iu doing so, attended the (!i i : the Jackson County V. . . - Association, held (in Sylvr. ?; . Saturday. The business ses ilie association was held in ti; ? iiinir in the auditorium of the' i. :. ii .1 srhool building, where an ad di ? v.as delivered on the "Grow i; livelier." I'.v Mr. L. C. Brogden, | -vi* iv-'ior of the Division of Klemen t;i? Education in North Carolina, j \ ??in- o'clock dinner was served in i in- 1' ill ol the Sylva Chamber of i t u:,i.a- " :- i?y the Sylva Parent TV.ii'iicis Association, and the fol_1 low 11 m prouTiMii was carried out: i A ?>!", I'v Miss Mildred Williams,' ol |)illsboro. iWn'hv Dix vs. Women, M. B. Mndi mi. Ifijihun! F.ehoes, from the (ilen ville High School. CVwd's Activity program, W. C. Real " ? 'V.vhee Stunt, U. Htieck and liis f"llrwhec teachers. Sylva Ryrthn and Tones, Miss Xci' Barker, and Sylva teachers. Willits and Balsam Stunt, by teachers from the two schools. Relieve it or Not, S. Jerome Phil lips. What's Coming, W. Carr Hooper the newly elected president. Address, Rev. Cr. T. Bond, West Asltcville Methodist church. DAVIS RITES HELD AT WEBSTER Funeral services for Uev. A. VV. Davis who died Sunday night at his home on t he Cul'owhee road, were conducted Monday afternoon at the W ???> ;? r Baptist chuich, by Rev. J. (i. .Murray and Rev. W. X. Cook. In.eriii; nl was (in the Still well eem e!i r v. iiii Uuaka Lodge of Masons in c/avve. Ai:. ;>avis, a native of South Car oliiia, w;;s T.\ years of age. He moved to f;cl.-.-ii county when quite a yotni: ,i and uitered the ministry here. :eiving a number of the Bap ti-: el: 11dies in this county. He mar lie I Miss Martha Lee Cowan, who < in I!>25. His second wife was (ora Lie Cowan, and she and m.'i survive him. ? r. Davis had been in poor healtl ???veral months and his condition '"?en grave for several we;k ! !?. his passing on Sunday night i ' >TBALL HIJRE SATURDAY :fi- Yellow Jackets of Sylva Col ? 'i- I ii-, i it ute will open'their foot season, Saturday afternoon at ' ??"'?'uek, when they meet the CI."' from the Qualla reser ati<> . mi the High School gridiron i:' Sylva. A good game is expected. COWAETS Funeral service of Mr. Taul drown who died at his home Thurs day following several weeks illness, was held at the Saul Creek Cemetery at 5 o'clock Friday. Kev. Ben Cook, pastor of the John's Creek Baptist' church, conducted the service: lie was a member of this church. He was a member of the board of deac ons at the line of iiis death. Het ' was active in the religious life of his county and community. Surviving are his wife and one son, a host oi friends and relatives. John's \ Creek Baptist Sunday school seems to be growing in mmi bers and interest. Mr. Larson Ix?vedahl. of Akron,' Ohio, iils visiting home folks, ful ehurcst ieao,h,y shrdlu u sh nil' Mr. and Min. Fulton Thomasson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stephens Sunday afternoon. . Mr. Frank Coward, and Mr. Luth er Stephens made a trip to Balsam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris and family visited Mr. J. F. Coward Sun- i day, also Mr. and Mrs. Andy Queen and family. Mr. .1. F. Coward has been quite sick for the past week. I Misses Lois and Hvelyn Parker I were guests of Mr. and Mik Milas ? Parker the pasts week end. They are! in school at the S. C. I. Miss Martha Cope of Sylva was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milas Par ker Sunday. Mr. Paul Swavngiin visited Mr. James Parker Sunday night. Those attending the Speaking Fri day night near Canton made by Mr. Barrett^ were;* Mr.-Nelso^ Henfion, Mr. Griffin ftliddTeton, Jes se Smith, John Smith. The Hooper reunion was held al Mr. E. Hooper's East Lajjol r, last Sunday. John's Creek High School will have society every two weeks (Wed nesday night). Everybody is cor dially invited to conie "Let's help out the tracher at John's Cree'". They have been so nice and success ful in the past school, so let's be ready to make the same remarks at the end of the next term. S. S. ENLOE LAID TO REST Sevier S. En loo, 87, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Mason in Dillsboro, Saturday morning was laid to rest at the old ! Camp Ground cemetery in Qualla, Sunday afternoon, following funera services, conducted at the home, by Rev. George Clemmer. Mr. Knloe was a native of this county, a veteran of the Confeder acy and a good citizen. He had baen in extremely poor health for nearly two years and had been at