Year in Advance in The County. Sy'.va, N. C? Thursday, Sept. 25, 1930 L.VOt ? V-- ?' ."O": ri*, ~v. -> J ? ? !&>> ? ; $2.00 Year in Advance outside the fitim umm m mm ww mi mu 1>v I \. \"i?st:il, County Agent) . t? ?> and J are the (lays set Mr "?ri *" * . |, ;he Jackson County Flow ''' i , , ;iml Poultry Show. y'?., l 1,1 ,l"' <lHlei'entl ' .?iini '-t- and the different com ,>US*V ,'u>st' ,ast i,.? d;iv . u 11 tin.u' tliiusrs ready for :,\i Wednesday morning. 111M t ^ '|j,. 11..w.r show will he held in i!? liwMi::!: n?-vt door to the bus' !*)?<> Indies ask that lhe ,|(lWt.iN Ii |?hiy by 10 a. in. . iii-toher 1st. The live , 11 f v :ni?l I 11 Club farm s'Hi l\? , ' ' 1 . ,[. .,!.-v '<? i" ^I'ljo'e by noon, i'iJuIm'i Through the courtesy . \|, |> M. i in II. tlie heel' cattle ..,f) i hill'' rati Ic will he shown at IN. ii supply ,,l,ru' >vo' iM-ildt-tl *!all> will he provided for i:ii:iI entered. Thitn!"li 11"' courtesy o l' Mrs. I), I lovt- i lir sheep, Poultry and 4 II fluli exhibits will lie shown in ilu- l:ii'-.f warehouse next to Mr. J. |: U !r\'- Kred Store. Strong Vl.!|, li,-i t ? l< '? I p. n. will he avai'abbe i,; ;ill ^ In**' | > ;? in I hogs, and exhihi i(lll will In- ready tor th?t jmujtry. > j-Viil:n. (ViiiIht ."trd, the Sylva 1 ??. inii.1 and Franklin High S lH?>! |?!;iv football on t!.< 1 i i ?! mi i.liii n. This tranie i ihr;n>. .uliiilul, because of the ii vain nt 'he two county team,., {,jM I., ? ? ihcv ji?e usually well watiln-'. . 11 i - Tame should attract ,.u.jv . ?? ii Jackson county, who nijovs ;i rc;il cnot I game. Anym >? who Inis not received a premiiiu- 11 -1 can secure one by call ins; ;ii the Chamber of Commerce Tlir I'i iii! Shop, County Agent's uftir*. it I iv seeing Mr;. A. H. Wavi r. TEASERS Is ilu> your name? By arrange mnit wjtli the Lyric Theatre, two names of persons in Sylva or Jack sou i-o'iiiu will be published in the Jour ml cadi week. If the persons whosi names are so published can deeiplcT their names, they will bo admit;*il five to the theatre at any show piior tn Friday of the follow - in? Week 'flic let?crs in the lines below, if ph),iorl\ arranged, spell the names of iivn |>co)tie in Sylva or Jackson ?OUiiU. If either of them is your nsnic. .u-t till in the letters in the blmik line below, clip this out and lircM'i.t it ii> the box office at the Lyric theatre, :uul you will he ad mitted free to anv show, before next Friday. . Lwt weeks teasers Mis. NLFHACL Mrs. LKHSYAGLILRE Name ?.?? Mis. li'iiytnoiul (llenn Dillanl Robinson CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEETING OF FALL Hie Junior Study Club held the li >t meeting of the fall, having had 'i vacation 0|' two months, with ?H'ss N't'U Cowan, last week. The picture "The House at Hamp strati," painted by John Constable, *'is the subject of study for the l'N'trram, which was le<l by Mrs. Walter Jones. Hie business sesesion was large ly taken up with discussion of plans tor the minstrel show, which tin* ?-luh is sponsoring. ( Swimming Marvel \ ' Masao Makino, fifteen, who broke ">e Olympic swimming records at 400 l#00 meters in a Japanese athletic BALSAM | Mr. Glenn Parris and Miss Kinu i Foster were married in Clayton, (Ja. Friday the 19th. Miss Lehi Favt i Parris, sister ot the "room, and i Mr. Kverctt Rogers accompanied tin | hippy couple to Clayton and wit nessed the ceremony. ^ Mr. Laurciice Lindsey, who is ; student in the aviation school in Chicago, i.s visiting his parents, Mr I and Mrs. .lames Lndsey. Mr. W. T. Derrick and fam'i | were called to Wnyii:sVil!e Frida; on account of the desith o l' his hi o'.' er-in-law, J* X. Peacock. Mrs. Mavhelle Perry and M.' Lon:>. fJrcfrn attended the burial o' Mr. .1, X. Peacock in WnynesviM Sunday. Miss Kate Ricknrds and iiMh nej?hev.*. Raymond. Ricknrds of Ca: ton were guets of Mrs. M. C. Kci last we;?k end. Mrs. Martha Pat ton* of Marvville Tenn., is visiting Mrs. K. (>. Queen Mr. and Mrs. Jinimv Lowe o' Knoxville, Tenn., mere guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Queen several davs last week. M ss Marie Siyathers has return ed from a \\isit to her sister. Mrs >!ace. We hop.