.V <A ? --W I ?? ^PVUUIOVB ^11 J HI jfcl? m- , . , . , Jtuxinq ol Irt^nr rnA :.tf ;5T ytf ..?or?niioitan fc0 mfnanii odf fnaa 01 > fl L" '?' * ?frKm> .xKifey/uS .,) - .d ^ tlxi3lig^Hnoqn3 kjoitsiaoqpA .TorkM v.di <j . ; ZDiiu3j2m-*<!:a ^frnjiKrfs ?i ad IHw tn~ "I-7 ^ v/,)lla.| ^ . 41.50 Year in Adtattce in The County. a" " f"|r', * ?'< 1 M ? ,f .jnQ iiQ flBBMtt --frm* r bn,r, lAiritK ?f4rt?f *. 1 H*Sk^k7***- *?** i** 1&0V IUS 8S&A MAST JAOT001 fl *. '/r,7!v3 boa j uiia T^-iooa iooifoS ?' sibjisi cuiissii ?0jj e. rifcR^ ~o mid^Sg^isd a in&oi Hod tool vh? ixHuut ?>i fr f-. r/H atovij^^oonja j;.od aiii gaivsil tiui n'Jf . mo JAKJITJOL YTOTJOO K08S0A* L:iiiaL io\ oih"<7 -iiov ' ai-/I i? hfirf isvs ?w Jwii -lew t-.frfi , 17,1929 * q$a.OQ"?ear)in;^dy-^nce foiUildjjl 0 MOaZOAl tfi J9jt?(n eanlo bnoaan sa twi;?.hki l* rr les WarreaHies '"x ' ' t O Of Scalds Received , In Tannery.:? Vat r- , Charle Warren died at; the Candler hospital, at about- .11 o'&kxjk, Tuesday morning, from burns, and jealds received early the night before, he n il ii"<> ? vat of hhot li quor, at thf Parson 's Tanning plant Voutig Warren, who worked with lie night s-fiit't, at the Tannery, was pbout his usual duties when he ac pdentally stepik-d into a manhole, [hat was lor same cause standing op L ami iiil" the vat of liquorv of a' L||X>ratmv of some 168 degrees. De- ' kpite the ten it tie heat of the scald L liquor, he was able to keep his p and anus from going under, and, p extricate himself from the vat. His1 w||j lor help brought the assistance other workmen, and ho was rushed the hospital, where every possible , ttrotion was given him; buf the (hoek vras too great and the burna JIIIA n ~ (to severe to be overcome, and he I (jeJ at about eleven o'clock the fol piriutr morning, retaining conscioo* |<ss and mental vigor almost tp th* M- < Charlie Warren, who was a son of le late Wesley Warren and Mrs. ' Varrcii. of Sylva, was 30 years of jre, and leaves a widow and (me son, few mouths of age. He had just re ently built h new home, near. Sylva. Except lor ft short time when, he us in the I'nited states Army, the ke young man had lived in Jackaonjs ottiity all of his life. Surviving are io sister, Mrs. A. F. Clouse, of Sy'I a and Miss Helen Warren* of Wash leton, 1). C., five brother, Post aster W. D. Warren, Paul L. War pn, and Jack Warren of Sylvai^i laudi- Warren, of Canton, and Rftl-, ii:h Warren, of Bryson City, and a! inre number of other relatives. A large crowd of friends ?f -the irr.ily gathered at the old Warren or.ie, now the home of Mra. A.F. louse, Wednesday afternoon, for the uneral service, whieh was conducted v Rev. George Clemmer, pastor of te Sylva Methodist church. Members f the Junior Odrer United American [eehatiics and of the Woodmen of lie World, with which orders he was filiated, attended the service ita a ody. - ? ? 