'i gl 0? Year Advance ip Tbe County. sylva, N. c, THTOSDAT, octobee 23,1930 , $2.00 Year in Advance outside the C?mt> ELECTION ONLY 13 DAYS OFF i Tlu? general election, in which a I'uitoii States Senator, solicitors, roiigrcsMiien, State senators, members ?i ilu- bouse of representatives, aiu foiiniy ticket will be elected in Xortl C.uoliim, ami in most oi' the state; ,,i the I'nion, will be held Tuesday, \,,u>iiiber 4. As usual politics ? ?arin up ''acksQn county, tlx 11,.mmrath working to'regain control oi the county, and the Reublican jfukniu desperate ettorts to retain then ,n lho county, capturet rlicia lour years ago. Nut only ihat, but in 1928 the Re juMViiiis elected two members ol IimirroHs in the State, Charles A l?n::< in the !>th and tleorge Priteh jiii in thi-i district, in addtion t 1 ?rithe .-late for Hoover. ! N,.w Mr. I'ritchard is running fo ihc Cuitr?l States Senate in an et'for in uaiti once held by hi i.-.tlicr, aiid i> opposing Jos'ah W wlii> tl.-anted Senator Sim in I lie Democratic primary ii J:u.* Hri'wiih?w J.teksbn, United St:-t?- M.'i' -iml tor this district, ha Mr. IVitehard as Repub ii (.;?!. In lale lor eonirjvss, and if Mj.|tn;in!: Zehulon WehycLr, forinei Member oi eon??ress, who' was de Irjt-i hy I'ritchard in the hndslidi ut Congressman Jonas, doWn in i1.' !l:li, s ninimiir afraiifjMajor Bui u i.k1.'-, w li>?n. he detrated" two vear ;i'ji? ? ??.? .y Ihe rui-!>xi r.n book* will rlos* tin-, week, and botl :.rr ? thoir efforts to g*' the n.iiiif* ut li)| voters of their at Iia:iti>m on the hooks before ?*un d"Wii on that day. The two tickets in this county, it; additon to the state ticket, foi M jmke*, are. DEMOCRATIC Inited State? Senator, Jlwiah -V Bailey. ?" Member of Con?l**S Zebnlor Wearer. Solicitor, John M. Queen. State Senate. Mrs. F. L. MeKee. Representative, Thomas A. Cox. ?'hiljo Recorder's Court, Joseph J. Hunker. ^ Sheriff, .fohn J. Maney. ^lerk Superior Court, Dan Al'i?on. Reenter of Deeds, Vernon L. Cope Surveyor, Rogers Coward. fiironor, Xeal Dills. Commissioner of Finn nee, J. D. Cowan. Commissioner of Roads, John All ttan. . fnmmksiorer of Welfnre, Monro j Hadison. KFprmjCAV Inited States Senator, (U'orge Piitt+ard. Member of Conpress, llrownlov ?'ackson. iil* Solicitor, W. (J. Hull. s,ato Senator, J nines F. Barrett. Kf'prcM'ntHtive, Dr. D. D. Hooper. ?Iiiil'e Kiriiidcr's Court, K. P Stillwell. "'?rk Sii|M rior Court, J. T. (Jribhle. 'jwristor o: Deeds, W. W. Brvson.. ^nryor, San. Cook. !Vr'""r, .K 11. PHinter "'lui^iiiM.r 0f Finance, John B. h,> -or. 1 ''"imi-siomr of Roads, Coot W ''"Wmissioiier of Welfare, A. D-( ' arker. i ^THERMAN FOUND Hanging in baI* ?Ita ImmIv (.i Kaliscy Leatbef*?fc M of liOCust Creek section ^ *>'lvy, \v:i> found hanging in his '^r" >lnmlv m'ternoon today. It is "''"??'?I tlmt the death of y-tWrn,aV, U a cane of suicide. It. te v 'l tiiiit no one was at the house 11 '?ll' time, Mrs. I^atherman being J'v?- shopping. ^ '"OrniMir's inquest will be held w a>trrsi?Hni, to determine the "f his death. Mr. Iieatherman t ;'U(' huvc been ill poor health j been recently discharg?d ^ hospital ^ Houston w < MOFFITT PASSES Coward Moffitt, fcif* ^^Kton Moffitt, died Tuesday at h ,Tmp at Kast Ijxporte at the age %W^',nrra' ttn<^ -interment were ?i the Coward eeroete*y# ^orn, yesterday afternoon L 7' C. Queen. WEEK By WEEK (By Dan Tompkins) Herbert Hoover, Jr.f who is said to be suffering with a slight tuber cular affection, has leased Bryan? "old home on Sunset mountain ana with his ftetnly, will live in Asheville for several months, com ng to West ern North Carolina to regain hit> health. The American Federation of l^ahor, in its annuai convention, again adopt ed a resolution asking for modifica tion of the Volstead Act, by legaliz ing the sale of beer. Beer is to th?