$1.50 Year in Advance in The Countv. ~ Sylva, N. C; Thursday, DECEMBER 19, .1929 ? $2.00 Year in Adv ance outside the County RITES HELD FOR HOMICIDE VICTIM Funeral services and interment of Adam Cope, who was shot and killed, early Monday morning at the home di Carter Bryson, at Balsam, were iield, Tuseday afternoon, at two o' clock, at Addie, by Rev. David Dean. The details of the tragedy have mlt been learned; but Carter Bryson, at whose home young Cope met his death went to Wavnesville and surrendered hiiusel t' fl? the ot'lieers of Haywood county, loaving word for Sheriff Can non, of this county, that snch was his intention. \joumr Cojie was killed by the en tire load I'mni a single barrelled shot mm striking him above the heart, mil rangin<; almost direetly down ward, indicating that the person who I ?ul led the trigger was above him, of ; trials stated. When officers arrived, lu> body was lying on the front porch 1. 1 Bryson 's house. The preliminary hearing was to !ia\e been held in Sylva on yester day, before Ksquire K. A. Painter; but was postponed for a short time t ho date not yet being fixed. It is understood that Bryson will enter a plea of self-defense, and pcrha|?s an other ground for the slaying. Both Bryson and ("ope are welli know in this par) of Jackson county.) ( ojH- is married, and is a son of L 1j. ( ope, of Willits. His hone is near: Addie. Bryson is also married and; 1ih> one child. So far as has Tseen i earned, there well* but two < North Carolina State Fair hv the 4H Club Demonstration team. The demonstration was given in poultry by John Sharpe of Scott 's Creek 4H Club and Ned Tucker of Cullowhee\ Vailey 4H Club. These two boys won out in the county-wide ? oldest and, after plenty <;f hard work, did likewise against three other Sectional teams at the State' Fair. To these hard-working boys the members have expressed their ap preciation, and arc proud of what t lie y did for the county. Wayne Ferguson of Qualla 4H ! Club has just completed a line piece! of work this year with his Poland1; China brood sow and her two litters j of pigs. The spring litter of 12 pigs| Hvcraged 204 1-4 pounds at (5 months j <>t age ami made Wayne a profit of stiK.5(i above feed cost. Wayne is a , pioneer in the ton-litter wfcrk in the | < .unity, this being his second ton liner feed out. The present litter of 1<> fine pigs won second prize; Ron second prize against 4 other lit- ] i-eis at the county Livestock and; Poultry Show, this fall, and Wayne l ow has them on a self-feeder head ed tc wards another ton-litter. I' red llrown of the Cullowhee Val-j !.-> 4H Club has a grade Guernsey! licit er, he raised to a fine year old oii) good pasture, soy bean hay; rilage, and corn and cob meal. Hi- records show that his total cost including labor was $35.00. The pres "it value of the heife is $75.00. W'iln m Montcith of the Hamburg | ^11 Club is in partnership with her] tut her in sheep club work. The eight-; ''t'n line, grade Hampshire ewes and ?lie pure-bred buck cost a total of; ?>2S.OO Wool and lambs sold and ewei lambs on hand amount to $188.00. f Tlti- leaves them a pofit of $84.00 ?loliu Ferguson of Qualla 411 ! ^ l"l? has made a good record in ^ lii'c Wyandotte chickens. Last sl>ring he ordered fifty chicks and raised them for $47.92. He won first I'li/e in the breed at the county Live and Poultry Show. From prize 'loney, eggs sold, broilers sold, and l'l'HeU and cockerels on hand he has total returns of $93.34. This leav? 'mn ;i profit of $40.02 for his labor. I Wot liv Wilson of the Hamburg 411 Hub had a half acrc of cabbage '' ?' her project. Her total expense v|!s $20.00, and she sold 8865 pounds ' 1 'iibbage at 1 cent a |>ound for a ,0,?l of $88.65 1 i?-," examples and many other I "*at are similar show that Jackson I * ? * ? * ? ? I * NEXT JOURNAL MONDAY * i '' * J * Next week's issue of The * I * Journal will ap]>ear 011 Monday * | * morning, Deeeinhur 23. This is * i* done for two reason-; first for * I ? the benefit of the advertisers * 1 19 iu Jnekson county's paper, and * I * the Into Christians shopi>ers; * and second, in order to give * i ? the faithful force a holiday on * , * C hristmas Day, which would * * he inij>ossihle, if the paper were * ; * published on Thursday, the us- * * ual publication day. All adver- * ** tisers and correspondents will * ? please take notice of this * \" change in the publication date, * and have cony in the office not * * later than 3( o'clock, Saturday * * afternoon. ; * Following the usual c ustoin * * of this and all other first class * * weekly papers, there will l>" no i *' paper published the week I'ol- * lowing Christmas. * ft ? $ $ *?