1 Interment was in the Keener ceme-l k iCKSON FARMERS OARELBS* ABOUT SEED WHEAT - . I By C. W. Tilson) The farmers ot' Jackson County .4 whole are becoming very careleaa lout the wheat they are sowing for and then when the harvest ;.3st. wr they say we have had another i(i wheat year. We shonld not S*1' ftt the Lord to do it all when we Rso i-areless about the seed we SOW l't how and when it i^ put in tip found. ,'H1 Very lew of our farmers are sff wing real good seed wheat to sow,; ,r.v few are having this fleed reeleaji i and treated for smut, and only ( '??w prepare good seed beds and ri'l the wheat in early fall wi^^ lenty of high grade fertilizer. ( is here when if we grow good wat crops we must use all the iut 'nuatioii available on ??doing the to light. There are some fsiultrs in West 11 ^orth Carolina who are raising tol wheat crops practicably Par bv seating extra good-. sowE heat of the Bearded Fulcaster or Eap's Prolific smooth head V^ne^ M' Then they are having this 'oroughly recleaned atid treated to 11 snait, A thoroughly.. 4>ulS?&. fd seed bed is prepared and the ^at drilled in with 400 to 1)00 lbs. ^44 or 10-4-4 tertili*?r,f|>or 8Q^'. il*een October 20th and Noveiwwr ^ ~ ft'iH pay Jackson County f'arm " who are sowing wheat tilts 1 earrv out these practices. II they ' "?t, the sooner they stop giwwng ? at the better off they ^jLbe-tu, ' ars and cents. A tf,w of our farme^havesaire 10(1 seed wheat thejf will sell now pxtra good seed wheat can be erM very reaaonabW^H'a season. any farmers reading this article | oi seed y^eat,, write, ^ee P lotio the county agent, and I will 'P 'you fret what, L mUl 011 Scotlf P^seed wheat "an5 has lnswktied - A fool boy, down near^Quitman, Gfen yelled " Snake r', as tEe students in a their ebapel exercises, Tuesday morn ing. A stampeed followed and 65 pu pils **d tekeherq aixt hi<h*! 1^* sg-; riously injured as a result. Its a great pity ttyt Spia# Ale** jmd f'ool^ can|| learn to keep their mouths shut;' but if they kne^r enough to keep silent! they wouldn't fools. I ? g M ' ! ! , ] : j ! {>:'!')!?: / I V 1 1 J :'V' ^ The American Federation of Labor, meeting, iy, ^orontp, pni;,fVot^d.t^ ex pend a million dollars to "Unidnize the South". That.is another result oi ; the Motion) Miss^ije '\, {|. ( ' j " ? i . $he Suprepie Court lof SofitH Caro lina has hhcld valid the act authoriz ing tb^ issuance of . $ jx<(y-fiye mi) lion, dollars of State bonds for the pur pose of constructing ways in the State to the south ot lis. With the big start our sister State already feis:Iin.]fiiil1dftg . fcoads, jtbc amount issued by the legislature should practically complete the sys tem;- ; will now become converted to the plan of building NOW, this section will have roads that will be worth some/ thing to us all; Then watch the three States come forward -aloiitg all liYNS: The Great State Fair is in progress nl Raleigh, ; showing the people the real ^.Ijjprth, Carolina; nqt. the North Carolina that specialty writers, com ing to 'Marion1 :and Gaston ia, would . <>'! i have :th$ i*orl<l believe is here. Mr. ftamsey "McDonald, prime mint* sterof Great Britain' attends the meet' ing of the American Federation 'iof Labor,' iW TOr^nto. Mr: McDonald has been visiting this country and the Do minion in the interest of reduction, of naval armaments,, reduction of cost to tfeg taxpayer* of-4b?^wld- for *hifW, and of permanent and universal peace f McDonald, and the whole of Britain are anxious to' cultivate a cordiality between Britain and America. The present prifi? miaiater.is a-foborite,1 and is for the second time head of the British government; and the sky has not fallen, noi- has the Empire roeh?i off-its foudation. ? J ' *-v And now Dr. Sadler come oat with ; a book advocating that parents tell the children the truth about Santa (Maus beforp they are out of the nurs ery, in order that-the rhtfdren wont lose confidence In the veracity df the' eld^rfc any earlier than is neeessa|y.