ij.50 . mi ? ? ______________ r ail i m r ? ?ft 50 Year in Advance in e County. Sylva, N. C., Thursday, August 14, 1930 $2.00 Year in Advance outside the OwttiW Baptist Associa II meet this morning with tin. ,U1 l,S ,0lst a,UU,!,?| ?alion, am! vi11 continue ml "S through Satiuday. ?am tpi-iy ar,au-,"i MEETS TODAY ?ation, ni t *" ft "U" W? '''"I""! ....iii'ril l?v .In* . sauizatum. ami Recognition of Visitors. ?'i )?].? RflM"' 011 l>,,|"',M''<",'s?l* "? , [_ Cook. H5 ReiH.it on Orphanage, Rev. O. C, Snyder j.,5 Assignment of Homes to Dele gates." Friday Morning #.H, Devotional. Uev. K. C. Morgan 0 Romlimr ?i minutes . L Mullinax. 215 Dismission of a hove re|M>rts. Report on Temperance, .1. T. ifc# Miswfygggoqp r Stis^lfepunf- " Devotional. Uev. Hen Cook Reading ol Minutes ol Prev ious Day. r|tort mi Stewardship, Rev. I. K. Sia t'Ion I :l? Report on W. M. I .. Mrs. IT. T. Hunter i:45 Report mi Sylva Collegiate In stitute, 'i. W. Sutton l:3t) Sermon, Uev. I. K. Staftonl 2:l? Dinner Saturday Afternoon Devotional, Kev. A. - Queen 1:15 Kt'|Kii t n!i Sunilay ljch6uU A. V. Washburn. 2:4? Report on H. V. P. l'., Ijiwson Allen. fciO Miscellaneous Adjourn at will. Evening services to be arranged by be paster. niEE TICKETS TO LYRIC ?lournal lias made arrangfc 'eats with the Lyrie Theatre, for *? tree, tickets to he presented 3,,l) week, to jiersoiis in Sylva or erksnii County. bili week two names will he pub 'tal in si'iHiultletl form. If the pcr * x-Wted can decipher their ?"'"'s, tliev wi;| hp presented with r* tickets to di,, theatre. ^ letters m the lines below, ll''tr'.v arranged, spell the names o i ? ,H" iK'isons in Sylva or Jackson 'i the persons whose names lri repmsenti'?l in tli<> group of let *?* dwiolicr their own names and ''"pies oi The .Tournal to the theatre, at a>iy performance next riu-silay night, they will ^ KUwi I fee admission to. the the^ 'v,b> Management. M,1-(?1[KP()IKKF. SAVTHI'|,KMU1R I WCKOOS" AT THE LYRIC I Tl i ~ ' ''M i'' 1 heat re lias booked th? 'ri,|? l,ifn,r?' "The Cuckoos" for W S;i,un'a.v of this week, tfcu Kl' ^ and Bert Wheeler, 'u the picture, will 1)9 "'"?'(?ii as the two comedians 'it;''l iIm' laughs in "Rio The , !' 't m kitos" is billed as a *:i '.'"i!Ul 1' 's reported.-to have 'eeeived wherever offered. ( MaRRIA.GE LICENSES Mi 1;r,nV" Dannie Middleton, K\ v'n('MUnty* '?tle D l -0! Jacksoir'rtmnty^o Kavm .'nson? ?f Robbinsville. ^ boU>' (,'c'IUl ^fauces Cow ?f Sylva. 40 YEARS AGO Tucfcaseige Democrat, July 13, 1890 Mr. D. Snider left Monday for [ Asheville to be gone several davs. j | Mr. E. D. Davis is in Asheville, i whither he has gone to the State Alliance Convention. Mrs. A. J. Long, Sr., of Webster, came over Saturday to visit her daughters here. Mr. David Brown of Cullowhee went to Asheville, Monday. Mr. J. T. Painter and Miss Lillie have gone to Asheville to sj>cnd some davs. Messrs T. B. Allison and 0. W. McConnell of Webster were here Monday afternoon. Capt. L. E. Perry of the R & D R R came out Saturday and stayed over till Monday afternoon. Mr. C. C. Cowan went to Asheville, Monday, being a delegate to the State Alliance Convention. Col. e. P. Bryson, of Cashier's[ came in, to see us last Wednesday, i He reports lots of visitors in the: Valley. Messrs J. K. Moss and .1. C. Potts were welcome visitors at the Dcmo-j erat office, Saturday. Mr. A. M. Parker went to Ashe-' ville Monday, and will probably go; on to Baltimore. Mrs. Parker and the children are visiting relatives in Webster. , There was shipped from Clyde sta tion ? during the tobyco season of 1890, 531,292 lbs. of tobacco, and the sajnie