> FORMER SYLVA MAN DIES Mr. C. C. Hawkins, jeweier of Can ton, died fit the Norhnrn hospital in Asheville, of an attack of pneumonia j Air. Hawkins moved from Kylva to Canton, a lew years a?o, after coining here Iron Henderson ville. While living here, Mr. Hawkins oper ated a jewelry store, and made many: friends. I SYLVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE CLOSES FOR HOLIDAYS FRIDAY Sylva Collegiate Institue will close tomorrow lor tin* Christinas holidays,: ami will r?'0|M'ii for tlx- spring term ; on .lanuarv '2. I The i'all term, which closes tomor row, has been very successful, in many resects, according to Mr. B. L. Mullinax, the principal.. While the enrollment has not been quite as ' laigc as in previous years, the work oj' both teachers and students has j been of a high order. The sincerity and earnestness with winch the stud-j cuts have, entered into the spirit of the institution has been very com-' mendabic, says the principal. About twenty new boarding stud ents are expected at the beginning of the spring term, which will begin January 2, 1980, instead of Dec. ill, as stated in the current calendar. I'rof. Mullinax states that the spirit cf cooperation ont the part of the patrons has been beautiful, as well a ssacrilicial, in some instances. He wishes to publicly commend the women of Scott's Creek Baptist church, as well as other good triends in the community, for the very gener ous g'fts of canned foods and other gifts during the Thanksgiving season. A list ot] these will be published in the Journal of next. Week. He also wishes to thank Prof. J. K. Brown and his school children, who arrived recently, on foot, nbout 7f> strong, each little p/ic as we'd as older ones carrying a package of can ned fruits or food of some descrip tion. Dr. If. L Cioal and the Bryson City Baptist church have recently made vcrv generous contributions, which are too nun eroiis to mention. Dr. W. M, 1^'c and his ?hurcli at Franklin have also shown a fine spirit of cooperation and have donat ed liberally in a material way. Then, the ladies of Sylva Baptist church arc due credit for two fine turkeys, and three cakes, which added materially to the Thanksgiving din ner; and Mrs. Harry Evans for i ; gallons of canned fmit. Prof. Mullinax will spend part of j the holiday season at his home in Asheville. Part of the time he will be in the field in the interest of the school. Mr. (Jlenu Travis will be at his homo in Asheville. Miss Agnes Brown and Miss Rose Cox will spend the holidays in Ashe ville, while TSliss Eleanor Moncricf will visit friends in Atlanta. Mrs. A. S. Keener and her two daughters, Miss Maude and Miss Lois, will spend the holidays in Ma ron county. Miss Edna Wallace will remain in Sylva except, for a few days, which will be spent' visiting friends in near by towns County Club Members are making orogress in their work, and that they ire not only making money, but arc gaining experience that will be of un told value in) later life WILL HOWELL IS TAKEN IN EAST | i Will Howell, fourth ol? the quartet lot' Howell brothers, charged with a felonious assault upon (Jeorge Shu i ford and William Pearce, near Lake i Fairlield, la^t fall, lias oeen taken hv I cfUeers in New Jersey ,and is being i held for Jackson county authorities, ? according to information from the of fice of Sliej iff Cauiioi!. The three brot hers of I he man who | has just been taken, court, and are now serving terms of iron: ti to 10 year.;, i: iposed by Judge Micheal Schenck. Will llowell ~>capcd at the time his brothers were taken, at the home of their father, on Jonathan's creek, in Haywood county, and, hence, was not tried along with his brothers. The three were convicted of having made a most brutal and dangerous assault upon the two Transylvania men, with -knives lire tools, and u car* jack, following an altercation con cerning the ri ;ht of way on Highway *2S. Will Howell i-; ehargeil with hav-j ing been present and taken part in the assault. CHRISTMAS SERVICES .SUNDAY, AT THE MEHTODIST CHURCHES The services at the .Methodist i eh uiv lies of Sylva and Dillsboro will be in commemoration of the anuivcr-j sary of (lie birth <1 Jesus, Ihe Sav-j ior of the world. A Christmas mes sage will be given from the. pulpit by the pastor, Ifev. (!eop?e Clcinmer, on the subject, ??'i'lii' Revelation of Christmas and Calvarv ". Music special fir Christmas has' been prepared by the Sylva choir un-! der direct ion of Mrs. I'.rnest Moil- ' teith, and will be offered at the,! morning service. Sunday schools convene promptly i at 10 a. in. There will be a Christina.