> Wp aJl lUte* ; Doctor, to hold to our cTl1^ais'h, faiths and n^ihs a^ long as we can. Whether it Is good for us, or; the contrary, it will tqk^j a wis?r heatj than mine to defeide. ^ C f J K, , ? Ten, people injured in an epidemip; of automobile fl&baps on the; high-' Ways ofiWesteifii North" Qitrolijia;>ti J last Sunday* Sunday was*6nce a flayj of rest and reflection. Now it is a day ? of dodging the reckless drivers', if you can. By tTltr Way; jUl&t fcow mtrch -pi^og ress i? th? new, h^g.hway patMl maling in making the people to travel?- ? - ? zmJ '.^Speaking of-$^moblfe w^eefcp^.^1 ia a rare tiimg J!o?.a, jdjix^? cX an auto | mobile to be placed on trial in the criminal Qourts charged with violating : the-fcraffie lawf ul;)* he State, unjfess ' somebdcihjr is trying "to collect dair.ag 7ekML M&hZot property. The criminal courts have taken on too much thq nature of a IplHtion *germ?:jli?0B iiiifl ^hetf::jnatJ&s. .Et^;i!^minai%cttoii I should be tned exclusively on the is- ' sues j the Stjfite, wEMe"Taws j have been Tb^olteh, ' and whose peace the violator i^hiet ifcan o?y?i?$p MtWMEL. pnYfitfl V7 M?3 J that way in the crani^ courts. Mid storing respect for law and confi-l ? *-*- ? ?tW the latest rrraclimcfiy for treating this: seed with the cpp]>%;?a*bpnatQ dust to kill the smut. When whi&at is theat er Ifcis way m MUtiB alMritled | and at ja fvery low ?&ta.p$? bjghejL | Then the wheat can . or in ?wily ^dle^ln ? ing any time ' within alflonth I t?ting Regardlegg af ghat hag hfpn in the past let's do the job It wffifror-^,*"M?U"-?thifcfal,? fair crops next harvest . T, * ? * 0 32-f 10 1SLOW1 i?i pw V.H77 fmit f.T jT jwiW ^jfoote1 oTF SlM SiiOa^ciAilGUT &HT ?mm Doris Glenda Brvson, little daflghtorof Mr, ai)^j Mrs. Jennings ;i( Beta, was declared to be the rattiest -girl J?aby; ( jn ^h? , BabyShow5 -[given by the Asjhjeville Club for Won^g,f jp, A?heviiiey) I ?: Jf ?"<**>'. ?,! ?<! ?-/.?! I V ! : i ; 1 jf Robert Chlwlcs Walker, suii o? Mr. and Mrs Jjaraes: ,E* W^^ker, j 0 of Etet/Laporte, was found | U?fce ihe?tnost pecfwt baby; b?y ia,j -x $li$ks ji *? --M nut mvl-ri I. ??>. ?:., a ? ';! Ifi&fc Western. North Carofoayougsbere wirtf ia the:. :' <? iiighmr las' oflfcial entrants. {*? j ' :???'?? 'jjM ! *. i -ni ~1 i i Wi?.W aid 'f? Jy iSLId -i .1 ri^SABCpCUliOWffla (fly Itiss Edna Farmer); ? (Takfiii-iroui-Nash County Nertfs Oct. 10, 1929) ~ i; &' A ^ , .. _ ofilcr'Tha^tHTs brief artidl^inay' ?mean -more "tt> its-readers, I am going to try to give a few definite jfreta about Western Carolina Teacher#] College, ; or. r^Cnllowhee, ' ' as it Is gcnpiaUy known. "|f* j % Cullpwhee ia seven miles frorfs Syl va, ?he county seat of Jackson Coun ty, which is fifty "miles from ;A$he ville. In Jackstm- County thejje iafe 26 mountains more than 6, OOf feet in altitude. , I ?j | J What is CullowTiee? The '.tfejijr. "Cullowlicc" is a beautiful eKpres siot>>of thu Cherokee Indian language. "OtefehsitMally one ' may find h$rje iai jdJJsteX<>f ^hatei>lilie8. The Cherokees, ^OrtOiuge inhabited the Tueka&jg$e ca El< ? if tjiiif glace ' * Cullowh winch means sT place of lilies. M lowhee'V lsj a, term applied tStjthe neighborhood, ,t^vc i township, or |b tfle ?harming imoimtalu school 010 t|e banks' 'of ! the Titekaseigee. Reeaipjtly, the nan'.fe Cuifo'^vlice State Normal, has Has been changed to Western Caro lina Teachers College, and isf^v sitoila# to oir EaateTn fShT Colttoge:" ? r Wesftcrti ?O'a^tna Teachers |b. a co-erto,#atjpiMrl "^ro-year ifeliool. Tbp- Hta^ W^S, suppor ?ontM^? itv Since the State o1 C?