'ear in Advance in The County. , . 8TLVA- " ?* thprsday, jaitoaby 8. Im. $2.00 Year in Advance Outside ^County. WEEK > 'V (BV DAN TOMPKINS) For the first time in the history 01 North Carolina; there is a woman in (he State Senate. She is one whom . r.I! know, Mrs. ?. L. McKee of Syivc. The General Assembly of Norlh Carolina is in session. The Democrat i,. l ativus chose Willis Smith of Wake Speaker of the House, juid Rive) % I.Thnsou oi Duplin an President pr<* f(,n:. ot the Senate. f There were some 21),000 fewer ant mobiles sold in North Carolina la*, vear than the year before; whieh i> loot! tor thought for the folks wh< iut\e been saying that automobiles ai? the cause of the shortage ot money in fhese parts. Panama staged, a revolution, car fiml it through, installed a new gov eminent, called a man who was visit in? in the I'nited States back homi to accept the presidency, and starte< things running under a new reigm* all in few homs,a ml with the loss o. only 8 lives.. Vljishal Joffre, whose superb mil itary tactics saved Paris from the' invading hordes of Germans, in the beginning of the World War, is dead. Wilson, Foch, Haig, Joffre, of the1 nTcat figures in the mightiest drama: ??( modem time*, have all passed from the. s'a^e, leaving only Lloyd George and -Ian Smuts, of the allies stars of the first iragnitude, in the land of :hr living. I Ten Italian seaplanes have just eoir j.leted the flight from Portugal to Bra/il, a distance of 1,875 miles, in 17 hours. Great progress has been. made in aviation in recent years. If, one must fly acrosa.ag ocean in plane, a seaplane ia the' apasibl^kind-' of machine to plflW. *TPU with it, . " I 500 rkansas farmers, not Russian! Red>, nor the disciples thereof, bu( ' plain American farmorn, marched in to the towu of England, last week, | demanding food for the mouths of their wives and children. Hard times i and test summer's drought have im-! jMiven<hed these men, many of them formerly well to do farmers. That is 1 a spectacle to make the gods weep, in America, a land where we aro told that millions of men are out of em ployment because there is an over production of everything. Some..' thim? out of joint here. Eight mariues were killed by in surgents in Nicaragua. The marines were out mending a telephone line. As we recall the matter, President' Cooiidee, years ago, sent the marines down to Nicaragua to see that a fair fUt-tioii was hold. It must have been *otne election, if the marines from the United States have had to stay j there all this time to make it stiek. (Vur suspicion is that they are really f there to protect the interests of cer ium American millionaires, and that i' W)iv really in their service that th. ?Me eight mother's sons have been .?'dried to the list of dead American boys. In the present General Assembly there are six Republican^ .in the Mouse and two in the Senate, t' lowest in many years. Therefore, the Democratic party is responsible for "what happens is Raleigh, and should ( *o held by the electorate; just as the Republican part is responsible ^ W tlip government in Washington, t?i" the past ten years," aad should j"' hi Id to account by the people for I'artv control and party accounta bility furnish the best, vehicle for g')f>d government yet devised, despite '''i'' iicw-fangled notions.about blocs, ''"wmissions, lobbies, and extra-gov ernmental agencies. W A ENLOE GHAPTEB WILL MEET JAN. WTH Mrs. C. C. Mason will be hostess '<? the W. A. Enloe Chapter U. D. C. s?t her home at Dillsboro, at a meet i'"',' which will be held on Monday, ?lunuarv 19, at which time a 1^6 ?'aekson program will bo presented, following the program a business fusion will be held and all members We urged to b? present. HAD GREAT CHRISTMAS PARTY i This is ft group of Sylva children who were guests of Mr. and