Vi-iir in Advance in The County. Sylva, N. C., Thursday, April 24,1930 - $2.00 Year in Adv ance outside the County 15 row foriiH-r M|,nv l;nk>i?n, o l' I lemlerson w-;i> ni'tiiin: i he ?*?' KVpuhliean Stale Chair ;tlt<! I?y acclamation andidate lor Con I iii- district, I iv (lit1 Kopufi ;l I I t >111 J'- .,n r,ni'.:r.--ional * omentum, held j!i I',)M'" ri,>'- u'Ml'l<,av; (-?iisii-f.-Niiciii (itt?r~e I'ritchard was i||(, ,,.i I lie Senate by the con i>\ :i liiu vote, alt lioiiirh this Willi""' ?. ??J.'tin- 1,1 ' l>I O,Vt'<l i?i i lir roiiu-Mtioii upon which ibjrilii'ii xv:l"' ?~**(l- ^ hen the reso n.miiiiti.e brought ill it? ?|xiit. W. M. Mi'ekins, oi' Hemler voiti'l i?iii.rtion on the ground lun jj until.i In' unbecoming, since ll?. are to have I lie lir.4 xau-tt i'l. i'i i'-ian in thoir history, ?ml ,-iii'V tini>' a iv other candidates ,1, ilii lii-M i "i' ill'- Oliiee, and still ollin- ii'tul'l i' 0,11 helore the ijM, liliiiu ? !o.m"?, tor i!,*? con vr,iii"" ?" :l district 'o endorse any r.iii.ii<l:il"'. an.I alt.?nipt to hind the Kitiv in that 'liMriet. to him. Mr. \J.ekiii-* i"ii was voted down, ?liiouilii: :i !V'?i".der hy Thomas S. liolliiiv J|i-Kisil?*> !?' "anN "t Kry son City ijjii'.c! I?????v\ si-iw ?Ir.ckson in nomi iii.ii, ;? i? i :aik> Weie made 'i. .tuiitt |: r.n-ley. Mrs. (>. (". II- :iiil;nii, l''! 11.'in; irk, and other-*. Tin- I't'iiv.'ini":i v a- c;:!ie<! u> ortier ?v Kii.'tiif ' Ward, ami Thomas Ilnki-is. :? ..nary ehairman, de I tin- kcvi.ote address. 'i'. M .i.-ii.?i:;>. < 1 aliani. \ ;.?> made see i.-':.;? (' ! ? . .'in ention. Ke-wliiu.iti* adopted endors .?i? ilu pin* fu tu. adopted at the Char ln!i' ??!.!?ii?:i et.i'or-i ?; I'^ewnlow Jai'k-im > ieroi'1 a* state chairman; i'i:?loi-iii-,' I'rcdilent ilooxer's ? ? \vi>o fi'il >l;ili-'iii:!!i!i..i- . i".; e-11.; i'-'!;" ' praising hsi nomination of .iiid<?c ?Ifthn J, IV.rk.r 'fir the Supreme ? "iirt, ;n,i|i-j)|u:(Jm livfht iiu.lo on 1'nrkcr: pointing v.ilh pride I1! tfc" iHiinii!-; t.;'!??;? oi **??.i?? 11.? s nn ?ler i.(']nib)iciti: control; and condemn iic.' flic Democratic administrations in the State ;i- "wasteful and ex tf!iva^ai|t ; ? condemning the el wiion iim-s ?i il?. State, and the dirtiiin o] local school hoards in Kaliidi. QUALiiA ihc |m<Ti?r. !?????. If. \?, preach '-1:1 * l.v> Alt-i li< >? I i -1 Sunday I:"., i In- >ul.j.vl "IV;h'<' I N ??:i . Hi- x\ ;i-s accompanied tyliwla Mr-. H.ims arul llie child Mi. M'- M |S. Iliixlu-I (ii'ffli of |h(. v, ""'??i Mr. (. |?. \| |. ?' IIIv;iit V. Ml>- '? '? K.-nni>on. and Mrs J. s w<"'' '""l' scuoaaly ill, 1 I In ;. ,i it sli'^hilv improved writ i u-.'. ? K A. .1 I-ii'iiiifin luis returned ?' villi n-hitivcs at Almond ? '. "'"I Mis. I,'inu-. Ayc-s .of Iirv 1 IIV ?? ?? * * "" t.,|.;it \|j0|m v! I: \\ |, 'I'i-'ii'N, Mr. i'lid Mrs 'r- Mi-.-es Kvelvn Kins ?.?l Messrs. K<ic?l4 .?" i.w?'?v dinner llr a,i,| \| ' ? ll:,"ll('s. Sunday. ?, ' / l} "l' Sylva ?Uy. ''' '^iison's, Run Mis \y ii .. r :":i1"1 MisM>s K'1 lr?iii a 1,1 have returned | nil,. '' '??lativc.s in Ashe' "IMm KhcrriN v;wn:i,:."' ""?f, I S'. and Mil'1",1'' l,OVl?' Ki,;liar(1 Maiiv.-s ; i ' "il"' visited > i'm ,:a- i ""<? w,,,. of WhU-! I,,|ril'>. vTM- M-'<?hn Brad-' \l. ' , I. i!'?.l M, i , r,|,i?d:, vi ; h" -Vv?'is and Mrs.1 'Sir. ' , on Mrs. A. C.! Miy, . ilus -M'!!-li,| .Tlir,,il1 was a puest' v ' } I Vrv'.i ;on, Sun- j . Mr. Dillon, Iris Sit-' Il ? Ui|.r|| ()xner, Messrs Kv;||S;,",il?