"1.5(1; Year in Advance in Tb* guilty. 1 \ , ^gN, o; thursdAy, dbcember 11, iwo $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The Countyi FOB TIM BBTEBSI The Shops of^fSylva, Saturday, will ,|..?w the Christmas spirit, and are nMcring ? wide variety of selections, in both practical and sentimental gifts i?r Christmas. The attractiveness of the displays ?nili the wide range of selections to .ither with remarkably low prices pievaillng, are attracting much t'av i,ruble comment. The Christmas spirit is iu the at ni.isphere, and the shops are present- j ? YnJetide appearance. I lie popularity of Sylva as ? shopping center for Western N?rtl ,! tuoliua, is growing t'rom year to, yen r, as the jwople arc learniug the i ninny advantages that the Sylva; >;..ies present. P.eing centrally located, with good j luir! ways leading into the town, many di.liars in gasoline can he saved by , vlmpping in SyWi. The stores carrv a much greatei I . * \ai ety than is usually found in t) towns of this size, and present theii wares in most attractive style. The overhead in Sylva shops is low er than in larger towns, making if possible for the shop-keepers to pass the saving on to the trade, in lower prices. f * Those who have heretofore be?n i aware of the unusual opportunities j that Sylva shops offer the buying: public, have found that they ?an s';op here, more conveniently, more economically, and with less of the , wear and tear on the body and | nerves^ attendant to attemping to \ shop in the midst of the holiday rusl'! in the larger towns. They have learned that they <*ai usually find what they want, wit' the minimum of effort, and that v;h' they find it, the price is most reas onable. ? / A hearty welcome, and easy shop P:ng will greet yon in the Sy'v: tihop?. An easy and practical way to sbo* is to read the advertisements in Th Journal, this week and next, dee d what you want to buy, make up voi* shopping list, and go to the shor a ud bnv. THREE OF ESCAPEES RETAKEi IJal'ew, Mamie Kaby and France ( iiMionts, three oL' the prisoners v?i. ceiled their liberty in the jair d< I very, lieiv, Tuesday night, were re taken by officers, Wednesday; am officers believe that they will sooi have the other trio back in thei; celld in the Jackson coutny jail. It is believed that Paulino Rhei and JamesSpivey,Asheville fo'.ks, wh< were captured near the Sylva city limits, Friday night, with 24 gallon of liquor and a Chevrolet automobile, were responsible for the escape. The Rheu woman was convicted, in Recorder's Court, Monday, on a charge of transporting, and drew t sentence of 6 months in .jail. Spivey was convicted along with the woman, although she entered a plea of guilty, and went on the stand and. swore that Spiiey had nothing to do with it, and that she had never seen him before that night, when her car broke down, and he came walking along the road and, at her request, stopped to help her repair the auto mobile. Judge Hooker stated that hp didn't believe a word she said, eon-1 viotod Spivey, and sentenced him to serve a term of four months. The Raby girl and the Clement? eirl were arested in a police raid in a room in Clark's rooming bouse, and were convicted of disorderly eon duct. The court continued the praayer f?r judgment for two weeks, and was holding the girls until that time. Harvey Frady, the sixth of the escapees, was being held for trial on a biU of indictment charging him w'th the murder of Ed. Blakley, Ne "ro, on Little Savannah, on August 59. Tbe deb'rery was made by sawing " holt, holding bars in a door that h;<d been previously cut and repaired ^VTien the bolt was sawed in two. two bars were bent downward, and a s,?all hole for exit made. The pris ?neis crawled through; climbed the barbed wire fence enclosing the jail, were free. OULLOWHEE GRADED SCiiOOL WEEKLY NEWS,NOTES Ust week the reading context pre- j liminary was held to determine who i would represent Cnllowhec at Mars Hill, December 13. Edna Patton won the <lecision lor! the girls, and Richard Miller t'w the j boy?. Others taking part were .lunkn ' Smith, Elsie McUinf, Doris Brown, j Kathleen Fifllbright, .lea net te Brown, &Cary Anne Bryson, Ruth Hjipe and Kate Stillwell. The cha|>el exercises last week wen conducted by the glee club, and the i following program presented: On the Road to Maudnlav - Club.. ? t One Fleeting llour - Elise McGuire, Kentucky Babe. Mighty Rose Club. Neo|>olitan Nights-Doris Brown, j Kate Stillwell. Bells ot' the Sea. lassie ?' Mine ? 1 Club. Piano Solo-Miss Williamson. Sextet: Swing l/>w Sweet Chariot: My Meaft's in the Highlands- Ne?l Tucker, Terry Galloway, Alvin Hen son, Darrell Mitchell, Fred Brown. \ ort on Snrrett. Musical reading: Speak Up Ike and | Spress yoself-Edna Patton. Specialty: Virginia Burnett, Kate Stillwell, Doris Brown, Elise McGuire There's a Song in the Air; Silent Night-Club. Next Thursday Rev. M. Q. Tuttle will conduct the chapel exercises, ant1 ? on Friday, Deeehiber 19 at 10.30, r j Christmas program will be presented 1 by the Training School and Hig' ' School. The public is invited to thi- ! program RECORDER'S COUET j t'' ??? f Pauline Rheu i>nd James Spivcy were convicted ot' transporting licjuoj A Chevrolet ear was ordered eon iscated and sold, the woman given vi months in jail, and the young mSn j I months. w Hyman Sutton, transporting, pray- j ?r tor judgment continued lor two , iveeks. 