""TTvist 'i" Advance in The Conntv 01 ?, : -^' n' '? ? -Ttorsdw' March ?? "30 : *2.00 Year in Ad.a?ce outside the Couah i .. 'l1!- :!l'lH';inUK'0 ot' "'n t ,"i'...::i Hawkins remains I' \ iul| j. , i'!. .. ami irrows moro ? ... ?>.. v ?> cume and so, ; I"1 ' |i;u . - < ? ! !"' 1* Ol(| ... ) iOIiilll. I > ||.,U;vl: . Mithodist , .... . i':.- known \ illH-V tOWIl ?? j/t'Ti** , # . .. |,i, I !?: .? ;ii??lll o clock -ful'. I'" " -Cl . r * I .iouav, .March :i ?. "dilv cow homy i,ii.- ???* sod, ?t in :K .lucclioii ol Tun , w:. i lian mi liour "?.i. :m.i!.. ???"- nu*. 1' l' ? ;?"-tliu lor him. vl ?. : fartu .> have ('!_.? ' ' . .. .. 'li ' !-'"? r s \ j I . , . \ i!;! > I hut \| IMNI- ?" !:l i Ib IIV.I.-> ol lllt-J| i -'-'.i- iii^hh^al?, ii.V. ? ' >. ',l' Walhal |. ? |vk; * . . ? aliiit lie met j t ??, ? . . . ?: nso.>t ot' hi? i ' I l'y'. . ? in- became lic-: I'1' ?a\ in t ho i.' am! toiimi mi;mcroii> ? "< 'i lic was u Mi i ? r i nf.i SIMMONS DID NOT VOTE NOT I TO PAY VETERANS' BONUS liii- eolitmii. tJio vv;? That Senator j'lln IHl'k" Tallin >iinirioti> v i'- it i kill, in the coin tr i' ?'I I tlir adjil>t ?"? iii :i ;i!i> ol" the i In- asser '.?? i !? S'i? i lio Cornier -civ:.? u i ? 'i... ;i. > ?' ; at?r . need their ir Vu .1, i:. - ? ? .'l :i wv r from js.. ? ."?[!;) i'" ^tlltllll^ t ll0 . * i,-. I*::! w i- i: , i : >; ;:'.ul requesting ? ttl ; :li'- erroneous f,>,.i.r:;..i - SlW: " I of id. > i4'i 1 v. i rom what . i , i. urination that i-Micii '.o.i 'i. I hi- paragraph i.r|N,r i; .-I, Ij !-. - llilil'ifnt, how H' i, : i . ? t;? volt that :i..i i; ??? i 1 n|' truth or '!>? ??u!. i i, 11 i[.;i ihii in iaet lor :!>. : i t ? v,1, i printed. The ''!? ^ r ' !.?? Si Mate, S. 1222, ii ; :i i|iit'*tion was re Ji: <-.| tu ;i Si,], i ..Miiiiittee of the Fi ! ?nii:u;ii . .< of Walsh M.bsu'i.'1-I'M- ;i|!l{ (IrOt^! of i. mid George ? iii? \ itc or i ? I ? . i cI u|>.in this !,:i; ' i..it tee lor the i ?? v in en exclusive '? n:'-; ? '? II' i! ? i:i the Senate in'ii'iin-.' . i mil. Iwasiii? ch s ! > it) ? .... |ias not report 'il 1,1 '. ?jiie*tio?f to the I'"-1 ''' '?'??? ' iMiiniiitec, there has "?'Hi ? i. ? t . ? ii ' t,,,r 1, nil! v iiianrc ?"?' : ?? vvi.Mi made in ?'i i w?? lin .li-ii to ! 1 :'ivd i'i hv Mr. ' it.. "'.lii-ii i .? iiuulf hy rea 'iui(>iiii'..| pi 11 :ri inn (it remarks ? ill" s. on March 3, by L V ^ ' myr . [( ported ill the 1''^iv-i.nnii Wi.-imI. as follows: 'Mr. to me ap isl 1 l,s nine, as long a? *.< i -jr.t '\\ i hours discussing j"1 ''i'tn.., i,| (MK-mployed, to dn- of the chair , '' ?'it.;?. ? l! !;Wsuu,U oi veterans in distress ^ arc, perhaps, no more in dis 'rHs dian the nther unemployed, ' >llillllit jl.r.j I,,. :^s ?. v?es 4 obligation to them than k '' ll' 'hi' i,! nt"v i,iiempto\ed, great Found a Nej'v Vianet JS &.. m ml m , jM ?* |fp s#s Clyde Tombaugh, young scientific student at Lowell Observatory, Flap ?taff, Arizona, with the telescope which he made himself and with which he discovered the previously unknown planet which ProfessoriPercival Lowell, before his death fourteen years ago, predicted would W'found in the skies. This is the third planctf to be discovered in 2000 years, and is farther from the sun than Neptune> found in 1846, or Uranium, in 1781. SYLVA ELEMENTARY ECHO OL ENDS REMARKABLE YEAR " T~~ i SylvH l'.I. I it'llf i' !"?" : '*li(?C?! do-el Oil yesterday, completing a term In which attendance ami promotions showed a marktd improvement over recent years. Tin- piineipal, . W. Chit Hooper, win? It 11. .M. i:g the school ground-;. Milkr clothing, health examinations," and medical attention have been 'riven to I'eed'V childr 11. 1 ? ? i Sylva has m-.de (!?? -ehool mot.'than", a place wh. re subjects arc taught. " Kpidcmie.s of whooping corgh/ nica.