-r ifoyle and Mrs. .1. t, '?? Sylva, Friday. K Aiii|it. i 1,111 ol' Oakley and ?i'"1' N"'i? u""'. ,Vn<'M o) Oullo M ''"tsler vacation at THE WEEK i By DAN TOMPKINS) "'.I? convict* locked in their cells,I were burned to death in the Ohio! state prison, at Columbus,, Mom j One of the Miiost lvorrible prison tragedies of history. In the Dark! A ties prisoners were put to the tort lire at rack, stake and gibbet. In our !-i\iii/.{'d America we crowd them in to prisons, like sardines in a can, use prisons of inflammable material, and let them roast to death by wholesale. Yet we pride ouse'ves on i??ins the most Christian nation. Prohib'tiou. officer shot to death by bootlegger in Henderson?Bun combe man on Easter spree kills wife with pistol -Two Madison men pick out Easier Sunday for gun battle :>:.d shoot i; out- Andrews man,shot in leg'dies in Svlva hospital. Yes, in our own beloved Monnta'n country. I ft publican convention in. Char lot :e points Willi pride ai American evacuation ol' .\i;;'ragiui. following Sunday's papers say three American -M.irics shot to death by a native in Nicaragua. ?* (leorgia Republican convention in Atlanta ends with a row and two, .-(is *?l officers elected. After heavy protests to the con firmation of .lolui .1. Parker ?>f Char a- itr' ? i;;:i?Su'.ii?v of the Su |>i: i!ic t "i:t, i.y Xigro organizations ::h'l labor k< ::ds, i!i<> judiciary com mittee ol ilu; Senate gave Parker 1111 unfavorable vo'e 10 {o (i. Senator* t Overman will file :i minority report :tij'l ;J1 hi* (w ill come up in the S liafe on M;. :<! ??, IVesifieut Hoover is standing by -his guns, and !'u-e^ to withdraw ther name of his 'i ace. IV..h Democratic Senators I ;'C>: I Si'; I*'; ' ? . .. ? 'V' ii.-publican s:p;a.iu,ce. There appears so 1? > lit, I,- in I in* Labor objection, ? :s i; is , ,i|y conceded that Hie Yellow Dog i)i;:k;icn, upon which the iomplaiid: wa.- lodged, i-; legally cor rect . No <|i.i*>i':Hi ha ^ been raised as o the mora! or men!at fitness of the N'orih Carolinian, and informed news wriurs :ts>re.* 'hat Hi!* danger of fail ure of his ronlirmation comes from 1 :1m* fear o t' senators in doubtful) States of the loss of Negro votes in -the forthcoming election. Here's hoping Parker will be confirmed. If would be shameful for a crowd of l % 'mpudeut Negroes to be able to say' v.lio shall and who shan't be appoint-; ed to the Supreme, Court by the President of the I'uited Stales. This yoiiim man Lindhergh seems j ?* ? I noi i o lie content to rest upon his laurels as a flyer, lie and his wife,! .ruing :it high altitude, seeking a; helicr. air route across file continent, j broke the record for franseontinent-[ ..i flight, malrfhg the trip in 14 hours' 'f> minutes ;md <52 seconds. *~ . . The Navy Treaty'Wi?s signed in London. 1 Authorities are frying to get rid of AI Capoiw, down in Florida. Perhaps fiiere's nothing personal in it?may be Kloridians just don't like men named Al. ? * " t V * I Zebulon Weaver, foxier congress man from this district, has filed for mal notice ..of his candidacy, to rep resent the Democrats in the Congres sional race, this fall. i GliF.Ei'T'S CREEK ITEMS MRS. LEAMON MORGAN DIES? ; Tin* sr.(I ami iiuftxpefU'd news of the death of' Mr.<. Leainon M:?r?*:m t wiis }i shock- to every ojic. She was 28 years of^ugiy.nml died on April 23,j bciujf sick only n few days. She leaves a husband and two children, and a host of friends and relatives. The I'm nera I services were held at Old Savannah iiaptist chnieh, and were conducted by Ifev. Tliad. F. I leil/.' To ihe boyeaved husband and child ren, wc extend our hear! felt syinpi fchy. Miss Dlanch Ashe, who has hecen i t V\*in ;(on Salem for the past two years, spcut faster holidays with her '* X Mid Mrs/ Felix Ashe. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Shaver are visit ini* relnl ives Tn "vlhemarte. Qualla young: folks enjoyed anegjr hunt 011 the sehonl pounds, Saturdaj' afternoon. 19 SPEAK Ml Prof. -Ionian H. Sail lord, of the faculty of Biltmovc Juilior College, will deliver the address to the gradu alius: class of Sylva Collegiate Instij tntc, at the First Baptist church, ouj Monday evening April 28 at ft o'clock Mr. Sail ford is well known in Syl va, having operated Camp Jackson, a summer camp lor buys, here a few years ago, for two summers, coming here from Augusta, (la., and establish ing the camp 011 the .Tuckson County Fair grounds, the present site of the Sylva hijrh and graded schools. ANNOUNCE SPEAKERS FOR W. C. T. C. COMMENCEMENT Cullowhce, April 'J'J?The .sj>eakcrs for the. .li:ne .and August commence ineiils of Western ('aro lina Teachers College have been announc <?>1 bv President Hunter All four of the commencement speakers are mill isters. For the dune, commencement, the sermon will be preached by Dr. II. I?. Trimble, pasjor of Central; Methodist church, Asheville; and the baecalaurate address by Dr. .Tolin1 K. White, pastor First Baptist church, Sr.vannah, (5a. For the August com' I _ I inencement the sermon will be by Dvi; William l?\ Owen, First Baptist' eln:reh, Ashevillle; the address by! l'e\. Clarence Stuart McClellan, rec^ tor Calvary Episcopal church, Fletcht er. I BE SURE TO BE COUNTED Taking the census inside the town' of Sylva has started, and the oiiicials! :>i the town, the people, the Chamber of Conicce, ami other civic organiz: at ions, as well as the censucs enume at ions, as well as the census enume i i town be counted. Sylva is expect ed to show the largest j^ccutage of increase '"of population of any town in this part of the State, that has not enlarged its corporate territory since 1DJ0. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS MEETING Tin* Sylva Chamber of Commerce Iield jm ciitlius'astic^ meeting, otv Tuesday evening, with short address es l?ein?c delivered by managej: Weede ind Sei-rHary Bcanlen of tho Ashe ville Chamber of Commerce, and Ii: i-s. , .? iiK-iiil>?'r>,lii|? drive was instituted ai;! President M. I). Cowan appoiut :-.l tIre oommifte to make the canvass with P. E. Moody, chairman, I). (J. UiVson and Thomas A. Cox, lieuten nuts, .Mrs. I). E. Murray, Mrs. W I j. .fones, (J. K. I Jess, JTohn R. .Tones,' H E Monteith and J I). Cowan. Col. Wade Harris, M ho with I lie president of the Charlotte Chamber ni' Commerce, had been expected to lie present at the dinner, had notified the secretary that they would be un able to reach here until next Tues-. day. A meeting of the Chamber will l?c held at Cullowhee, on next Tues day evening, h Col. Harris, and I he president and secretary of the Charlotte; Chamber of Comerce as quests of houer. SYLVA HIGH TO GIVE PLAY i i t The Whole Town's Talking", will be presented by students o!" the Sylva Central High School in the High School audit oriimt, Tuesday evening April 59 at S o'clock. This is said to be an unusually good com edy, and promises to lie one of the best plays given by the high school. , The cast of characters is; Henry Simmons, a manufacturer, Herbert Bryson. Harriet Simmons, his wife, Bertha Dean. Ethel Simmons, their daughter, Phyl lis McCullej*. Chester Hi nil cv, Simmons' partner,; Ddgar Moody. I Letty Lyllic, a motion picture star,] Corline Fenn. Donald Swift, :i motion picture di-| rector, Ifenas Croo'nc. Roirer Shields, a v oting Chicago blood, Marshall Coo|ier. I.ilji Wilson, a friend of Ethel, Sarah Tiec Clayton. Sally Otis, a friend of Ethel, Madge Wilson. . ^ * Annie, a maid, Allie Wilson. S.odie Bloom, Evelyn, Sherrill. Taxi driver, Dexter Hooper. / ifUil ii i -!::inos F. Barrett editor of the Brevard News, will oppose Mrs. E. I!.. 