sl.;>t Year in Advance in The County --?? - _ SylTO,N. C? Thursday, April 10,1930 \> \ $200 v""' " V., ~ Vv *J-?? *ear m Advance outside the Couatv MlfT DAY Will ft HELD JUNE 13 ?flic Sylva Merchants fjui, cas inaugurated a thrift day ^unpawn. A muaber oi' the juei nuvo joined in the movement, mi hsvc dc.sigmited Friday, June 13 ibjiit Hay. A large number oi ihlusblo article* worth up to #100, ?ill bi- fold. in auction on that da/, uot lor I'nclf Ham's coin, but t,u- thrill money , which is being L> ?uiii dollar lor uoilar with every J'Uidf at the shops that have jollied in the movement^ i'j H. names o t' the linns and the unit-its that they will soil tor the ittnti money, tollovv.i: Hale?, tweed ?oat with fox collar, ?li! uo ??0#00 i'uruiture Company, K<? w:.u lianie iu green enamel, value ,?J10 Oo' '/'he Paris, dress, $15.00 lyric Theatre, writing set, $14.50 Buchauau Pharmacy, fountain pen, rf.i-j, iiomvatead clock, $12.00. .Svlva Coal and Lumber Co., Pee doe j?aiut, $20 00 .mJvh Supply Co , N'orden ilauek ft U fleet tic radio, fully equipped, fl0O_ The Man Store, Alau'.s suit, $35.00 bail's hat, -t'5.00, pair man 's shoes, *>.00 . ) -laek-jon Hardware Co., phono ?i,?ph, raMiuci style, with 25 records, WOO. Willie Queen, canon cigarettes, *1.50 ('luk.'s C?i'e, meal ticket, $5.50 Nhit Pharmacy, wrist watch, $15 ifto Ia- 'Ut, ladies' outfit, head to t'ooi consisting of silk dress, hat, -hoe* wicf hose, $-5.00 i Sylva Motor Co., full round of 3C ^ -1 1-2 i-'iek casings, $34.00. Builders,' Supply and Lumber Co... $*?fl AO worth of building material, j W P Potts, groceries, $10.00 f. 0. Wil&Qn, 10 gal. Shell gaso- i line, |2.30 I gal. Shell Oil $1 10 lolc's Store, Curlee suit, $25.00,1 pair ladies' pumps, $500; dressj fJO Murray Radio Co., Atwater Kent radio, *35.00. J fc. E)n?!ey, barrel special or! Kosebud Hour,^10.00. Fj 0 Mashburn, pair leggings, $3-50. I Stovajl's Fruit Store, 5 lb. box candy, !jl7.ft0 ,S. II. Monteith, barrel World's Bf'i Flour: Armour's best lnrd,| S lb. >'7.50. T. T. Angel, hhoe work, $5.00 Cannon Bros., Sylva store, dress, ^19 70. Camion Kros., Dillsboro, Man's wiit, S22 30 Cannon Bros.; |F\irniture Co., fcitchen cabinet, $65 00. The thrift money is interchange aWf, mid that obtained from any of! the firms named above can be used to bid o:i any or all of the articles any of the shops. palm SUNDAY SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCHES Palra Sunday will be observed | Sunday in the Methodist churches ot Sylva and Dillsboro The theme ofj lh?* pastor, Rev. (Jeorge Clemmer, L\ "The Victory of Jesus". In the discussinu of this Mr Clcouner will jiusent Jesus as the first and only veal conqueror of the world. During the month of April the pas-| tor is discussing Easter and related themes. On Easter morning the pas tor will christen any babies Wldi "mull children whoso parents desire it. Also, on that high day of the Christian calendar, a goodly number of those coming into the church by ? ?'ertifcate will be announced. Tho service in Dillsboro will be at ' 30 in the evening. Mr. Clemmer willj preach. Church schools of the charge will convene promptly at 10 a^ m. The Kpworth Hi-League, Sylva, ?wts at 7 p. m. The public is cordi ally invited to affend any of these services. ? I SCOUTS MEET FRIDAY EVENING The regular weekly meeting of the l>oy Scouts of America, troop one, *ill be held Fraiday evening ftt 7.30 the Chamber of Commerce hall. I'laiH for taking part in the Cleait-Pp ' ft>npaign sponsored by the Junior St?dy Club and the April Court of Honor viii made. Also sonj? step# *ill be tafcen looking to the ifrorE?11" Nation of the tennis elub. THE WEEK (By DAN TOMPKINS) 1,'on^res.sman (Icorge M. Pritehard of this district has announced his candidacy before the Republican pri mary, for the United States Senate, itev.