* laboring man what champagne is u $he wealthy; except that it far from being as intoxicating. After finding nothing to investi gate regarding Mr. Bailey's prima r> J victory in North Carolina, Senato N'yp's committee moved on to Ten ncsHco and gave Oovdell Hull a clean date. Better keep the senate com mittee hnsv up Xorth, wheiv politie, :s a game, and everything :s consid eyd fair, .just so you can ge! b\ with it. As winter comes on apace, Presi dent Hoover has appointed a com | mittee of his cabinet to try to eopr [ with the big problem of unemployed i millions in the country. It is indeed a big task, and one that is of primary importance. To he jobless for months and a cold winter staring one in th< face, is of the greatest seriousness The great war between the relu ctates and the federal government ii the country of Brazil continues, will the rebels ma kins: most ot' the gp.in* to date. Great country, P. rax i I. A country capable of sustaining, in tin \ alley of the Amazon, a great civ ilv-ation ot millions of people. A pn*e well worth contending for. flH n?w . appe^rs/that the mob, ii our neighbor county o i Oconee, South Carolina, lynched tbe .wrong negr^. hwfc spring. A jnry so found, and no doubt, Oconee citizens feel that a great injustice was done. One great trouble with Judge Lynch's court, is that it too frequently ex ecutes an innocent man. General Valeriano Wavier, who was military governor of Cuba under the Spanish government, at the time of the intervention of Am erica, because of the stern policies he exfcented, and which resulted in the freedom of Cuba as an independ ent nation, is dead at the age of 02 The death of General Wevler brings the minds of the wider folk back to the Nineties, the sinking of the Maine, George Eugene BrysonN newspaper accounts of Spanish atro cities in Cuba, and, the Spanish American War. Unusual and unseasonable weather has marked 1930 clear through. A summer almost,.unprecedented in hot ness, a prolonged drought over mosi of the country is followed by an ear ly winter. Last week a blizzard grip ped the Rocky Mountain region and thiu week automobiles of tourists I going Southard were caught in heavy snows, in New york. Five mid dle western etates..were covered with snow,' ind eve ft here, while the. frost held off f?ff^er tf?n is usual, the weather is much colder than are the average October days. The Democratic leaders of the cam paign predict that the next house of congress, to be elected November 4, will be Democratic, and that flier1 Democrats will gain members in the Senate. Republican deny that the House will be capturey the Denv oerats, but it is generally admitted there will be substantial ga:ns made | by the Democrats. If the House !should be Democratic, as seems likcl;. | Representative garner of Texas wiP j succeed-Xic4ioIaa Long worth as speak er. i OPEN DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS IN SYLVA. Headquarters from wh:ch the dem ocratic campaign in Jackson coiuit\ win be wt-gcd, have been opened in the vacant room of the Buchanan building, on the ground floor, nert door to the union Jros station. Comfortable quarters have been fitted up, and Democrats from out side ?f town are incited to drop in, wktn they oe& HUNTER TO SPEAK SCOUTS TO SEE AT M. E. CHURCH1 CAR,-TENN. GAME lii ;hc absent o l' the pas lor, Rev. George Clemmer, the puipit of the Methodist church in Sylva will ho oc. cupied hy Dr. H. T. Hunter, presi dent of Western Carolina Teachers College. "The Social Life as a means to Christian Growth" is the speak er's subject. Dr. Hunter is not a stranger in Sylva or in the Methodist pulpit. His ahil'ty as a thinker and liis ca pacity for forceful utterar.re are well known. Dr. Hunter has taken his place