-d.s, chicken-pox, and scarlet fe ver ha\ c been present the entire year, ar-d -till I lie records show an improvement of attc.daw.' cv rl 'i year ?'f live cent "The recommended State battery of tests was used as a basis of pro motion in each grade, and the re sult- show, 11 r>t the school has gone above the average iu pirmotion. The primary department, which has been a problem, requiring the most skilled work, lias* exceeded any txpectations iu the number of children promoted. Promotion I'M* the frr~t three erodes was per cent of the total enroll ment of the I:M month. Comparative figures of the year lf>20-!!).'>(> ;ind lfi2S-!!)^) shew an i:r crtase in the percent of promotions. I.ai-t vear til p'r '"'lit er cent of the last, month's enrollment were prom; t 'd., a gain of 11 percent and !) per rent. the World War veterans. I think the bill needs some modilication with respect to limitations as to the rebel that ? ho'ild be given the veterans in discharging our obligations to tbcm at this time. ' > "The ;)?'? was pending before the "inance Conn.tii tee when in its mag nanimity it granted $160,000,000 of tax refund to those who did not need it. However, when the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Simmons) and the Senator from Mississippi) QUALLA j Mrs. .1. (i. Hooper attended the1 funeral of her lather, Mr. Williagl Rlanton ai Scott's ('reek. Mr. Mark Blautou, a brother of the deceased. I j also attorn d the funeral. The infant son of Mr. awl MrsJ Hastings Messer, the third one of| I lie quadruplets, who have recently j passed away, died at their home Sunday morning. The body was in ternal, Monday aftemgoa..^ A. ^ On Sunday morning Rev. T. G. I Murray of Sylva delivered the bncca laurate. sermon at Qualla High schooj to a larg:-, attentive audience.. This message i'lOm the text "That our soiis may h?* as plants grown up in their youth: that our daughters niayj be as ( in ner stones polished after j I he similitude of a palace", was es pecial^ inspiring and helpful, in that he admonished parents, teachers, and pupili to .join hands and cooperate' fur the tipiiifting and betterment of our -community. A real gospel message was deliver ed. Sunday afternoon by Row Luei i s Rogers, pastor of the Baptist -iuirch; also in the evening, an inter esting sermon was preached by Key. t). I'. Mills of Ha/.elwood. Mis-es Norma Lee a"d Eli/a Hy att <>f Sylva Collegiate Institute, and Miss Edna Freeman of Beta school were Qualia visitors, Sunday. Mrs. .lames Freeman and children ot! Beta, spent the week end at Mr. Win. Freem an's. Mr. itml] Mrs. C. M. Ilughes of A.sheville visited among relatives, i Mrs. .1. K. Terrell called on Mrs.' L. W. Cooper, who is improving af ler a serious illness. I Mrs. Goldman Ivinsland and Mrs. I). C. Hughes visited Mrs. Dave Wor* ley. Mr. and Mis. Roy Gibson and Mrs A. M. (iihson were guests at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Oxncr's. Rev. I,. Rogers of Sunburst and Rev. G. R. Mills of Ha/.elwood were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hyatt/ and of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shuler, Sunday night. Mrsi Frank Owen and Mrs. Oscar Gibson called at Mr. .T. G. Hooper's. Mi. and Mrs. W. H. IToylc visited at *.l v. 1).M. Shuler's. AJiss Mary Emmaa Ferguson and Roily lloyle galled on Miss Eelna lloyle. (.Air. Ilatriton) and the Senator from Ftah (Mr. Smoot), and the Sen ator from (Pennsylvania (Mr. Reed) and some of the members of the House get before the great Secreta ry of th:* Treasury, of course, they are overawed by his greatness and submit immediately to his recom mendations. They immediately sub miited a recommendation that we re li 111 ? I l::\im and who did not need a refund, and immediately wc rush ?i! ihYougli the Congress a bil] re funding ta&s as a Christmas gift to those who did not need it" As a veteran, as a