Mis. J. S. Hifdon at a Christmas dinner,, at the New Jackson Hod. QUALLA The body of Mr. \V. li. Sheirill who passed away at Harris Community ho.s pital, Sylva, was brought Sunday af ternoon for interment in the ceme tery near his home. lie was a well known and respected nitir.cn of Oli vet. He was 82 years of age. A Christmas message that was very appropriate and impressive was de livered at the Baptist church on the fourth Sunday by Rev. Lucius Rog ers from the text "Where is He," The sermon was followed by ail ex hortation by Rev. Everett Gentry ol Candler. Messrs. Bill Howell and Jack Hy att of Morganton visited Quail* relatives last week. ,, ? . 1 ' Mitres Martha and Mary Oxuer ak. kort CrieL V> Mrs. J. h Hyatt, were guests at Mr. !? Watson's of Dillsboro and Mr. W. D. Wike's, Cullowhee. Mr. D. M. Shuler received newt Monday of the serious illness of his sisterj Mrs. Fred Fisher of Brvson City. Misses Mozelle and Phyllis Moody and Winnie Cooper returned to Ashe j ville Sunday after a few days visit with homefolks. Mrs Joseph Medford of Clyde, Mrs. Q. T. Cooper and Mrs. Roy Sherrell of Sylva and Mr. and Mrs. H. G Ferguson were guests at Mr.j Frank Owens. Misses Mary Battle and Annie Lizzie Terrell, Messrs. Luther Hoyle, J. O. Terrell, Jack Battle, James Bradley and Earl Battle visited at Mr. D. C. Hughes Saturday even'ng. Mr. Wayne Ferguson, Miss Mary Emma Ferguson, Miss Nell Edwards of Waynesville and Hugh and Lillian Ferguson were guests of Messrs. Jack and Joe Hyatt. Mrs. J. H. Hughes spent last week with relatives at Cherokee. A turkey supper given at Mr. J. E. Battle's Thursday evening was en joyed by a number of friends and relatives. Misses Etta Kinsland, Annie Lizzie Terrell, Ruth Ferguson and Mr. Carl Hoylc returned to their schools after a weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Canies of Barker's Creek were guests at Mr. J. L. Sit ton's. Mrs. D. L. Oxner and Miss Julia Oxner visited Mrs. Maggie Gibson at Wilmot. Misses Winifred, Dorcas and Sara ?*arks of Canton visited at Mr. J. E. Battle's. Miss? Geneva Turpin gave a dinner reception Friday. Her guests were Missts Nina and Lenna Clyne of To eoma, Wash., Misses Faye and Inez Martin of Brvson City, Miss 01 lie Hall, Messrs. Jack Turpin and Joe -lohnson. Rev. R. L. Bass was dinner guest at Mr. T. W. McLaughlin's Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie and Charles Gillespie of near Brevard, visited Mrs. W. H. Cooper last week Mr. Sewell Hipps and family of Canton visited among relatives. | Mr. D. M. Shule:- went to Deep Creek Monday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Fred Fisher. Mr J. O. Terrell left Sunday for his school at Oakley after spending two weeks with home folks, j Messrs. J. J., Maney and Charlie j Mason were in Qualla Saturday, j Mr. He raw i Iowo U and family j visited relatives at Cherokee. I Mr and Mrs. Luther Ifoyle, Misses Graee and Edna Ifoyle and Mr. Bil Enslev called at Mr. W. 11. Ifoyle'*. Mn Norman Turpi u and family have returned to Nowjjort, Tenn. Miss Folly Hovle ealled on Miss Phyllis Moody. The sentence, "The gloom of win ter has settled down on everything," that we were onee required to "dia gram, analyze and parse" would still be very fitting for this weathtI" of January 1931. . MAN is oi arlew days and .full of . n. > ^ < sr~ ^ tasfe is fin and illetth it diligently, he and his servants and his asses, and when the harvest is gathered into barns he oweth the laud.'ord eight dollars and forty eents more than the ! erop is worth. He borroweth money ? from the lenders to buy pork and syrup and gasoline and the interest eateth up all that he hath. He begets sons and educateth them to smoke cigarettes and wear a white collar and lo! they have soft hands and neither labor in the fields nor any where under the sun. Tli*' children of