$1.50 year in A ? ?* '??::? 'vi ywwi'C'i1 ' 5S3iti v v. * % L Mr. W. T. Crisp is desperately ill P at liii home oii| Savanuah Road, in ^ Sylvu, following a stroke of paral *' ysLs, on Friday. His children have been sunuscue;! to his bedside, and Mrs. Etta Mor ton lias arrived from Mars Hill, Na \ ?. ]>oleaii. Crisp front Norfolk, and G. 2 ( . Crlnj: l'rc:!i Candler. Luther Crisp lives in Florida, Flunk in Macon county, Mrs. Mil a fjoftis, (Jail her | and Judson Crisp live here. ' Mi )Mr. Crit^p was a well known a^d acti\e citizen of the county, until the loss of his lower limbs, a few f years ago. He has lived in Sylvft and ' in Savannah township all of his life ?*- ? ... ,| md has taken un inteest in the af f tifce- WgptV f has been an active member of the Baptist church. His many friends will, regret to] learu of his serious illness. CULLOWHEE COLLEGE HAS LIVE-AT-HOME WETK ? : i Cullowhee, Dec 20? Th^ present week at Western 'Carolina Teachers College lias been "live at home "week' in line with Governor Gardner's re quest to state institutions Beginning last Sunday, Miss Maddux, the diet titiah, planned every meal in such a ) way as to use only North Carolina ] products As far as possible and pr&c j tieahle. Mr. Heffner, the purchasing f agepit, coooperated, ir.aking special trips to Wavnesville, Asheviile, and other places, to purchase supplies t produced in the state. Apples came * front Barber orchard, Waynesville; WheatKearts and grits from Biltmore spinach, eggs, flour, potatoes, ruta | baga.s, etc., froc Asheviile; ice cream ' fron: the Southern Dairies; fish fromi ] eastern Carolina. These were supplemented by dairy . products, meats, and vegetables from ' college farm and dairy. On Monday a special luncheon was served, to i - which the members of the Cullowhee Coir c unity Life Club with their hus i. bands were invited. Thele were about A thirty guests present in the collie ' ? dining room. The menu for that day f- was: roast pork, tomato perfection \ salad, boiled potatoes, spinach, biscuit ff mashed rutabagas, spinich, biscuit, i 'butter, gingerbread, with whipped ; eream. Miss Maddnx has given a fine demonstration , that North Caralina could, if she would live at home all 5 the time. ' / . i ' ;? ? s. , UNION MEETING TO BE HELD i AT NEW SAVANNAH CHURCH Following is the program for the [ union meeting to be held with the New Savannah Baptist church, Dec ember 27, 28 and 29. 10:30 A. M. ? Devotional, Rov. ,T. E. Brown 11:00 A. M. ? Sermon, Rev. L. H. Crawford 12.00 ? Dinner pn grounds. , 1:15 P. M. ? Devotional, Rev. W. W. ; Parker. 1 :30 ? Enrollment of churches 1:46 ? Should our ehurches discard the altar for penitents, and why, by Rev. ?T. G. Murray 2:30 ? Should the altar be main tained and give some gospel hea- J sons, by Rev. A. C. Queen j Adjourn at "will i Saturday 10:00 A. M. ? Devotional, Rev. W. Anthony. 10:15 ? What part should our women have on the pfrogram, by Mrs. W. i N. Cook. ' 10.35-r-Give some gospel reasons, j Mrs. C. L. Allison ; 10 :55 ? What benefit does the- Union give local churches T by Rev. R. j ' L. Cook. , 11 :15 ? Sermon, Rev. I. K. Stafford 12:00? Dinner i 1 :l6 P. M. Devotional by Rev. Nelse j Deitz. ? I 1:30 ? How may the churches sup j .. port prayer meetings, by Hob. G. W. Sutton. JACKSON COUNTY CLUB ORGAN IZED AT ASHEVTLLE NORMAL The Jackson coanty girls attending school at Ashcville Normal recently organized themselves into a club for the purpose of studying the history and present status* of their count}*. Miss Ida Ma? Coward was elected president, Miss Louise Mason, vice J . president, Miss Ruth Queen, secre tary and tresurer, Miss Irene Raby corresponding secretary, Miss Edith Keith, sponsor^ The members of the club are, An nie Alexander, Mary Battle, Ida Mae Coward, Ruth Ferguson, Gertrude | Ferguson, Oma Gass Harriett Hall i Louise Mason, Bessie Martin, Vin ! nie Martin, Ruth Queen, Katherine ! Rogers, Newell Sherrill, Irene Raby 2:00 ? Should new converts give a public experience of grace through the pastor or direct to, the church. Bound table discussion, opened by J. P. Reed. Adjourn at will Sunday Morning 10 :00 A. M. "Sunday School, conducted by Mr, J. T. Gribblc 11:00 ? Sermon by Rev. W. N. Cook Geo. C?. Snyder C W^rN/Cbok Erastus Buchanan - . - ? * j V SCHOOLS ABE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS The schools of the comity are clos ed. The short. term, schools have com pleted their courses, fern! the Jong term ones,? for thp Christmas ' vaca tion. f ' " I At the Sylva schools, Mr. And Mr*. ! Wesfsingci' iiave gone to Prosperity, .South Carolina, Mr. Oarr Ho6oj>er to ! Caney Fork^Miss Emily Smith to i -Notfoffe' Mr^^ft&ftev Scctt to I^ike ! Jnnaluxkn, Miss Lacy V" Yon.iig, to | Ashcvilllc, Miss iBeulah Padgett" to i Hayesviile, Miss Catherine Kichard ' Ison .to.'Kentucky, Miss Sue .Johnson to A?h?n. Miss IJattie Cross, whose Itorae is iu Sunbnry, wiil remain in Sylva and fjpend. the holidays with Miss Noll Cowan. Miss ?fell Barker has gone to her home y: Apex. AT COUNT* HOME, dBRISTMAS A Christmas tree, with appropriate services will be held M* the county home on the afternoon of Christmas day, by the Junior Slrfy Club of Sylya, as the member. of tl at or ganization are plannin g to brin? Christmas cheer to tl/. eld people who aip the guests of die county at the home. . . ? ? - ? A W. 0. T. 0. STUDENTS AND t T^ACHEJtS HAVE HOLIDAY Culfowhee, Doc. 20? The Campus of Western Carolina Teaehera! Col lege was full of scui r>;y?g teachers, . students, and taxis thi? aftenoon. It. ^ wouldht take a prophet to tell what is taking place. For one thing, the, tasks of the fall quailw, arc all bo hind. None but a student or a teach er can tell what that means. For one.' tbing, every one seems eager to start toward home. Many of the group have not Seen home since Septem ber. They have come froc a wide ter ritory, forty or more oo unties in .. North Carolina, and several ^other states. Some students will travel on ? ?.f ? ?4 * trains, seme on buses, some taxis, .some" by private ears. Two car loads of young) people are driving to Ral eigh and other pointy, in eastern, Car olina; Teachers and officers will go to theirhoees or visit, some in Tenn essee, some in South Carolina, Ken tucky, Virginia, or Missouri. Miss Jes sie Stanley, secretary, goes to Florida and Cuba. Miss. Mary Rose Foagaijp, whose home is< in Indian^ will re-^ ^ 'main at Cullowhee as will resident || members of the faculty ,, . ? The College reopens Janna^f second5 .iA..';,. 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