period, 1889, 339,795 lbs., an ineraase over 1889 .of 197,498, lbs. 4 Miss May Belle Cooper and Mr. C. A. Wallace of Quallatown stopped here Saturday on their way to Cul lowhee, where Miss Cooper will teach in the High School and Mr. Wallace will be a student. "A delightful trip." Such is the report ^hat reaches us front a pariy of pleasure seekers who left Judge Davies' last Tuesday morning to en joy a day with Dame Nature. The party was composed of Miss Lena Morgan, of Laurinburg, Miss Mai Davies and Mr, Will Brown, of Cul lowhee, and Mr. M. Buchanan, of Sylva. They visited the high falls of the Tuckaseigee and Yellow Moun tain. ? ?/?? County Democratic ticket: For rep resentative, Coleman C. Cowan; for clerk superior court, J. W. Fisher; for register of deeds, W. H. H. Hughes; for sheriff, J E. McLain; for treasurer, '1. H. Moody; for sur veyor, E. A. Cook; for coronor, J. W. Shelton. The executive committee of the county alliance met here last Friday j to perfect arrangements for the es tablishment of the Alliance, stare. We are advised that the matter waS| satisfactorily arranged, and the store! will be in lull operation in about. two weeks, of which we hope to give, full notice through our advertising; columns. A full stock wil he kept and members of the Allium ? sup plied with everything they need at bottom prices. I I . j 1 The Democratic Congressional Con vention has bed called to meet, in Asheville on August 27. The names of the delegates and alternates rom Jackson county are: B. M. Smith, - T. Phillips, F. Merrick, J. W. p ? rell, Nathan Coward, W. P- ^onCR' ! T B Coward, W. M. Rhea, C. 1 y'icharv. C. L Diilard, T. L. Moss, , L. J. Smith, C. A. Bird, 11 K. Brown, O B. Coward, W. C. Norton, W. 1 Shelton, J. T. Woodard, E. R. Hamp ton, F. A. Luck, Sr? 1 r V - DavW Tatham, S. T. Eail}, ^ Watkins, L. C. Hall, R. A. Cu",' "r : ham, J. F, Moss, David Coward, .. W. Diilard, A. H. Wilson R. L. Mad ison, S. W. Cooper, ? F. H. Le^?f wood, Jesse A. Wild, Dr. J. H E. D. Davis, D. L. Love, J. D. Buch janan, D. J Allen com TRIES: DOZEN USES But a dozen cases were tried in the Recorder's court, during (lie session on Monday of lliis week, and lew ol' them were finally disjiosed of. Don \Y illiams, was found guilty of being drunk, and as there were already two suspended sentences hanging over him, lie was sentenced to serve (> months on the roads. Harley Shular, operating an auto mobile while intoxicated, prayer for judgment Continued. Lloyd Hughes, abandonment, order ed to pay - $5.(10 a month into court for the support of liis child. L. L Cope and Vardie Sneed, as sault u)>011 each other, Iclt open un til the next session of the court, af ter the evidence had been hard. Jim Jones, drunk, judgment sus- j pended upon payment of the costs, i Ransom Buchanan, prayer for judgment continued for .% days. Jess McDowell, reckless driving,' left open until Saturday of this week. McDowell was found .-^guilty of j reckless driving, in connection with | the in jury of Mrs. Whitiirpavis, on j Mill i Street, in Sylva, a few weeks; ago. Mrs. Davis was walking on the street, and was knocked down by a . car driven by McDowell, and occu-'j pied by three other Xegroes. W. TI.. Garren, drunk. Jiidyment suspended upon payment of the costs'. Will Norton, possession and trans portation of liquor.' !?!:> ?fUlered a 1 plea of guilty of possession; bu^jiiot for purjjoses of sale. The court found him guilty oil the original charge, and sentenced liiin to a term of fi in on tl(S, which was suspended: for 12 months upon payment of $2;", and the costs. Charlotte Jones, assault, nol