-Attorney Dorsett, of Wake For est, had already filed his name; and ueorge Butler, brother to Marion, of Clinton, has announced that he is running. There is strong intimation that David H. Blair will also enter the lists. With the State reverberat ing with the battle of the giants for the Democratic nomination, J. W. Bailey opposing Senator Simmons, the Republican side of the house hus started a sizable light of its own, and North Carolinians will have plenty of ! politics to keep their minds diverted until the June primary, after which ; the general campaign starts. llepresentatvie Tinkham, Republi can, of Massachusetts, aimed his guns, before the Senate committee investigating the lobbies in Washing ton, at the Methodist Board of Tem perance and Public Morals, and the Federal t ouncil ot Cnurches, demand ing that the committee "unmask the indefensible political activities" o i' these bodies,' sayign: "1 believe ihat this committee can reiuler 110 greater public service than to do its part to ward public exposure of the practic es of these organizations, in violation of I he principle of separation ol church and state, so that their church constituencies, as well as the public at large may be well informed and so conoeittu such practices". Senator J fol lin, Senator Simmons, and others charge on the floor of the Senate that Joint .1. Raskob, chair tuan ot the Democratic Execute Committee, donated money to help elect Republican wot congressmen. Mr. Raskob himself admitted that he piyoented the Association tgainst pro hibition the sum' of $Gn,UOO. As an America^ citizen, Mr. liaskob has the right to oppose prohibition, and to give financial aid to organizations actively working for the repeal of the 18th amendment, if he does not believe that the present course is to the best interest of the country; but, if he spent money to assist Ik publicans to be elected, while serving as chairman of the Democratic ex ecutive committee, then that action was indefensible, and Mr. Raskob should, for the sake of decency, re sign. ! A newspaper reporter juid a tele phone girl, two miles apart, had a conversation over the telephone, and saw each other distinctly. The new apparatus for television, that was be ing demonstrated by the American is called the "ikonophoue", and is said to fiave marked improvements over other attempts at television. Sound* as if the days of Moses had returned. The Egyptian government is asking for $3,000,000 with which to combat the great swarms of lo custs that are infesting the land about Cairo and Sinai.. Mrs. Ruth 11a 11 u a McCormick, widow of Senator McCormick, and daughter of Mark Hanna, defeated Senator; Deuren, in the Illinois primary, Tues day, by a vote of almost two to one. j She will face former Senator -T. Ilam.. Lewis in the general election Lewis i was given the Democratic nomina tion without opposition. It has been announced that W. D.\ Wike, of Cullowhee, is the Jackson| county representative on the Sim-j mons campaign committee. QUALLA Morried, Mr. George Sorrell to Miss Amy Led ford of Hayesville^ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ci. C. Styles, a daughter Mr Marshall Cass has returned from Akron, Ohio. Messrs Wayne and JEdmuud Bat tle of Sylva and Mr. I). C. Hughes and family were vistiors at Mr. J. E. Battle's. c\. 1 Mr. Norman Turpin and faniil, of Newport, Tcnn., are visiting among relative . / , > Mrs. 'C. P. Shelton called on Mrs. j It. G Ferguson. ... | Messrs Carl Hoy to and \Y ade j Gass called on Mr. D C' Hughes, j Mrs. B. B. Henson of Whit tier : spent part of last week wifh Mrs^ W. H. Cooper ! MONDAY WILL BE ULAN - UP m The .Junior Study Club has inaug urated a movement for a general Celan-lJp Day l'or Sylva, and is call ing upon other civic organizations, ami citizens or the town generally to co-operate in the work The hoy scouts have offered to do more than a man's part in the work,and other organizations have indicated a defcire I to lend a hand. The garbage trucks of the city will 'remove all trash and debris placed j at convenient places along the ! streets. j The ma}or issued the following ' proclamation: lllt< H-LAMATIOX Whearas the advent of, spring j is greeted with gladness by the peo i pie ol Sylva; And, whereas, we all believe that , ours is the most lovely ol' all the towiis in the mountaiu country, auu Whereas, it is our duty to our-1 selves, our children, and the people who come from afar, to make Sylva a town iii which it is pleasant to i live, to visit, or to pass through ;and,1 Whereas, the young ladies of the1 jumor Study ('lub, and members of ' other civic and patriotic organiza