1 J. L. Lytic, drunk, $10. ami costs. Main e Rabv and Frances Clements, disorderly conduct, prayer for judg7 nont continued. Bert Alexander, drunk, $10.00 and ?osts. Ted Fincannon, ordered to show ?ood behavior every two weeks until further orders ot' the court. Walter Brvson, disposing of mort gaged property, nol pros with leave. Lawrence Henson, transporting, nol nros with leave. UNIVERSAL BIBLE SUNDAY OBSERVED AT M. E. CHURCHES Sunday, the Methodist churches, of Sylva and Dillsboro will have worship services observing " Universal Bible Sunday'' as suggested by the Ameri can Bible Society. This organization has published, since its organization !n 1810, more than two hundred and sixteen million copies, testaments and portions of the Holy Scripture?. The pastor. Rev. George Clemraer, will deliver a sermon, appropriate for the occasion. His subject will be, 4'The Bible?One Book for all People In the discussion of this theme, Mr. Clemmer will answer those who have ;poken of the South as "The Bible Belt*'. Morning worship at 11 o'clock in Sylva, and pt 7.30 o'clock in the even ng at Dillsboro. The church schools meet at 10 a. u., promptly. The Hi?League meets t 645 p. in. A cordial welcome a waits visitors and strangers at each service. . ? f WINTER QUARTER STARTS TODAY AT W.^J. T. COLLEGE The winter quarter began at West ern Carotin;. Teachers College today. Prospects are bright for a substan tial increase in the enrollment for the next quarter. The fall term en rollment has been the largest in the history of the-- instituion since the school assumed college standing. Plenty of Horses If They'll AU Pull By Albert T. Reid \r i ^5 i/(i old '*? ^tT / A I J GlffDAPf (t PAIHT | THE , House Gen ano I ftUM&tMC a JUDGE MOORE TO HOLD 20TH DISTRICT OOURTS ) Judge Walter E. Moore, Svlva,; ami Ju'lgc .lobu M. Oglesby, Concord, havo arranged an exchange of dis tricts, approved by Governor Gard- i ner, which provides that Judge Ogles-1 bv will hold courts in the 15th dis- j trict from Jan. 5 to the week ol March 23, inclusive, and Judge Moore will preside in the 20th district dar- I ing the same preiod. > The exchange was made in order that J urge Moore mjight be near Asheville for special medical treat ment. Judge .Moore, therefore, will hold courts as follows: Haywood county, two weeks, Feb. 2; Jackson, two weks okee, two weeks Jan. 19; Haywood, tow weeks, Fb. 2. Jackson, two weeks Feb. 1G; Swain, two weeks, March 2; Graham, two weeks, March 16. W. C. T. C. ENTERTAINS MEM BERS OF ASSEMBLY?TRUSTEES Cullowhee, December 8- Tho board | of directors of Western Carolina j Teachers College together with sena- j tors and representative from various | counties and districts in Western j North Carolina were visitors at the college on the afternoon of Detvutbi-r 3: Members of the board present were C. C. Buchanan, Sylva, J. E Coburn, i Bryson City, and N". R. McDevitt, j Marshall. The representatives were j Hon. Thomas A. Cox, Cullowhee, N. [ B. McDevitt, Marshall, R E. Hipps, j Waynesville, A. G Pless, Canton, and | Fred I. Sutton, Lenoir county. The: senators were Mrs. E. L. McKee, j Sv'va, and K.'E. Bennett, Bryson. Gitj. The Erosophian Literary Society recently gave the library a set of j books that contained seven volumes. | They are entitled "Lands an<T Peo ples", and the pictures and illustra tions are very beautiful, many of the pictures being full page and colored. The books will prove of value to students doing reference work. On Saturday evening, December 0, the Erosophian Literary Society ej ected officers for the winter quarter. The president, Norval Rogers, was re elected. The vice president is George Gibbs. secretary Elizabeth Henry; tresnrer, Louie Med ford; censor, Hor ace Garrison; critic, William Bryson; chaplain, Lucy Yelton; pianist Hilda BALSAM V f-' " . i* , Mib? ilannuh Warren and Air. ; llortc Jonee were married at Claytea, ! Georgia, December 2. Mrs. Loiia Green and soil, Loui?; : and Mr. and Mrs. <). J Beck were i quests of Mr and Mrs. Fred McKee. : in Webster, Sunday.. Mr. BUI Hoyle of the U. S. Navy j came up from Norfolk, last week t< ; s|)end a short furlough with his j father, Mr. George Hoyle. When he ! return*, the ship will leave at once for Seattle. Mr. James Lindsey has returned from Cincinnati, where he went some time ago, to sj)end the winter. Said it was too cold, and decided that Bal sam was the bset place all the year around. Miss Dolly Hoyle has returned from a visit to relatives in Cincin nati. Messrs N. R. Christy, Bryson Beck, and ??. B. Queen went to Asheville, last week Mr. Queen has been suffer ing with his eyes for several years, and has been having them treated b} Dr. Briggs, in Asheville, for several months. He can see now quite well, and goes almost anvwhere alone. Smathers. ' In one respect