in Advance in The Countv. svivA~imr~^ ~ ? l ?~- ???. " HURSDAY' 0CT0BsR 30,1930 $2.00 Year in Advance outside the Gamit> . 'S .liick-?L! i TI;,1troili tlu; 1,,mlJ 101 'hooN ?l?rin-tlH> ,msl ^blH) wtiM-inj. S'V* ... ,t| ilil 1>??H l"?t<> ?-The ?',ml! '' P'1 i";?tl, cxt'las -.sury. ' i'n ? fix u' "'l' 's tl Ib' t,u "'"'I ? viii, i" "wHy m1 Sfc aimuflt |-a?i *?> ,,l? j tax. Ju* to th? . i brerr and P?M>U L *? i , IM,U> tll'' tfibuw lk?H>' .ftjSUfi 10 ?l;u'kM" , miili-tl the j l" C:" | ^ i'o!lt?.v at ihillowhw j pK 5iati>tiril table show ? that \h' ??"???'>' m'm i:,r Stale !'T v n-ai?-t;-!i t?\?- fi filie Siat'' :i ,:,tl '(.?u' Ivo'ii l?*%il*?l hslil th .;i!i,l i,?t n in o|M*m i?kwi t'"'ni'y i irjti"!) lllMWTJW (inluatimi 1 5,4 j 17* | ;.-.f C uHlllIl- o.i! mcnt 01 ti month budget ifrnm Tax deduction Fun-' 10.525.8 ffwnt ot led Toni ^.(iasolne Tav, 1?20 . . ;... 2.1,040.00 Ant Ri'tfivcc eto .f i,t!l!2.301 toiifd Iri.fti State in ?x- ( ? paill 1 roni above souri'i*1 ?2fW3.551 l!>29-;tti hu-, I)er- i 'iw 6 tmnith> >chunl M ifcr ttll .-ounty |?ur L95 l.liS .27 tav rate would 'iuv< n? State .'iid been rr-1 I * Mal?* aid fur Schools ex-1 '?ll rate 44 *?' Mate aid tor roads e.\ ? ta rato o j J"' ?' ^'ate aid fxpro ,sed 55 '' 1 'i^trii-ts having 'ml tlii' ;1111 < 11) 111 if. ln term .01 tax rate j ; /. ? t. 444-;i,i >K'? L' ,!S? .02 ?Jai M "?"?Mil jq .48 .58 .26 .12 10 V.'S.!)7 127.1);} wi.m 250.93 LK'C 1 f(28 .15 rto 1?) r,'-> ' Vii I. 2(5 \\ ^ .38 ]U) .02 fi?ERs sell L^s ?f CABBAGE H ? ^ ?'stal) !hwr grower* ^ r"a,,a^ '- and othei vhw S???VMr V mj. ," ln lts second rnark^n- if 1('d "'horwisi Mn t,,0?p:h thi S*T\,ho sa,e ol V'fa a bit fin" *?f jjf* of tW Ham *fk'?n County. 001 $70,356.05 NORTH COUNTY TICKET DEMOCRAT Representative, Thomas A. Cox, Cullowhee. Judge Recorder's Court, Joseph .1, Hooker, Sylva. SheriLt, John .1. Maney, Qunlla. 4'lerk Superior Court, Dan Alli son, Webster. Register of Deeds, Vernon L. Cope Sylva. Surveyor, Rogers Coward, Webster.. Coronor, Seal Dills, Dill boro. Commissioner of Finance, .1. D. Cowan, Sylva. Commissioner of Roads, John All man, SeottV. Creek. Commissioner of Welfare, \1.- B ; Madi on, Webster. RKPCRUCAN Representative, Dr. D. I). Hooper Sylva. Judge Recorder's Court, K. P Still well, Sylva. Sheriff, J. M. Worloy, Qualla. . Clerk Superior Court, J. T. Ciilb ^le, Sylva. Revrister of Deeds, W. W. Rrysrtn. Svlva. ' % 1 Surveyor, Sam Cook, Cnney Fork, j Coronor, J. II. Painter, Cullowhee. j Commissioner of Fina nee, John R , '?".nsley, Sylva. , I Commissioner of Roads, Coo' Wood, Can*-v Fork. Co??mi sknier of Welfare, A. D. Pnrker, Sylva. COWARTS M rs. lluston Moffitt of East L:> port died at her home Tuesday morn ing October 21, 1930. Funeral ser vices were conducted at the old hom* j by Itev. Ben Cook and Rev. J. C'. Massengale at E. M. Coward's. Mrs. Aoffiit leaves a husband one daugh iQjiri+vm yvtprif^t ortetfcj ;o. mourn her loss and a host or liiends and relatives. She was a mem tny of the " John's Creek Baptis! church. .v Mrs. Will Fullbi.ght and family ?f (jastoniu wrr called to Kast La port to uttend the funeral of hei ir-'icr, Mrs. Hupton Moffitt. Mrs. E. L. McKee, of Sylvo sjH?ke ih the high school auditorium Wednesday night, Oct. 29. At that irne the progressive community so ?icty will render its regular program. 