-? & present | . vaiiCQCE f^qflj&iUoii&l ijj#'3 ?' aUj^b C^rnliiu nnrl ig ft member of Southern , Association of T eac hijr ,Tmn^'lMUt^jqns Its faeul|. :f aniri extensive tniB lilpiilbuvv A _ &r &faYnmar Grade B North C^otijia1 p- ^<^#yiH%^ri^arti?e Without a few facts about its presideB H. TV fiu'nterV would make it incomplete. To those who have h^.|i^arto^: Dr. * P??S?^..Pr- Hunter has the ^uali^catiQi^s a maq. can posi heard life name ian, a name, which anyone shojj f.: ? ? * dence in tr.e courts. Then bring f civil 7 causes Sm the civil side doorket. x:~ - Spqnm Hotel, n Goveroy G citizens, w ally destroyed by "nre, Tuesday piij that uiiother ie up in if of P yatertog plac the public., ? V JOHN'S CREEK SCHOOL MADE OF 'SCHOOLS. ; ( 6n , ^ ; jptoi 'a Cnjek had 1 mAn?\ aa*i!a? ' m/inf inrt fTKAl th? >????,? roonv. In the afternoon, Superintendent Wilson expressed himself as Being of the school. Mr. Jerome Phillips,' principal of the East Laporte school, j gave ^ shortcut very jti$pirational talk, the ?e?$f$j|)r ha|^i| growth JfQjmgaSoqer toaflber* schoql <t* a consolidated jUni&r" nigh4 schodfT * The teachers from Wayehutta, Os car, Tuckaseigee, Rocky Hollo^JCast LaPorte, Balsam ^Qrovf1,' $0tf$ C&ek, Wolf Creek, Charlies' :^e?jkj- Sock I Bridge, and Oak ^ 11 r * . Nantahala Creamery has es ihfed a cream station here,, whieli We hope will prove beneficial to the fanners of this section.p hl!)i'?U| *'i< f ? rH ? pr* ? f-. f ? - vii/.io -? 1, .? ,{ ? J i-vi [|ii provd of ? this name oar 'president only in name but in actions, j His daily life is an example which | aHjl parent would like fpr . ; his, sop. > or daughter to model their 's by. Dr. ' ED*ia?cr, to us, is just onqif jib^ He.' will makd you feel that he is int'er ioi jytju, pnd! thej sohqof ?wb^eh he so nobly represents. Dr. Hunter sirik-fcs . to! giv? j eywy jbws or girii $*t comes to this school every advantage possible arfdl ! hava ;Wej';-W|Sljujd-{ as president. To aim, our president and Jle^f, Vfl ^ive. , Jugfeest, hppo^s which are and ever more shall* he dii6. !}&? closing, I wish to say to p)y, friends in Spring Hope and wherevfer school like Cnllowhee." xne schoim is surrounded by mount^ip^yhijeh apk thf loveliest of all scenery. The home or family atmosphere rulefr in ? our is life, and -our matron, Mr?. ?livf Posey, is themost unus&Wl She^ possesses such qualities as you say? tSu? c8ii^TIf ' term, some of yotf^Ulidq^le tinue your work in higher institutions. Let me urge you to give Cullowhee your consideration. it's worth thejdnpnejl to sp^^-jt ~ the;5x#un^iins, ig. If #>u of i whee one year, J vRave your departing before you graduate. Lam yery pleased with Cullowhee ,and flntf ttSt $ J&Sesaeii ijdilfAy^ *htoh *$&&& kto. those who are interested^; Kpt upon Cullowhee, and may leaft 1) JTOHled ??#oW4?AW I ?