citizen, and 40 YEARS AGO (Tuckaseige Democrat, Mar. 26, 1890) The fate of the Panama Canal shows that, although money is the lirst requisite in engineering works, there arc other requisite. It is almost impossible to say what, the ultimate of the Panama project will be. It is just possiole that Franco might raise the money; but, considering the pre liminary work of the Nicaragua Ca al is now well in hand, it does not appear likely. Russia is in the throes of n prohi bition campaign. When we study the progress of sig riculture, we find, says the New York Times, most conspicuous illustrations of the tendency of production to .?xcecd the demands of the consumer. Trinity College wiff probably! go t* Durham. ! Hon. F. Ml Simmons of New Hern is being boomed for congress from the Second district. , fJov. Fowle received a telegram Governor Fowl t' received a telegram from .John S. Cunningham, Esq., from Cunningham station, Person county, the first telegraphic message! ever sent from that county. Stonewall Jackson's wife has been awarded ti pension for his services! in the Mexican War, by the United States government. i ? . .Jt! Much speculation is being indulg-: ed in as to whether the Farmers' Al liance, as a body, will take part in politics. Mr. E. L McKep came down from1 Addie, Monday. .Miss Kant Long was married Sun-' day morning to Mr, 'L V. Watson,' Rev. W. Ensley officiating. We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. ,T. F. Watson of Hamburg, on Wednesday last, who was on his way to Chrlotte. METHODIST PASTOR WILL i PREACH TO YOUNG WOMEN Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the pastor of the Methodist church, Rev. George Clemmer, will deliver a ser mon on the topic, "The Young Wo man of Today". The public is cor dially invited; to hear this message, however, young women 17-25 years of age inclusive are especially invit ed and will be the honored group on this occasion. In the evening at 7.30 Mr. Clem-' mer will condnct the regular service of worship in the Dillshoro Method ist hurch. The subject will be, '<01d Age and the Sunset Hour". Older jvoplc ar^ e seats, and possibly 20 others, in the* elections. Stranger things have pened. ?? REVIVAL AT METHDDI6T"' A series of meeting* is iu pfogrca^ at the Methodist- church, with Rev. Harve Stansberry, pastor of French Broad Baptist church,. Ashcvitye,'fin ing some j^ood preaching. All denomi nations in town are supporting the meeting, which grew, out of the s< - rie.s held last week, at East Syhu Baptist church. The crowds 'grew u> be. so large that, the small auditori um was unable to ? accommodate the l>eoplc, -and- it was decided to" njuv? down town to the-Methodist church, the largest church auditorium in town. ? . The meetings will close tomorrow, Friday night. * SCOTT'S CREEK BAPTISTS TO CELEBRATE! CEKTEJfNIAL Scott's Creek Baptint folk# are preparing to* celebrate-"tin* Out- Hun dredth Anniversary of the founding of their church on 'next Huaday. The program'frii* the day will Ik : 0.30 Supday School. . 10.30 Special nrris'ifl;' -luniof Bovr. 10.35 History "of 'thr Clayvh, 'l'. C. Bryson. 11.00 Congregational singjng. 11.05 Brief Outline of .Work <>f former Pastor's, T. F. Dcitz. 11.30 Special Music -and Oongreg;: tional Singing.- ? . 11.45 Sermon, P. L. Elliott; alter nate, W. N. Cook. 12.30 Dinner ?? J.30 Special Music ?? 1.45 What this Church has Meant to Mr,, opened by" ? J! P. . Reed ainJ Mrs. JPallic" Monteith, with 5 ininnU; talks. General discussion by lay nicm bers. . " _ " '2.15. What the*-church 1 will meat, to future generations, Opened by Rev. Geo.' CV Snyder, with five min t, * ' utes talk:' Discussed ?'* by minister* present. - ? . 3.00, Adjourn. The paSlic""generally Ls invited to the centennial celebration of Scott's Creek chunk, -*? ? '-v?r . " .**