t ^-rr;in Advance in The Countv. ^. Sylva, N. C., Thursday, 1 March 20,1930 $1.50 ^ea ___? $2.00 Year in Advance outside the Countv * ..." - yf. T. Hawkins Is Lost In Mountains Around Whiteside Tm.->(!h\ veiling, men! and Sun* "" ? . , hi'fl. ?'?!?'.?? lilt? t"?? WOOds "V-jshit i '- \ alii'V and White lra",; <"? W n?ki.K i??' Hid well kii?\>u citizen ot Cash^ jVj '-i V?H?> _ jfr H;iwkiiiv who ?* years of i,n hi-' *1,shier's Val !?',i??i I i ?* - -i"'<<?<;''">" ?f'???! | ^ in M-:ir. h "t his cow. W heu j | not' .vt.inl before dark, his! | jjjniJv !>????><? i?*:iri"til. and gave thej , ... Mr. Hawkins had been in ii.-aVrh it>r mmiu* Unit'. A scjiivh-i ^jpartv ?";'?? cruani/ed, H,,(l ns the w.v, 1'iher- joined in the ,ri|, for t"''1 Through tlu- night t> erforii t?J "lining man ; i.ffillilMMtl With ilu- ? ?>?'?:?-: i>i day, still oth l!S juiiinl i? -??? -?-aivhj and were na^pimtcd b\ -till others, during iL, d.iv, until ainuM all the able tafiii! nifit n: i.-ohirr's Valley and li.-iiiiliiin,' ?iii- in the rough section, ?ifa rfriend and ^ ?i. Mr. Il;i?kiii> ha- liwd ill Cash iff S Hltit'lt lUI* lUtliH \f liirs, iu* i> an t'AjniifiirtMi woodsman, tu luiliur ?'i'{ ??'???> i out ul (lu- ieiri |6H, kii"vv j !iu peiimps lirt ter Tjir miiiiliv n i.) which Mr. Haw-1 lins i> Wiifviii in have gone is as! n>ugh ;i> any in I lie mountains, It is; jiltrij)i!(>ii.-. WlilteMiio lilOllll-j lam has the tnuij< -1 >lieer precipice in I lie entire mountain legion, juni JuuImt ridvro, ii-elt. while level on the Minimi t, vvitn or<>a<( uetds, means iff toward the I h-ittooua river, into a precipice oi -h lUOU lect. in >nfU it liHWkuu L.M* ?0iit\ lishin^, Ir-iiituiu. tramping, or lo ealeh rattlesnakes, many tunes; and iii it, the senreh i-, being made for him. I Today mi u are draugiiuj the he'd w Laki* (!i?nier.-t wjuch is located aiws the n?ad irom Air. Hawkins', heme: hut el torts there have prov-' f?l fruit !?>>%. QUALLA Mp L 1.. ^i?u\?r, M,s* ?J?nm? I'athey, ami Mr. S. 1>. Hyatt have nuwil tlw> sarins: term at W ? 1' * lCullowhee. ? quaila mvi- i?turiicil to Asur??'^ Normal, Monday, ntter two weeks oL jirai'tifc ti-uihini: in home suh?M>l*. I Miss Annie Terrell went to J Aihe\iIIh, Saturday, returning day. Mrs. .1. li. Hn-hes visited relatives ( at Cherokee, hi-i week. Messrs. P. <\ Sheltou, Rogers, ami llarr\ Shcitnn, and Thomas Fatten! iiuuW u business 11 ip to Uiekory Nut , r.i|>. ^ ; Mr.-. J. A. IJumjjarner of \Nilniot, visited li-r daughter,. Mrs. Bessie ? Worliv. Mr. mul Mi-. I . I<. Shaver called 'U Mr. Dun <?a?* and Mr. Hat tW'n. Mr. J. M. Huu'hes and sou, dim. M Mid Ml. ami Mrs. dolman Kinsland (hcrokee were (^ualla visitors. | Mcstlstme.. Minnie and Eunice Kinaj latwl called Ht Mr. l>. C. Rushes'. j Airs. 1,. W. t'oojH-r has J>cen seii "tolv ill tor the j>a*t two weeks. She ^ not improved at this writing. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. (1. Wrseuson made ;l 'hl-juu-^ u:j? tooSylva. Mi* Idj <?i Sylvu and Miss H'.l'!; . Maiy Is..i,,.. Mr. l', t Mu lton and laniily eall ld Mi. K. Uo-er.-n, at 'Whittier. >Mr. ami Mrs. L). M. Shular culled * Mi. W. M. HovUh*. Mi's, Luirn Kuanev visited Miss 1>(% lluyl.. Mi>. I'. V. McLaughlin returned to ?Vslw-vin,. an,.r visiting at Mr. K. Howell's. Mr- ami Mrs. 1). A. Martin of ^ttier called at Mr. W. C. Martin's ?!. U. Murray of Sylva is to J'*?1* the commencement seruiou of v^lla school, Sunday morning. MAN TOOK GARDNER'S GARDENS SERIOUSLY. At least ono man appears to be taking Governor Gardner's J jive-At Home campaign seriously, and also ho is a believer in onions as a ma jor crop. Karly Tuesday evening two. boys imported to the sheriff thai they had seen a stranger concealing a bag of mail on the creek bank, in front of the home of Dan Tompkins^ An investigation was mad,e and a lock ed parcel post pouch, addressed to Swayney, a country post ofiice in Swain county, was discovered. Ollic-j ers attempted to locate the young| man said to have been seen conceal- j ing it; but were nnaole to appra-! bend him . The mail l ag wag taken to) Post master K. B. Monteith, at Dillshoro, and was found to contain IS pounds of onion buttons. The bag of mail is believed to have! fallen from