prov ed. . . .. . t.avada Jones, assault. Xol pressed, an;! thfr costs taxed against tho pros-. Renting witness. ?: COWAN TO PREACH AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. (}. X. Cowan, pastor of the First Baptist, church of Apex, will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church here, Sunday morning. Mr. Cowan, a brother of M. I). : Cowan, cashier of the Jackson Conn-! ty"Bank, is a native of Jackson couu-j ty, and has a great many friends j here. I Mr. Cowan has just ended a series, of jneetings at the Webster Baptist ; church, which lie has been conduct-; ing in cooperation with , the pastor, Rev. W. X. Cook. 1 BSC RALLY TAKES PLACE SATURDAY Large numbers oi" Democrats from .Tacksoit and other counties oi' West ern North Carolina are planning to attend the Barbecue and speaking at i Franklin on Saturday of this week. Hon. Josiah W. Bailey, nominee j for the United States. Senate will bej the principal speaker. -oy on Aug ust N., and gave him the name G. C.I Mrs. Collins will he remembered as Miss Hthel Turpin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl HCigdpn of! Glenville was visiting Mr. Jligdon'sj parents last week, Mr. and Mrs. X. lligdon. Mrs Carmie Reed of Greens Creek j spent the week end "with his parents j Jmaul, Mi; -and Mrs John TaLham si Miss Mildred Price of "Cullowheei here now teaching a Suuday School1 cousin, Miss Coil Sutton. Rev. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown were here Sunday evening, calling j on friends.' Mr. Brown filled his ap-j point mcnt with New Savannah Bap-j tist church at 8 o'clock. Mr. ami Mrs. Price of Georgia j were vi>iting Mr. Price's son, and] family. Mr. and' Mrs. Raymond Price of this place;, on last Sunday. Mrs. Sue Brysou took her Sunday j School class to the fish hatchery andj Lake .lunaluska, last Sunday. The J children as well as Mrs. Bryson all j reported a nice trip. Mr. Shuler of Duke University, is t here now teaching a Sunadv School course at the Wesleyanna Methodist j church. s' ! WEEK By WEEK By DAN TOMPKINS An orange airplane flew over Providence, Ky., where labor troubles have been in progress in the coal mines, and dropped a number of home-made bombs. Thus does crime keep apace of progress. Armored cars, machine guns, and now bomb ing planes are used by tbe lawless. Sfnator Norris, who bolted the Re publican ticket in 1928 and stumped for A1 Smith, again won the Repub lican nomination for senator in Ne braska. Senator Norris, a liberal has been the inveterate foe of stand patism, has' championed the cause of the people in the i>ower fight, and I made a campaign tour of Pennsyl | vania for the Democratic nominee. The main issue in the campaign just closed was Hoover, and Nebraska has spoken against the president and in favor of those who oppose his poli cies. In Arkansas, Senator Robinson, who was A1 Smith's running mate, was nominated by a four to one vote. The drought has cut crops 7 per cent. This is hard on the farmers; but the anxiety with which it is viewed by the administration gives the lie to the propoganda that over production is what has been ailing the farmers. If we have a good crop year, (he farmers suffer from an ex cess of production, and if a drought strikes us and cuts production, the farmers can't pay their taxes and buy shoes and school books. There is, in reality, something basic and fundamental that is out of joint in our economic system. That could be remedied by proper thought and statesmanlike legislation and admin istrations A great war is in progress in parts of China, with communists over-run