*tx; J' "^Tvciir i11 Advance in The Countv o i ? ^ i r^!l______Sylva, N. C.( Thursday, May 1,1930 $2.00 Year in Adv ance outside the Countv put oil an mm-. ?1u,M i panini at B-?al ?.-Ml. wit'' ,m: ? h.T. Tlioiv were |i,r t'n||,^In,! at il?> ban 31hH,! ' , i |?, i 'u I low ln*t' l?oy rf?r~? "? - i I (VIII ' ? l'P'" , i Pre.-ioi'iU of the \j l'. 1'u**" iu::de tin* >vt*l<*oii?o i l omitu'Vi'i', pre-. , s : ,u. : <>i tin- ruiio-: .?tnL I'^"1 v.iv lin- w;i- iv-l'Oiuli'd to by u-'-I; v'?"1 i ill Svha i?i ii*1 ? t?m s. Seroop rU. *??, u-\ ??????i-i i'?-" "?T. """'v, I \V,.i. ni < I riH-lu'Vs < ->l-i , I 111 -? a7.il..""' 1 A '"x ,v>.ifWfl il;i- :i? ? omplislunents li-Mlui 1,1 ro,M,i,i,,r0-; "fk .in-.M.xL :l s,"Sl'' ,U>"I ^url| hoiiMi I Wade ir. |['irK vt.T l "i llu' l l,;ir~ J i(i;;i nh-rrvii. f.i.lf ?,?- uv Nor tli iJ-ilinaV Mov-'i .-iu/vii>. Colonel ll:llib mu; J> presented by; I I. I'ui.liauM... ';?>i"in\\ of Syl.va, j ;,U?nii.ihi-f ' !:.? I?.?ai"?I "t Tins- ? :iit < 1 I ?t:s* i ?-* | ?r I).i.to ll:im- I"' l,:l> j thai tli^nr upon liisn out! oi HTicmuot' .u I.;- ili-timruisliifl ?(ruiT> l? tin- -p?>k?* bi'iefU j Im! rt)>timiMi. ili> i', i In* 1 nt hit oi ^ North t ;ioriin:i. "I allN'orth OftfT nliua," ho sii-l. '1 wish to eou-j vRltulatc voiu' i l:;.ol eOmiuere ior\v;tr.i limkiiivr program Jll.l IN Ii;l.-?? IIV^' ot lilt' I'OV j Souk tin' iii' i!i- riti/ens of tIn*S Stali*.** Uilii r >in ,iU?'fs were: Mrs. K. L Mi-Kit. i?! S\|\ji, Major Wal litfC I'. Stnllr, A-'UjVillf. i '. II. Kill's- I t?r, >?rn-t.ii!>. itr. I.. Wilkt'l'-. jffliaml l'. H. Alt \:m;i|i-r. Chariottr. I S|Kt-i:il i!,ii?i. wjjs Iiiiiii>hciI by lic (ullluc Fiht.Ii\ i|iiiirtct ami .by tin- fVlli^t' 'j irl-' u 11-t- t-l lib, under lit*aii>|iiiT> oi Mi-> Mary Rose Kea CJii\ \ c!o>iii^ ti';itur?- of the pro sum w;i> ni;ii,ui'. 'Ihe nt!li"jjc has Uniiily iicijniti'i! the olil violin upon *hirh liovi'inor \ iiiirr /earned to m ii" ;i liny. Ve>ierday was tile '"iiiilrtiiltli ;inliivcr-:irv o I' (iovcrnor \.Wc? l,in I,. Mi? lilanehe Led lord 1,1 'lii-mkci- tt?iiiii\, played "'The "W Nielli Siait " mi (his violin, with '* aii'liiiid' ,n! ?At the as v'Uiltl\ |>c 11 v the Kegistrai "liith imlii-iiti- that Western Caro 'ik:? Tv;u lur., lias established ?*? iiHiulii-v ?ii" lit-w attendance records. : new >t uiU'iits have al-, ll?") ir;bit n il 'lor the ftst six-J Uck. |iicial 11 tin. Others are ex-' M'l. The total atcmlancc lor the j ,,vlt?ii to ilaii- If... reached 420, eom-1 I"1"! nit,|, ::v.? i;,>! year, which was: llu !ii-;lu>i !lutu- tor the regular| ''"ln|i |||) to tliai i line. There arc in ?"?'iiiil iittciulani-, at the present ??on,,.;... ,| with at this U?e Im u.;i, I ^ 'tt<> other iv>peets has the Col '''' n-aMu'il a in w record. The num Mr?' '""'i >tiii|im> has almost doub i '? tlii'ic |i;ivIii- .u enrolled this ,l r" total ni 7n men. The co-cdu '?'tional iliarait?r ol' tin- College is ' l!>uiiitaiiii-.|. The other aspect *Wh u ,H.XV l(.,.un| |s being made J r,'l'f?>cuiccl i, ,|1(. |a(.L ti,ut there -'j or inni,, hii.t-v. iir si intents in . 