the train. l FORMED METHODIST PASTOR j WILL PREACH HERE SUiYDAY Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, a former pastor, Ue>". M. lJ.dshiiis, of Lake .lunaluska, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church in Sylva. The public is cordially invited to hear this esteemed former resi lient. . The pastor, Kev. (ieorge C'lemmer, at the morning hour, will preach in the school auditorium in Dillsbofo,at a service marking the close of the school there. The sermctuwill be ad dressed primarily to the children of the school, ond the'subject is, "'l he Way to S-trw* ITappinesb,\ There will be no service in Dills-j boro in the evening. Instead, Mr. riemtner will lil| the Presiding K1-; der's appointment at Cullowheo Methj odist church. Sunday schools meet! promptly at 1" a. m. The i-Ijeague meets in the twrumg at "r^at Sylva. CHURCH TO CELEBRATES CENTENNIAL AT BETA - ~ I Scott's Creek I?a|?ti.-t church, or ganized March li<>, 18 50, will hold a centennial cclebrration and service, at Beta on Sunday, March *H). The, public is invited. Program and fur-J ther announcement will appear in j the Journal of next week. THE WEEK (By DAN TOMPKINS) ' Senators McKeller of Tennessee, i aiul Blease of South Carolina humph ed bitter attack upon the method of distributing federal patronage in ''i South as practiced by the Republi can party. President. Hoover, virtual ly admits that, the charges have been true, when he says that he changed all that by executive order on March 20, 1929. *? ' Somebody up in congress has pro-, posed a plan to tax the stock gamb- j lers out of business. It has bven suggested that the reason the politicians up in Wnsh ingto keep kicking up so much dust about prohibition is to keep the evcsj of the jieople of! their real troubles.} Thomas A. Edison says that, he i doesn't expect to live to he 100; but that he docs expect to stay here long enough to' see goldenrod be come a source of rubber supply. ' They are still trying the Teapot Dome oil scandals, and as far as they have ever gotten was when they gavi< Harry Sinclair a Jiitch in jail for ontcmpt of the sjenatc, something nearly all of us have been more or less guilty of, at one time or s,in other. This week they rre 'trxiiig I'O heny. on a charge of bribing Fall, the then;Secretary oi the Interior.; lie testified that the $10?),(100 trans action was merely n matter of a friendly loan. Most any of us would like, ii friend with that mvtch to let its heave for a few days on a per sonal note. 1 The I'ojh? was celebrating solemn mass, yesterday, in on<> of the most distinguished and eolorl'ul ceremo nies of modern times, over "(Jod less Kussia", the nation, once call ed Christian, that is said to have de clared war upon all religion, and is seekiiig to overthrow the Majesty if Iteavoii^ NICHOLSON GETS DISTRICT CENSUS APPOINTMENT Cyrus 11. .Nicholson has been ap pointed as assistant census supervis or for this district, during the cen sus enumeration of 19.'U). i LENGTHEN 106 IN CASHIERS Tin* stretch oi county road through' Cashier's Valley from Highway 2* *o the Whiteside Cove road, was mid-, ed to the State highway system, as a part of 106, by the commission, on yesterday. The state forces, will be gin maintaining it at once. i THIEVES ROB FILLING STATION Tin; locks on the gas twins and oil at McCoy's Filling! Station at the junction of Main street, Keener street, Mill street, Savannah road,' and Highway No, 10, were broken, on Tuesday] nicrht, and an undeter mined quantity ofl gasoline and oil stolen. Lust week John A. I'arris' jewel ry store was rol>bed of near $1,000 worth of watches and jewelry. Other robberies have occurred here in recent months, notably those of The Man Store, and Stovall's Fruit Stove. Petty pilfering ' of cars for gaso line and hen roosts tor fowls has been going on hereabouts for many months, in fact the chicken steeling! business once became quite an indus-j try. ! If our readers will pardon our ns-j ing the news columns for editorial izing, The .Journal would like ti sav,! * i in this counetien, that it is more j' than time that such practices! were slopped. There are young men, who! are not known to strike a lick