'Pie P. T. A. met Friday afternoon Oct. 24th and had a very important I meeting. Several parents were pres-^ out. .,.s hi I lit- Cowuid of Waynesvillc has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. James Parker otj Greenville, S. C-, visited at T. H. I Parker's Sunday. They motored to I llayesville Suuday afternoon aceom pauitd by Mr. .and Mrs. T. H. Par-j ker and son, Mr. Huston Parker. Mr. Huston Moffitt visited J. Coward Sunday afternoon. Mr. .1. F. Coward is very sick. Mr. Albert Queen, John Dason ant Hub Shelton went coon hunting it Pickens county, S. C., the past week They reported no luck. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith lelt ro cently from Cowarts fo spend tin winter in Florida. Misse# Fanire and Mary (ireen. La nora Nicholson and Martha Mat Hooper were visitors ol Miss Glady Piirker. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Luther Stephens of Cowarts was a visitor iu Svlva recently. Mrs. Janie Brown, Misses Janie Hooj>er, Thelma Davis, memhors ?l the faculty liere spent the week end with homo folks. Mr. Eric Coward of Cullowhee was in this locality a few days ago. Mrs. J. W. Swayngim of Cowarts has been ill for the past few days with asthma. She is hoped a speed} rcovery by her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kansom Hooper from Moses Creek were the guests of Mr. ind Mrs. Milas Parker Sunday even ng. Mrs. Wiley Henson of Candlei vva-t visiting friends and relatives lerc this week. Born to Mr, and Mrs. Will Wood i boy. . - The John's Creek boys and girls basket ball team challenged.ihe Glen ville- team a game Wednesday after noon, October 22 at Glenville and were defeated. Also the Glenvilej NEWS LETTER CuUowhee, N. C., October 27?The We item Carolina Teachers College unit of the North Carolaui Teacners Assoeation reports the teaching fa cility of the college to he 100 per cent. ' . The students interested in debat ing at Western Carolina Teachers College organized a Debaters Club, Monday, October 27. Officers for the year were elected, and plan were made to begin work at once a> they plan to do intercolleg. ate debat ing. The officers are: C. K. Zachary ol Franklin, president; (ieorge (iilmet. Mills Springs, vice president; Mi t Louise Medford, Waynes vii le, iffare tary-trea urer. Professor E. ll.|j$til) well, head of the history dispart nent, was elected sponsor. The Eastern Carolina student met Monday, October 7, for the purpose of organising a club at Western Carolina Teachers College. Mis Marjorie Pipkin of Murfrees boro. was chosen as president; Mis ?? Mary Dare Haj.thcock of IJaleigh, vice president; Mi s Sudie Hunter o< Charlotte, secretary; and Mj'ss Mil dred Stephens, treasurer. Mi s liona Bill Brasswell was electad sjionsor Mi ?s Braswell is head of the piano department at Western Carolina Teacher College. A eommiPee was appointed to se le<*t two types of programs to p?fr sent to the group at the next meet ing of the club. The committee con si ted of Miss Harriet Pierce, Smith field; Miss Margaret Rowland, Dunn and Miss Lois Copeland, Onrv. BOONE STUDENTS VISIT CTJLLOWHEE Cullowhee, N. C., October 29? About twenty student representatives j of the Appalachian Teachers College ;?t Boone speut the night of Oetober 29 at Western Carolina Teachers College on the way (o Atlanta. Min Lkzubeth Cowan, W e tern Carolina Baptist student worker accompanied the group who were joiped at tW eollege by several other studenta of Cullowhee. The group was en route to