* ?PSKWOft*1 house in ^jjflgfosjfith stoical fapes, gJ$e;:}J udge ? their sons to the . flW*' Mp.]Wy had oon vict^fj th(e w, , of? atj jas m 8 f?*rj tfregfy ago. l.nThe'ifMlW a^<WO%T rfipk Jwide1 "fltgr, Frank and Carl How^];^roi^Jbi- 1 out ^,tiMl,jAjM^he^ gyp,) jW^U Hb^] leil, who is also alleged ^Q ^yte bjeen implicated in the affair, made his'es icape,,; when the.ieffrwi-s surrounded, the Howel^hffFI4? OP Jonathan's creek] .?? ; Jfaywoodi a.. IfWi ^ayai natter: tte': ,offwr, and has not :yet i appre hended. .l-iu) j.>r I ft':- 1 ?>. v if i ;i I ! Tie three who were qonvicted gave induce of appeal to Itheteiipreane qonft .and boadiWas fqsed at i$500Q each, ft is- uhdearstood'! that: i later. the .lappeaT .'jmiO Withdrawn. Thfe ' assault,' which attracted *thach attention aiad ?' a'gffikt deal! -ofi pablic indignation; ? time, < Teealteu When WMittrn Peaarce ' did - net give fcHe road' to the( fonr-Hb^elteylas' boon as they ^thought he should, and ac dwHJmg to evid?te$, they stopped artfl' two of theta ' attacked" IfaalPetocfe.1 ' Shuford, and Mro; Shifted, iwho We*^ ! ckJse ibehindy' st'dj)ped-^ lindi Mp .Sihu ford;frie<V taetbjvtbe >4ffrriJ. JBMford "Sbstiiwed' a<bl?W aitois bhe viprk with1 ai jack handle, iiand-twp to r.ow serious1"1 knife bounds, i tfWe /Pbaree was 8t?*nfek':Hcrb8s the hcad?with an I automobile ' 'jadkj < (His; Shdfoard) inter fered, and according toihbr /testimony, one bf'!frhei HoweiW I threatened i tQj shoo? iienWark ?ohtU J ,!i | i,u Herbci^0 MfeGhli" i^as^' sentenced tW '*&rve: iti'1 indeterminate sentence wt Irimi 12 to 18 months oii a charter of m hu**y M I ? 1 b^lM fttfrikbh,' cHHrgfed' With fkejdp*< i ing a- -disorderly house was found iwflfaFfya^'iffa;y?r ;?' fffr tn^gnwwti we& I HB 1 .1' 1 1 BPWrWBw : continued for 2 years. On anotiiei count, she was sentenced to ^erve 4; mo^tbp in jail ^ Jbok Judge Scfienck |^a#| hfr 15 jS3|$s [in which to| payn a?~ihj| costs Jeave* the county, \ ~bWttrc*the capiat H to issue, pgj.v.ii Mary Louise Booth entered amalo' contends*# in two eases, one ofi^ass thg^ji ^o^hless check, and the ^ljher oi am ag board bill at the Pojoigettj ffe^ was given until next^pp, of the court to pay up. The IpHftfk was given as first payment % iW auti^n^bHe ^. Caqny^ >. IBfothegj Mo tor Company, and her contentioijiwas, >*M 8hfWl the automobile people to hole ttyej 'che^k- tor1 k few difyi/aftd duriiMf intervaj, she iad a wrecjc, witjp her car; 'ifrld* wfenV'-tot (l&--:A&ipital|j The cheek iwaSjfor $229, and stye haa&ntil the FeliiWrjy' 'ttrft.' {?'pky^it. TBI bill at the Poinsett G^rill was t$6.10,aor a1 'stopped party" gfiVen b^ '^er/ SheSnusiJ m )??f; N*?. ,fh **??* term, <?* > i yp*i on the roads, after entering a (y^fing, | jtj^.^roh la^8. ,,T . r r j * 'Robert 'licidail ir. Was fo growing out of the aeawr of BidJe^? w^ $e [ fact which fating' AcCalF was driving, and on ihi^h i ?<i ?MJflfFpwS" fc$! riding, near Fairfield, last May;- Thel ! of , blame for the ( affair. Helicon- j ter^^d thfttithe'ifrki^eV 6n one thej Louise Austin and Edna H|fwreiLl WJl&faJlF ofi?Tj' stocking^, from The Paris, weft aJK trespass, and pay tn'e costs. 33 . j ft atadflty>Yc?nig pawj'.a ^ifwi of jj|oi)6] and the costs on a charge of a VI with a knife. John Rogers was j off the HisSwIy s0rf%, *af t rock through the winiAhield of in which Mr. Mathis was ri 4V^ not -prec&uti thejjftdLjil caugnt in tne drag. The* j Beaman B lan ton and Jule Barked, tried oa *^i^^of jua^^r?