'I hi, represents the first .K|llu' ^?p wnvard the degree ^ authorized hy the j s) . ^"'"Iffre. ? tornicr ??radunt'-'s "ill' u-"' '"'|s '"ome I'rom Mars As i> ,av,'n,",'i "'ul other colleges. He* rsiug him, ami the real opposition coiues from t hat impudent orgnui/.at ion known as The Society tor the Advancement of Colored People, and the. tear that senators form doubtful Stales have of the Negro vote. liepreseutat ive fat man of Texas, demands the removal of Attornev S ? I (.ienera! Mitchell, charging that be has failed and refused to enforce the anti-monopoly laws against the oil companies. Are we to have another era of oil discussion? There is more land being plowed for cultivation in Jackson and the other Southwestern counties of this State this year than in any season since'the great war. It is well. This is nssentiallv a bucolic region; and from the soil must come our prosper-, liny a farm or a lot now: Own your own home. Never will you again be able to buy real estate in Western North Carolina at a lower price than now. It i> a sound investment. x Senator Borah is leading the light against the continuation' of .Judge Parker, lie tore, his shirt for Mr. Hoover, in the campaign; and has opposed everything President Hoover, iia* asked for since the inauguration' S ''' | * i Out in Wichita in Kansas, the dri est State, nine members of a fashion able bridge club are laid up with "jake paralysis" from drinking spiked punch. Some of the ladies are confined to their beds, while others! are able to get about on crutches, having |o>| the use of their legs, j LastSumlay, over in Kayetteville, Tenn, an American Legion Post was holding an air circus. A stunt flyer's plane plunged into the crowd, killing 7 people and injuring 20 other. I Tlu- Ashcvillc Times, following the had of tIk* Literary Digest, is taking; a prohibition poll of Western Xortli' ('molina. What 1 can't understand i is why take so much ot' tlie peoples' time in endless straw votes and con-, sequent discussion of the subject,j when nothing' can he dojie about it.! The 18th Amendment, like the 15th is| in the Constitution, right or wrong,; and it is practically impossible to get it out. Then why not lead the minds of the people into channels of] thought on matters of much greater' importance, about which something can and should be done, and let pro-. hihitiou rest for a while? The greatest vote of conlidence in the fundamental soundness of Sylvn and .lackson county that could i>os sihlv have been given was the gain in bank deposits between Saturday morning and Tuesday morning of $71,101.03, and the steady increase! since that time. It might pay to keep your eye on the (Jovernor of New York. He looms larger, and larger as a pcrsidential possibility. Aside from being a man of recognized superior ability, and a fearless, honest, clean gentleman, who has the respect and confidence of the people, Gov. Roosevelt should be able to poll practically all the votes thnt A1 Smith got. and also all the Democratic votes that Smith didn't gft. SYLVA BAND ON REGULAR WWNC WEEKLY PROGRAM' The Sy!Vii String Hand has bceoinc a rt??iilnr weekly feature 011 Tuesday evenings, over Station WWNC. ATr. Monro Madison has become a mein-j ber of the band, which is now coiiijkjs ed of Alva Garden, Wallace Swan,' Lyndon Garden, Paid Womack, and j Monro Madison. Since last week members of the! band have received a great "numberj of letters and telephone calls con-! gratulatiug them on the programs,' and requesting special numbers. Any one who reads The Journal can call any men '?'?v of the band and num bers will be played by special request | ft has been suggsted that since j the band has become a weekly feature) over WWNC, that the Chamber of Commerce or some other civic agency i should assist in paying the expenses of these folks to Ashveille, every Tuesday. A J. - _??