$2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. Carrying his gespel to the people ?vci radio, Governor Gardner made* his tirst rpi?fttl \i9 the state in suj jK?i ?l ? central purchasing agency wbirli device, he declares will gavi j ,lie couiinouwealth #400,000 during | it. liis: year's operation. , His ixcellency is willing to mak< j |?..i,U t" save tIiat ,luSe amount, a) f fioiwmy mIiich he declares represent : jtijout 10 jicr cent of the purchases. i ?flu. i iiit r." I purchasing agency cam* j !,i> .luring the 1929 assembly, bein^ .UH- u i' the vagrant measures whiei l.-,ckcd the punch at that time. Vir ginia's agent came here and fascinai n> ineialicis of tho general assembly, lull the bill embodying Gevernoi lJitrdi tT > plans for 1931 never got a start. The warfare does not stop with mu- speech (iovernor Gardner goe im ihe air December 31 and con eludes his appeals to the state. H? does not expect an easy battle au< >aid so tonight. He looks for Btif^j imposition. If he is wrong he att? lie will be beaten; if he fa right expects to win. Again he declare/ tonight that lie has no position ahead for himself Me appeals without self interest. BEAF. SEEN NEAR OTTO Franklin Piess, Dec. 25. On Deccndici] l">th, 1930 Robert ?Cabe, who lives on Tesenta creek above Otto, had a visit from a couple of bear. It appears that the bear came down from towards Scaly and went back the same way. Mr. Calu had killed hops th* day before and had his meat in th. ?*Tokc to ?:?t imito the smdke house and went out to investigate. Upon arriving back of the smoke house she saw what J she thought wag a man. She says I she almost ran into him and was so close that the man (as she thought) crouched down in the snow. She was frightened and ran4>ack into the ho(Sc. Her lather, Mr. Bob Cabe, then went out and gave chase but the bear got away. Mr. Cabe says that j there was a large bear and a small one and that they seemed to have roamed around a good deal before they went back to the mountains. ITc thinks that probably it is two of the same lot of bears that was chased out of Xantahala last week. MRS. JENNIE KROMAN PASSES Mi*. Jennie Kroiuun, mother of Mr. A. M. Simons, died at the home ??f her daughter, Mrs. S. Kobinson, Saturday morning, after an illness of about two weeks and funeral ser vices and interment were held Sunday afternoon in Asheville. Mrs. Kroman was well known in 'his section, having come to Western N'orth Carolina some thirty years ago i-.-tublishing millinery stores in Ashe ville. -* Besides Mr. Simons, she is survived hv two other sons, D. M. Simons of j Waynesville /and Edward Kroman, j visit to ber hon>e in Florida.. ?.** ? Vv . ' Mw*i Mw?#d LuttrtT Long' visited Mr. M. H. Morns and family at; Addi? test >yt i ?~*v J' *. ? ,'jf *" . v ? % The heirs of the late Rei. E. D. j Brendle have sold tho hotel and storo , property here to Mr. A. J. Long, Jr., j the priee paid being $750 ' ' ?>! Mioses Iner. Irwin and Noema Gar'j rett, neices of Mrs. M. M. McKee t and Mrs. W. M. Rhea, are speudin,' | sonie time among us, visiting their' relatives. . ? Representative Cowan and Gen. E.! R. Hampton, who is a candidate 'for j engrossing clerk of the Senate, left here Saturday for Raleigh, Senator j Bell passed Monday, bound for the; same destination. - . resigned tht: j Youngf^I^nd*favorably knownls] a poltte and accommodating gentle man, has been ap]>ointed to succeed him. Our friend, Mr. O. B. Coward, the ] popular drummer for the hardware house of Brown, Weddington and Company, is at home for a brief vis it to his family and to supply onr merchants with whatever they may need in his line. Drs. Wolff, W. F. Tompkins andJ Case.last Thursday night amputated the leg of Worth Bryson, wh^ was and strong hopes are entertained for recovery. The Democratic Senatorial eauecs. held in Raleigh last night, elected the following officers of the Senate: Chief Clerk, R. M. Furman, Ashe ville. Reading Clerk, George P. Pell,, of Forsyth. Engrossing Clerk, Mike