tions have organized a clean-up cam paign for the Town of Sylva; now, therefore, J 1, Dan Tompkins, Mayor of the; Town of Sylva do hereby designate | Monday, April 14, as "Beautify| Sylva Day", and do call upon all good citizens and residents of the Town to join themselves together in this most worthy civic enterprise, and request all property holders to assist by. making their lots and premises as presentable as ^possible, by removing all trash and unsightly objects. Done iq ^he Town " Iva. this tin: 10th Dav of April, In the y??U;! of our Ix>rd, one thousand nine hun dred and thirty. DAN TOMPKINS, Mayor COMMERCB BODY TO ... HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION | The annual election of oi'lieer.s of In- S\ Iva Chamber of Commerce will he held on Tuesday April 15. The nominating committee has placed in nomination for president, M. D. Cowan and T. C. Bryson; for viee-president, I. II Powell and IL' E. Monteith; for treasurer, 11. C. j Aliison and E. E. Brown; for sec-| rctary, Mrs Ben N. Queen and Mrs.' Walter L. Jones;-for directors, D.j G. Bryson, P. E. Moody, J B. Ens- j ley, J. C. Allison, C_ W. Denning, j Billy Davis, J. C. Cannon, T.- A.; Cox, G.'K. Bess, A_ J. Dills. The election is to be held at the store of the Jackson Hardware Com pany's store; and Roy C^ Allison,! A. M. Simons, Lewis Cannon, H E.i Monteith, and G. K. Bess are the. judges. The nominating committee was. John R. Jones, P E. Moody, Harry I E. Buchanan, D. G. Bryson, and J. B. Enslcy WALTONIANS WILL HEAR BULLOCK, MONDAY NIGHT Local sportsmen and the public, generally will hear Col. C. S. Bullock j at the Chamber of Commerce hall, j on next Monday night, the night be-j fore the. trout season oj>cns Col. Bullock is-. Field Represent a- j tive of the Isaac Walton League of America, and will speak under the-; auspices of the local Tsaac Walton League. Everybody is invited to hear this! ? ? address. i i S. C. I STUDENTS WILL EX HIBIT ART WORK AT HOTEL > Miss Rose Cox will exhibit art I work done by the students on Tues day afternoon and evening of next week, April 15 Mrs. J. S. Higdon has kindly con Mrs James Sit ton and daughter, Iris, Mildred-and Inez Ifowell visjted Mrs. A. C. Hoyle. Miss Ollio Hall won the medal in the recitation contest of Qualla High I school. Friday we saw what appeared to | us to be an. airplane "Motorcade",' though we only count"d four, pass' over Qualla section and disappear j beyond the Cowee mountains^ 'U "*J " v'fhe Board ot County Commission er-; .yesterday ordered an election to Ijw. held in Cancy Fork township, on May 20, on the question of consoli dating _ three school districts and levying a special ad valorem tax of not to exceed 30c, and a poll tax of 90c for the support of the pro posed consolidated school at John's Creek. The school districts affected arc John's Creek, Moses (.'reek, and Brasstown The elect ion was order ed by reason ol* a petition from voters of the district, presented to the board of education in Monday, asking that an election be called. John's Creek already has a spec 1 ial school tax, and one of the best school houses in the county was er ected there last summer. The present election will not, in tho event that the referendum should fail to approve the consoli dation, affect the status of John's Creek special tax. The question sub mitted to the voters is regarding making the consolidation of the three districts, and levying the spec ial tax in Moses Creek and Brass town. Balsam (trove, ihe other school district in Cancy Fork, is not in eluded in the election. This district already las ;i special tax. According to information from the oflicc of the county superintendent, is eli gible to send high school stud ents to JohnsCreek, as soon as roads permit FARNUM TO PREACH HERE PALM SUNDAY) EVENING The Rev. A. W Farnum, rector of St Mary's church, Grove Park, Ashe villc, and Dean of the Asheville Con . V. 7 vacation, will preach at St. John's Rpiscopaf church,, at 7.30, Sunday April 1.1, Palm Sunday. The rector, the Rev. Albert New, extends a cordial invitation to every body to be present STANDARDIZE SUPPLEMENTING PRINCIPALS' SALARIES HERE The County Board of Education, at its meeting, Monday, passed an or der regulating and making uniform a standard of supplementing the sal-, aries of principals in the elementary! schools in the local tax districts, bas-: ing the supplement according to the i number of teachers, and the certifi cate rating of the principal. . The standard of supplementing as adopted is: Two teacher schools 15 per cent of. certificate rating. j Three teacher schools 20 per cent of certificate rating. Four teacher schools 25 per cent; of certificate rating. Five teacher schools .'