Atlanta, (Ja., to the All Souther* Baptht Students Conference which was held Oetober 29 to November 2 They spent the night in the new Reuben Robertson dormitory and tmri their menls in the dining hall of thr Moore dormitory. METHODIST PASTOR CONDUCTS LAST SERVICES OF THE YEAB Sundiiy morning at II o'clock the j pastor, Kev. George' CLcmnicr, will preaeh his la^t seriyon in ttylva be lore leaving early "Wfesday to altenu | the sessions of ttijj-tern North I Carolina Annual "gfelil'erence which meets in West Maljp Street church, (Jreen-.boro. !'* The subject which has been ehosen for this occasion is, "Divine Human Standards Jf Measurement". In the evening Mr. Clenuner \\;jil preach at Dillsboro in the Methodist church and the tope for discussion will be, "Ix>st, a sense of ent the week! ?nd with their mother, Mrs. W. II. Cooper, and sister Mrs. .1. K. Terrell. Miss Etta Kin ?land has returned from Teachers meeting at Asheville. Miss Winnie. Cooper who is ^pend ing awhfle in Asheville visited home folks, Sunday. Charles Davis is right sick at this writing. Mrs. Wm. Quiett and Miss Cor:: Iiowe called at Mr. D. L Oxner's. Mrs. Emma Turpin of Canton vis ited her brother, Mr. Henry Me. ser. Mr. and Mrs. Merit Sellers spent Saturday at Mr. Dan Oxner's. MANAGING QUEER'S CAMPAIGN Doyle D. Alley, campaign manager of John M. Qneen, Deftioeratc candi date for solicitor of this judicial dis trict, has appointed Dan Moore as manager for Mr. Queen in-this coun ty. The^-e gentlemen state that the plans of the Queen orgaifzation arc to cooperate in every possible way ?with the local county organizations in furthering the interests of the en tire Democratic ticket. DRAWfJIY 111 maW . / I <*. ^ SATS SIMMONS HONOR ROUND TO SUPPORT PARTY NOMINEE Former Governor Angus \V. Mc Leuu, in a radio speech d< livered from Raleigh Monday n'ght, assented that Senator Simmons 'is in honor bound to wupport Mr. Bailey. "No appeal can rightfully be ta-: ken by any one who participated in the June Demperatio primary, from the judgment thus rendered". "The Democratic party in North Carolina, through the primary which derived its power to decide from the ppople themselves", former Governor McLean said, "has rendered .judg ment in settling the question as to who shall be our party candidate and rto appeal rcin rightfully be take-) from the judgment thus rendered". Tl e former governor said he, "a'ong with thousands o; loyal Democrats", orted United States Senator F. M. Simmons for renonii nabion biit that lie was "honor bound to support Josiah W. Bailey who de feated Senator Simmons in the pri mary". "The candidate^ themselves", Mr. McLean said, "under the law enter ed into a solmen obligation in writ ing to support, all the candidates nom; inated in the primary. All of us among the rank and file who voted for them assumed an o' ligation no less hinding, though not in writing, to support in November, all candi daates who revived the nomination". CHAIRMAN SHOUSB FORECASTS DEMOCRATIC HOUSE?CHANCE FOR SENATE Washington, October 29?Iii a fore *? ?; cast of tfae November eleetion re sults, Chairman Jouett Shonse of the Democratic National Executive Committee, in a public statement says: "I unhesitatingly make the pre diction today based on a dispassion ate summary of the fact-', allowing full (Consideration to over optimism in some of our reports, that the House of Representatives of the Sev enty Second Congress will show a Democratic majority. To attain this requires that th?; Democrat^ should elect Representatives to 544 seats now held by Republicans. My figures show a minimum of GO seats 'in this category. 