^ arid toft -in# ,v,-? rr- *L i) gggrtrpEgm ftnlid raq a '{Jii Purse And Warteii "? ? Betwned) A&fcsr .buz iaad ? io't ijiiil. baoi Twa Years1 Absence i jr Jjjo ma ifr?:?MpWfi iiwrjj A nt> J?u?rlfth?ern, if not an honest man, has been found. A 'Eroiflw J- T , V&fkj wdj^rse, for a few moir^fJi i^^^son Chevrolet place, in Sylva. When he .returned tq get his property, ?it was irtfi. '?;1J sniLAjm , JoJTIrroft onT. , not there. He had a fine watch and I 11: J CT-IWhMf fcl KYJ>Wu2lfl o^.To, TT chain, a purse containifig a 52Q.0U U. 0 . .jtiiiiioiioa '>4 J Jiffo lujiilirt . b. treasury note, and some cnecka. lie ' inserted an advertisement in the Jack b&'ilot&ng. was iMWfWtfi t^JmteSirf^mctt^fThe f k'tiih Bii'd' AiWAfhl tip, 'aiifr'ir1 few days ago, Mr.' Bird received a letter [IrOiU *>4ad^y'|d<JWn"i'n ^ftntyibh, Ga., Wkiiig' if to-laid lost a wstoh ?nd a lioe^efc abo?t two' yefcrs< goyi and if so, asking him for a d?8?riptiod. He ^ wrote thq lady, and as quick as the eMails dould: oaW J) t&etti f. pUwwy' watch, -chain; r twenty biM* flh&ck% and afl> oan?e<- to /Jain*/ .with #o|&jngM piss ing, nothing hai?wlwL?H? n<? ,lliH Cl>lJN,TYvMEBD^ JIBW JAtt 'to hm, It.d , BAW GHtAKft jtftTRY tj"i'>vhr. ?>? /'??? '?' " 1 The GrantfciJurtry tti!jt?s*epairt to the court, -recommended that the jf|il<i A?0rtv6rijwpfl!rt^,fS^(n^da tion. is that tie .^fnish addition 94 ^nctffii^ifijpme, to care for -the aick and infirm in '?[| fori 7* in nV/ inlfibe gsfundi.jufjf-, wpprtad .iq r4pdge SehJKnokjtbat;* qwawt^^hadrffiifited ttfe jjailiiwid foi?idut,.Wi'gQo4'.?ndi tion except that a new toilefotifr Reed ed and an old stove needs repairing. i \wm- .^pa,|ow4> Sood f oftd^ioA ;lp$< car m. mm oa ^jwmrw4 fa? The county horr^.^^it^.and found ' ' m^geoiLfloeditian ; , but JJ*4 - Mr JVeeman "be given one more tfoman to assist in caring foi\ the sick and iiltirnT1 inrTTttf'eS if1 tWhotti&J ' nJ nit <i,| u( .r.Mvyjt rRANKLD^ft^^AY , Cillqwhee Oct. 15 ? Cullowhee Yo H'l, TtcrTio-rrj j ua.!i* vrroT <?}-.. .delers are' drilLiner hard, in rirapara piiL O-Udri T>! game of the season, with Franklin, W Sctfipl mJw '&sw ^\Ple^#a,s? a;rfe? ,he offensive; which was a weak factor m the ,AsiV^e,W ^ColiegTgam^' last :??M t eeived minor injuries in Saturday 's game; hot were able to be out for Practice'' TMjfV.11 v<> ' v,,nV jUp 'ltiinjTjifow la vxia , JfaWM , flR? W J? naaa that' started the .game in Ashe .A i ?0f fu8' regular guard, who Will be ou^t qf tba game on account of injuries. Menson will likely be called upon to take his .Kflvr w ?rioiij jn'?m"raT n/ij HA place. . ?"+, 9vlvJ} nJ sriiiitoa '<U: >;-uifrrm? : hWl?> mm swh ?rj teW'r WjlitW ^UVp^te^ TOflWjfe WlU ?/ ffllffifn'o? jJ.iii T. iri xdlol vt) H^gfct tHHfens of *ppkmfe; be fere-tfe SWe 'Hig#fo ay ^ C<5?nrtrission, ii?4 ffc,^M-k,'out^ phift for \ ^Fedi^m1 W oa ffe fear. 11 Tiip.m f?iT I 'io n.'<? lilnorfu fr(a UW lo Jtfla hiiH i|i afiata . Wanton was fined $50.00 the 008 ts _____ / ?* Ma | tel las fo jssiie nv,lu days, giving hear jT^nJOiiRTir ,hT>jJi5;ii rnrr/iTtrifTj for tuflgment, continued lor ? years. aprn M WHKHnfjr*

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