'IeKee of Sylva for State Senator ; from this district, unless all political r signs Vail/ So far no opposition to Mrs. McKee has developed within the Democratic party, and it is un likely that there will he anv. Yesterday, W a side event of the Republican Congressional Convention in Bryson City, a caucus of the dele fallen Ironi -Jack on, Haywood, and Transylvania was held and the under standing arrived at that Mr. Barrett file his name for the office. This, of course, is p*nelie*illy the same as nomination, though any Republican who 'wishes enn oppose Barrett in a primary, which wont likely happen. Mr. Barrett, editor of the Jirevard News, is a well-known figure in the State, being a former president of the North Carolina Federation of Labor, and a newspaper man who has been in the work, in one capacity or another, for many years. TOWN OF CASHIERS HAS 214 The Town of Cashiers, incorporat cd by the last (Jeneral Assembly, has a population .<?! 214; and Cashier's Valley township is {riven f>6fl by tho census of recently completed there. Green(s Crejl'k, the only other town ship in the county iii which the count has been,finished, has a population of 504 as con i pa "<! with 455 in 1920. SYLVA BAUD AGAIN ON AIR 'l The Sylva String Band agaiu was i>n the- stir over YV.'NX'iiom the fAshevilie stulilo, Tuesday 'night. The program was/even better than the jnevjofw m.i<> Ciuf they received' a large number of requests from dif ferent states. Their fan mail increas es tjaily. Although the Sylva band is quite in w, it hits giiincd populartiy, and is s; id to be the most popular rifig band that has played in the studio of WWW. The members of the'baud are AJv/i and Lyndon Car-? den, Paul Wonack and Wallace Swan SMALL BLA2S THIS MORNING i v i About 8.-50 this morning (lie roof I of I In- kitchen of the home of Mr. j II. <>. ('u -lis i.i':??:!!i lire from the flue j The .alarm \\ its turned in, ami the j lil t; department made ;i quick re-1 sj.or.M-; hut r ifL'iors with It handy; garden !)<>; (? -i extinguished tho j blaze before ilus arrival of the truck.! Little damage was done. NORMAL COLLEGE STUDENTS RECEIVE SURPRISE. VACATION ? . CuIov. Im-c, \ |?ril L':;?The studeuts, and faculty of Western Carolina Teachers Co!!. *e have Vein given an u.iK xpcetcii week of Easier vacation. j T'! i'.- co;!*! ruction work I hat is under way is responsible for it. An addition, is being made to t ?io dining room and kitchen, which ? ^'-..sitates tearing, away the. iiiteK' walls, laying new floors in t!ie old kitchen, plaster inar, painting, relocating equipment | and .steam and water pipes. The task of feeding two or three hundred stu dents and teachers while this was in progress presented grave difficulties! to the dietitian and her force of workers. A vacation seemed the beet solution, allowing the contractor time to complete the connection between he old and new parts of the building: The vacation will end Sunday,' Aiiril 27. Classes will be resumed on ? Monday following. This vacation de ferred the opening of the last six: weeks special session, which was' scheduled to begin 011 April 22. The! ikw students will register on the 28 EASTER THEME AT METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY Easter Day has past but the Resur rect ion hope, j remains. Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock in the Methodist j church of Sylva, the /pastor, Rev. Ceo. Clcinmer. will discuss the theme of iiinnortn'i' . The.subject will be, ?'Immortality? A Moral Certainty". T'i the cvom.ur ;:t 7.30 Rev. W C. L'eed will pre ?.eh in the Methodist church i;i Dillsboro for the pastor. Mr. Clemmer will preach in Black Mountain Sunday evening, delivering tKe Commencement terom to tfcft i in?i?? 40 YEARS AGO (TUCKASEIGL DEMOCRAT APRIL 23, 1890) The Greenville Board of Trade has ; passed a resolution against the pro | pejsed national legislation against j cotton seed oil. Over half a million dollars in six months is the record. of sales Ashe ' ville warehouses have made as a to bacco market. J. . Mr. (,'nilom introduced in the Sen-1 'ate a hill to |>rcveut Mormons in ! Utah from voting or holding and po litieal office. ? Tiie Republicans are still w rest I ing- with 1 he silver problem, and ai joint eoinmitcc of the House and Senate is Irving to form a bill that will meet the approval of a caucus; I of the part v. | j Wc are indebted to Senator 'L B. Vance for public documents. The home of Ilon. L. J. Smith was the sevne of a quiet wedding on Tuesday, when under .a l>eautlfn| bridal arch of wild flowers, Mi'. Lee Hooper and Miss Marguerite B. Madi son were happily manned by Rev. B. 0. Wild. The following visiting lawyers were in attendance upon Webster court,' Monday: Messrs Kopc Elias, Geo. A.i .Tones and Frank Ray, from Macon, R. L. Leatherwood, from Swain, W.j W. Jones, from Ashcville, Judge .T.j C. L. (ludger, W. B. Ferguson and i Solicitor Moody, from Haywood. With those ariving later and with our i own Moore, Hooker, Hampton, and Campbell, the bar presents an excel-J lent array of legal talent. We were pleased to receive a call, from our old friends, Mr. T. S Ar thur, of Macon county, yesterday, j ? ^ ? We had the pleasure of making the /tcquaintence, Monday, of Mr. W. A. Curtis, editor of tlie Franklin Press,: who is attending court in the interest of his paper. We wish Bro. Cjirtis al! I lie success his excellent paper deserves. Mr. .r. E. Divelbiss rej)ort.s the killing of a deer, a few days ago, with an axe, by Mrs. Rigdon. Judge Connor and Solicitor Moody ( did not reach Webster until about 3, o'clock Monday evening, but court i was opened directly after their ar-| rival, wilh Mr. A. .T. Long, Sr., being j sworn as foreman of the grand jury, j "i I Fact.-, are stubborn things andtheyj ought to be convincing. The hacks from here to Webster with passen gers attending court reached Webster '15 minutes ahead of those from Dills bo ro. TO DEDICATE CHURCH ( AT GREEN'S CREEK The new Green 's Creek Baptist church, recently completed, will be dedicated on the 4th Sunday, April, 27. The dedication sermon will be delivered by Rev. W. M. Pmitt, of Wavnesville. i ! Heads University ? ?iiS&M.' V alter Williams starting as i printer's devil in a country newsj pai'.r office, founded the first School of Journalism and has beei ti.acic President <j( the University of Mi--ouri. gra<hiating class of the Hlack Moun tain High School. 