ning and sacking cities. There have been many thousands of casualties; and it is charged that communism, running riot, shedding blood, bearing I lie torch, and sacking cities, is in spired by Moscow. An American Presbyterian mission at Changsha was destroyed. ] 0,000 Afridis tribes men are attempting to invade India through Peshawar from Afghanistan, and British troops arc holding them back, mostly by use of airplanes, the most effective of modern wea pons. The Hindus and Moslems are engaged in bitter strife and rioting in the Sind district, and Britain has troops on hand to hold the warring religionists in check. Thus do we find the world far from peace, ^he world's policeman in Great Britain, and the greatest civilizing force in the world is the British Empire. America refuses to concern herself over what's happening in the world, Endurance Gives Out?On One Side? By Albert T. Rmd J BAILEY GOEST Mr. Josiah William Bailey, Mrs. Bailey, and the children, will be guests for the week end of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McKee, at High Hampton Inn, in Cashiers Valley. * Mr. Bailey, who defeated Senator Simmons in the recent primary and ' is the Democratic nominee for the United States Senate, will speifc at Franklin on Saturday, and Will go from there to High Hampton to joW Mrs. Bailey and the children. He carried this county by neatiy 2000 majority out of a vote of less than 2300. BUBLINGTON PASTOR PREACHES ITEM! Rev. Martin W. Buck filled the pulpit of the Baptist church here, Sunday morning, preaching an ex* cellcnt sermon. Rev. Mr. Bock is pastor of the First Baptist church of Burlington. The hour for the evening servios was given over to the rendition of a program of music. Mr. Carl Bebr, of Asheville, played several number* on the zither, Miss Ruth Gribble gave a piano solo, Mrs. John R. Jones and B. L. Muliinax sang solos and the male quartet of the church, com posed of Mr. J. T. Gribble, Mr. Jcese Parker, Mr.' Walter Dean and Mr L. A. Buchanan, gave several selec tions. The program was heard by a large audience. BRUMMITT VISITS BTtVA Attorney General Dennis G. Bram mitt was a visitor in Sylva om Tues day, meeting old acquaintances and making new ones. Mr. Brummitt will fa offer his name in the Democratic primary -ac-a candidate for geveuwr, two years hence. FRED BROWN VISlflNG fcfeftfe' K' ? Dr. Fred F. Brown, pastor of the First Baptist church of KnoxviHe, and a native of Jackson county, will spend a few days in the county, and will be the guest of Mr. W. ft. Smith at Cowarts. Dr. Brown will preach at John's Creek Baptirt church, Sunday night, August 17 WALKER TO PREACH SUNDAY NIGHT Dr. R. P. Walker, paster of the Wayiiesville Presbyterian church, will preach at the Methodist church in Sylva, Sunday evening, in tlie ab sence of the pastor, Rev^ George Clemnicr, who is conducting a series of meetings in Belmont. There will be no service in the church Sunday morning. Mr. CIcmmer will be absent for three Sundays. On the 24th and the 31st, Rev. W. C. Reed will fill his appointmeents. in which.>dtc eouM be the moral and economic leader. We are to be investigated. Even now Senator Nye and his election smelling committee have defefefivefc snooping about North Carolina in an effort to f ind. out how come Josiah ? William Bailey ?-defeated Senator Simmons in the recent primary. No body in North, Carolina, so far as is known, has charged that there tffca either corruption in the prihailH nr that an inordinate amount of moiiey was spent. And, if they are teked, almost any unprejudiced niind in the State . canx tell in a fe* w