday the seventeenth bv " entertaining many of hits friends v\t : WifHis games. Delicious refreshments were servo 1 j ly his mother, Mrs. Lona Green ; Those present were: Dixie Warrcri, Dillard Hbwell, Heleii and Ag" i ? Qwen, Charles and Willie Beck, Kr afts! Queen, and Arthur and Bil ? Lowery, of York, S. C. Miss Phyllis Moody was a guest of Mto Polly Hoyle. Misses Gertrude Ferguson and Jen ny Cathey spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Geneva Turpin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie cf laneaster, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. John , Aldridge, of Hendereonville, visited Mrs. W. H. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. H G. Ferguson nn<l children, Hugh and Lillian^ Mrs. J. L. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kmaland, Jr., and Miss Etta Kins land were visiting at Mr. J. K. To - roll's . Mr. Golman Kinsland has pure ha > led a new ear.

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