?0 per cent! of certificate rating Above five teacher schools an in crease (d' 5 )?er cent for each addition al teacher President Gets Poppy Five-year-old Lois June A orphan daughter of a world war eran, pins the first "Buddy PopI> the Spring campaign on Mr. He coat. The mf ;? from the sale poppies goes ior relief of d veterans and their dependantt. seated for the exhibition to use the lobby of the New Jackson Hotel, which is easily accessible to everyone who may wish to see the work. Miss Cox extends a cordial invitation to all who wi?h to emne for the exhi bition 40 YEARS AGO TUCRASEIGE DEMOCRAT APRIL 0. 1800 At 11 o'clock last Thursday the House paused the resolution admit ting Whoming ti the Union The constitution of the State gives wo men full right of suffrage. The town commissioners ol Mari on liave decided to issue license to sell liquor in that town, and have' fixed the license tax at $750. A bar has been opened in the Flcmmiug House, and it hers are in proapeeL Mrs. Harrison and party arrived in Abbeville from Chattanooga Wed nesday, and remained in their private car til] morning, as accommodations i could not he furnished at the hotels on account of the great crowd visit ing there. President llanison has been ap ' i>ealed to by his associates to stop the big row which tse new tariff has | created among the Republicans in the j House. The Massachusetts members I accuse chairman McKinley of break- i ing his pledged word to thein. I The bil] for tho admission ot" ida-i ho has been railroaded through (he ! House, The Alliance met at Webster, Ap ril 4 All sub-alliances were repre sented except Black Rock. The com mittee on a county fair, reported that it was deemed unwise to hold a < fair this year, but recommended that steps be taken to insure holding one iu 1891. A resolution offered by R. L. Watson that the Alliance form a co-operative store, was adopted and the president appointed Dr J. M. j Candler, D. J. Allen, Geo. Hawkins, : J. W. Holcombc, Snider, Wm. Wil son, S. H. Queen,, and Henry Can non as a committee. On motion of Dr^ J. H. Wolff, Sylva was adopted 'as the location for the store. A* J. Long, Sr., was appointed crop statis | tition. On motion of A. M. Par i ker, a committee* on edueaaion, con j sisting of A. ?T. Long, Sr.^ J. H^ | Wolff, C, A. Bird, and G W. Haw kins was appointed, witfi instruc tions to report at the next meeting. On motion of J. M. Candler, D. Sni der, J W. Holcombc and JohnN. Hunter were appointed a; committee on publio roads. A resolution thank ing Senator Vance for" introducing a bill to establish national ware houses, was adopted. *>' , T, j Hamburg :-The Alliance store is. nearly completed, and will be quite I an ornament to our town. We expert to do some work on the academy in | a sl*ort time^ The closing exerecises of our school will bo bera ?ii April 17., Gen. Kobert B: Vance i liver the literary address. I Our next solicitor.: Mr. H L. I ? ? Leatherwood was on the east-bound train, Monday. j Rea. S. II. Harrington is assisting j j Rev. A. B. Thomas in the conduct' i of a meeting here j . | ' .. j Rev. George Crawford, a Bap j tist preacher, died at his home on , Seott's Creek, last Saturday; j Mr. E. D. Davis, president of the 'Fanners' Alliance in this county, ! paid us the honor of a call ; last j Saturday. Mr. Davis is a sterling 'friend of the Democrat, as he is of * , ' i all good enterprises and we highly value his appreciation and coopera tion i Mr. S. Tuesday and his son, Frank ' who have been identified with the | j Equitable Manufacturing Company, : have returned to their home in Tren*! !ton, X. J . . / j Much surprise was occasioned by, ; the announcement made a4 Sunday 1 school last Sunday morning, t&at&e! literary