of| work, who have no visible means of! support, mid yet who drive automo biles up and down the streets and highways. The fuel for motors has to come from some where; but wej see no reason why, thegood citizens' of the eonununitv should furnish it.' * I REPUBLICANS TO HOLD COUNTY CONVENTION Ahe Republicans will hold a counU ; convention in the court house at! Sylva on Saurday, April f>, fotr the; election of delegates to the State contention,and for thv transaction of other business, according to a call i made, on Tuesday, by John B. Ens-1 ley, the county chairman. The call for the convention) $ays: A Convention of the Republican Party,of Jackson County is hereby called to meet at the court house in! Sylva at 2 o'clock, P. M., .on Satur day, April 5,1930, for the purjwscof electing delegates to the Stutc Con vention which has been called to meet at Charlotte, N. C., at 10:30 o'clock A. M., Thursday, April 17, 1930; and to transact such other ( business as may come before the convention. All the piveinct eonunitteemen! will please take notice and see that! the precincts arc represented at the! County Convention as provided by I the State Plan of Organization. This March 18, 1930. JOHN B. ENSLEY, Chairman II. E. MONTEITH, Secretary. By Albert T. Reui 40 YEARS AGO1 TUCKASEIGE DEMOCRAT - MARCH; 18, 1890 Married ut Webster, Friday j March 14, Rev. .1. (). Shelley official iiipT, Mr. W. (Corey, of Waynes ! ville, to Miss Sallie E. Hedden, of' this county. 1* C. Hall of Sylva and M. Buch-i anan of Websteer have formed a co- j partnership to carry on the mercan tile business under the style of Hall & Buchanan, at Sylva, and L. C. Hall & Co., at Webster. The busi ness will he conducted in Sylva by Mr. Buchanan, and at Websteu by Mr. Hall. The people of Sylva gener ally regret losing Mr. Hall as a citizen. The Equitable Manufacturing Co. is shipping dried kaolin in car lots. ' Mr. Thomas Wilson of Bi:r Ridge was here Saturday, looking after a: consignment of grass and clover' seed. . i Mr. <ieo. W. Tilsou, a popular I drummer, paid our office a pleasant' call, Weduesdav, Wyoming has the distinction of being the onl^ part of this count try wlxM-e the right of suffrage is en enjoyed equally by both sexes. President Livingstone of tliei Georgia Farmers' Alliance, who is a candidate fyr governor, projwscs that: candidates for congressj be required to pledge themselves in favor of put ting crops in bond, thei government; advancing.80 per cent, of their value He also favors the governmental own i rship of railroads. . . . ?? Married at the home of the bride in Waynesville, on Thursday March! fi, by1 the Rev. Mr. Jackson of the j Southern Methodist, Hiurcli, Mr. I), i .7. Allen to Mrs. Helen M. Brown oi'j Wavnesville. Miss Hattie Hampton is visiting i the family of her brother, Gen. E-! R. Hampton. ; Mr. R. A. Painter of our town is i qiute sick, and we regret, to say is! no better. > , The indifference of the jjeople of; Sylva aud vicinity in regard to their attendance upon religious services is ar source of keen regret to those who believe that it is not only an inesti mable privilege, but an imperative duty to go to church, at least on Sunday, even though it might require some sacrifice. A properi observance is commendable, and the habit oft church going never leads to harm.' Staying away very often does. I)r. W. K. Tompkins,' having com pleted the work of ascertaining the bonded indebtedness in the counties I in the western part of' hi^ district," ; went to Haywood, Monday. ... ? u ? i l j Some of Col. Bob Vance's friends1 j want him to make the race for ?