examinations at this 1 College are like the new moon?they, appear every quarter. And tliis week i* the scheduled time for them to ap- j pear, much to the consternation ofj many. But there were the wise vir-1 gins, ready with their lamps. Examinations began Tuesday, Do* ! cember 9 and ended Wednesday. Miss Annie Ray, primary supervis- j or at the Training school is to go; to East Tennessee Teachers College, j Johnson City, at the beginning of the next quarter. Miss Voile is to take her place. Miss Voile comes to the college with a good recommend ation, having her Master's Degree from the University of North Caro-j Pna, and her work for her Ph. D.' fi*om tylumbia is nearly finished. She was principal of the Fayetteville schools for a number of vears, and ? ? 7 last year she was director in the i State Teachers College, Red Rock, Va AVEKAGE BT7BLEY PRICE 21C The average price for the first davfe sales of Western North Caro lina Bnrley, on the Asheville market, yesterday, was 21c a pound. The high price paid was 40 cents, LYRIC WILL GIVE FOOD SHOW NEXT WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17 i Harry E. Buchanan, owner of the J Lyric Theatre, has just returned from ' Charlotte, where he made arrange I ments with Metro Goldwin Film Co., j to donate h feature picture and a ! comedy wliieh will be shown at the Lyric next Wednesday,. Instead of cash, the admission will be various articles of non-perishable foods, to be turned over to the Welfare Com mittee for distribution anjong the needy people at Christmas time. The Metro Goldwyn presentation, "The Floradora Girl', and a laurel and Hardy Comedy will be shown. Everyone is asked to go to the show either Wednesday afternoon or night and take some article of food, tactically equivalent to the value ol a ticket. In other words, two people Fill be admitted for a $1.00 sack of flour, or 1 |>erson for a 50 cent buck et of lard or coffee. The show will be one of the best presented during the season, accordi ing to the management, and the food will go to someone who needs it. A ^liu-kcf^ a dozen eggs, lard, coffee, sugar potatoes, canned goods, or any otherartieles of food will be accepted TEASERS Is this your name? By arrange ment with the Lyric Theatre, two names of persons in Sylva or Jack son county will be published in the Journal each week. If the persons whosfr names are so published can decipher their names, they will be admitted free to the theatre at any show prior to Friday of the follow ing week. The letters in the lines below, if properly arranged, spell the names of two people in Sylva or Jackson oounty. If either of them is your name, jnst fill in the letters in the blank line beiow, clip this out and present it to the box office at th? Lyric theatre, and you will be ad mitted free to any show, before next Friday. Name j Mrs. LACUENDOJSE I Mrs. COMBSOTTTNP Lwt weeks teasers ? Hannah Cox Ralph Sutton AUTO LICENSE TAGS SALES START MONDAY THE 1* The salt' and distribution of 193d automobile license tags will begin oh., next Monday, December 15, with Mr.. A. ?). Dills, manager of the local' branch of the Carolina Motor Club, in charge of the Svlra lifflHt tap of fice. ? The letter of ir^hictions to Hr. Dills state? that lie must open hifc ?*f fice at 9 oVWx-k each uiooaQf December 15 to Juan' 15. Sundays and Christmas Day, and that he must close promptly at 4.30 each day. He is forbidden to take checks n payment for licenses or titk*s. Mr. Dills states that if the public ! will not try to all rush in on the last days of 1930 and the first two or three days of 1931, that everybody can be served, without standing in line. OAY Our school is very near the close; and we can say it has so far been very successful, under the supervis ion of Mr. C'. W. Tilley and Miss Still well of Cullowhee. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sutton jifk announce the birth of a fine boy, last week. Mother and haby arc doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. G C Turpin went to Waynesville, last week end, for a vis it to relatives The ladies of the Wesleyana church held a box sup|>er, Saturday night, and got a very nice, 'little collection, for the benefit of the church. Miss Rose Barron of Enka spent the week end with home folks. THE SIMONS RECOVERED AFTER AUTO. CRASH Mrs. A. M. Simons, her friends will be glad to learn, has recovered 1'rom serious injuries, received a couple of weeks ago( in an automobile wreck and has returned to her home here. Mr. Simons, who was lea* serious ly injured than was his wife, has also entirely recovered. The accident occurred when the Simons car, in which Mr. and Mrs. Simons were returning bo Sylva from Knoxville, skidded off the road on the mountain near Hot Springs. Mrs. Simons was taken to a Hot Springs hotel, where she was giv en medical attention) and was confin ed to her room for several days. Corn in the Bank Littk Holda Finkc, acclaimed Cham rion Corn Grower of Cook ^ounty, llinois, displaying her ban*, book showing $500 profit and prize money.

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