1 firmly believe that the overturn will be nearer 70 than 60." Chairman Shiu^e points out that he does not mean control through a coalition with the Progressive wing of the Republican Party in the tiou&e, but " a definite working ma jority of tlic Democratic Party, re gardless of Republican rifts and fac tions in the House membership." Concerning results in in the Sena torial election, Chairman Shousesay. tliat "there are too many States ii> which the" is .ue is close to justify ;? similar prediction." Citing the present complexion o the Senate as 39 Democrats, 56 Re nublican* and I Farmer-La bo rite, h< says: ''The most conservative est1 mate for the Senate after Mareh 4, 1933. according to our reportgives us 45 Democrats, 50 Republicans, inelud | ing all their factions, and the onej Farmer- La bor man, Shipstead. This take? no account of such States a> Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota. Colorado and Wvrtming, in all ol which the outcome is doubtful. If we win in three of these doubt - ful States we will have one more Senator than the Republican-,.'' He calls attention to the fact that in several of these states correspond ents of the great new .-papers give the Democrats the best of the situa tion. He list* Congressional gains, ac cording to Democratic figures, as 7 in New England, 15 in the group comprising New York, Pennsylvania,, New Jersey Delaware, Maryland and We.t Virginia; all of the seats in the South that were lost in the Hoover election; not far from 30 in tbe Middle West, extending from Ohio to KUJW ?a?' 1 A non-suit w#s ordered Wednesday .> morning by Judge McRae, in the:ca.s* .. at Bryson City in which W. 0. H?ll is indicted on charges of embez*4?' ment, misappropriation and negleut.. in failing to turn over county lnnd*, in Swain fccunty. A jury will.. In drawn from Clay county to try the case. Md. Hall is county attorney, soli citor of the Recorders court in Swain and Republican candidate, running against John AL Queen for the of fice of solictor of this judicial di trict. Mr. HaJl was. indicted by the grani the death of Mr. Patrick V. Waycas ter the 27 th of September ai home of his soo, Condy Waycaster at Holly Springs, Ga. Mr. Waycaster n sided in this county nuiny years ami was well known throughout this sec tion Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ashe announce the birth of a fine girl whose name is Margie Lurebell; she arrived the 34th. Mr. and Mrp. Zeb Bryson announce the birth of a fine son, Grady Frank lin, born the 23rd. Miss Florence Ensley and Mr. Wood row Smathers were marries Clayton, Ga., the 20th. Mi*$ M^upa FHathers aoepmpajued them and wit *es?ed the ceremony, r Mr. and Mrs. George,.T. Kujghl,, Ma ?ter Willif mBalfour, Miss Nan pie Knigljl and Mrs. D. T. Knight, were guesta of Mr. and. Mrs. M; L Coggins last Sunday. Mr B. J. Bryson was here . Ja.^t week from Chattanooga HAa MAfOR OPZJ^TIOII, Miss Virginia Cannon, youn; djuebter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cai non of DiHsh^ro, and student- at Syl va High- Sehqol^ undecwyeat i. appendicitis operation ,Suuda# morn ing. Mim Cai^i^iB:*ef^R,i^it#.^, is thought tq be on the way to re