1 Sunday schools of'the charge will 'convcnc promptly at 10 a. m.m The Epworth Hi-League meets- in the" cvonmg at 7 o'clock. Interesting and hol|?t!il programs oi' -worship have been prepared for each service. A cordial welcome awaits for alL Go j to ehurdi first mm IN SIS. FINALS I)r. H. B Trimble, poator of Cen tral Methodist church, Asheville, will preach tho joint eomraencmcnt ser mon of Sylva High School and Sylva Collegiate Institute, at the . U.igb School, next Sunday afternoon nt H o'clock Dr. Csllfre, president of Ashevillc Normal will deliver the addMM to the graduating <j!ass on Wednesday evening at 8 o 'clock. The Ccmniencement play, " Tlu Whole Town's Talking", will for presented on Tuesday at 8 in the even ing. Class day exercises will he held at 1] o'clock on Wednesday morning and the graduating exercises willTT* held at 8 in the veneing, on Wed nesday. John Wilson ih chosen as the vale dictorian of the class, and Miae Nor ma Lee Itenry is salutatorian. APPOINT ELECTION OFF10U2A Precinct election otHciala, to hold the June Primary, and the General Election, in November, were appoint ed by the county board of cUrtiooa, at the meeting held here, last. Satur day. The poll holders are: Cashiers Yalb-y, K. K.. Bunigarncr, regislm/*; Waite Keed, Democrat, and Frank tttikc, Hejntblican, >judges. Hamburg, W. A. Tayolr, registrar; V. S. Moore (D), and James (lallo way (It), judges Mountain, Elbert Aios# registrar; A. ('. Edwards (D.) W. F Moody (R), judges River, J II. Middleton, registrar: Lambert Brown (D), S. M. Parker (K judges. Canada, K. ?f. Shelton, registrar; John Cope (D), Dillard Wood -(?), judges. East La porte, Ti^y tfhtffcjd;, ng isirar; Tom Wike (D), Claude Park er (R) judge*. Cullowhce, Osear Norton rcgist trar, Rufus Phillips (D), Osear Kn sley (R) judges. Webster , I)an Cowan, registrar; Walter l-'rizzell (I>), W. C. Cogle (R) judges. Savannah, Kosco Higdoa, registrar; W. D. l!i.-hop (D) Garland Buehan an (II), judges. Green's Creek, (lolman Grec.i, reg istrar; W. A. Buchanan (D), Elsie Sutton (R), judges. Balsam, Goo. Bryson, registrar; J. D. Kenney (D),Odell Qneen (B),judf . On. Willits, Carey Hensou, registrar; Allen Sutton (i)), M. J. Henry (If), judges. Addie, K. B. Shular; registrar', Ber ry Blanton (D) Fred Parris (*), judges. North Sylva, I). D. Davis, regis trar; W. E. Grindstaff (D), IT. K. Monteith (It), judges South Sylva, C. J. Crisp, registrar; Dan Tompkins (I)>, S. C. Coedill (Ilj judges Dillsboro, W A. Sutton, rgistrar; J. W. Buchanan (D), Tom Kcever (R), judges Barker's Creek, L. F.Jones, reg istrar; II. L. Babv (D). Jno Bnmgar ner (R), judges Qualla, Jack Reed, registrar; J. C. Haves (D), David Worlev (R), judges. BALSAM Mr tun! Mrs. Heudesaen Joae#j wbo have been happily nmrried for over 10 years, were among the Asbev'lle Citizen guests in the True Romance cirrus party, Monday/ They speak in highest terms ot' praise of their en tertainment in every way, und felt like they were about -sixteen years of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coffee an nounce the birth of a fine girl, V?n ny Lou'se, Saturday tltt 1Kb. Mr. John P. Knight aoMavHy, of Greenville, S. C., are viakin? hi*, mother, Mrs, D. 1. ifeught Mr and Mr*. Bob Cope and tdiild i ren were Easter gue?taof Mrs. Cope V 1 mother, ijMrs. W.' J. 6agdith * Mrs | CogdHl returned to AsheriU<? with j them j, ? Mr. E. 0. Queen and famUy spent Easter- with- Hrs. Queen's perent.*. Mrs at Wlrit jtier. - : The-MethodiaH&uiOaj Otfcau* ktd

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