Britain's Greatest Airship Destroyed by Flames ????' ' .-'v. ? ???v.V' : ? .. ? . ?"? j?- >v?'?:?': ; :? ? ?.." .n-xv ? ???- ?' ww **??? iiwiireyawsa in The R-101, pride of the British Nation, which crashed and burned on its nuiden voyage, m the north 01 Prance, with the low of 47 live*, including the most prominent aviation experts of England. ^ Salutes His Buddies General /ohn J. Pershing, photo graphed as he arrived at the national convention of the American Legion in Boston. BeJ^eve It or Not Fanny Ward, America'! most youth ful actresa, who looks thirty or leu, own* up that the vu duty jrcariok( Eloquent Preacher Rev. Harry Emerson Fotdick, min ister of the new Riverside Church in1 New York, (undenominational) to hear whom thousands flock every Sunday. Two-Times Winner Little Beverly Farr won ? "blue ribbon as the most perfect baby hi her, Ogden, Utah. Then her folks moved to California and this year site w lect.Uby price. ?lie won the Oakland pec Has Magic Fingers I ] gnat z Jan Paderewski, 70, once prime minister of Poland, the world's moat famous pianist, returns to Amer ica for a concert tour. Fighter in New Job iHI mm; "Jess" Willard, onetime world'# champion heavyweight boxer, now rw a-tood shoo in Las Angeles. THE MMIII .DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES, M.D. MARRIAGE Two elements are at work in every legitimate marriage contract, "sex-urge," and "love." The physician, in his daily round of service to humankind, observes many phenomena which enter mightily into human existence for better or worse. I think the conscientious doctor may be a first-rate ?oral and spiritual adviser as well as battler against disease The sex-problem, like the poor, "we have with us al ways." Without it, I fear there would be few marriages. Cut ??t the sex-urge, and, the few marriage contracts, based on love alone, would endure unto the end, "when death do us part." Sex-urge, is not love. Holy Writ refers to it as "lust of Hie flesh," a part of that evil triumvirate, "the world, the flesh and the devil." It is but a means to. an end, to "multiply and replenish the earth." Sex-urge is human, for human exercise and control. If uncontrolled?but who doesn't know the penalty? * Love is far above the lust of flesh. When men and women love each other truly, independent of sexual attrac tion. the divorce courts go a-begging. I have seen time and again, men and women live as husband and wife, regardless of sexual bankruptcy, and their devotion and happiness s?enicd far above the intensely animal natures. The sex urns. Wheat Fertilizer, K. 2 .2, 200 poinds H.'.tf). Sylva Peed Company. i A STRIP OF BLUE By Lucy Larcom > not own an inch of land, alt I see is mine,? ? The orchards and the mowing-fields. The lawns and gardens tine. The winds my tax-collectors are. They bring me tithes divine,? Wild scents and subtle essences, A tribute rare and free; And, more magnificent than all. My window keeps for me A glimpse of blue immensity,? A little strip of sea. Richer am I than he who owns Great fleets and argosies; I have a share in every ship Won by the inland breeze To loiter on yon airy road Above the apple-trees. T freight them with r.iy untold dreams; Each bears my own picked crew; And no Mer cargoes wait for them Than ever India knew.? My ships that saii into the l ast Across that outlet blue. Here sit I, as a little t hild:. The threshold God's door Is that clear hand of chrysoprase; Now the vast temple iloor, The blinding glory of the dome I bov my head before: Thy universe. O GikI. is home, , In height or depth, t ? inc; Yet here upon thy footsto-' -reen < "ontfnt am I to he. ? Clad, when i; o'irn'-! unto . ./ ved . liuUK sea-like glimpse of, thee. DR. W. KBRMIT CHAPM4N DENTISt Ovfice with Drs. Nichols over Sylva Pharmacy Wheat Fertilize^ 200 pounds, 8 .4.4 $2.95. Sylva Feed Company. ^ ? ? -. LEGAL NOTICE Following receipt- of petitions and a public heajftng in Ashevil^e on October -1st, complying with Section 15 of the State Game Law, the Board of Conservation and Development voted to close the season, and th*. [ same i9 hereby closed, against trap J ping fur hearing animals for a per-; iod of two years beginning October, 15, 1930, and ending October 15, 1932. in the following wcnties: Clay Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson, Haywood, Madison, Yancey, Bim combe, Henderson Transylvania, Polk, Maron, MePoweil, aiul Mitchell DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA TION AND DE\ ELOPMENT By Chas. H. England, State Oame Warden. ?? 10 16 2ts Specials in Permanent Waves $3.50 to Shampoo and Finger Waves $1.00 S. Com!* Waves $1.00 Marcelles 50c Manicures, Facials, Henna Packs all lines of Beanty Cluture Representative of Langren Beauty Shoppe, Asheville. N. C. TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS At \ MOORES BARBER SHOPPE SSylva, N. C. ? Phone 103 { DE. It. D. WELLS L t, ?*. , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 at AND XOVEMBKR 1st. 1^,0 KEENER'S STORE Registered Optometrist ? Eye Strain Specialist BRING US ALL YOUR EYE TROUBLE ?v.V & '1 1 SPECIAL at THE SYLVA PHARMACY i, With each box of ('aranome Face Powder ?1 loose )K?w?|n- vanity. ,1(> ? Witli each Luxor Kace Powder, 1 2?c cake ot Luxor s.,?, , I *']'? ' J'v: jWith each .f2.">0 Char i Face Powder, 1 Sii^lc ('|i:u-t jr 50c Milk of Magnesia and 25e ,u un Auu^iiroin iiiiu 4-?/v> | Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, both for lj9c 1 2 Packages of Kotex and one ^ . 50c size of Kleenex, Special / 1C ?Toincare Face Powder ' Tendrtvs Fa I 69c 69c These jire only a few of our specials, that we arc imu ruiiiiin? , Come in and look over our stock. Remember we allow a hjj'?ial discount of 10 |*j- (,nt <>n ^ mer 98 lb. $2.?d SHREDDED WHEAT * pkg. 10c. QUAKER GRITS 3 pkgs. 25c KARO SYRUP 2 N^; 25c 35c [ Vermont Maid MAPLE SYRUP 25c . GUEST IVORY ?r P&G SOAP 3 Cakes 10c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 3 Cans 20c Chipso J; 8V3 Del Monte Products FRUIT SALAD ? ? i9c 33c SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 SL'... 25c ?? 21c PEACHES J;?' Waldorf Tissue 4 rolls 19c Life Buoy Soap 3 cks. 19c PALMOUVE SOAP ? * 3 cakes 19c OCTAGON SOAP 3 10c Lux 2 pkgf 19c Scottissue 3 rolls ?25c Super Sutfs 3 pkgs. . 25c The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co,