bis loins v.vv ornery and one of them becometh a lawyer and another stiek etb up a filling station and maketh whooj>ee with the substance thereof. The wife of his boson: nccketh with a stranger and when he rebukes her, Lo! she shooteth him in the finale. He goeth forth in the morning on the . road t|>at leadeth lo the city ?nd :t jitney ^mitjieth him so that Ji:s iif?s project through his epidermis. He drinkefh a drink of whoopee juice to forgc-t'J)i8 Lorrows and it bnmeth the lining from his liver. All the days of his lifi> he findeth no parking place and i$ tormented by traf fir cops troiu his %0&9E forth until he eometli hack. y stealeth his car; physicians his inner parts and his his bank roll; his daugh feth their legs to strangers. bs hardeneth in the even ing of^lifc and his heart burstetli tryjngjto keep the pace. Sorrow un<l biUjfqneetoiN f olio wet h him all the (l^gy^jgp life and when he is <?atli fathers the neigbors say.. *?irueh did he leave? Lo! tr all.jAinl lys widow re. knoweth him no i::ore, he laboreth for bread and catcheth the devil. Dust he was in the beginning and his name is land.?Fountain Inn Tribune. NEPHEW OP LOCAL MINISTER PASSES Rev. J. G. Murrav was called to f Morgantoi: last Thursday by a mes sage announcing the extreme illness of hie nephew, Charles Grady, who died before Mr. Murray reached his bedside. The little boy, who was sev en years eld, was a brother of the adopted children of Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Mr. Murray returned to his home here Friday. COWABTS j . A Community Glee Club was or I ganized New Year's night in the | John's Creek High School auditorium. I Through the special efforts of Mr. | T. P. Thomasson, principal of the school, an enthusiastic meeting was "?eld and the following officers were : elected to serve the organization: President, Lenora Nicholson; Vice .. ; president, Bessie Mason; Secretaiy and treasurer, Ira Middleton. !' Among the outstanding achieve ments at the John's Creek High School this year have been the pur' ! chase of a piano and the establish ' ment of Woodland Park, a beautiful wooded plot on the campus. Coasid cable addition has also been made to ? he school library. Among the donors to the library have Wen Mrs. Erne-' Monteith of Sylva and Rev. F. YV. Kiker of Webster. The good citizens of the John's j Creek community made special ef forts this Christmas to bring cheer ?uid relief to the needv in their sec , tion. L?ong before the holiday season ; began the Methodist and Baptist Sun day schools appoinled special com mittees to work together in getting a list of the needy in the community. A special finance committee was also ap|?ointe'i Donations were received from the Co w arts irierchants and also from many private citizens. These efforts came lo close Chrisl - mns eve with a community Christ mas tree and program in the high school auditorium with Miss Fannv Green and Mrs. Cradv Henson in charge of the music and Mr. E. M. Coward acting as Santa Claus. Every child in the audience received a spec ial gift of fruits and candy. The j school cooperated in preparing the program. Fire of unknown origin destroyed Ilu* barn :>f W. H. Smith, former rep resentative of Jackson county, at. his home. at Cowarts the night after las. All stock 'was taken out it of corn W two o'clock in the morning. Fire also of unknown origin com pletely destroyed I he farm home here of Mr. Aaron Hooper, Sylva, insurance man, last Friday night about midnight. Both the house and barn and also some out buildings were completely destroyed. The dam age. which was heavy, was said to be at least partially covered by insur ance. No clues have yet been found as to the cause of the burn outs. T. F. Thomasson, principal of the local high school, was recently elect ed Suj>erintendent of the Baptist Sunday School here. 1 Mrs. Janie Brown and Misses Thelira Davis and Tanie lIoo)>er, mem bers of the school faculty here, were dinner guests last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. I 77? p Cornerstone ??... By A U ten T Rpid ///< . i i I I I /lit I . ! i r.l nfa \l V .r ? 