Bradshaw, of Randolph; Principal Door-keeper. J. H. Hinnant of Wayne. The House caucus on the 1 seventh ballot, elected R. A. Dough ton of Alleghany, Speaker. The County Commissioners and Board of Education held a joint meet ing Monday to elect a successor to j Mr. C. C. Cowan, late county super intendent of schools. The election resulted on the sixth ballot, in the choice of Mr. Jos. II. I Louse, to fill the unexpired term. Mr. House is a very deserving young man and will no doubt make a capable and effi. ! cient officer. ^ j As an evidence of the importance of ottr town as a centre of trade two new stores will soon be opened here,: which will make five in all. Tf they would advertise their business in the' Democrat they might confidently ex pect a brisk trade. Until they do, however, we cannot guarantee that measure of success which always fol lows a liberal use of printer's ink. A heavy rain last Thursday raised | Scott's Creek higher than it has been for a long time, and caused the tres_ I lie sirpporting the new bridge to give 1 way, so as to cause a considerable' swag in the bridge. The abutment to I he north end of the bridge had only been finished that day and the pub- j , lie had just begun to travel across I it. We suppose it will be repaired as i soon as possible. OLIVER WINS CUBA TRIP | Mr. W. H. Oliver, popular Sylva , insurance salesman, has won a two ! weeks trip to Cuba for himself and j Mrs. Oliver, for his splendid work j during tho past year. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver leave today for their trip, and will go to New Orleans, where they will take a United Fruit Company's steamer foi Havana, returning to Sylva in twe weeks. Ajd Busy By Albert T. fteid * And, Listem, hoy, ? SOMEONE MISLAID A LAME &UMCH OF MY P RjO S ^E RIT V. GET BOSY AKJO SEE IF YOU CAM GET THAT , Back - fib.st thiwg. * A S0 - KAY, / uncle Sam * at* Jh\ i^^A?T?tAl r? WEEK By WEEK ?? (By Dan Tompkins) A half nullion to North ?5ar< icnt. Did you pet any of it? It was the wealthy who profiled by the refund. The capital of North Dakota, at Bismark, was destroyed by fire in which were burned records that are of extreme historic value. The loss in money is estimated at $600,000. i Three North Carolinians made more than one million dollars last year, ac cording to treasury reports. One ]>er son from ill's State can:e in the class of having had an incomc in excess of five million. 30,000 Chinese are reported to have been slaiu by roving hands of Mo-' hammedaus. The usual pastime of re- ( ligious sects and political factions in the Orient seems to be niassacreing helpless Chinese. Some of the Western Kailroads are seeking to meet the devastating com-, petition of buses in their passenger traffic by announcing a 2c fare for short trips. It is more comfortable, a trifle less convenient, safer, and more pleasurable to travel by train. Now, if the railroads should make it more economical, they should regain their lost source of revenue. 1930 is gone never to return, and there will be few regrets at its passing, for it has been a hard year, a year fraught with much distress of mind for most people. 1931 is here, and we have a clean sheet upon which to write new records. Let us to the task, with brave hearts and deter mined wills, ready to work, hand in hand with our fellows for the good of all of us. There is a great pother in Wash ington over Senator Norris. Mr. Lu cas, oof the Repcblican Execct:ye Committee, admits having tried to I work the defeat of the Senator in the last election, and justifi-.s his position by saying that Norris is not a Repcblican. The Senator asserts his Republicanism, ami attacks LiK.n-\ who apparently has the support of many high in Republican councils; and so the war goes merrily on. Howi ever, the answer to the question "What is a Republican V' hasn't yet been reached. 