the point of death for the past several weeks. Mh. Enloe is survived by four daughters, Mrs. C. C. Mason, Mrs. ! J. T. Beck, of Bryson City, Mrs: It. P. Hyde, of Bennewah, Idaho, and Mrs. E. H. Kupferer, of A,she vi lie, and one son, C. G. Enloe, of Swans dale, West Virginia, a number of grandchildren, and other relatives. J. W. FERGUSON PASSES ?Tames W. Ferguson, former soli citor of this judicial district, and j candidate for that office in the Dem ; ocratic primaries, last June, died in 'a StatesvHle sanitarium Monday I night. Funeral services were held I Tuesday in Waynesville. I Mr. Ferguson, a son of the late j Judge Garland S. Ferguson, was 57 j years of age, and was a well known (figure throughout Western North Carolina, where, as a member of-t!ie Haywood county bar, as solicitor, as presidential elector, and as a member of the " general assembly from Hay wood, when he was but 21, he won a reputation as a brilliant lawyer, j A large number of people from adjoining counties attended the fun eral in Waynesville. Practically ev , erv member of the bar from Svlva I was in attendance. Y EXHIBITORS HAVE SHOWINGS The Jackson Comity Livaatock, Poultry, ami Flower Show started, ye.steid:.y, and exhibits were still coming in, this morning. The Flower show b. ing held the old Lyric theatre building, is crowded v.ith an unusual, large and varied display of many varieties of flowers from the, gardens ai|d homes of Jackson county. I^ovejs of flowers could well afford to travel many \ miles to see the magnifieiont display] The poultry is housed in the old i Jackson County Journal building, on' Mill Street, and while the entries1 were incomplete at the time this pa per went to prcas, earlv this nioring, it was expected that there would be a most creditable display, as has been the casecaeh year that the show has been held. The entries in fdicep, lings, dogs, horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, and the 4?11 exhibit are being housed in Mrs. I). L. Love's warehouse, on Railroad street, "hext door to J. B. | Ensley's store. In this erhigit arc some most excellent entries. Tomorrow afternoon Svlvaa High school and Franklin High will meet i on teh local his^h school gridiron. It is expected that a large crowd from Jackson and Maron counties will wit ness the exhibition. A large crowd of people is expect ed to be in town, town tomorrow: WAYNESVILLE TEAM DEFEATS SYLVA HIGH , (By J. A. P.) The Waynesville high scliool loot ball team defeated Sylva High .'*4 to 12 at Waynesville Friday afternoon. In the first quarter Sylva lec^iv ed the ball on the ld:ck off and ran it up to the 15 yard line. Edwards made a long end rim for a gain of 35 yards. On the next play Higdon bucked the line for the first touch down of the game. In the second quarter Sylva High lacked off to Wiayiicsville. Waynesville was . held for four downs and the ball went over to Sylva. Higdon tried a line buck and gained 3 yards. Sutton carried the ball on the next play lo an end run which netted Sylva High the second touchdown of the game. Sylva High kicked off to Waynes ville and held them until the whistle blew for the half. In the second "half Higdon was taken from the game with a sprained ankle. Waynesville began io send in fresh men and started a steady drive up the field for a touchdown Waynesville kicked off to Sylva and downed them on the 20 yard line. Sylva punted but was blocked and , Wfaynesville covered the ball on the 3 yard line. Sylva held them for three downs and then Wa*ne>>vi!!e went through the line fir their second touchdown. 1 In the l*v>t quarter Waynesville made three touchdowns and made two of their extra points. As the whistle blew at tho- end of the game the score stood Waynesville 3-*, Sylva 12. ORGANIZATION OF JUNIOR i CLASS FOR TERM 1930 31 ' A class meeting was recently held by the Junior class of Sylva Central High School in which the following officers were elected: President, Alvin Sutton; Vice President, John Parris; Secretary, Margaret Queen; j , Treasurer, Mary Isabel Richbourg; Program Committee: James Moody,! Virginia Cannon ahd Nimmo Oe'sler; | Class sponsor, Miss Nell Barker, i The Junior Class is glad to say | that they have four members of the I Safetv Patrol wKch was organized i several days ago. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep ap ? prec/ation of the many acts of kind ness shown us during the bereave j ment that has come to our home. Mv. and Mrs. C. C. Mason ' and Family. BALSAM ~ Mr George B. Coward celebrated'' li!s 49th birthday Sunday. The home was beautifully decorated with j fall flowers. The dining table was heavily laden with all kinds of good j things to eat, the cniter j/.eoe being | a lovely oakc with 49 candles. The following relatives and friends were present: i Afr. Elbert Coward of Sylva, Messrs. Frank Coward and Luther Stephens of Cowarts, Mrs. Bettie Jane \ Hughes and son, Bascum Hughes, Mrs. Charlie Stephens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ensley and daughter, Ruth and Miss Marie. Coward of Cullowhee, Mr. John Cow ard and family, Mrs. John Warren and family and Mr. Charlie Coward of Balsam. Messrs. Howard Warren and Ev erett Cogdill spent last week end at Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Arlington and ion, Jack, Mi's. John Kenncy attend ed the singing at Etowah, Tcnn., Sunday. Mr. John T. Jones and fanjlly went to Shoal Creek Sunday to attend the baptizing and preaching at that place. Mrs. Carrie Queen, teacher of the Junior girls in the Baptist Sunday school, gave her class a picnic lunch near the Fish Hatchery Sun day. Mrs. Lillie Bryson spent Monday with her daughter, Louise Arrington, who'is a student in the AshevHle formal. Messrs. .toe Wood, Bert Chastain and Estlev Pressjey made a trip to Franklin, Highlands, Whiteside, etc. Sunday. Mr. W. M. Quiett and son, Hubert of Whit tier were guests of Mr. Quiett's daughter, Mrs. E. 0. Queen, Monday. Mr. Miirt Hoyle and family, Mrs. Bob Duncan and Miss Bell Dun can, Kay Sluder and other from here attended the Henry reunion at Mr.Yade Henry's at Willets Sunday. Mr. A. H. Mchaffey and family were here from Hendersonvlille Sun day. Balsam had her first frost Tuesday morning, but no damage was done. TEASERS fs this your name? By arrange mcnt with the Lyric Theatre, two ?tames of persons in Sylva or Jack 30? county will be published in the Journal each week. If the persons whose names are so published can oi.cipher their names, they will bu admitted free to the theatre at any show prior*to Friday of the follow ing week. The letters in the lines below, if properly arranged, spell the names if iwo people in Svlva or Jackson wanty. If either of them is your tame, just fill in the letters in the blank line beiow, clip this out and present it to the box office at the Lyric theatre, and you will be ad mitted fjee to any show, before next Friday. Name ? I Mrs. Tanfreckmpawhin Dulljailconase % Last weeks teasers Mrs. C. H. Allen /. Mrs. Shaler Gilley Cullowhee Seniors Organize ?? Cullowhee, Sept. 30?An important meeting of the Senior clas^ of C. H. S. was held Friday, September 20, 1930 for the purpose of electing class officers. Mrs. Hall Cobb pre siding until the election of the j.*?s ident who then took charge. Tlte election of the officers was as fol Jows: President, David Stillwell. V.-President, Virginia Burnette. Secretary-Treasurer, Edna Patton. Reporter, Geraldine Shook. Mascot, Count Felix Von Luckner After the election Jthe meeting was adjourned until called again. ; - QUALLA . A very large crowd attended the funeral of Mr. Sevier Enloe at the Camp Ground Cemetery Bund, y af ternoon. "Services conducted by Kev. Geo. B. Cleinmer of Sylva and Rev. 0. J. Jones of Bryson City. Mr. Enloe was formerly a re ident and merchant at Qualla.^ Sunday morning nine jiersom were baptized in Soco Creek and received into the Baptist church. Mr. .1. L. Hyatt was ordained to preach, after whieh Kev. L. Rogers preached a very earnest and effective sermon from the subject '' We are co work ers together with God." Rev. K. Allen and Rev. Mr. Swangum also took part in the services. Several visitors were present. If no changes are made in the pres ent plas, the New Methodist church at Qualla will be dedicated on the < fourth Sunday in October by Rev. J. R. Church of Kings Moun tain, preaching in the aftcrnooli by Rev. L. Rogers of Sunburst and preaching at night by Rev. H. C. Freeman of Franklin. All who are interested are cordially invited to be present on this occasion. Mrs. A. J. Freeman is spending a while at Mr. ?J. E. Freeman's, Sylva. Mr. Chas. Myers and family of Cen tralia, Wash., Mr. Oscar .Martin and family of Bryson City and Mr. J Fred McLean and family of W-iit tier visited at Mr. J, C. Johnson's. Mrs. Frank Hall has returned from a trip to Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Snyder of i Willets called at Mr. R. F. Hall's. Messrs. Glenn and Wayne Fergu son went to Waynesville Saturday. Misses Mary Battle, Ruth Fergu son, Irene Raby and Mr. Carl Hoyle returned to their schools after a visit j with home folks. Mr. Bill Enstey of Beta spent Sunday at Qualla. Mrs. J. H. Hughes called on Mrs. L. W. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Golman Kinsland and Mr. J. H. Hughes and family returned to Cherokee after a visit with relatives. Mr. D. C. Hughes and family motored to Cherokee Sunday alter noon. Mr. Dock Blanton and family of Sylva visited at Mr M. L Blantons. Mr. Miller Hall and Miss Mary Emma Fergujson called at Mrs. A. C. Hoyle's. Misses Evelyn Kinsland and Louise Hyatt were guests of Mips Polly | Hoyle. Mrs. D. M. Shnler visited at Mr. ] Jess Blanton 's. . Mr. Luther Hoyle called at Mr. D. C. Hughes'. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STARTS DRIVE ?The Sylva Chamberpot' Commerce 'began a drive for membership and renewals of memberships, with P. E. Moody in charge of the operations, at a dinner meeting held Thursday evening of last week. An enthusiastic meeting was held, and a good dinner served by the worn en of the missionary societies of the Baptist and Methodist ohurches. | Addresses stressing the necessity of keeping the Chamber of Commerce going, were made by E. V*. Vestal, county agent, Dan Tompkins, Mayor of Sylva, Rev. George B. Clemmer, scoutmaster, Rev. J. G. Murray, on behalf of the churches, J. B. Ensley, for the business men, W. C. Reed, for the educational forces and Mrs. E. L. McKeo, for the women's or ganizations. The meeting was furnished music by a string band composed of Bill Edwards, jHarold Morgan, Bob Moody and Lyndon C:irden. Miss Mollie Walters graciously consented to give a number of readings. The meeting was held for the pur ! pose of giving the drive for member ship an impetus. The keynoti of the [meeting was the value of the Cham ,ber of Commerce to all the interests of the town and county, and the ne cessity of keeping it oiled with suf fieient finances to keep ft running [smoothly. O. E. S. DISTRICT MEET IN DILLSBORO FRIDAY The Thirtieth District Order of the Eastern Star held their annual meet ing on last Friday with Oce Chap ter No. 139 in Dillsboro. Mrs. D. E. Murray, district deputy presided over the meeting. Mr. M. Y. Jarrett, worthy patron, made a welcome address with Mrs. Letha Sandridpre, worthy matron, respond ing. Mrs. Daisy Mae Davis, worthy grand matron, made the address at the evening meeting. Other disting. nished visitors were Mr. C. D. Rob erts of Monroe, worthy grand pa tron; grand conductress, Mrs. Mar jorie Hogan, grand warden, Mrs. Grover Davis of Waynepville, grand Ruth; Mrs. Eloise Franks.; {grand Adah, Miss Maud Killian of Hayes ville, past worthy patron, Mr. Cnl lingf?rd of Charlotte. A number of other visitors from Charlotte, Mon roe, Asheville apd Hendersonville were present. The Oce chapter served an elabo ?ate dinner to the 125 guests present. This meeting was a success and n delightful affair. Next year they will meet at Andrews. CHOCOLATE DROPS DRAWS CROWD One of the largest orqwds that has witnessed an amatelir performance in Sylva in recent years, gathered at the graded school* auditorium, Tuesday evening to see "Chocolate Drops" a Negro'minstrel, presentid by the Junior Study. Club of Sylva. The cast was composed of young ladies, children and business men of Sylva, coached by Miss Lou Coffey of the Daniel Producing Company, of Millen, Ga. The members of ; the Club nr^ pleased with the effort, and will use the proceeds for worthy causes in this community, a huge portion go ing to helping provide a suitable cur tain for the auditorium. MORRISON TO SPEAK NEXT SATURDAY Former Governor Cameron Mor rison will address the voters of this county in the court house on next Saturday, October 11, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Everybody in tfae county is invited by the Democratic Executive Committee, under wboee auspices (governor Morrison will speak. He will be introduced by Mrs. E. L McKoe, democratic candidate for the State senate from thin distriet. REPUBLICANS SWITCH 80UECIT0RIAL CANDIDATES Yesterday, Republican Executive Committee of this Judicial District named Gentry Hall of Bryson City, to succeed McK. nicy Edwards, also of Bryson City, as candidate on the Republican ticket- for solicitor to oppose John M. Queen of. Haywood, the Democratic nominee.