- for her a speedy .Mrs. Don Cogdill was operated o' ior appendicitis Monday in the Syl va hospital. Mrs. Cogdill i; primary teacher in the Balsuu/ school and Mrs. V. L. Cojk! is teaching in her place. We hope for her a spodv reeoverv. JOURNAL MOVES TO SPLEN ? DID NEW QUARTERS During the past week, the Journ al has moved to its hew quarters m the Dills Building, under th? vV ostein Union Telegraph Com pany's offices. There are oil trances to the office of the Journal from both Main and Mill streets, the two principal tho roughfares of the City; and we ar? now not only well housed, in pleas ant quarters, but are well located in the heart of the town, in the same building that houses the ('ham ber of Commerce, the community gathering place. It is the purpose of the Jackson County Journal,, the Jackson coun ty paper, to give the jieople of Jack son county, the very best newspa per and printing service. We do not feel that the Journal is a small private business, but that it is a public, Jackson County institution, working for the interest and good of all the people of the county, from Balsam (lap to Wa tauga Gap and from White Water to Oconalufta. W^* want you to feel that the Journal is your paper, which it is; and we invite you all to come to see us when you come to town. MORRISON WILL SPEAK HERE ON OCTOBER 11, AT 2 O'CLOCK Former Governor Cameron Morri son will open the Democratic cam paign in Jackson county, on October 11, who he will address the voters of the county in the auditorium of the Sylva graded school building, ?t two o'clock in the afternoon. Governor Morrison is not only ono of the most forceful and pleas ing speakers in th? State; but is !>opular with the people, espesially >f this section and this county, and ?t is expected that a large crowd of >>eople will welcome and hear him. TEACHERS WILL HOLD AN NUAL MEETING SATURDAY The Jackson County Teachers Association will hold its annual meeting on Saturday of this week, and it is expected that every public school teacher in the county will J)e in Sylva for the event. v'. '? Following the business session at the school building in the morning,, dinner will be served to the teachers ad their guests in the hall of the Sylva Chamber of Commerce. A pro gram of fun and jollity has been arranged for the dinner meeting | and a good speaker will be secnj?d { -S>~ .5 4 Heartbreaking Days ?? By Albert T Rei4 & " ? ? ?? ? *r"~ You can*. come; with. me,Tige, - ani,doggone,it, what'rc you looking tkat way at me, for.? *" \ 1 ^uess iCainit nvy I gbttd. go to scKoo], is ?c ?* >v? U T o G-A. 5 T LTV. ' CilOCOIjATE DROPS" MINSTREL, TUESDAY "Chocolate Drops" a minstrel, will Iw piesented under tin*, -nu'spi- j fit's ol' the Junior Study (.'lub, 'Tu?#J day ni?ht September 30, at 8 o' clock:, in tho graded school audito rium. The proceeds will go to help with the welfare work in the com munity, and to buy a curtain for the auditorium. "Chocolate Drops" is said to lie one ot the liest shows on the road. The biggest and best that has ever ? oine to Nylva. Its different from a musical comedy, filled with fun - a laugh I'rom beginning to end. "Chocolate Drops"'in a Negr.nnii strel. The cast has been selected with great care and will be trained by Miss Lou Coffee, who lias been sent to Sylva bv the Daniel Pro ducing Company. The cast consists of one hundred and twenty five men women, girls and boys. Miss Coffee says that she has the best talent that she has worked with in quiir a while. The minstrel scene opens tin show. It is full of songs, dancing ,jokesr ami elaborate costumes. Kight pretty, |?oppv chorus girl help ma!;e this scene a success eaci time they apjwar in a different costume. The second scene is an old blacl;, Mammy and her white chile. This is very sweet, as they recall the days of long ago. The choriw girls appear dressed in beautiful, old fashioned costumes. Mammy goes to church in the next scene The have a council meet ing before church starts, in which Parson Ebony Wdiite tells the") t? ask him any question from the Bi ble that he can answer it The jirst question is "who was Cain's wile?'' If you can't answer it, be sure you see "Chocolate Drops". After the council meeting Parson White de livers a very stirring sermon on "I)e Valley of De Dry Hones.'' He delivers it so effectively that some the good sisters in the congregation ret quite happy and shout. The clofiing scene is where Judge Parker trie the cases listed in the court news this week. The court is interrupted by (Jeorge Dishwasher Black and Angelina asking tin ".Tedge" "has he got just a min ute to get 'em hitched.1T' A real Negro wedding follows. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WILL MEET THIS EVENING _____ \ The Sylva Chamber of Co:iimcrce will hold a dinner meeting, in the hall of the Chamber, this evening. It i.; expected that the seeting will be largely attended, as it is aaid to be a most important one. WEEK By WEEK , ( i It will be well worth everybody's I o tunic to iS) lva to the Lives toe u uuU Jbrfiflfcry show next week. This should he made an annual get to gether meeting the Jackson county J oiks. Wheat dropped to 77 cents a bushel on the Chicago market Tues day, the lowest price in a quarter of a century. There are men and women, who are raising wheat tor a living today, who were unborn, when the price was as low before as it was on Tuesday of this week. The explanation is made, and there is a deal of truth in it, that the condition that has forced prices down in this country is yorld wide. Perhaps We will 'yarn that we are in the world, are a part of it, ami that our policy of isolation, and high tariff helps create world con ditions that work injury to us. Major Charles M., Steaduan, 8!) year old congressman from the (Ireensboro district, died in a Wash ington hospital Tuesday. The pass ing of Major Steadman is a matter of regret to all Americans, not only because of his being the last veter an of the War Between the States serving in either house of the Con gress, but also because of the love able dis]iositiou of the man, mho bas served his State and his coun try so long and so faithfully. He has crossed over the River to rest with .Taekson, in the shade of the trees. The stock market went down with the falling of the wheat ami other grains, Tuesday, to register the heaviest decline in three months. The event emphasises the fact that the country cannot he prosperous, except in a superficial, artificial way, so long as agrculture, one of our great industries suffers. The distress of the farmers, through the years of so-called prosperity, finally brought the whole of indus try down with it. (Jovemmeiit can't favor one section of tin- peo ple as against the other, ami make the whole prosperous. New charges against Bishop Jm Cannon, Jr., stormy prelate of Methodist Episcopal church, South, have been signed by four elders of the church, thr^e front Virginia and one from Maryland, and have been forwarded to Bishop Ains worth, president of the college of I bishops. The nature of the charges | has not been disclosed; but prior to this stock market ventures and .handling of funds in a political Campaign, have been thebaaig of URGES COUNTY NURSE AND HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT Speaking as the representative of the women, at the annual Ladies' Night of the Sylva Rotary Club, at lligh Hampton Inn, Aire. H. T. Hunter, of Cullowhee, beinoaned the I fact that there is neither a county health nurse nor a home agent in Jackson county. She emphasised the home as the foundation of all good enterprises, stated the needs of the I agencies for the welfare of the wo men and children, and the promo tion of better home life. She stated, that, despite the primary import-j ance of the home, that, when offic ials decided to economize, the hom? is the first institution at which a blow is struck. Mr. Thomas A. Cox, speaking for| the board of trustees of the C. J. liar lis Community Hospital, stated that the hospital is tne property of the people, that it is operated for them, on a non-profit basis, backed by the Duke