i.mong the dynamic leaders who are untiring in their efforts to build Western North Carolina. The com munity is invited to jon with the j congregat'on in welcoming its dis-1 tinguished visitor. ' The even ng service at Dillsboro will he conducted l?y the Woman's Missionary Society of which Mrs. M. D. Cowan is president. Sj)eTrf j*/" |. . '.tfr feT *=? A week-end trip is being planned for the Boy Scouts of SyTva. One of the big buses of the Independent Coach Lines, Inc.,-has been chartered for the trip. The.bus will be parked at the Sylva bus station ready to ride by six o'clock Saturday morning, i The object of the trip is two-fold. First, it is intended to lie a pleasant outing, giving the boys a chance to see autumn color at its best, on the , wooded slojx's of our ma jestic moun tains in Western- North Carolina. Second, and incidentally, to give the boys, all of whom like sports, the op 1 portunity to see oiroof the b'.g, head ! 'li no attractions ijfi football in the I game between Tennessee and Caro ' linn, Saturday afternoon. . * . This opportunity is open to all members of troop one in good stand ing. The expenses for transportation, admission to the game, and lodging will be paid out of froop funds. The nnh exjH'nse to 1 he - boys will be in the matter of/eats.' Each l>oy will need something like $2.00 to care for this item. Any l?oy who is not able to senre this amount may J>e taken care of if he will report to flic Scout masters. ?> The bus will lea v?t?. Svlva shortly after six a. in. Saturday and will re turn to Svlva Sunday nijrht. Satur day nipht the troop^f?iil he quartered in the gymnasium af- the splendid, new Y. M. C. A. building in Knox-1 ville. The Scout offic'als ask that the parents let their boys take advantage of this opportunity. Kacli Scout is re-j quired to take a pair of blankets. BALSAM Ab^apil Mn. K* -L. Cope ot Ashe arUlSflfi^ouwe the birth of h line girl?Doris' Love?who jftiivetT the I3th. Mrs. Cope is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. W. J. Cogdill o? this place. Mrs. Walter Bain has returned from Asheville where she viited her sister, Mrs. K. f>. Cope for the past t wo weeks. About seventy five friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hovle Sunday ann had "all day singing, and dinner ou the ground.'' "Childhood and Youth Week" was observed in the Methodist church last week and an interesting program "Growing Toward God" was render ed Sunday. A large erowd attended tho inter esting service at the Baptist chureh here Sunday. Mr. John B. Ensley, Mr. D. G. Brvson and others gave the history of the organization of the Baptist Association and the Bal sam ehureh, etc. COWAETS Rev Ben Cook and Rev. Western Parker have just closed a revival meetipg at .John's Creek Baptist chunk. Miss Fay Hooper was the gnest.of Miss Marie Stephens, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Smith have gone to Florida for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. DiHard Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Milas Parker motored j to Cnllowhee, Sunday afternoon. . j ? Mr.' and ' Mrs. C. D. Hodgins of Franklin were.week end guests of ' Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Drake and Mr. ; and Mrs. Charlie Seav. Mrs.. Woodie Hooper was a visitor 1 of the school, Wednesday. i Rev. F. W. Kiker of Webster eon-1 I ducted chapel at John's Creek high i school, Tuesday morning. Every one I enjoyed it. Rev. F. W. Klker was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stephens, Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Styles of Syl va visited Mr. .T. F.. Coward, Satur day night. ? Messrs Frank Coward and Dillard Hooper weer quests of Mr. and Mrs. John Coward at Balsam, Sunday. Miss Christine Lovedahl was visit in