school in progress here was discontinued. We ought to have and' keep up a school here?indeed we! I must have one. We suggest that the j people confer together anchtake step8 1 at once to secure a teacher and a ; continuation of the sohoolr The W. C T. U., whieh was re-. ^ 7 I centlv organized at Dillsboro with Mrs. L.K. Merrick-as president, and* i Mis Lela Potts secretaiy, will hold i a public meeting at this place on Fridag'night, at wM The Republican county (iorfvention LUil here iiaturda/; ' ' passed resolutions endorsing" the Hoover ad ministration, and the congressional career of Representative (Jcorjfe 11. Pritchard; and passed & resolution similar to tha" which basbecn. passed recently in other Republican county conventions, in North Carolina,, de manding & {State-wide system, vi pub lic schools, supported by the State, the text ol' which reads; | "lie it resolved by this Conven tion duly assembled: t. That we unanimously go on re* ord as favoring the adoption and cn i act ment into law by the 1931 (iener 1 al Assembly of North Carolina, of such legislation us will give North Carolina a uniform State-wide and , State maintained school by stem in harmony with the Constitution. 2nd. That we favor a more strict and economic use and expenditure ot the public monies in the maintenance | of our public school system, to th# end that the heavy bar den of taxa tion may be relieved as far as strict economy wall do so. 3rd. We l'avor a system of state wide taxation to maintain the public school system that wil, in so far us is possible and practicable relievfc the heavy tax on property. John ;B. Ensley watr reelected a* chairman of the executive commiUeir, and Hugh E. Monteith was reelected secretary . Other members of the committco chosen are LL. G. Snyder, R. F. Jarrett, John Painter,, A. li. Weaver, Dr. A. A. Nichols, Diilard Hooper, and Zob. V. WaWon. The delegation elected to the State conventinon in Charlotte, to the senatorial convention and to the gob gressional and judicial conventions was, E. P. Stillwell, I 1L Powell, A. EE. Weaver," H. R. Queen, W. 1L Smith, A. D. Parker, John B. Enaley, J. M. Worlcy, M. R. MaUbrms, Geo. W. Sutton, R F Jarrett, J. T. Grib ble, R. 0. Snyder, W. D. Warren, C. J. Harris, and H. L. Wood. A reso- .J lution wns adopted making any ??-_/$[ publics!) from Jackson ryity, who may til tend either of tbf,con venting a delegate. 3; SATS: "A SLUR ON HAMBURG ' ? Dear Readers of the ? Jaoksou Coiinty Journal:- It seems like a 'j&thmity t<* the'' whole county to luu? one township in it that does not have one man or woman qoalifed t-o take the position of census enumer ator - ?' ? ' i I have been made to wonder if the Census Bureau in Washington is so politically hide bound that it won W advise .the district managers to dis criminate regardU'j?s of competency. I think not; or at least President Hoover did not think so when Le ? * . -t v* _ said: "Give the censns jobs to the World War Veterans *? (But they handed, the jobs down to a district manager and. he handed? it down to all who are of our political faith and order; and they all got together and handed about three, different men to take the cen-soa in Hamburg township. Two of the above men aw non-residenfs of Hamburg township, and one of fhera did not vote intbis State at the last general election. Now, for the information of the gdbd citizens of Jackson county, I wish to say, in behalf of onr good people of'Hamburg township, that we have plenty of 1>oth men and wr>< men in both political parties who are qualified toehold the .portion vt'Cen ?sua Enumerator. ' But it so happened that no Repub lican availed himself of the opp?v tunitv, while there wei* other* that, did. * Now, we hope that this slnr on Hamburg Will not be taken seriously -? by the good people of Jackson coun ty; and we will try to-dcr better in the future. '? ~ J M CUNNINGHAM, GlenviHe, C * f. April 7, 1930. poses of the organization will be ex plained. ' In the Demtefot is tke sheriff V advertisement of land sales for de ? _; . ? /?% ? 4 . linqpent taxes. Only 13 tracts were wdVerrtised, and th*. highest of tax SufSort on My ?f . |tap im H.T0;>. . _

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