-on-i igress against Representative if. G.! | Kwart. Col. Vance, brother to Sen-! ( ator. Ze.b Vance,'is popular, and he1 can certainly reclaim the. district,j now represented by a Republican. i y The New York Commercial says ! that under the guidance of Preai-I jdent Harrison the country is tending (toward a centralized despotism, j class legislation, and-.fostering of', the ! interests of the fow against th<; iimiTy It is high time tliat this unAmerican drifting away from our moorings lie stopped. We confess a feelim* of great re-! grct at the announcement of the sale of the AsheviUe Citizen and its j change to an evening paper. Our. re gret is somewhat modified by the subsequent announcement; that Col. Cameron is still tn be the editor. MRS. DILLS VERY ILL Her many friends will regret' to j learn that Mrs. A. ft. Aills is seri 1 ously ill at her home in the Dills j Cove, just outside the city. I Mrs. Dills, a daughter of the late j Rev. Elias Brend le, pioneer of Svlva, I was born inside of what Is now the | city of Sylva> and has lived here all j her life. She is one of the oldest residents of the comity, being 87 i you* o? REVIVAL STARTS HERE NEXT WEEK The revival services which began on Monday night at East SyKa Baptist church have grown in inter est and attendance through the week until a few felt that the series ought to he moved down town where a larger auditorium could be secured to accommodate the crowds which have filled the little East Syl va church to overflowing each nighr. The matter was mentioned to the local pastors, .1. (iray Murray ami George . Ck-miucr, and they offered the use of either of the down town churches for the continuation of these efforts that have been so suc cessful in East Sylva. lie v. .1. S. Stansberry Ls the pastor of the East Sylva church, and his son, Kev. Harve Stansberry, of Ashe ville, is doing the preaching. Mr. Stansberry was formerly an engin eer on the Southern Railway, and is now pastor of French Broad Baptist church of A>heville, and Ls well and favorably known ini this section of the state. These services wiil begin in the Methodist church Mondoy night at 7:30, the Methodist elmrch having been selected because of its larger auditorium. There will be day serv ices at some hour in the mornings. Definite announcements in regard to the day services will be announced Monday night at the service. Denominational emphasis wili.be lost sight of in this effort, which it is hoped will be community-wide. Members of all churches and thosfr who are members of none are all cordially .invited, to attend... BROWN GOES TO PETROIT David H. Brown of The -Jackson Chevrolet Company left,' yesterday morning lor' Detroit, to attend "tin advertising conference . of General Motors. Mr. Brown has* th? distinc tion of Iwirig one of .seven dealers in the. United States sunmLoned to the conference, with all "expenses paid. PROF. MUiiLINAX TO PEEACH AT BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNDAY Prof. I?. Jj. Mullinax,. principal' of Sylva (,'ollegiate Instiute, will till the pulpit at the Baptist, church Iiext Sunday. The pastor, llev. J. Gray m rray, will be at Qu&lla school to de liver the haccalaurate sermor. * . At the evening hour, 7th? pas tor will continue tha series of scr nionsou "Biblical Character**'. The subject for next Sunday evening wii! be "The Soiety Woman"-. . ??' Sunday school convene at f#:4> a. m., and B. V. P, l'. at b:'iO p.. m. Everybody is cordially invited to attend the;-:c service*. ?. .. WEBSTER HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES NEXT TUESDAY The dosing, exercises of Webster High School ?. will tako;-; plaep.ton March 25 and 26. On Tuesday even ing at8:00 o'clock will l>?? the. gradu ating exercises. Wednesday at elev en o'clock Prot'. W. C. Kecdj of Cul low.hec High school, will deliver the anru.il address, aud on Wj*ine?<]av evening a( 8:00 o'clock the seniors wil< present the pl?j.y, ? ''Marrying;: Marsh". ' COUNTY SCHOOLS CLOSE - "NEXT WEDNESDAY Tnc eight months, or long teriu.. schools ut' the county witto ?t ccj iions ol' Kylva . high school and Cirfiowhee high school, will. cIom1 I ho present terms on next Wednes- t day, March, 29. jfundreds of Jackson county lwy* and girls will >tart on the joyous vacation time, toward which they have been looking. During the pa^t tew days, th^ teachers and pupils have been hus> with tests and examinations, prc preparatory to promotions and the end of the school year. MES. LEN JONES DIES Mrs. Leonard Jones, wife of Leo nard Jones, whose home is in the Rhodes Cove section of Sylva, died, [this morning, of menengitls In the Angell hospital in Franklin. Mrs. .fones was a daughter of En glehardt Cope of Savannah tOwn ?Mrt ? W . l . .

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