*; program with tree and treat for the little people of t he IJeuimier Primary > department in the basement. Mrs. M. Cowan is the superintendent, and will i be in charge. I The Junior-Intermediate depart ment is sponsoring a Christmas tree project which is to be given in the "Rhodes" cove, Tuesday al'leniohn.1 for the benefit of the children of that community under fourteen years . of age. Well over one hundred child ren will benefit by this effort to/ spread Christmas cheer. Mrs. C. Z. Candler is superintendent of this de partment, and solicits community co operation in this undertaking. The Epworth Hi-Leagno meets in tie evening at Kvoning sci*Viccs at Dillsboro at 7 The public is! cordially invited to attend any scrv- ? ices of the charge. , GET GOOD PRICE j FOB TOBACCO ? J" A number of the burley tobaeco growers of .Jackson count}- took their tobacco to t lie Greenville, Tenn., mar ket, the first of the week, and found the market favorable and the price good. The buyers were so busy that they could not get to the grading and weighing of the Jackson county bur j ley until today ; but the price ranged between 25 and .30 cents for most of the crop fr6m this county, and checks will be mailed to the grc wers today, it is understood. This is the first year that the farm ers of this county have tried the hurley tobaeco game, although Jack son was a great tobaeco county, years 'ago. This year the burley wat* tried 1 by several farmers, as an experiment, | and most of them are well pleased with their efforts and the price paid. About If) of the growers went to lie Greenville market, taking from 12000 to 15(1(10 pounds of burley, which shewed up better than the .Vnnessee crop. Much of the Jackson county tobac co was not ready for the market, and is still in the home barns, hut will be ? u-i( within the ne??. two or i utit'k.i THE M4ANEST MAN About this time every year, we not ice ureal car loads of holly i?oing by, headed for the cities. Much of it is taken from along the roadside, and] the folks who have it in {tossession had no more ritrht to enter the premis, es of a ?''farmer and take his holly, j than th?' farmer would have to go to the city and break and carry away I he shrubbery in somebody's yard. At the least that can he said of it, this practice of taking so much hol ly from near the highways, is a most selfish one, and shwuld be stopped. Ever since last year, we ? have been thinking about the Brevard News' nominee for the meanest man. Somebody cut down, and carried away j! hollv bush that somebody else had % ? ' carefully planted near the grave of a loved one, in a country cemetery in Transylvania. The person who did it may not be the xyordl's champion mean man of all time; but it was the sorriest trick we ever heard of being committed in Western North Carolina, and we will take a chance on being right in seconding the News' nomination. TOMORROW NIGHT IS LADIES' NIGHT WITH ROYAL ARCANUM. Tomorrow night is Ladies' Ngiht with Rhododendron Council, Royal Arcanum. At eight o'clock the hall will be opened to the ladies and their I escorts, the huge oyster supper be- j * WILL OPEN 106 DEC. 28 * e Information received by offic- * * ials of the Sylva Chamber of * j * Commerce is to the effect that * | * the State Highway Commission * ** does not thjnk it advisable to * * susjiend its rules regarding the * * fourteen day period that green * * concrete is allowed to set before * traffic is allowed on a roadway 1 ' * This is official information, and r | * means that the Cullowhee road 55 * must remain closed until after * * Christinas, and will be opened e * on December 28. * J * The detour should be in good * i * condition, however, for the few * * remaining days boofro* Christ- * j * mas, as it is receiving the en- * !* tire attention of Patrolman * * Bob Cotter and an increased * * ofrce of men. * * * ' * * ? ) * * ? CHRISTMAS PAGEANT AT BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNDAY A Christmas pageant, '* Follow the Iiead of i he Star", will be presented instead of the regular evening service, at the First Baptist