Foundation, for the sole purjKise of providing hospital facilities for all the people, those who are able to pay for hospitaliz ation, and those who are not. He stated that no one can make money out of the hospital, and that any physiean or surgeon can take his patients there, and any patient can go there and take his own physic^ iaM or surgeon, lii order that the hospital may sueccdil jn itp h^jh purpose, and that the unfortunates, who are unable to pay for hospital treatment may receive its benefits,'ie urged that civic organizations, wo men's clubs, church organizations, [ individuals, and the public general ly, support the community hospital. The principal address was a mas terful erposition of the Constitution by Mr. A. Y. Arlcdgc, of Hender >onville. Most of tfic Rotarians left Sylva in the morning or early in the after noon, and enjoyed the beauties of the Cashier's Valley country, and golfing on the High Hampton course. ?f attacks u|?on Cannon. The accused man is hurrying home from Brazil where he has been holding confer ences and having his honeymoon journey. It is inevitable that when anyone, especially a bishop of the church, tries to regulate every body's business, he will find him self sometimes placed in an unfav orably light ? The Recorder, Judge E. P. Still well, had few cases before ~iua .tri bunal, Monday. Wade Ridley, who hai formerly been eonvidted on a porting and possession of liquor had neglected to pay a fine of $25.00 {hid the costs that had been impos ed, and was ordered into eratody to serve a sentence of two months" Herbert Webster, who moved to Dick's Creek, a few months ago, war. found guilty of possession of and manufacturing of whiskey, was sentenced to serve two months 011 the |M)S8fssion charge ind to four months for the manufacturing. He decided to take his chance* in the superior court, and appealed. C. K. Harrell was- charged with 111 assault with - a- deadly -weaponj but the bill wan changed simple ssailt and prayer for judgment was continued for two years upon ,roori behavior. A capias was issued for H. A. Deal, charged with reekless driving, and who had failed to answer to his name. *? ?? '?-? I.aura Jones, charged with trans porting and possssioh, war Mid failed to answer. A capias issued for her to Haywood county* Lie Glover, charged with lCfkkw* ? driving, was ordered to pay tba costs, he having already paid ^hflB- < pital bill and $42.50 in damages. QUALLA i i* -? Mrs. Ll A. Hipps of Olivet wafcJ! a Qualla visitor, Sunday, . - Mesdames J. Q. Hooper and,I). { v ? M. Shuler went to Seott'i Monday. r ' &-r>JK Misa Winnip Cooper ia spepIflik^LJ a few days in Mr. and Mrs. S. M Crijip wuy. guests at Mr. W. F House's, Sunday' Miss Phyllis Moody has returned from a trip to Asheville Miss Annie Lizzie Terrell of WX1 lets spent Friday night with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shuler and Mr. J 0. Howell and family visited it Mrs. A. C. Hoylcs'. Mr. Jim Keener called at Mr. J. K. Battle's. Mi-. D. C. Hughes and family vis ited at Mr. J. K. Terrell's. Mr. Ransom Davis' has purchased : -f a new car FARMERS, SHOW YOUR 8TVTT mrnmmmmmm ? (By E. V. Vestal, County Agent If the farmers and poultrymen of Jackson county will be as loyal, by bringing their livestock and p?al try out to the Livestock and PtfaT try show, next week, as the 'met^fih ants and business men of Sylya and Dillsboro have been in making pos sible the premiums, there is a real treat in store for us, next week. Jackson county now has some wefi bred stock, and it behooves all of as to show our best. Not only will the advertising value be worth 'the troub le, but the prices offere^. are well worth the time and trouble o? shf>w ' If all the livestock and ppultry of Jackson county wa* shown Bere next week, the sight would ba *&n edu cation in itstlf.' Farmers, * hdp make . this the bigges and best-show yet? Governor ?!::??) I' f .ong 6T Lot?i?' j). ara. winne i-, tbe S-rtaqMal JM* ? rnarics on. >. *1* fc. :l v> \ ( r 1 " ' '4 * "* rT-' . IT f^nrV? i i?'n

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