'j The General Assembly meets in a ? few days and it is confronted with | many perplexities and vexations. It is J+l/1 to fos toped that there are many men houses, who have clear heads I .that love North Carolina, important task that now assembly is the reduc on real esjjfttt. Of robWi po work. the real estate means to make thic j assets of many individuals and many banks liqeid, to revive the value oi land, ujhhi which our property nasi be based. COUNTY HOME HAS CHRISTMAS TREE The .Journal is in receipt of the following letter from the inmates ot ;he County Home, telling of the en joyable Christmas spent at the home: "Dear Editor: Please allow us space in vour paper for a few words. We the old folks of the Jackson County Home, spent one of the most (?njoyable Christmases that the old folks of this place have ever had. The sitting room was nicely dec orated with a Christmas tree and j ?ther Christmas decorations. At noon we were summoned to j ? great Christmas dinner. We enjoy I ;d it so much that we wish to have ? the menu published. Here it is: Peaches, chicken and; luirplings, green beans, butter, bis-; suits, potato salad, chocolate, pump., i kin. and apple pies, cakes, coffee. In the afternoon, Mrs. Weaver1 from Dills boro gave each of us a ? Christmas treat. After the treat, we t i were entertained by a quartet from Svlva. We wish to thank Mr. John Shep; pard, superintendent of the County; Home, for our happy Christmas. County Home Inmates." - - . MARRIAGE LICENSES .. I - Marriage licenses were issued to three white couples and one negro couple by Register of Deeds Cope,' during the month of December. They were issued to Ralph Sutton and Ed die Marie Wike and to Vernon Shook and Mary Brown, all of Jackson, Loii nie Presnell, of Yancey county and Mabel Wiseman of Jackson. The negroes obtaining license were Char les Knox and Gertrude Allen, both of Jackson. ' & QUALLA (Last week's items) Rev. R. L. Ba8*deKvered an earn est Christmas message Sunday after, moon from tha tc*J *\V?iat Shall I ? ***? ^ iajMOJed. ' &'?v'i Ltfca son, Annie Lizzie Terrell and Mrs. Haynes Reagan who have been teach ing were at Quaila Sunday. Misses Gertrude Ferguson and (Jen eva Turpin of Ashcville Normal arc homo fior holidays. Miss Nina Martin sjieiit the week ! end with Miss .Jessie Martin at Gov- J ernors Island. J Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Mrs. Frank 1 Owen, Mrs. Will Hyatt and Mr. and J Mrs. 11. G. Ferguson visited at Mr. j G. A. Kinsland's i Misses Martha and Mary Oxner j visted relatives at .Barker's Creek. \ Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Hughes motor- j cd to Sylva. Miss Vinnie Martin spent the week j end at Whittier. Mesdamos G. A. Kinsland and Eu- ! nice Kinsland called 011 Mrs. W. II. ^ Iloyle. Me.sdames J. C. .lohnson, l'. P. She! 75 ? ton and H. I). Turpin called on .Mrs. C. M. Martin. I Messrs. T. W. McLaughlin and j Rans Matthews tirade a business trip , to Syiva. Mrs. J. K. Terrell attended Christ-; mas exercises at Willets. Messrs. G. A. Kinsland, .1. L. Sit ! bon and Troy Turpin are improving < their buildings. ' Several of our citizens made a bus iness trip to A she vi He la^t week. After the Christmas exercises Fri- | day our teachers left to spend vaca . tion with home folks. Mr. Hoy BlaCkwell of Ashcville: Farnt School is visiting his mother. j at Mr. T. W. McLaughlin's. Mr. Jack Battle of Akron, Ohio, is spending holidays with home folks. Misses Irene Kaby, Harriett Hall Mary Battle and On:si Gass whk? art teaching are home tor vacation. Mr. .James Bradley of Wake For est College is visiting among relatives. Mr. Norman Turpin and family o' Newport, Tonn., ate visiting Quaila relatives. FIRE ALARM EVERY SATURDAY The fire siren will be soumled end Saturday at noon in order to prevent rusting, end t gather to reject arbitrary force and to substitute an atmosphere and :>* "ociation that would save the voi d from bloodshed." Montagu Colet Norman, reelect""I Governor of the Bank of England f'-r the Uth time, is regarded a* ibe able -i ?nd most powerful financier m lit world He got hi? aarljr traiaiaf ? aa Amcncaa bank.