40 YEARS AGO ^ -- #??*?* Tuckiseigee Dcm?trit *Jt?: -14, 1891 j Th^ Democratic SetiaMpj and Rep resentatives met in Monday 1 night in Raleigh and vrrtiominated Senator Z. B. Van*?r#i>r-tli#'United Stat? s Senate by alternation^' R A. Doughton of Alftghaiiy wa* elect'd speaker of tire House By a vote of 9?. to 13 for Hendricks. Re publican. ? Mr. T. M. Ijowks-of - Janifalown. X. Y., arrived here lust- Saturday on j' visit to his siller. Mtv General Hampton. Messrs. M. Buchanan and T. ft. Coward left here last, krjday with :< ear load of mules bound tor Lee?-bur^ in the "land of flowera." Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Sherrill both of whom have been awajr'from hon:e more than a month; the foraar-in the Sontlj disposing of a car load of stoel:, and the latter visiting relatives in Runcombc, returned bust Monda\. Real Estate Activity: Since the loss of his home by fire, Mr. W. il. Burm, has bought the house and farm of Mr. J. M. Smith, adjoining hi-* own. Mr. Tom Frizzell ha* sold his hous" and lot in town to Mr. Van Brooks; and no less than five lot* in the Macombs addition Jiave been sold in the last few days, to parlies who will build dwellings on them durirg the coming spring and sum mer. The county Alliance held itd regii lar quarterly meeting at Webster la.-l Friday. In the absence of l?oth Pre ident Wolff and vice president Cam! lor, Mr. F. Merrick was called to the chair. METHODIST SERVICE THEMBS .t ; AimorocEj. fok ?nn>AY wmsEEsmmR odist church, Rev. George^ Clemmer, will preach Sunday morning from thu subicct, "The Psychology of a Fresh Start." In (he evening al 7:30 Mr. Clerumer will speak at Dills boro on . "The Crowded Inn." Church schools c?>n ven<r at 10 a. m. Thi Epworth lli. League meets in the evening at 6:4f>. Every one cordially invited to the>e services. Start the New Year ri<rht. Go to church Suhday. A CAED OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends for the kindness ami sympathy shown to me in my bereavement caused by the death of my husband. Riley Parker. Mrs. Grace Parker. lleuKon. Misses Edith ?nd Stella Mason <?f Cttlberson spent last week here vi.-il in# their sister, Mr.s. T. F. Thoma.vsori The Cherokee county pirls entered Western Carolina Teacher*' Collect at Cullowhee on Friday. Many friends of Mrs. K. A. Nic J. olson will be glad to learn that she is somewhat improved from a serious illness. Friends of .T. F. Coward are sorry to learn that he is little improved fi-om a severe illness. He and Mi. .finimy Wood of Rich Mountain, and Mr. William Fortner, are only living Confederate veterans of Caney Fom Larson' Loveda'hl of Cowarts spent the Christmas holidays with friend ;n Kentucky. Mi. and Mrs. Jes^e C. Smith spent fhe hoPdays with Mrs. Smith's par cut's in Easlev, S. C. Mr. A. K. Dickey of Murphy wa the week end guest of Mr. and Mr~. Il. S. fJreen at their home here.' Mr. and Mrs. Andy Queen ;m ? < hildren of Sylva visited -f. F. Co* ard Snnday. .' Mr. John A kins of Rich Mountain is vH:tin;r friends here this week Mi sses Evelyn and I?is Parker, students at Sylva Collegiate Institute spent the holidays at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milas Park< ? Among those who returned to thei ? homes here for the Christmas boli day -, were: Harry Xichol?o.n, iro: i Akron, Ohio. Hilliurd Heasoir fy> > Brevard; Enola Arrington from -V C. T C. and Louise Hooper fr^M Washington, D. C. Mips Bernire Broome of the local school faculty, spent the ChrlrtzcM

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