** " i njffl HIGH SCHOOL Thirty hoys mul girl:* received their diplomas at Sylva llijjh School lust night, during the final exercises of the 1030 commencement. Mcnjbers of tlic graduating class arc: Loui-e Arringtou, Ignore Nich olson, Kloisc Cogdili, licithn Dean, Fannie Sides, Myrtle Jenkins, Julia < -KcHey, Nora Lee Henry, Evelyn Shcrrill, Xannettu Dillard, Myrtle tlreen, IVvnita Sutton. Margaret Value, (iladys (iunter, Karl li Humgar ner, Kunice Fisher, Carline l'enn, Burton Bumgarncr, .foe Howell, Kr ncst lleiison, Frank Bumgarncr, Wil liam Mclvee, Stchhins Kasrhnson, Dennis Bradley, Kogcr Monteith, lic mus (ircen, John Wilson, De.xtey Hooper. Kay Cogdili. Dr. CuWee, president of Ashcville Normal, doli\Vred the address to the tnciuhcrs of the graduating class. The Class Day exercises were held yestcr ilay morning. The commencement jlay "The Whole Town's Talking" was given on Tues day evening, under direction of Mrs. Chester Scott. | On Sunday afternoon at o'clock, Dr. lf. ]?.,Trimble, pastor of Central: Methodist church, Ashe\illc, deliv ered the commencement sermon for' both Sylva High School and Sylva Collegiate Institute. QUALLA ) I he pastor, Kev. L. Rogers, preach* at the 15a p! i-a church, Saturday ev ening and Sunday morning. He was a guest at Mr. J. K. IIvan's and Mr. S. M. Crisp's. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Freeman,of Sylva, Mr. ('has. .Moody and Mr. A. B. Williams oi Suuhurst were Qualla ?visitors, Sunday. _ .:Vi. Kelatfves I mm Waynesvillc, Cul lowliee, Dillshoro, and olhr points are visiting Mrs. J. L. iFergson, who is .still seriously ill; hut is improv ing at this writing. Mr. D. C. Hughes and family and Mrs. J. 11. Hughes visited ai Mr. J. M. Hughe*' at Cherokee. Miss K;ta Kiusland entered school at (,'ullowhce, Monday Mi'. Chas. Hyatt and family of Ashe\ille. Mr. ami Mrs. Y. Howell, Mr. J. I\. Terrell, Mrs. Frank < 'wen, and Mr*. 't.*car (iihson called :tt Mr. H. L. Hyatt's, Sunday afternoon'. Mr. Carl lloyle called ai Mr. <1. A. Kiusland's at Cherokee. Mr. Dixon Ilyatt and family and Mr. Wilhurn Messcr and family vis ited at Mr. D. L. Oxner's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.L Sit ton and daughter, I l is, motored to Barker's Creek, Sunday afternoon to visit, rel * . \ atives. Mesdame J. L. Sitton, S. M. Crisp and J. I'. Crisp called on Mrs. J". H. Hughes. ?, ? Mrs. (r. A. Kiusland and daugh ter, Kvfflyn, called at Mr. W. 11. Hoy les\ Misses (Srace ami Kdna lloyle and Winnie Cooper called on Miss Annie Lizzie Terrell. Mesdamcs Nora Tnrpin, Ifillli (iih son and Cora Queen called on Mrs. Kunice Kiusland. Miss Kdna lloyle was a guest of Miss Mary Kiniiia Ferguson. Mrs. Mary Hughes was a guest of Mrs. Viola Terrell, Monday. Mr. Clark Cass moved to Qua 11a, last week. i C. I. FINALS HELD MONDAY ?Ionian/ |[. Sanfordi ot' lJiUtuorc, .h'iii.?r Collect', delivw'd a splendid slum address 'before the graduating! class oi Sylva ("ollesia!?? Institute, ia ihe Kir>l Baptist church, Monday i . owning. Member of the class are: U'la. i Allen, b'hoda tope, Muriel Snyder,i Norma Lee Hyatt, Hi Idrcd Kiler,j Ada llowoll, and (Mela Kiee. ? JThe final exercises ?l" the school( included tTie eomeiicemcnt plav, en-! .titled "Heads or Tails." given in! !the auditoritttii of tlie High School) ' on: Monday evening, April 21, underj direction of Miss Mary l'oindexter. On the following Thursday even ing the grades' presented an operetta, j Tlie annual sermon was preached on Sunday afternoon hv Dr. 11. B. ? Trimhje, when Sylva Collegiate In fititnte ami Sylva High joined in th^r exercises. Tlie class day exercises were held Saturday evening ill the gymnasium. The annual recitation and declam ation eonte>t was held, and the graduating exercises of Monday cv-, | cuing brotighl the commencement lo! a elose. ; " ' I - t METHODIST SERVICE THEMES; FOR SUNDAY ANNOUNCED t | "How shall we think and believe j about (Jo*I," will be the topic which the pastor, i>ev. (leorge Clemmer,1 {?will discuss in the sermon at the moruipg hour o L' worship in the Methodist church of Sylva, Sunday.j Some thyilght conceniing deity is well nigh inescapable . The lowest (savage conceives Hod. in some fash ' ion. So dpes the greatest intellect. .Anthropologists tell us, 4'there are cities }\ifootijl jbfliv >U4g3r>yjthont! "tltjTa?te,-C~Wf!"stoirtuT schools, cit ies without music and art, but never, a city without its place of worship." In the -evening. at 7,45 Mr. Clcm ; mer will preach in the Methodist j ! church a! Dillsboro on'the subject, I The Cross speaks to our Indiffer ence." The church schools of the! /' . I charge convene at It) a. lit. The Ili j League meet* at SyIva at < p. nt. j Visitor< and strangers are welcome lo attend all services. LOCAL MINISTER IN SPECIAL SERVICES AT CULLOWHEE A series of special services begin f Suiidity ill. the Methodist church of; ('allowhee and will continue through, the week with preaching every night' |>\ Ifcv. (U'orge ( lenimer, pastor ot of the local Methodist church. These services were to have coin-j 11fenced last Sunday lint were post-j polled beaciise ot several events hap pening this week which would Lave' conflicted. I Indications are that the meeting will be largely attended as a fine| spirit ol cooperation exists in CulloV whee between the churches and he , (ween the college and the churches.! I Also because of the fact that the i college has. at present time the larg | est student body iu its enlire his itory. The public is cordially invited by the pastor and congregation to i attend all services, liev. M. Q. Tuttl^i i is the pastor. TO PAVE ATLANTA ROAD ('onimet tor jmvilli? the filial link in llie Ashcvillc-Allanta highway will he let by (lie (ieoriria Highway Coin niission late in May, according to an nouncement made from flic proximately 20 miles between (!aine.s-j villc and Cornelia, (Ja. The grading! contract is to he let within the next j few days. When l his link lias been complet ed, motorists may drive all the way! to Atlanta on pavement. The route from Ashevijlc goes to Canton, Way nesville, Sylvn, Franklin and Cor nelia. W. O. W. WILL UNVEIL MONUMENT TO R. 0. VANCL Tuckascigee Camp, Number ")(>(>, , Woodmen of the World, will unveil, a monument to the late eRv. Ii. 0. Vance, on next. Sunday afternoon at 2..'!0 o'clock at T/Ovedalc Cemetery. Friends of the late Mr. Vance, and the public are invited. 40 YEARS AGO TCCKASETC.E DEMOCRAT April :?>, 1800 Members of the county Democratic Executive Committee appointed ;? t a Hireling held in Webster oil April 22 wore: Qualla, .1. A. Gibbs; Barker's Crock, S. C. Allison; Dillsboro, S. T. Early; Sylva, O. H. Coward; Web ster, ('. C. Cowan; Savannah, B. II. .Tones; Cullowhee, R. }?. Brown; Scolt's Creek, S. R-. Cook; River, I). I). Davis; Caney Fork, John Hunter; Canada, lames Wood; Hamburg, ?Toliii T. Collins, CashierV Valley, T. lv. Znhary. Married in Sylva, Sunday morning, April.27, l.y A. M. Parker, Esq., Mr. Henry En>!ey lo Miss Belle Painter. Mr. Bunyaii (iidney and Miss Ida Warren were married Monday even-: ing, April L'N, Kev. B. "! McClure, Sylva, ). J. Hooper, Tucka seigee, .1. II. Barnes, Sylva, 1>. K. Hooper, East Laporte, J. A. Brown, Argura, S. 1j. McGuire, Norton, Jno. W. Smith. Sylva, H. 1, Dillard Hoop er, East Laporte, T. F. Middleton, Tuekaseige, D. G. Bryson, Sylva. BALSAM Mrs. Amos Bryson and Mrs. L. L. Cooper were callc